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Included in this issued is a copy of the incorporation papers filed in KY that have been finalized and provided to us by Darroll Hawkins. Our thanks to all those individuals who helped get this major task accomplished.
Recently Jon Egge, Bill Chinworth and Peter Chenoweth received information portfolios from Relative Genetics of Salt Lake City, UT. These portfolios contained information and guidelines for establishing a Family Genetics Project with them. By mutual agreement (and close proximity) Pete has agreed to be the Project Coordinator. This is a project that we have been interested in for the past 3 years. An important portion of this portfolio will be placed on the Chenoweth Reunion web site by Bill in the near future. A meeting between Pete and Relative Genetics will be held soon to finalize the details. The purpose of this project is to establish and verify the biologic connection between the many people in this related family. More information on DNA can be found in the first edition of the newsletter.
Bill Chinworth advises the the gentleman in England, who is supposed to define, for all time, the family crest is "in the process" as they say. Henry Bedington, York Herald, is the representative or contact point to the College of Arms on Queen Victoria Street in London. Chinworth also advises that he received an item from Edith Chenoweth. It was from a relative of hers who works with their family genealogy and which indicated that the birds on the crest are eagles, according to a Cornwall document on the matter. So now we have these birds identified four different ways: eagles, griffins, cloughs and choughs. It's easy to see why we need to be patient and wait to hear from the Queen's representative, Henry Bedingfield, on the matter.
The undersigned, Darroll Hawkins, executes these articles in Incorporation for the purpose of forming an does form a non-profit organization under the laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky in accordance with the following provisions.
The name of the incorporation is Chenoweth Family Reunion Company
The mailing address for the initial principle office of the non-profit organization Chenoweth Family Reunion Company is 4610 Portico Court, Louisville, KY 40299. Darroll Hawkins the initial Registered agent is located at this address.
The non-profit organization Chenoweth Family Reunion Company is formed to facilitate family fellowship of the descendants of John Chenoweth born 1682 in Cornwall Co., Wales; to facilitate historical research, conduct genealogical seminars and establish other forums related to history and genealogy. In general the nature of the organization is civic, educational, social, fraternal, recreational, charitable, cultural and patriotic.
The non-profit organization Chenoweth Family Reunion Company shall be governed by by-laws established by the board of directors. The by-laws will specify the following: the size and qualifications, if any, for the board of directors; the place and notice requirements for meetings of the membership and board of directors, and may include online, phone conferencing, or similar non-physical places for meetings and of the board; amending the by-laws; the duties and terms of office for officers and board members; voting eligibility and methods; quorum requirements; and the duties of officers and directors.
The initial board of directors will consist of 4 members. The board may be expanded by the by-laws, but may not be reduced to less than three members. The by-laws will establish the duties, term, makeup and general instructions for the operation of the board. The initial board of:
JON D. EGGE 16707 188th Pl NE Woodinville, WA 98072 PETER CHENOWETH 3330 W 4800 S Roy, UT 84067 DARROLL HAWKINS 4610 Portico Ct Louisville, KY 40299 GREG WULKER 618 Main St Milford, OH 45150
The duration shall be perpetual, save until it is dissolved by the membership or board of directors. The assets of the organization shall accrue to Western Kentucky University or other such educational, historical, or genealogical entity as specified in the dissolution decision.
Executed and acknowledge by the undersigned this 22 day of January 2003.
Incorporator _____/signed/_______ Darroll Hawkins
The undersigned hereby consents to serve as the initial registered agent for Chenoweth Family Reunion Company as of this 22nd day of January 2003.
_____/signed/_______ Darroll Hawkins, Registered Agent 0553779.09 John Y. Brown III Secretary of State Received and Filed 02/07/2003 09:41 AM Fee Receipt: $8.00
(The following e-mails have been received from members of the family with regards to the newsletter. Comments, articles, questions and other items for this newsletter are always appreciated.-editor)
Jon, I just printed out the new Newsletter from the Chenoweth site. Am anxious to read it. Also, I appreciate your sending me the info from my Miller cousins. Things are not great here at this time since I seem to be looking at knee replacement surgery soon. Real bummer! Don't get around very well these days, but am hopeful in a few months things will be much better.
12 Nov 2002
Marie Thompson Eberle
Peter, I'm a cousin of Michael Chenoweth of Gas City. Thanks for the most interesting newsletter. I received Kierstead newsletters a few times a year and have yet to find another "cousin" who has any more information than I about our Patriot K. ancestors � that group is mainly Loyalist Kiersteads from Canada. Thanks again for your interest in our family and congratulations on forming a Board of Directors; hopefully, the Association will evolve one day.
