Chenoweth - DNA Project
an explanation
Wanted: Chenoweth Males
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A Brief Background
In 2000 I became interested in aspect of using DNA to "prove" the various lines, identified and unidentified within the Chenoweth family. In January of 2001, Pamela Woodward, a cousin contacted Bill Chinwoth, Michael Chenoweth, Joyce Wiegand, and myself about a BYU project on a DNA genealogy that was underway. That summer, Bill, Peter Chenoweth and I met with the Molecular Genealogy Research Group at BYU headed by Dr. Ugo A. Perego. It was descided to include a presentation on the subject at our next Reunion in Elkins, which was received at the reunion with much general interest. Bill Chinworth has continued to follow up on the possibility of using a DNA tool for Chenoweth genealogy and Peter Chenoweth, presently in Utah, as been induced to head up this endeavor. Bill Chinworth has a site describing some of the background of this effot.
Wanted: Chenoweth Males Now: We are trying to get a sample of each of the 21 continuing lines of the 29 grandsons of the family of John Chenoweth and Mary Calvert, was well as one from any of our unknown lines. This would create a broad band test family identification. Can you help? Read on below. So far we have a few volunteers. We now have 15 samples. With 6 samples matching 100% we believe we have identified the marker of John(1). As mutaions appear once every 13 generations and we are testing basiscally 9 to 10 generations the most probable result would be 1 mutation. Time's a-wasting. Interesting enough, Pete's sample for his 1850 immigration has been found to have a common ancestor with the line of our John, confirming John's roots to Cornwall. So far both of the unknown lines we have tested are a 100% match to the family of John Chenoweth.
- John(2):
- William(3) - have William(3) John(4)
- John(3) - have John(3) William(4)
- Richard(3) - needed
- Thomas(3) - have Thomas(3) Nicholas Ruxton(4)
- Absolom(3) - have Absolom(3) Absolom(4)
- Arthur(3) - needed
- Richard(2):
- John(3) - have John(3) Nicholas(4)
- Arthur(2):
- Arthur, Jr.(3) [Have one sample: Arthur(3) Arthur(4), would also like to get a Arthur(3) William(4)] and Arthur(3) Richard(4)]]
- John(3) - needed
- Thomas(3) - needed
- Samuel(3) - have sample
- Richard(3) - needed
- William(2):
- William, Jr.(3) - have William(3) John(4)
- Isaac(3) - have Issac(3) Issac J(4)
- Thomas(2):
- John(3) - needed
- Richard(3) - needed
- Arthur(3) - have Arthur(3) Joseph(4)
- Thomas, Jr.(3) - have Thomas(3) Benjamin Franklin(4)
- Elijah(3) - have Elijah(3) Thomas(4)
- Abraham(3) - have Abraham(3) John(4)
- Unknown Lines:
- Charles m: Anne Doll of Baltimore Co: - needed
- George of Baltimore Co: - needed
- Dr. Henry S of Springfield, MO - needed
- Isaac N(ewton) of Logan Co., AR - needed
- James Garrison Chenowith, Arkansas - needed
- John m: Ann Perine of Baltimore Co: - have sample - matches to the family of John & Mary
- John M. m: Mrs. Elizabeth Reed, Texas - needed
- Dr. John W of Grayson Co., TX - needed
- John Wesley of Piatt Co., IL - needed
- John m: Christina Hall - needed
- Richard m: Keziah Coe of Baltimore Co: - needed
- Richard C. m: Anne of Baltimore Co: - needed
- Thomas m: Ann Quirk, Louisana - have sample - matches to the family of John & Mary
- Thomas J. of Baltimore Co: - needed
- Thomas m: Rachel Ann Swane - needed
- William, Jr. m: Sarah M. McClelland, Ohio - needed
- William R. m: Mary Ann 'Maria' McKinney, Oregon - have sample - matches to the family of John & Mary
Note: also have samples of "other lines" by Peter's group and Edith's group
- Projected matches needed for tying in unknown lines:
- male descendant of Arthur(2) John(3) Joshua(4) Alexander Holmes(5) Henry Owen (6) William H(7) if existing - needed
- John(2) Thomas(3) Nicholas Ruxton(4)- needed
- all the sons of Thomas(2) Arthur(3): Jospeh, Abraham, Luke (George, Hiram not available) - 3 needed
- William(2) Isaac (3) Edward (4) Ison (5) George W (6) - needed
- Thomas(2) Thomas, Jr.(3) Joseph(4) - needed
- Thomas(2) Abraham(3) John(4) - needed
- four sons of Thomas: John, Arthur, Richard, Thomas, Jr. 4 needed
Here is Peter's latest take on the "project".
