Born in Hampshire, now Hardy Co., Virginia (now WV), Elizabeth was the oldest daughter and fourth child of Jonathan and Chloe Atchison Chenoweth. She came as a teenager with her parents to Kentucky where, at the age of 21, she married David Casebier, son of William Casebier and Catherine Crissey, originally from Pennsylvania. Several years later her sister, Delilah, would marry David's brother, Frederick. Though nothing is known of the family of Delilah and Frederick, the 10 children of David and Elizabeth form a very large family of descendants. David and Elizabeth liven in Muhlenberg County until at least 1813, when they sold 268 acres on Pond Creek. As the family grew, they moved to Indiana, then Iowa and Illinois. David died in Iowa at the age of 63, Elizabeth outlived him by 19 years dying in Kansas at the age of 78. Their family would spread out to Texas, the West Coast, and even Canada.
CENSUS: 1810 KY: Muhlenberg Co: page 391, 1820 IN: Spencer Co: page 88, 1830 IL: Morgan Co: page 48, 1840 IA: Van Burean Co, 1860 KS: Jefferson Co.
LOCATIONS: Hampshire, now Hardy Co., VA (now WV), Kentucky, Muhlenberg and Christian Cos, KY, Spencer Co., IN, Morgan Co., IL, Madison and Van Burean Cos., IA, and Jefferson Co., KS
BOOKS: Harris page 80
OTHER SOURCES: Mary Elizabeth Padden, "Casebier Study" of Robert Roger Smith, Thomas file of Brian Chester Thomas, , research of Dorothea Mae Kline Carl Smith, Susan Modica, Emily Jones Trent, Ann Casebier VanDenburgh, Laney Stussie, Cecil Lang Casebier, Jr, Charles Edgar Casebier III, Tonya Diane Gould, Jan Jones, Dawn Michelle Casebier, Diana M. Lauffer, Edward Eugne Hosey, III, Donald Earl Papson, Doug Wolfe, Margaret Ethel Miller, Kendra Lewis, Census Work 1880 & 1900, internet contacts: Norman Hare, Richard Mark and Slyvia Johnson, WFT Vol 3 # 0555, WFT Vol 4 # 1774, WFT Vol 19 # 0180
OTHER COUSIN CONTACTS: Jo Ann Casebier, Alan Neil Casebier, Robert Mack Bissell, Paula Marie Lane, Tarrah Hoover, Darrell Smith, Rhonda Anderson
NOTE: Dates for living individuals have been excluded. A number in brackets after the name indicates either the person belongs to more than one Chenoweth line of ancestry. (i.e. a marriage of cousins occurred or a person married more than one family member) or has multiple marriages.
This is part II: Absolom Burdine, Elizabeth, David Jackson, Mahala, Samuel Bristow, and Hiram Simmons.
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