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MY Chenoweth Reunion RECAP
Since suggesting to Jon Egge a National Reunion of this seemingly large Chenoweth family back in 1998, I have witnessed the interest in the different geographical areas of our vast country of this indeed large Chenoweth family. These family reunions like
By Joyce Wiegand, Lafayette, IN
none other I have attended, is not satisfied to carry in a well filled basket of food for the day to eat, be merry, and then leave in a few hours, after everyone has had too much to eat.
This was not the intent from the very first of many gatherings of the organizing committee of Bill Chinworth, Mike Chenoweth and myself back in the late 1990's when we began laying the foundation for the now very popular National Chenoweth Reunions. While food is important, we were not content to have food be the focus of a National Reunion. Our focus was to unite all Chenoweth cousins in all regions of our vast country. The only way to accomplish this is to move the reunions around the country!
Bowling Green, KY was chosen as the first stop along the "Chenoweth Road of Reunions" in 2000, to introduce reunion attendees to the vast ollection of preserved papers compiled by Richard and Shirley Harris. Following the death of his beloved Shirley, Richard produced in the early 1990's the book "The Chenoweth Family in America" in her honor. Tours to the University of Kentucky at Bowling Green were arranged so all had the opportunity to see first hand the volume of research they had assembled on this amazing family. As I handled all registrations for this attempt at a national reunion, I couldn't help but be amazed by the number of Chenoweth cousins registering to attend from all over the country. I would have considered the reunion a success if only 60 people showed up!
Knowing the success of local Chenoweth Reunion in Elkins, WV, the organizing committee tagged Elkins as the second stop along the "Chenoweth Road of Reunions" scheduled for 2002. Attending the first reunion in Bowling Green, was Chenoweth cousin Randy Allen and his wife Donna, from the Elkins area, who volunteered to be the site host. Unlike the first reunion, many of the attendees were local and several younger Chenoweth cousins, who were only able to attend the reunion for a day or on the weekend. To accommodate their needs the reunion Bowling Green, KYcommittee instituted the "daily rate fee" to encourage attendance.
For the third stop on the "Chenoweth Road of Reunions", we were drawn to Chenoweth, OR. However after further research it was determined this town may not have the necessary facilities required to handle a reunion the size of our growing family. Wanting to stay in the Milford, OH (The following poem was received from Mary Ann Plater Chenoweth, wife of George Samuel Chenoweth, Anna, IL � Mary wrote a poem for the 2002 Reunion also)
Reunion 2004 (The following e-mails have been received from members of the family with regards to the newsletter. Comments, articles, questions and other items for this newsletter are always appreciated.-editor) Again, I want to commend your effort on the news letter just received. It's stored in my genealogy section as I'm sure there will be stuff there that pertain to my book on the Arthurs in my line. Good job, Pete!!. I enjoyed the newsletter. I am thinking of asking my niece who lives in Eugene to attend the reunion. It would be fun for her to meet with other Chineworths even though there is no blood line there. Jon, do you have any idea how I could find out if a Chineworth owned slaves in Missouri and Nebraska? That would be precious information for me. Thanks for all your hard work. There were no Chenoweths in Nebraska before 1860 that I know of. I have never taken the time to look at the 1850 & 1860 slave schedules. We are in the process of completing the known or found 1850 Census data for the family. In 1840 there were 4 Chenoweth families in Missouri:
The widow of John Harrison in Ripley Co.; Richard, Jr s/o Richard3 Thomas2 in Livingston Co. (moved to Grundy Co.); Benjamin Franklin & Joseph, s/o Thomas, Jr in Taney Co. These latter 3 were Thomas2 lines which I have never found with slaves. For what little slavery there was, it is usually found in the line of Arthur2. But Isaac Newton believed to be a s/o Joseph spells his name Chineworth�. It maybe a Missouri spelling.
In 1850 there were 27 Chenoweth males in Missouri, basically 8 families: They were found in Gentry, DeKalb, Andrew, St Louis, Taney and Grundy Counties. Again none are from lines that I know specifically owned slaves (There were slave owners in neighboring Kentucky).
In 1860 there were 52 male Chenoweths in Missouri, maybe 16 or 17 families. There were 2 families from Arthur, one from Pennsylvania (Madison Co.) and one from Tennessee (Camden Co. � George Washington spelled Cheniworth in Census). Others were in Gentry, DeKalb, Johnson, Shelby, St Louis, Sullivan, Linn, Dent, Taney, Webster, and Grundy Counties.
There were also the 2 unknown lines of my great-great-grandfather, Henry (fought for the North � Newton Co.) and his brother, John W. (fought for the South � Cedar Co.). If I was to suspect any of these it would be the family of Joseph because of the spelling or the family of George Washington from Tennessee, but I just don't know. Need to look at the Census data to see if it gives a clue. � Jon Egge Hi Folks, We are soooo excited! USA Today (this weekend's edition, Sep 10/11/12) has a big half page article in the LIFE section (page 10D) about our new book: THE GREAT BRIDGE-BUILDING CONTEST, illustrated by Roxie Munro and written by Bo Zaunders, published by Abrams (coming out in a few weeks � October). It tells the story of my great great grandfather, Lemuel Chenoweth, and his famous double-roadway covered bridge in Philippi, West Virginia. We also included 18 other covered bridges, w/illustrations and text, from other states in America, ten of which are featured also in the article (called "Ten Great Places to Cross that Covered Bridge").
We are all happy to hear that your latest book is getting publicity and are looking forward to its publication in October. More about this book can be found in the "Comments from the Clan" Section of Dec 2003's newsletter. Those who did not receive that newsletter can find it at chenowethsite.com. � editor IN MEMORIAM HONOR ROLL Age 85 - ALBERT CHARLES10 SPIETH (NELLIE MAY9 STARKEY, MARY EDITH8 SMITH, ELIZABETH JANE7 REIP, EDITH AMANDA6 CHENOWETH, ROBERT T.5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born March 07, 1919 in Lorain Co., OH, and died May 07, 2004 in Lagrange, Lorain Co., OH. He married (1) NAOMI ELLEN HUTCHISON. She was born March 27, 1918, and died July 23, 1997. He married (2) VELMA E. (MOHR) KAFER Private. She was born November 08, 1920, and died April 27, 2000.
