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The Family Genetics Project for the Chenoweth Family is up and running. Included in this issue are the guidelines for participating in the DNA Project. Pete Chenoweth has agreed to be the Project Coordinator and has made the first DNA contribution to this project. [For more see Chenoweth DNA Project below]



One frequently asked question, and a recurrent theme from many of our cousin contacts, is about the display and availability of pictures. Frankly it is an issue that has been ducked due to the time constraints of the many other projects that Jon Egge has been working on for the Family Association. Fortunately, Nancy Baker of Ohio, a descendant of the Warren County cousin marriages, has volunteered, with some enthusiasm and skill, to take the lead on this project. At some point, the sample page at the web site will be replaced with a Welcome Page to the Chenoweth Photo Gallery along with an index and, yes, actual pictures. Anyone interested in supplying appropriate picture images or helping should contact Nancy at nbaker@seidata.com. Be sure that individuals submitted are properly identified.


One of my personal favorite links at the Chenoweth web site is "Chenoweths who Served in Combat". I guess that is because there is a history of combat veterans in my family, with my father serving in World War II and I having served in VietNam. The individuals listed on this link are either spouses or direct Chenoweth descendants. It is now time to add to this listing with a section dedicated to those individuals who have served in "Operation Iraqi Freedom." If you have a loved one who is or has served in this endeavor please let me know and I will include them on this page. Include as much data about them as possible. If you can add any information about any of the other individuals listed on this link please let us know. � editor: p.chenoweth@comcast.net



(Peter Chenoweth, Project Coordinator � p.chenoweth@comcast.net)

On 28 Feb 2003, I met with Diahan Southard, Relative Genetics, Salt Lake City, UT and set up the Chenoweth Genetic Project. Most of the time was spent going over what data will be provided, utilization of the website and an understanding of how the project works. I also provided a DNA sample to get the "ball rolling". The following are a few items that should be noted to participate in the project:

  1. This is a Y chromosome Genetic Study, which means that it is strictly a paternal (male) study.
  2. Only males with a last name of Chenoweth (or a variation thereof) can participate, since a "Y" chromosome can only be passed from male to male. To study the female side of the family is an entirely separate project.

The following is a list of procedures that need to be followed for this project to work:

  1. All individuals wishing to participate need to contact me first in order that I establish them in the Relative Genetics website. They can either provide me with a password they wish to use or I can give them one. (would prefer they provide it). This password, along with their e-mail address, will allow them to view their results.
  2. When they are established then a genealogical line is posted. This genealogical line will be validated against the database to maintain continuity.
  3. It is important that individuals understand what to expect from this test. Each individual will receive personal genetic information in the form of a Personal Genetic Identification Report. Individually this report does not help them identify where they fit in to the family, but is a key ingredient to the whole picture.
  4. After they have been established as a member of the project, I will notify Relative Genetics and they will send them a sample kit. This sample uses 2 cotton swabs to extract cheek cells which will provide the DNA sample. After this kit has been returned to Relative Genetics, along with payment of $195, a tracking number will be assigned. It will take between 4-6 weeks for the sample to be analyzed and posted on the website. If the kit is not returned in a 3-4 week period this tracking procedure would show me that and allow me to contact the individual for follow-up.
  5. Along with the sample is a consent form that needs to be filled out. There are three options available, though only 2 appear on the form:
    • a) Results are to be provided to only the Family Group Project.
    • b) "all close matches" � If this is selected anyone who is a close match to you (24/27 chromosone locations) will be notified, as you will be if they also select this option. This would be of value if it is someone in another group study.
    • c) "everyone" � If this is selected anyone who comes close to matching you (21/27 locations) will be notified, as you will be if they also select this option. This would be of value if it is someone in another group study, but keep in mind that this is for remote matches. It should be noted that I selected this option.

    There are 3 options for contact with a participant by Relative Genetics if another match is found (and that option is selected) phone, mail or e-mail.

  6. Only the Project Coordinator (or whomever he has given his e-mail address and appropriate password to) may view the group results. I have listed Bill Chinworth as the back-up contact. When an individual wishes to view their results they go to www.relativegenetics.com, select login in the upper right hand corner, use your e-mail address and appropriate password. From this point you can select the option that you wish to view from a menu on the left hand side.

For this project to be a success it is important that a sampling of male members of each line be willing to participate. This would generate a strong base line. This would assist in placing unidentified lines within the family or maintaining them as a separate unknown line.

This project will continue until June 2004. At that time a final report of the study will be provided and preparations will be made to do a presentation at the 2004 reunion. If anyone would like to participate after this time, we would start a second study and incorporate it with data from the first project.


