The Chenoweths of John and Mary are a Colonial Family of Cornish roots that started in the Pennsylvania and New Jersey area about 1703 and moved to Baltimore Co., MD in the 1730s. In the 1740s the father and 3 of the sons moved to Frederick Co., VA. Two of the sons stayed in Baltimore Co. Virginia became a springboard for the westward movement and the Chenoweths a family of pioneer-settlers. At every stop they settled, parts of the family remained, while others moved on. The next immigration of anyone with the Chenoweth name did not come until 1820. In the 2000 Census there were 4,699 Chenoweths and 231 Chenowiths living in the US. Spread across America, 9 of 10 of them [by various spellings] are descended from this one Colonial Family
A message from Jon Egge: I created this site in 1995 and worked have worked on it for 25 years. About 5 years ago it became too much for me to do on a daily basis. We still actively work on the database of the genealogy of this family. It is now a tree of some 220,000, roughly twice as big as the posted family. Many corrections exist. If you have an inquiry or want to discuss the material herein, or have new information, you can contact me at, address PO Box 1188, Woodinville, WA 98072. (206) 940-9564. I do still update the background page for new early lines as they are found.
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[ Map of Baltimore Co. ca 1737s]
[ Chenoweth Wills]
[ A study done by Arthur L. Keith]
[ The great grandchildren - the bridge generation]
[ Chenoweth daughter lines not in Harris]
[ Chenoweth Timeline]
This new feature from [Thanks to Bruce Chenoweth] allows you to search the site for page locations of specific information. It is a very powerful feature. Just enter the words in quotation marks : Example - "Darke Co., OH". If you are using more than two words in your search, using quotes will limit the search to that exact phrase. If you do not use quotes it will search for each instance of either word and the results may not be useful to you. For more help on using this search click here
(based on database cutoff date: September 22, 2003)
PLEASE NOTE: The posted database has not been updated in some time. There are many minor corrections to it in my file. If you want the most accurate information you should contact me.
Index of Surnames
Alphabetic by Given name
[T-Z] - (Note for this database all variations of Chenoweth (eg. Chenoweth, Cheneweth, Chenneyworth, Chenowith, Chenowth, Chineth, Chinouth, Chinoweth, Chinowth & Chynoweth are listed as Chenoweth)
Other Surnamed
Alphabetic by Surname
[Unknown Spouses]
Descendant tables - Line - primary location
Children of the first family: [John] [Richard] [Hannah] [Arthur] [William] [Thomas] [Ruth]
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Copyright c 1996-2021 by Jon D. Egge. All Rights Reserved. Any republication of this page material for personal use requires inclusion of this copyright. Any other republication of this page material requires the express consent of the author. Last Revision Wednesday, February 10, 2021
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