Age 53 - JOSEPH NEAL9 STRIBLING (EDITH RUTH8 CHENOWETH, JOSEPH WOOD7, ROBERT JAMES6, ROBERT T.5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born August 11, 1950 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., WV, and died July 25, 2004 in Columbia, SC. He married (1) LINDA DIANNE BRANNON 1973. He married (2) LYN CHERRY FINLEY.
Age 82 - ANNIE MILDRED CHENOWETH nee SPORTSMAN. She was born May 12, 1921, and died March 14, 2004 in Carrollton, Carroll Co., MO. She married ROBERT NEWTON9 CHENOWETH, JR. (ROBERT NEWTON8, JOHN DOTHERDY7, ISAAC NEWTON6, WILLIAM PUGH5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1)
Age 43 - DONOVAN EUGENE10 CHENOWETH (NOEL EDWIN9, EDWIN8, WILLIAM JACKSON7, CYRUS PEPPER6, JEHU5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born October 18, 1960 in Morgantown, Mononglaia Co., WV, and died August 08, 2004. He married SUK HUI SEIDLER.
Age 86 - EVA HAZEL JUNE8 LILES nee CHENOWETH (EDWIN DUNCAN "EDWARD"7, EDWIN DUNCAN6, GABRIEL5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born November 19, 1917 in Missouri, and died May 22, 2004. She married GEORGE LILES.
Age 72 - WILLIAM GENE 'BILLY'9 CHENOWETH (ALLEN LUTHER8, JAMES ALLEN7, GRAFTON WHITAKER6, EPHRAIM B.5, ABSOLUM4, ABSOLUM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born June 18, 1932, and died July 12, 2004. He married PATRICIA S. ?. She was born April 28, 1942, and died April 1985.
Age 64 - LYNDELL T.9 CHENOWETH (THEODORE8, JAMES ALLEN7, GRAFTON WHITAKER6, EPHRAIM B.5, ABSOLUM4, ABSOLUM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born December 03, 1939 in Illinois, and died January 31, 2004. He married unknown.
Age 92 - EUGENE VICTOR "GENE"8 CHENOWETH (JAMES EPHRAIM7, CLINTON LAFAYETTE6, EPHRAIM B.5, ABSOLUM4, ABSOLUM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born July 10, 1911 in Shelbyville, Shelby Co., IN, and died June 22, 2004 in Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN. He married (1) CAROLYN EURETHE MULLET. He married (2) H. CLARE (HULT) BLAKE June 30, 1964 in Lyle, Ford Co., IL. She was born April 22, 1922 in near Auburn, Nemaha Co., NE, and died October 20, 1989 in Ocala, Marion Co., FL. � I carried on a wonderful brief correspondence with Gene who provided me with some very helpful material on the family he had run across � Jon Egge.
Age 89 - WILLIAM CLEMENTS9 CHENOWETH (JUSTIN ALONSO "JUDD"8, WILLIAM LEWIS7, MATHIAS ROSE6, LEWIS ROSE5, JOHN4, ARTHUR3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born September 30, 1914 in West Union, Clark Co., IL, and died June 24, 2004 in Seattle, King Co., WA. He married ANN CHENOWETH KARRAKER March 06, 1939 in Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY, daughter of CHARLES KARRAKER and ANN STITES. She was born April 10, 1918 in Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY, and died December 22, 2001 in Seattle, King Co., WA. � survivor of Bataan Death March, World War II. Bill and Ann were 6th cousins � Jon Egge.
Age ca 88 - LOREN REYNOLDS9 TUDOR (JOY A.8 REYNOLDS, MELINDA B.7 WHITAKER, DAVID L.6 , GRAFTON BAKER5, MARGARET ELIZABETH4 SEATON, RACHEL3 CHENOWETH, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1916 in Morgan Co., IN, and died July 24, 2004 in Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN. He married MARJORIE HELEN RHEA February 09, 1936 in Marshall, Clarke Co., IL, daughter of JAMES RHEA and CORA LARKIN. She was born January 25, 1915 in Morgan Co., IN, and died December 26, 1995.
Age 75 - ROBERT SCOTT "BO" CRAIG, son of CARL and ANNA CRAIG. He was born July 21, 1929 in Fort Worth, Tarrant Co., TX, and died July 21, 2004 in Denver, CO. He married MARJORIE10 CHENOWETH (FLOYD ELLIS9, JOSEPH LESTER8, JOHN KING7, NELSON H.6, JOSEPH5, NICHOLAS4, JOHN3, RICHARD2, JOHN1)
Age 24 - ALEASHA MAE12 CHENOWETH (JOYCE11, DOYLE DEAN10, WENDEL FORREST9, JOSEPH LESTER8, JOHN KING7, NELSON H.6, JOSEPH5, NICHOLAS4, JOHN3, RICHARD2, JOHN1) was born April 25, 1980 in Libby, MT, and died July 19, 2004. - found murdered in her home and died of multiple gunshot wounds
Age 68 - SHIRLEY ANN CHINOUTH nee unknown was born March 16, 1935, and died March 12, 2004. She married JACK CLEVELAND9 CHINOUTH (ORVILLE CLEVELAND8, JOHN RICHARD D.7, JAMES MATISON "MATT"6, RICHARD5, NICHOLAS4, JOHN3, RICHARD2, JOHN1)
Age 52 - MICHAEL JARBOE10 KINZIE (CHARLES EDWARD9, CLAUDE EDWARD8, FLORENCE ADEL "DELLA"7 CARTER, HARVEY6, HARVEY5, JOHN4, JAMES3, HANNAH2 CHENOWETH, JOHN1) was born May 01, 1951 in Tulsa, Tulsa Co., OK, and died January 2004. He married (1) MARILYN KAYE HURT. He married (2) MARTHA SIMPKIN. He married (3) MARY ANN VELARDI.