(The following e-mails have been received from members of the family with regards to the newsletter. Comments, articles, questions and other items for this newsletter are always appreciated.-editor)


The Newsletter is wonderful � thanks for all the work you do! Now, who do I contact for a death in the family? Or could you please pass this on? LELA ALMEDA (GARD) GILBERT � of Andrews, Indiana. B: 8 November 1914 d: 6 February 2003. Her line would be: her mother> OLIVE LORENA SEARLES > CATHERINE CHENOWETH > HARVEY R CHENOWETH > JOHN CHENOWETH > WILLIAM CHENOWETH..
23 Feb 2003
Joyce Crowl


Pete, Thanks for your unselfish work on the Newsletter! I e-mailed you before, I need your help with research, the way we left it, I was going to send you all the stuff I have, compiled by my aunt Loretta��
22 Feb 2003
Ed Chenoweth


Peter, I believe Imight have some information on the Social Security death index Chenoweth names on the newsletter from Arizona. I'll get back to you after I've had a chance to verify the names with my aunt. These names are Laura Chenoweth, born 21 Jun 1881, Lloyd Chenoweth born 9 May 1922, and Marguerite Chenoweth, born 3 Dec 1901. I believe they are spouses and children of William F. Chenoweth and Harry Chenoweth who emigrated to Arizona in the late 1800's from Ross County, Ohio. William F. and Harry are two of the sons of Absalom Loraine Chenoweth > Arthur Chenoweth > Thomas Chenoweth > John Chenoweth.

I'm interested in the dna program. Is this related in some way to the program the professor from BYU started? I'll be looking forward to learning more.
22 Feb 2003
Debbie Chatham


Hi Peter, Thank you for your effort towards the Chenoweth History and record.
13 Nov 2002
Charles Dean Chenoweth


Cousins, many thanks for the information and thanks for your hard work.
23 Feb 2003
Dan Ryon (the Ashbrook line)


Having just printed off the e-mail newsletter that was sent out on Feb 22, I just wanted to add my thanks for all the wonderful work being done by the various people involved in the project and in the reunion. Right now I'm wintering in Florida but look forward to getting back to Ohio to do more family research. Thanks again!
23 Feb 2003
Karen Feisel


Thank you for all your efforts. Where do we send donations?
23 Feb 2003
Alice Sanders


Thanks for the e-mail, always enjoy hearing about cousins. Did you see Kristin Chenoweth in Disney's "Music Man" last Sunday night. I taped it. Was good� Have a Great Day! May God Bless and Keep You Healthy .. Sincerely Yours,
22 Feb 2003
Pat Crume


Thanks Jon for sending me this newsletter. I'm not doing much research anymore. I have been involved in other matters. We just had our 9th great grandchild Feb 19, 2003, a boy. 3 boys 6 girls. But do keep sending me the newsletter.
22 Feb 2003
Minnie Lou Whittington


I sent an E-mail to Pete requesting that I be put on your e-mail list. Your web site is doing a great job.
23 Feb 2003
J. Richard Buckey
[Note: J. Richard Buckey is the author of "The History of the Calverts who were Quakers"]


Thanks for the newsletter. Enjoyed the discovery by Glenda Lloyd. I met her several years ago in Wayne Co. library, Ft Wayne, IN. Surely would like to know how to take advantage of DNA.
22 Feb 2003
Luverne Harstine


Hi Cousin, Thank you so much for sending me the newsletter. This is the first one I've seen, but of course, you are generations ahead of our original research, so I am just overwhelmed by all these people. However, if someone is going with DNA it is going to eliminate a lot of them. You are all doing an amazing amount of work. When I look back at the start Pearl and I made in 1947, it boggles the mind. Rich and Shirley came back to the US about 1950 and found my name by visiting with Elmer at the Maryland Historical Society and we were off and running. For a long time Rich and Shirley just drove around over the country and every town they would go into they grabbed a telephone directory and looked for Chenoweths. They had a ball so they told me. Just retired and having fun.
23 Feb 2003
Shannon Graham


Hi, I am Johnny Chenoweth's wife Reva. We live in Gentry, AR. His is I believe a 10 generation Chenoweth. His line goes back to John and Mary Chenoweth. His Great Grandfather was John King Chenoweth and his Dad was Nelson H. Chenoweth. Our daughter is listed on the cousins list and also our niece, Lisa Coffelt. Our daughter is Brenda (Chenoweth) Harris. She forwarded the newsletter to us. We enjoyed reading it.
24 Feb 2003
Johnny and Reva Chenoweth

May 6, 2003


By Jon Egge
Cottage Lake, Woodinville, WA
Descendant of Dr Henry S. Chenoweth of Chillicothe, OH

[Chart1] [Chart2]

There are not many male lines of Jonathan. We have never really found anything that gives a definitive list of his children. Jonathan was one of the Cora Hiatt problems. When she wrote her book, for some reason, she skipped a generation and listed the children of Jonathan, Jr under Jonathan. Descendant researchers ever since have been piecing things back together to correct and clarify the record.

Jonathan was the middle of three brothers, the sons of William who combined today, represent more than one-fifth of all Chenoweth descendants, and all this from just one third-generation son. William was the first grandchild in the family and there appears to be much strength in the oldest and first born lines within the Chenoweth family. The name Jonathan within the family is fairly distinct. Excluding the last half of this century, where the name seems to re-emerged as a popular choice [the database has 5 Jonathans born after 1950], there were only 6 Jonathans in the earlier family, 4 being the original Jonathan we are speaking of and 3 others close descendants in his line. The other two, spelled "Jonathon", had very short lives and were from Ohio families.