Yesterday, 28 Feb 03, I met with Diahan Southard at Relative Genetics and set up the Chenoweth Genetic Project. Most of the time was spent going over what data will be provided, utilization of the website and an understanding of how the project works. I also provided a DNA sample to get the "ball rolling". There are a few things that should be noted.
- This is a Y chromosome Genetic Study, which is strictly paternal.
- Only males with a last name of Chenoweth (or it's variation) can participate, since a "Y" is only based from male to male. Sorry Jon but you can't do it.
The following is a list of procedures that need to be followed for this to work.
- All individuals wishing to participate need to contact me first in order that I establish them in the website. They can either provide me with a password they wish to use or I can give them one. (would prefer they provide it). This password, along with their e-mail address) will allow them to view their results.
- When they are established a genealogical line is posted. Since some individuals are unclear as to their lineage maybe we should post this information based on what we have. I wouldn't want someone listing themselves as a Thomas2 descendant when recent information has indicated that they are an Arthur2 line.
- It is important that they understand what to expect from this test. Each individual will receive personal genetic information in the form of a Personal Genetic Identification Report. A sample of this report is found on pg 13 of our portfolios. Individually this report does not help them identify where they fit in to the family, but is a key ingredient to the whole picture.
- After they have been established as a member of the project, I will notify Relative Genetics and they will send them a sample kit (as we received in the packet). After this kit has been returned, along with payment of $195, a tracking number will be assigned. It will take between 4-6 weeks for the sample to be analyzed and posted on the website. If the kit has not been returned in a 3-4 week period this tracking procedure would show me that and allow me to contact the individual for follow-up.
- Along with the sample is a consent form that needs to be filled out. There are three options available, though only 2 appear on the form.
- Results to be provided to only the Family Group project
- "all close matches" � If this is selected anyone who is a close match to you (24/27 chromosome locations) will be notified, as you will be if they also select this option. This would be of value if it is someone in another group study.
- "everyone" � If this is selected anyone who comes close to matching you (21/27 locations) will be notified, as you will be if they also select this option. This would be of value if it is someone in another group study, but keep in mind that this is for remote matches. It should be noted that I selected everyone.
As discussed in the past, I feel that it is important that you find individuals within each male line that would be willing to volunteer for this so as to establish a base line. If we have anyone in our HU database that would like to participate, this might be a good way to see if we can figure out where they fit in.
I indicated that I would like the project to last until 1 Jun 04. We would then be looking at a final project report in time for the '04 Reunion in Portland. I also approached her about a representative being at the reunion to explain the results from a professional side and provide a table to answer questions from individuals that have participated and those that might wish to participate. It turns out that Diahan is from Portland and would be more than willing to do this. Obviously, as with the last reunion, transportation and lodging expenses paid for would be appreciated.
If we have anyone, after the closing, that wishes to participate, Diahan indicated that they would simple start project #2 and incorporate it with data from project #1.
It was also suggested that we create an individual in the project called Participant. This would be a generic individual that anyone who wanted to view a sample of things, before participating themselves, could do. I will see about getting this accomplished.
Contact Peter
Copyright c 2003-2007 by Jon D. Egge. All Rights Reserved. Any republication of this page material for personal use requires inclusion of this copyright. Any other republication of this page material requires the express consent of the author.
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Last Revision Monday, January 29, 2007