Age 43 - WILLIAM DALE9 CHENOWETH, JR. (WILLIAM DALE8, JACK HOUGH7, WILLIAM JAMES6, RICHARD5, RICHARD B.4, JOHN3, ARTHUR2, JOHN1) was born April 12, 1961 in Henry Co., TN, and died July 11, 2004. He married TERESSA HERNDON.
Age 54 - HARRY EDWARD9 CHENOWETH (EDGAR MARLIN8, EDGAR CARTER7, WILLIAM JOHN6, RICHARD B.5, WILLIAM4, RICHARD3, ARTHUR2, JOHN1) was born March 13, 1949 in Chicago, Cook Co., IL, and died February 19, 2004. He married (1) LINDA ?. He married (2) JESSICA ?.
Age 89 - ROSS CLINTON9 CHENOWETH (EARL HENRY8, CLINTON ABRAHAM7, WILLIAM C.6, WILLIAM5, THOMAS4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born November 27, 1914 in Vermilion Co., IL, and died September 01, 2004 in Decatur, Macon Co., IL. He married LEOTA ELIZABETH MATHIS October 14, 1936 in Danville, Vermilion Co., IL. She was born March 08, 1918, and died April 19, 1976 in Piatt Co., IL. The parents of Ross were 6th cousins. She was Opal B. Carter, a descendant of Hannah Chenoweth Carter.
Age 55 - SHARON K. "SHERRY"9 CHENOWETH (ORVILLE8, WALTER7, NELSON6, WILLIAM5, THOMAS4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born September 02, 1948 in Huron, Beadle Co., SD, and died July 09, 2004 in Ames, Story Co., IA. She married TIMM STAHLY.
Age 66 - NANCY CATHERINE10 HARVEY nee KOST (JOHN CLINTON9, ELSIE MAUD8 COPELAND, WILLIAM S.7, ELIZA6 ANTIL, ISABEL5 CHENOWETH, EDWARD4, ISAAC3, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born July 07, 1937 in Roswell, Chaves Co., NM, and died February 02, 2004 in New Mexico. She married PHILIP HARVEY. � Nancy was a cousin contributor � Jon Egge.
Age 79 - EDWIN FRANKLIN7 CHENOWETH (JOHN WILLIAM6, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN5, LUKE4, ARTHUR3, THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born September 27, 1924 in Chickasha, Grady Co., OK, and died June 21, 2004 in Greensboro, NC. He married ILA BELL DIXON.
Age 86 - ESTHER LUCILLE CHENOWETH nee PAULLIN. She was born August 04, 1917 in Ohio, and died August 01, 2004 in Austin, Travis Co., TX. She married June 15, 1940 JOHN MADISON "JACK"8 CHENOWETH (ARMOUR BENTON7, JOHN WESLEY6, JEREMIAH BROWNING5, JOHN FOSTER4, ELIJAH3, THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born August 19, 1917 in Madison Co., OH, and died December 19, 1996 in Mt Sterling, Madison Co., OH.
Age 84 - THURMAN WARD8 CHENOWETH (NORMAN WARD7, HOWARD GLEN6, JOSEPH HILL5, ELIJAH4, ELIJAH3, THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born January 15, 1920 in West Jefferson, Franklin Co., OH, and died June 14, 2004 in Michigan. He married DOLORES JEAN DIXON WINGET.
Age 96 - VERA ALECE CHENOWETH nee ROBERTS, daughter of WAVERLY ROBERTS and MYRTLE LEONARD. She was born May 16, 1908 in Alvin, Vermilion Co., IL, and died August 13, 2004 in Winona Lake, Kosciusko Co., IN. She married EVLYN THOMAS "TOM"8 CHENOWETH (FRANK MORTON7, HENRY WILSON6, JOHN JOHNSTON5, WILLIAM4, ABRAHAM3, THOMAS2, JOHN1) February 24, 1931 in Danville, Vermilion Co., IL, he was born August 02, 1904 in Illinois, and died September 21, 1992 in Lake Worth, Palm Beach Co., FL
Age 85 - ELLEN E.4 SNYDER nee CHENOWITH (MARTIN LUTHER3, WILLIAM B.2, THOMAS J.1) was born May 26, 1919 in Ruxton, Baltimore Co., MD, and died August 19, 2004 in Timonium, Baltimore Co., MD. She married (1) JACOB LARKIN CAPLES December 27, 1941. He was born September 12, 1916 in Towson, Baltimore Co., MD, and died July 1981. She married (2) GEORGE M. SNYDER.
Age 69 - HELEN CARDELL CHENOWETH nee KELLER. She was born May 03, 1934 in Georgia, and died February 09, 2004 in Florida. She married EDWIN JOHN5 CHENOWETH, JR (EDWIN JOHN "EDWARD"4, FREDERICK3, FREDERICK2, JOHN1) He was born December 19, 1938 in Alabama, and died June 01, 1981 in Birmingham, Jefferson Co., AL. � this is a late immigration via Canada � Jon Egge.
CAN YOU HELP? B. J. Chenoweth b: Jun 15, 1913 d: Jun 03, 2004 issued: CA res: TX Swift Boat Chenoweth Identified For those individuals who have noticed the Swift Boat Veterans ads about presidential candidate John Kerry, you will note that one of the individuals to speak out is a Jack Chenoweth. Many individuals have inquired as to whether or not we know who this individual is. For the record he is: John Pressly Wilson "Jack" Chenoweth, III. Born in 1943, he served in the US Navy. He was a swiftboat Lieutenant Junior Grade (LTJG) in An Thoi District. He retired in 2003 as a Captain.
Editor has new e-mail address Effective 1 October 2004 your editor will have a new e-mail address. Please note what it is for those who communicate with me. Information Wanted In future editions of the newsletter we would like to recognize some individuals. With your help this can be accomplished. We intend to start this in the coming January 2005 edition with "Welcome to the Clan". This section is devoted to new births within the family to be published on an annual basis. We would also like to start a section entitled "Till Death Do Us Part". If you have relatives who have been married for 50 or more years and would like to recognize them, please let us know.