12 Nov 2002
Becky Steinmetz
Peter, I enjoyed the electronic newsletter. I have yet been unable to go to a family reunion (my son, David Richard the 2nd, is now 13 months). I want to attend with my children in Baltimore 2006. I look forward to meeting you as my grandmother spoke highly of you and your work on behalf of all the family. I also believe I can identify a person on the social security listing and have emailed Jon this information. Thank you for your work.
13 Nov 2002
Kevin Richard Chenoweth
Hi Peter, Thank you for your effort towards the Chenoweth History and record.
13 Nov 2002
Charles Dean Chenoweth
I'm all in favor of the Chenoweth Newsletter. My husband's health is such that I have not gotten to the Chenoweth things I hoped to.
13 Nov 2002
Barbara Jean Tuohino
Thanks for all your hard work on behalf of all the Chenoweth cousins.
14 Nov 2002
Patti Bagley
Please add me to the list to get the Chenoweth email newsletter. Thank you.
13 Nov 2002
William R. Valentine
Please include me in your e-mail list. I am a sister to Dan Wilson and granddaughter of Ira Miller Kemp.
12 Nov 2002
Susan Johnson
I am part of your family and would love to part of the email information.
12 Nov 2002
Judy Lukowski
Peter, I have just read your electronic newsletter. I did not attend the reunion so I did not see the first newsletter. Is it available online? (For those wishing to view past newsletters they may be found at our website chenowethsite.com) I think the newsletter is a wonderful idea, but the time and commitment to put it together is a huge undertaking. I descend from Arthur Chenoweth, son of Thomas, son of John, through his second wife Susannah. Neither Hiatt or Harris has the listing of Arthur's children correct in either name or number. I sent Harris documentation to correct the error, but he/they did not use it. I have not checked Jon'' site recently to see if it is corrected as I also sent him the same info. What can we do to be helpful for this newsletter? Are you going to include a query section? Sometimes reading others' queries jogs one's thinking of how to proceed in solving a problem.
12 Nov 2002
Glenda Lloyd
Received our copy of the newsletter. Please keep us on the email list. Appreciate all you and the others are doing for the Chenoweth descendants.
20 Nov 2002
Earl and O'Reba Klepser
February 9, 2003
By Jon Egge
Cottage Lake, Woodinville, WA
Descendant of Dr Henry S. Chenoweth of Chillicothe, OH
A couple of years ago, Sandy Obie contacted me about her ancestor Permelia Chenoweth who married Daniel Smith, then Jacob J. Reynolds and lived in Vermillion Co., Indiana before moving to Iowa. This was a most perplexing problem to me in trying to find her rightful spot within the family. I was certain that she was of the THOMAS(2) line who had many descendants in Vermillion Co. Mostly I looked under the families of the son John, since, not only are there gaps in this family, but two granddaughters of similar ages married Smiths in this area. I never could locate the right fit. However, Glenda Lloyd in her research of the estate papers of Arthur of Pike Co., Ohio, found two of Permelia's children by Daniel Smith mentioned as well as the daughter "Millie" both as a widow and then remarried to Jacob Reynolds. Millie was indeed listed as a daughter by both Cora Hiatt and Shirley Harris, but the listing was for a Mildred. In reality, it turns out that Millie was a diminutive for Permelia not Mildred. Better, we now know that Daniel Smith was a brother to Amos Branson Smith who married Permelia's sister, Harriet, which is Glenda's line. My hat is off to Glenda for her patient shifting and analysis of Arthur's estate papers; equally to Sandy Obie, her persistent search helped turn the corner of something that had become masked by someone formalizing a name incorrectly. I think this an instructive story in genealogy research. This brings a wonderful array of descendants into Arthur's family thanks to Sandy.
Another discovery was the identification of the Mary Chenoweth who became the second wife of Joel Chenoweth. Joel, perhaps the family's first genealogist, mentions his second wife, but neglected to tell us who she was. Discovering her grave in Iowa, the dates thereby provided (died or buried: 18 Mar 1861, aged 44yrs., 8 mos., 21 days) gave me a birth close to Mary Elizabeth Vinson, the widow of Reason Shriver Chenoweth, a distant cousin to Joel. Reason died 3 Mar 1853 in Pike Co., and apparently Joel went back to Pike Co. to marry her on 3 Sep 1857. Suddenly the son, Samuel F. Chenoweth, mistakenly listed in Harris as a son of Joel because of the 1860 Census detail of this family comes clear. Joel, in his work, had not listed a son Samuel. Rather Samuel is a son of Reason Shriver and Mary Elizabeth Vinson. It is also clear now why Reason and Mary's daughter, Louisa Brown "Levisa" Chenoweth married in Iowa and not Pike Co. where her father had lived. The solution corrects and clarifies the record.
