"My Grandmother was DeEtta Harris Waltman d 16 Oct 1925. She had a brother William DeWitt Waltman b 8 Feb 1875 d 24 Mar 1955 and a sister Hattie whom I know nothing about. We payed her a visit in Manitou Spgs Colo in 1940 or 41 I not sure which or what happened to her after that. Their parents were Martin Van Buren Waltman and Catherine Aller and were
in Kendalville, IN" - March, 1997
"I'm researching my family tree, which includes one W.F. Waltman. He served in the Civil War with the 17th Pa. Cav. I know he had a brother named Charles and several other brothers and sisters. Another name in my family is one McClure Waltman. "
"I have been researching a Waltman family of Charlotte County, New Brunswick, Canada. The first Waltman by that name in the county was Peter Waltman, a Loyalist. He was granted land there in 1787. He married Susanna Campbell and they had a large family. According to a book called "Loyalists of New Brunswick" by Esther Clarke Wright, Peter Waltman (Woltma) came from Pennsylvania and served with the Bucks County Volunteers. His descendants said they were Dutch, but then I believe that Pennsylvania Deutsch often became Dutch. His land grant was in or near a Quaker settlement, but it appears that he moved to another area fairly quickly. I don't know his date of birth, but I believe that he may have been a young man on his arrival, as it appears that he didn't marry until 1795 to 1800 or so, and he was still alive in 1828. I know that he could not sign his name. I know of one son named Peter, who stayed in New Brunswick. Another son may have been John, who married someone named Keziah. It appears that John and Keziah did not stay in New Brunswick, and may have gone to the United States, as there was quite a lot of border crossing in those days, no matter which side the parents had taken in the Revolution." - April 5, 1997
"The family chain that I have been able to trace is roughly this: Myself, Timothy Richard Waltman (1961 -), my father Richard Waltman (1929 - ), grandfather Harvey Waltman 1886- 1940), g-grandfather Abner Volmer Waltman ( 1846 - 1906), and g-g-grandfather Elijah Waltman (? - ?). What caught my interest was that under your index it mentions that Elijah had a brother Levi. I believe that my Elijah also had a brother Levi, so this just may another family connection.- August 13, 1997
"My Great Grandfather [Charles Waltman] (who married Mary Ann Bridges), the father of Charles Boston Waltman (my grandmother) was with the railroad and moved around a great deal. His family was from Phillidelphia. When I was a little girl, there was a family history done and was in possesion of my Grandmother. It was disposed of when she died. The family had been traced back to Conrad and included the family crest. It had always been
the family tradition that we were descendants of Conrad. I have not done alot of research on my Waltman since I have been unable to get the birth record for my great grandfather. I do have extensive information on the DeMoss/Shelton family that connects to my Waltman. I am open to do local genealogy research in the North Oakland County, MI area." - April 21, 1997
"I'm from Amsterdam, Holland and only live in Switzerland since 1983. As far as my father has been able to find out our family came from the area of Dinslaken, just across theborder of Holland. Obviously the name was written differently in Germany and still exists in the various forms. Since the name translates as " man of the woods" or living in the woods, it probably has many different roots and is not just one family." - August 24, 1997
"The name of Waltman or Waldman is and was very common in the south of Germany. Waltman is a very old name. Now it is mostly written as Waldman(n). In Germany it has happened that many churchbooks have disappeared. So, it is very difficult to search your family tree earlier than the year 1700. My name is Waltmans. The "s" is Dutch. My family came in Holland about the year 1650 as a soldier, before Germany, Alsace, Burgund, south of Germany and originally maybe Switzerland. There were interesting men called Waltman, f.e. B�rgermeister Hans Waldmann von Z�rich, Switzerland (1435-1489) and Abt Waltman, norbertine priest in the 12th century in Flanders and founder of several cloisters. At the moment in Oberstdorf, Germany, there is a man called Waldmann, who is searching the name Wald(t)man(n)." - August 16, 1997
Last Revision 1/13/99