MY Chenoweth Reunion RECAP
area for the 2004 reunion, the search was on for a site host to make all the local arrangements. The reunion committee did not have the good fortune to have someone from Oregon in attendance at the West Virginia reunion. Al and Dolores Chenoweth stepped up to the plate as the local hosts and did a wonderful job. The accommodations were great, both the chartered bus trip including Mt. Hood, and the overnight fishing trip were very successful.
The "Chenoweth Road of Reunions" for 2006 leads us home, home to Baltimore, MD. Site hosts Lois and Bill Akehurst are inviting us to "Come Home To Maryland. . . where the early roots of the Chenoweth family had their early beginnings in the United States." Lois and Bill attended their first national Chenoweth reunion in 2002 in Elkins, heard of our plans to be in their area in 2006 and said they would like to help! They gave a very energetic presentation for those in attendance in Portland inviting all to Come Home To Maryland. Sounds like a good time and place to celebrate the 300th Wedding Anniversary of John and Mary Calvert Chenoweth. I'll be there, how about you?
The force that seems to drive the success of these reunions has been knowledge, to bring together the knowledge of the regional Chenoweth cousins to find the missing link, paint a clearer picture, and document who we are and where we have been. And it has been successful. As we look to the future, 2008 will find us searching for our ancestors in Ft. Wayne, IN at the famous Allen County Public Library. We are in need of a site host. E-mail me at WiegandRJ@AOL.com if interested.
2004 Beaverton Reunion Reflections
For a change, Deanna and I were able to drive to a reunion. The trip from Seattle to Portland is some 3 plus hours. Beaverton is a suburb and the Greenwood Inn was located near the city limits of Portland, easily accessed by freeway. The facility was probably the best we have had. In attendance were 50 families numbering 100 family members. Despite the lower attendance, in my opinion the reunion was a great success due in large part to the yeoman efforts of Bill Chinworth and our local hosts, Al and Delores Chenoweth.
Bill and Al had planned a relaxed schedule with driving trips to various points of interest for those interested. The reunion events were: Wednesday evening - a get together dinner and social, Thursday night -a very good presentation of the DNA project and ensuing discussion, Friday � a bus trip to Mt Hood and the picnic lunch. That night Daniel Fred entertained with his singing, one of the many highlights of the reunion, Saturday � a family genealogy presentation by myself and an invitation to "Come home to Baltimore" in 2006 by Rev Dick and Lois Akehurst. Between all this there were a couple of business meetings to discuss the family organization and fix the place for the 2008 reunion as Huntington, IN
The events of Friday deserve a little more detail. The highlight of course was the planned picnic. Bill and AL had arranged buses to take everyone to Multnomah Falls, a tour of the Dallas Dam on the Columbia River and a swing up to the renown Timberline Lodge at Mt Hood for a bar-b-que supper. Despite the best-laid plans, Friday turned out to be the first day of rain since early July. For about half of us, this was typical Northwest weather, but it was disappointing that we missed the spectacular views possible atop the mountain. The weather however hardly dampened anyone's spirits. I was intrigued by the fish ladders at the dam. As many times as I have drive by these marvels on the Columbia, I have never taken the time to tour any of the complex facilities. It was well worth the stop.
The family picture was a not without incident. The Elkins picture had had it own set of tribulations as we had all waited patiently for the picture only to be had it had to be redone 3 times by late arrivals. This was not the case at Mt. Hood because we were more or less a captive group. The picture had been planned for the steps leading up to the lodge. However the weather did not co-operate as the cold rain and wind of the afternoon called for a serious change in plans. Instead we all piled into the lodge and the photographer shot the family from the baloney area above. It is quite a picture, many the best of the three, which now hang upon my office wall.
The fates were not yet done for the day. One of the buses broke down, and half of us were stranded at the lodge while a replacement was sent for. Now if you have to be left hanging somewhere, one could not do much better that the fine warm atmosphere of Timberline with it's huge rough hewn logs and grand stone fireplace. Despite the inconvenience, a good time was had by all. Al Chenoweth managed to gather his fishing volunteers and head for the coast and Daniel Fred managed to start his evening entertainment as the late mountain bus finally pulled into the Greenwood Inn. Both turned out successful as the following day there were great fish and singing stories.
But reunions are much more than programs and events. They are really the people who come and the small little interactions in meeting and sharing both genealogy and family. This reunion, perhaps because of it's less rigid programming left much time for "socializing". I could not have had a better time. I think there are about a dozen or so of us who have attended all three reunions. As usually, people came from all over. Almost half the families had come from east of the continental divide. We had cousins from Florida, Alabama, Virginia, Maryland, of course Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, Nebraska, Wisconsin and Delaware, Texas and Mexico. Greg Wulker flew in from Cincinnati, and Joyce Wiegand and her husband Dick drove from Indiana, stopping through Yellowstone and the down the Tetons finishing up with the drive down the gorge. Myra Crusie and her husband, Butch, made essentially the same trip by motorcycle. Myra presented me with an outstanding family study done by Joyce Shoemaker on the family of Elias and Margaret Oler Chenoweth.
Imet finally a few cousins face to face. Alice Sanders and I had corresponded since she found in 1996. Her nuts and bolts knowledge on genealogy research is a treasure. Shirley Oliver was another greeting of an "email" old friend who for year had lived a half dozen miles from me in Redmond but had recently moved to Montesano, WA. She was there with her cousin Barbara Page from Kennewick. Beverly Buchanan came with her cousin Pauline Maben from the Martindale lines. Bev has been doing good work in her Alger lines. They took the opportunity to drive into Vancouver, WA to meet with Betty Lou Hart, who had first helped me so much with this delightful daughter line of Barbara Chenoweth. Unfortunately, Betty Lou has been ill for the last couple of years will cancer and had not the strength to attend.