Thanks to the indexing of the 1930 Census at ancestry.com, Peter Chenoweth has almost finished with a run through of Chenoweth names found in that Census. As of this writing, we have only Indiana left to detail. Indiana of course is a bastion of Chenoweth names, having the distinction in every Census since 1850 of having the most Chenoweth males found in any state of the Union. We expect to end up for 1930 with about 78% of the Chenoweth-named males in the family found. We suspect the total population of living males to be about 1700 then.
This completes a long and exacting search by Peter through every Census since 1850. Better indexing would help in regards to missing data in each of these Censuses. The 1910 census is sorely lacking in this respect (genealogy.com has recently posted an indexing of the 1910 census that will be used to add to our scrub of that census. � editor) The best result to date has been with the newly indexed 1880 Census by the LDS church, where we achieved a high of almost 90% location. These numbers would also improve if we had more of the dates of death that we lack for many of these individuals.
At some point, when time permits, I hope to list out the missing data points at the web site, much like we have done with the Social Security listings. This identification process is now at 81%, thanks in part to responses to the newsletter's section "Do You Know These People" and the web page listing. All this work however has provided a solid genealogy basis for the present family, as we know it. My hat is off to Peter for his years of work in this regard. We are all indebted to him.
As indicated previously our incorporation has now been finalized.
I've updated the reunion web site and have West Virginia in the past tense. Portland is now an event. I've written to the folks in Portland area and encouraged them to meet and organize a plan.
The last History book by Harris, that I sold, occurred about a week before Christmas or thereabouts. The next copy of this work to be sold will be number 740, so about half of the second edition has been sold to date.
We've been in contact with the publisher, outside Indianapolis, concerning the remaining 3rd edition copies of Cora Chenoweth Hyatt's book, Chenoweth History. Mike Chenoweth is taking the lead on acquiring the ownership of these books for the Association.
In future editions of the newsletter we will attempt to have a general business report on the association finances.
Bill Chinworth
President, Board of Directors
Chenoweth Family Association
This pattern was not always followed exactly, but most would usually keep the pattern for the first three children. If there was a name that was found in every generation (example: John, William, Edward, Charles, etc), then somewhere in their children you will surely find these names. If one is stuck on finding parents for an ancestor, try this pattern to give one a suggestion as to a name to search for.
Sometimes, there is frequent usage of the names, and their variants, of John, William (and Wyley, Wiley, Willie, etc) and Benjamin. In looking at wills, deeds, and other documents, it is often very confusing because of the repetitive appearance of the same names.
(compliments of Fall 1996 Upper Cumberland Researcher)
(The following is a condensation of the financial report submitted by Michael Chenoweth to the Board of Directors on 3 Sep 02 with regard to the 2002 West Virginia Reunion. A detailed copy will be provided upon request to the editor at p.chenoweth@comcast.net)
Income � During Reunion:
Total Income during Reunion - $1,884.25
Total Expenses during Reunion - $9,759.25
Refunds made at Reunion:
Total - $318
I made this spreadsheet while trying to reconcile the cash and checks I carried home from the reunion. The deposit totaled $2,748.75. Of that total I returned $867 from the $1000 cash withdrawal I made for refunds. Subtracting from the $2,748.75 the $867 gives us $1881.75. This is pretty close to the $1884.25 reported as income during the Elkins reunion. A difference of $2.50.
All bills have been paid except the newsletter invoice ($133.56) that I believe Bill Chinworth put on his credit card.
Michael Chenoweth
Board of Directors, Treasurer
3 Sep 02
In the last 2 issues we listed approximately 200 individuals from the Social Security Death List that we were unable to identify. During that period we have been able to identify many of those individuals. This brings us to 81% of the Chenoweth's listed there. In this issue we show you another 91 names & dates. Do you know any of these individuals? If so please let us know by contacting Jon Egge at
Jegge@chenowethsite.com or PO Box 1188, Woodinville, WA 98072.Peter Chenoweth, editor, Roy, UT.... Comments and Contributions Email: p.chenoweth@comcast.net
Copyright c 2003 by Peter Chenoweth and Jon D. Egge. All Rights Reserved. Any republication of this page material for personal use requires inclusion of this copyright. Any other republication of this page material requires the express consent of the editor.