I was able to sit down a talk with Helen Bolen who had done so much work on the Alexander lines of Martha Jane Chenoweth. Helen had come to the Elkins reunion, but because of the way the facilities were scattered, we had never really had much of a chance to chat. Surprisingly a few weeks before the reunion I had meet a Gabriel descendant from Rebecca Bell, Wynne Henderson of Yakima, WA. Wynne and his wife Maxine had signed-up late and come to Portland by bus. Wynne's ancestors, the Beales had settled in the same area of Washington as Helen's Browns and a surprising story developed which will be the subject of a newsletter article. Wynne and Maxine felt like old friends. In the midst of the reunion we had an unexpected walk in by Alletha Gay Barnett. Gay is from the slim line of Thomas who settled in Botetourt Co., VA and his daughter Elizabeth who married Nathan Switzer. It was great to find an active link to this line of Switzers who lived near Fincastle, VA.
Gilberto's brother Raymundo accompanied Daniel Fred and Gilberto [Daniel's uncle] this year. On Saturday they took a trip down to Salem to see the gravesite of Francis Chenoweth, the father of Sommerville. Another enjoyable meeting was with Brown McDonald, Jr. of the Reip lines of Amanda Edith. Brown who lives in Oregon had hoped to meet Luverne Harstine, who has done so much to preserve this vast lineage. Unfortunately Luverne's husband had had a minor stroke just prior to the reunion and they had to cancel at the last minute. Brown had wonderful colorized picture of his grandfather James Faris McDonald in his Civil War uniform. Another highlight was the chance to meet and talk to Elmer Haile, Jr. of Baltimore, 94 years young. Elmer is responsible for our in depth knowledge of the early lives of Chenoweths in Maryland and the sorting out and correction of the family tree there. He was accompanied by an entourage of family members and was off for the Oregon coast after the reunion.
Once again the reunion was host to a large contingent of cousins from the youthful line of Abraham the yougest grandson of the family. There were Jo Yeager, Theresa E Chenoweth, Pauline Reyman, Connie and Pamula Chandler, and Denise Chenoweth. Edith Chenoweth, wearing the "Chenoweth Tartan" made her second appearance. Edith's line is from a later immigration from Canada into Alabama. I could go on and on with snippets of cousins who helped celebrate the family in Beaverton. What a wonderful series of events these reunions have been. Pete and I invite attendees to submit their own recollections of this "event in the West.".
Sept 2004 Pomeroy is the county seat of Garfield Co., located in the southeast corner of Washington State. This county is the least populous of the 39 counties in the state, containing some 2,300 inhabitants. It is definitely off the traveled pathways. I had known for some time that descendants of Martha Jane Chenoweth had settled here around the turn of the century. Martha was a daughter of Daniel Chenoweth and a great granddaughter of Jonathan(4). She had married Charles Augustus Alexander on October 16, 1873 in Winterset, Madison Co., IA. Winterset is famous for being the birthplace of the actor John Wayne. Her father, Daniel, had been an early settler of the county. Martha and Charles moved to Idaho in the mid 1880s. They had 8 children and Helen Bollen whose parents lived in Garfield Co. has carefully documented this family line. Sue Eagle Sparkman of Texas, who had based her file on Helen's work, first introduced me to this well developed line. Later Helen contacted me and I finally met her at the 2002 reunion in Elkins. Helen's mother, Myrtle Faye McPherson, had been the first child of Charlotte Viola "Lottie"Alexander and Eugene Faye McPherson to be born in Garfield Co. Charlotte was one of Martha's daughters and had married in Cottonwood, ID on November 3, 1895. Five years later they settled in Garfield Co.
MARTHA JANE7 CHENOWETH (DANIEL6, SAMUEL5, JONATHAN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born March 3, 1851 in Winterset, Madison Co., IA and died September 3, 1891 in Cottonwood, Idaho Co., ID. She married CHARLES AUGUSTUS ALEXANDER October 16, 1873 in Winterset, Madison Co., IA, son of HUGH ALEXANDER and CHARLOTTE LAMBERTSON. He was born September 20, 1848 in Bellevue, Jackson Co., IA and died October 22, 1931 in Pomeroy, Garfield Co., WA
Children of Martha Jane Chenoweth and Charles Alexander are: In the week prior to the Beaverton reunion, I got a call from a Wynne Henderson of Yakima, WA. He told me he was a descendant of Rebecca Bell Chenoweth, the daughter of Gabriel of Randolph Co., VA. Gabriel was the only child of John Chenoweth and Mary Pugh to leave West Virginia. He had resettled in Randolph Co., IL and is found there in the 1860 Census. He and his wife, Elizabeth Currence, had eleven children. Three were sons who also left West Virginia and migrated west. Eight were daughters. Nancy, the oldest, married Soloman Colett Caplinger and stayed in Randolph Co., WV. Mary, the second daughter, married Soloman P. Taggart and went to Missouri. They were the parents of Columbus C. Taggart, who became the organizer of the Chenoweth Heirs Association based in Ashville, MO. The other 6 daughters of Gabrielle married in Illinois and many of these lines are yet undeveloped, though their marriages are known. Rebecca Bell, one of these daughters, married William Beale, an immigrant from England, on October 12, 1857 in St. Clair, IL. She died 7 years later, leaving William a widower with 3 children. That was the extent of my knowledge until Wynne's call.
The two sons of this marriage, William J. and Mathew Chenoweth Beale had migrated west to Southwest Washington. Mathew Chenoweth Beale married Christina Suzanne Elsensohn on June 20, 1898 in Pomeroy, Garfield Co., WA. Matthew became a large wheat farmer in the area. These were Wynne's grandparents and Wynne has provided me with an extensive descendant list. He also signed-up and attended the 2004 reunion in Beaverton. So did Helen Bolen, so knowing that they both had Garfield Co. roots I introduced them at the reunion. In the discussions that followed it turned out that Helen had been named for Wynne's mother, Helen Beale. Helen had Helen's cousin, Alice Beale, as a teacher. Neither Helen's mother or Helen Beale knew that they were actually 4th cousins once removed.
REBECCA BELL6 CHENOWETH (GABRIEL5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born January 7, 1831 in Randolph Co., VA (now WV) and died November 29, 1864 in Illinois. She married WILLIAM BEALE October 12, 1857 in St Clair Co., IL. He was born July 8, 1813 in Yorkshire Co., England and died May 4, 1883.
Children of Rebecca Bell Chenoweth and William Beale are: Helen knew of another Chenoweth descendant in Garfield Co. She mentioned Evelyn Ruark whose mother was a Chenoweth. Evelyn turned out to be a daughter of Martha Eviethe Chenoweth and Charles Raymond Ruark, a native of Garfield Co. This line descends from William of Nelson Co., KY, giving us three descendants of the three brothers, John, Jonathan and William, all having settled in the remote county of Garfield. This is truly a remarkable coincidence. They had all come to this area by very different ways. John, of course, settled in Randolph Co., VA. Gabriel had moved to Illinois and his Beale grandsons went west to marry in this area. Jonathan had come to Kentucky and his descendants moved to Illinois and then, in the case of Daniel, Iowa. Martha's daughter and other family members found their way to Garfield Co.
William had migrated to Nelson Co., KY and his son Abraham married Rachel Chenoweth, the daughter of Arthur and a 2nd cousin once removed marriage. They ended up in Pike Co., IL where their son, William, and his wife, Sarah Shoemaker, lived before William set off for the gold fields of California. William died enroute in Utah, and his widow Sarah moved with her family to Missouri. Here their son, Abraham Van Meter Chenoweth went west to Walla Walla and eventually ended up in Garfield Co.
WILLIAM HENRY86 CHENOWETH (ABRAHAM VAN METER7, WILLIAM6, ABRAHAM5, WILLIAM4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born January 29, 1859 in Linn Co., MO and died September 14, 1927 in Garfield Co., WA. He married (1) LAURA ANN COLEMAN November 16, 1892. She was born October 16, 1870 in Mayesburg, MO. He married (2) CAROLINE EVANS November 23, 1915 inLEwiston, Nez Perce Co., ID. She was born abt 1864 in Illinois.
Children of William Henry Chenoweth and Laura Ann Coleman are: This August, after the Beaverton reunion, my wife and I drove our youngest daughter to her freshman term at Whitman College in Walla Walla, WA. Afterwards we drove to Lewiston, ID then north to Schweitzer Mountain. In the process of heading east to Lewiston, I drove, for the first time, through Garfield Co. and Pomeroy, the county seat. This two laned highway twists through hills and valleys of wheat and eventually comes out on the Snake River above Clarkston. It always adds interest to a trip knowing Chenoweths had walked these same paths.
Obits are a fertile field for the genealogist. Late in March of this year, Janet Damm of Pullman, sent me two in the mail. One was for a Vivian Chenoweth of Spokane. I knew Vivian; we had exchanged letters and I had seen her death listed in a recent look at the SSAs. It is a sad part of genealogy to lose a fellow researcher and friend. Vivian's husband had been Phillip Howard Chenoweth, a descendant of William R. Chenoweth of Douglas Co., OR who had married Mary Ann "Maria" McKinney. This is one of unknown lines. William was in Oregon in the 1850 Census as a young man in Milton City. He apparently came to Oregon on his own and therein lies the puzzle. According to Vivan the family bible states that he was born in Pike Co., OH. This makes him very different from all the Jonathan folk that also settled a bit later in Douglas Co. Pike Co., OH is Thomas(2) stuff. I have only one good possibility for who William might have been, but there is no proof yet.
The second obit was sadly for Branny Lee Chenoweth, age 42, of Spokane, struck down by melanoma, the same insidious cancer that took my brother-in-law. Branny is a unique name in the file. He has 4 brothers, all with names ending in "y": Danny, Randy, Sandy and Lanny. I have spoken with Danny and Sandy. These are part of the Enterprise, Wallowa Co., OR Chenoweths from William Thomas whose family settled there in the late 1890s. This is not the William Thomas of Cora Hiatt's Randolph Co., IN Chenoweths, but rather the son of Casper from the Warren Co., OH lines.
In thanking Janet, I saw that she was number 24 on a list of cousins that is close to 1,700. Janet was indeed an early contributor. She lives in Pullman, "Cougar County". As an avid UW grad and Husky fan, I have to bite my lip when dealing with cougar cousins. Remarkably Janet was acquainted with two long time friends of mine Bob and Marilee Stevens, also Cougars. Janet descends from John of Washington Co., IN by John's daughter Rachel, who married the Quaker, Smithson Hollowell. The Hollowells are a fine branch of the family that is ripe for more development and it's own page within the website.
Obits lead to amazing discoveries. One led me to Dorothy Cocking of Des Moines which helped so much the Iowa families of two of Samuel's sons, William and Samuel, Jr. Dot Tucker-Houk of Maryland is always sending me electronic obits. Pete is my backup in this, solving things I did not see. An obit for Myrtle Nell Wilhoit Chenoweth Hamilton led me to contact her daughter Nell Brenda Chenoweth McNabb eventually tying some loose end research into the line of John P. Chenoweth, the youngest son of George Washington Chenoweth of Camden Co., MO. Nell and her brother Billy Wayne are 7th generation Chenoweths. The line is so young because George Washington was 60 years old and on his 2nd wife when he had his son John. What's more, George was born when his father Richard was 60 years old and also with his second wife "to be", Ellen Hammer. Sixty years a generation will create a young line.
We are still puzzling over this obit: This is the line of Thomas of Botetourt Co., VA and his son Nicholas Ruxton. Josiah had 6 daughters, but how does one match up the daughters with the right husbands. Census work has solved 4 of the 6 but there is still some of the puzzle to solve. Just recently I have had my first contact with the line of Josiah, Theresa Snow, who descends from the daughter Dora, who married William McKinder. To make it a bit harder for us, Theresa's grandfather Wilbert had added an "a" to his name to make it MacKinder.
Ruth was one of two known daughter of Arthur(2) mentioned in his will of 1802. The other was her sister, Hannah, who apparently married a Mr Ogg and was living at the time of Arthur's death. But nothing is known today of Hannah or her husband. On the other hand, Cora Hiatt mentioned 3 children for Ruth and gave some detail for some of the descendants of the daughter, Mary Ann Butler, who married John King. The Harris book stated that Ruth had 10 children but had names for only 6. Jane Ryan, who has done such a careful job with the Baxters of Ruth's niece, Sarah Chenoweth, as well as research on other children of Arthur, Jr, added the missing 4 children for Ruth. Still we have only some of the marriages, again from Jane's research, and little in the way of continuing lines. It is probable that Ruth's family today is very large, but as of yet, most of it is unknown to us.
Since the website started I have only had 2 contacts with Ruth's descendants. Neither of these was in the King lines described by Cora in her 1925 book. The first cousin was William Steven Butler, who traced his line back to Samuel Butler in Muskingum Co., OH, the same area where the Baxters of Sarah Chenoweth settled. Indeed there were several Butler families from Maryland that came to this area of Ohio in the early 1800s. Until we found William, Jane had uncovered Butlers there who had married up with the Baxters that came from Nicholas Butler, a brother to Amon, Jr. who married Ruth Chenoweth. But Jane and William believe that William's ancestor, Samuel, is the probable son of Amon Butler, III and so a grandson of Ruth.
The Butler family in Maryland was large and Amon, Jr was just one of the sons of Amon Butler and Elizabeth Hawkins. Just this April, Doug Fisher who lived near Hampstead, MD contacted me about his "Ruth" line from Ruth's daughter Sarah who married Henry Davis. According to Doug, the Butlers lived in an area of Baltimore Co. to the northeast of Arthur(2) and slightly west of north from Richard(2) called Butler, MD. This is probably where Ruth raised her family. Sarah had a daughter Ruth Ann Davis who married Hezekiah Taylor. These are not easy names to track down (Butler, Davis, and Taylor) being fairly common to the area. We do know that Ruth Ann and Hezekiah Taylor moved to Baltimore City as they are found there in the 1850 Census. So far information from Doug and Census data gives us a family that looks like this. There were probably other children between the gap of Sarah and Henry:
RUTH ANN5 DAVIS (SARAH4 BUTLER, RUTH3 CHENOWETH,ARTHUR2, JOHN1) was born February 16, 1800 in Baltimore, MD. She married HEZEKIAH TAYLOR in First Methodist Episcopal Church, Baltimore Co., MD. He was born abt 1799 in Maryland.
Children of Ruth Ann Davis and Hezekiah Taylor are: Finding Doug and his family has given us a crack at the first of the Baltimore daughters that stayed in the area. Hopefully it will lead to other information. It is obvious that Ruth's family is large and needs to be developed.
In January of 2004, a posting on the Chenoweth board at genealogy.com told of a Joseph Mason of Greene Co., OH whose mother was Elenor "Nellie" Chenoweth. Greg Wulker, who has done so much to advance the line of William(2) with his early Chenoweth research, took this up and concluded that Nellie was the daughter of Joseph, known as "Newly" in his will. Newly was 4 years old when her father died in Berkeley Co., VA in 1785. Little was known about her, but Greg and I saw her mentioned in a later land transaction, so we knew that she had lived. Her mother, Sinah Hayes, remarried to Dr Evan Banes. Sinah took her children to Ohio about 1799, making Joseph, Jr and Nellie the first of the line of William(2) to settle there. This was in Warren Co., OH where later, William, Jr would settle. Apparently Nellie married a James Mason and had several children. James died in 1804 and Nellie in 1809.
The posting stated that one of the sons, Joseph Mason, was raised by his uncle, Joseph Chenoweth, Nellie's brother. Joseph Mason married Mary Bell whose family had come from Pennsylvania and they had two children who lived to marry: Rilla Mason, who married Joseph Rust, and John Bell Mason, who married Mary Jane Cook. John Bell served as a musician for the Union Army during the Civil War and held various public offices in Greene Co. including Justice of the Peace and constable.
JOHN BELL6 MASON (JOSEPH5, ELEANOR NELLIE "NEWLY"4 CHENOWETH, JOSEPH3,WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born June 13, 1831 in Ohio. He married MARY JANE COOK April 22, 1855 in Muscatine, Muscatine Co., IA, daughter of JOSEPH COOK and PHOEBE WALLIS. She was born abt 1838 in Michigan and died bef 1900.
Children of John Bell Mason and Mary Jane Cook are: Greg believes that this Mason line may have been the inspiration for William Isaac Smith Chenoweth (the other William who settled in Warren Co. and whose 3 daughters married sons of William, Jr) naming his last son Mason. Mason is an enigma, having married multiple times, moving around constantly and sometimes, oddly enough, assuming various aliases. Greg himself descends from one of the Warren Co. cousin marriages, that of Absolom Chenoweth and Eleanor Chenoweth and their son Joseph. Rosella Vohs had introduced me to Greg and we finally connected in 1998 over the internet. Over the years, Greg had unearthed many lost pieces of the Chenoweth family. His help has been invaluable. Among other things, he found the wife of Absolum, Sinah's sister, Ann Hayes, and we pieced together a family Absolom. He found the codicil in John's will of the special bequest to William S. Chenoweth from his grandfather, William Smith that helped to define who this William of Back Creek, Frederick Co. was. Greg made the connection of Mary Chenoweth who married Abraham Sutton being a daughter of William(2). The list goes on and on.
I have really enjoyed working with Greg. This summer we met again at the 3rd National Reunion in Beaverton. It was great to see him again. Just before the Elkins Reunion we met in Winchester and besides plowing through the courthouses, Greg took me around to see the properties of William(2) and John(2) as they lived in the Mill Creek drainage areas of then Frederick Co., VA. That and the finding of the land transactions proving the William, Jr was the William who married Elizabeth Hutchinson were the highlights of the trip.
These are actual names that were found in US Census searches at Ancestry.com.
DO YOU KNOW THESE PEOPLE? In the last issue we listed 160 marriage records of Chenoweths. In this issue we offer 110 more. This information was obtained through internet sources. Any help in identifying these individuals would be greatly appreciated. Name Age Spouse Age Marriage Date
Name Age Spouse Age Marriage Date
Name Age Spouse Age Marriage Date
MEXICAN MUSIC NOW AVAILABLE ON CD One of the highlights of this year's reunion was the Mexican music of Daniel Fred Chenoweth. He has advised me that it is now available on CDs. His music is available on 6 cds (112 songs) at a Chenoweth Family Special price of $99 or $19 each (shipping is included). A listing of the music found on each cd follows: Trio selah � Hector Aguiree (voice), Sergio Aguiree (voice), and Daniel Chenoweth (music)
CD#1, 2, 3 and 4 were recorded on October 4-7, 1998 in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico in a live show at Bar Lepanto Best Western Hotel. Daniel Chenoweth played electronic keyboard in all songs.
CD#5 and 6 are Gospel Music in a mariachi style with Daniel playing the music portion. CD#6 was recorded Dec 2-5, 2003 in Daniel's home recording studio in Hermosilo, Sonora, Mexico.
Anyone interested in more information about these CDs or how to purchase them should contact Daniel by e-mail at daniel_fred@hotmail.com.
23rd Psalm for Genealogists Genealogy is my pastime, I shall not stray
Peter Chenoweth, editor, Hephzibah, GA ....
From the shores of the Atlantic
thru the heartland, west to the sea
Clan of Chenoweth gathered
For a third time of revelry.
To the Rose City of Portland
and the majestic mountains green
The descendants of Grandpa John
met to know others of their gene.
There was lively music of Mexico
Daniel played & sang; little Ashlyn danced
Joined by tartan clad Granny Edith --
the day to Mt. Hood, further enhanced.
Looking forward now to 2006
when the host city is Baltimore
We know from past experience
a great time is undoubtedly in store.
So here's a heartfelt thank you
To all who this party planned
We are proud of our past & present
Hoping for a future tightly "clanned".
11 Jun 2004
Bill Chinworth
12 Jun 2004
Sister Mary Alice Chineworth, OSP
11 Sep 2004
Roxie Munro
Bobbie N. Chenoweth b: May 01, 1934 d: Apr 02, 2004 issued: IL res: AR
Frances L. Chenowth b: Aug 15, 1922 d: Jan 05, 2004 issued: AZ res: AR
Helen E. Chenowith b: Jun 03, 1908 d: Apr 26, 2004 issued: PA res: PA
Mary Chenowith b: Feb 20, 1948 d: May 04, 2004 issued: AR res: AR
Mary I. Chenoweth b: Jul 23, 1917 d: May 10, 2004 issued: TX res: TX
By Joyce Wiegand, Lafayette, IN
By Jon Egge, Cottage Lake , WA
By Jon Egge
Cottage Lake, Woodinville, WA
Descendant of Dr Henry S. Chenoweth of Chillicothe, OH
3 roads to Pomeroy
Obits, Obits, Obits
Josiah Chenoweth born July 20, 1840 at Marion, died Mar. 12, 1925 at Anna, survived by his Jenni and his children � Mrs Barth Kollman of Booker, TX, Mrs Frank Bier of Anna, Mrs Charles Harper of Marion, Mrs Charles Dace of Christopher, Mrs Charles Hix of Ponca, OK, Mrs Williams McKinder of St Louis, and his siblings: Miles Chenoweth of KS, MRs Tom Tygett of Carterville. Burial Cobden Catholic Cemetery.
Ruth Butler, daughter of Arthur
A Mason for Newly
(contributed by Anita Hales from a internet posting by Submitted by Janice Chaplin)
Ima Hogg � 1930 Census (Harris Co., TX) Ruby Lips � 1930 Census (Lubbock Co., TX)
Ura Hogg � 1880 Census (Dallas Co., TX) Tiny Head � 1880 Census (Meriwether Co., GA)
Lethel Spear � 1930 Census (Clay Co., TX) Willie Tinkle � 1850 Census (Gibson Co., TN)
Ernest Money � 1910 Census (Whitley Co., KY) Noble Crapper � 1800 Census (Worcester Co., MD)
Donald Duck � 1930 Census (Marion Co., IN) � sorry, no Mickey Mouse was found
Who could have foreseen: Crystal Ball � 1930 Census (Shiawassee Co., MI)
Maybe this one took her daddy's car for a spin without asking: Joy Rider� 1910 Census (Johnson Co., MO)
This sounds like good advice for any girl: Marry Well � 1930 Census (Noxubee Co., MS)
But she won't want to become involved with: A Goon � 1850 Census (Tuolumne Co., CA)
Baltimore, Maryland
August 3-6, 2006
NEVADA (Clark Co.)
It maketh me to lie down and examine tombstones
It leadeth me into still courthouses
It restoreth my Ancestral Knowledge
It leadeth me in the paths of census records and ships' passenger lists for my surnames sake.
Yea, though I walk through the shadows of research libraries and microfilm readers, I shall fear no discouragement,
For a strong urge is within me. The curiosity and motivation, they comforteth me.
It demandeth preparation of storage space for the acquisition of countless documents.
It anointest my head with burning midnight oil
My family group sheets runneth over
Surely, birth, marriage, and death dates shall follow me all the days of my life.
And I shall dwell in the house of a family history-seeker forever.
Comments and Contributions Email: p.chenoweth@comcast.net
email distribution 1163
Copyright c 2004 by Peter Chenoweth and Jon D. Egge. All Rights Reserved. Any republication of this page material for personal use requires inclusion of this copyright. Any other republication of this page material requires the express consent of the editor.