The three sons, John, Jonathan and William lost their father when they were just in their teens. It is not certain where they grew up. Perhaps with their stepmother, Jane. Their father had died in Frederick Co., VA but they seem to appear as young men in Hampshire Co., VA., an area where their uncle John had settled on land he acquired from his father and brother William, just before William's death. Each would go separate ways and found very significant families.

Like his two brothers, Jonathan served in the American Revolution. Because he was tall and handsome in appearance, Jonathan was selected to be part of General Washington's guard. Through contacts with the Atchison family we now know that Jonathan married about Mar 1779 on Patterson Creek, Hampshire Co., VA. He and Chloe, his wife, would settle in the area of the newly formed Hardy Co. She was the daughter of William Atchison and Sally Trumbo. We think there were 8 children: Jonathan, Jr., John, James, Elizabeth, Delilah, Samuel, Sarah and Chloe. Nothing is known of John or James or if they ever really existed. The male lines of Jonathan, Jr died out within a couple of generations. Thus the one son Samuel carries the Chenoweth name of Jonathan. Both Elizabeth and Chloe carry strong daughter lines to present day. In contrast, John, the older brother of Jonathan, had five sons that bear lines to present day (many still living near Elkins, WV, the site of last summer's reunion) and William had seven sons that spread out to Illinois, Texas, the Midwest and early into California.

Even Samuel is controversial. Because of the Jonathan generation skip, Cora Hiatt had no place to put Samuel, so she made him a fourth son of William by his second wife Jane. There is no proof of this and much doubt of it's veracity as it belies the detailed will that William wrote just before his death. This is complicated by the 1810 census of Logan Co., KY which lists two Samuels of slightly different ages, with slightly different family numbers. The two listings are never seen again, and there only seems to be one family that emerges with traceable lines, so it is more likely that the listing itself is a double count, something that occurs with some regularity in most 1800 Censuses, particularly if people moved.

It was Jonathan that brought his family to Kentucky. Most likely he was attracted there by his younger brother William who had settled in Nelson Co., KY almost two decades earlier. The 1800 census has Jonathan living in Nelson Co., KY near William. In 1810 Jonathan is in Muhlenberg Co. while Samuel is in neighboring Logan Co. By 1830 Samuel had moved his family to Morgan Co., IL and it is thought that he died in Pike Co., IL, a place where many of children of Jonathan's brother William also settled. His widow, Nancy Elizabeth Orr, is found in Pike Co., IL in 1840.

Samuel has 6 sons: Jonathan, Gideon, Samuel, Daniel, William and John W. Little is known of the son Samuel; it is said he died young when a tree fell on him. Daniel went west to Iowa. A pioneer of the Louisa County area, he died young leaving his widow with four small children. Three of these would move to Idaho and Eastern Washington where their descendants are still found today. In 1850 Jonathan, Gideon, William and John W. are all found in Missouri. After Gideon died in 1867, some of his family and that of John W. went west to Oregon via California. They settled in the area of Douglas Co. Gideon's son Hardin became a riverboat captain on the Columbia River.

Within the first few months of starting the website in 1996, I met Greg Nelson of Keizer, OR. An ardent Chenoweth researcher, Greg has helped document the Oregon lines of Gideon, descending from Gideon's daughter, Charlotte Simmons Chenoweth, who married Edward Morgan, III. Greg has filled in a lot of detail of Samuel as well as his descendants. He also gave me the Simmons lines of Jonathan's daughter Cloe. The Simmons family connected in several areas of Jonathan's family. Gideon's wife was Mary Magdalena "Polly" Simmons, a niece of Cloe's husband, Robert Simmons. Greg believes that it was John W.'s son, Creed Lee, who sent the letter to Cora Hiatt that precipitated the Jonathan skip. Greg is helping to organize the Portland reunion in 2004, I hope you all get to meet him.

Some of the families of Gideon stayed in Missouri and are still living there today. A couple of years ago I ran across Harold Leslie Chenoweth who lives in Independence, MO. He is a son of Leslie Chenoweth and Mary Elizabeth Hancock, a grandson of Hardin E. Chenoweth, and a great grandson of John Milton Chenoweth, one of Gideon's sons that remained in Missouri.

Jonathan and William were both in Gentry Co., MO. The male lines of Jonathan, like those of his uncle, Jonathan, Jr., died out within a generation. William would move north to Iowa and settled in Des Moines. Though Shirley and Richard Harris ran across material on the family of William in Iowa, they never connected the dots. In part the confusion lies in the various successive Census listings of this family, as the ages vary willy-nilly from decade to decade. William and his marriage to Susanna Smith are given in the proper place on page 127 of the Harris book. The later lives of the children are scattered in several places among the unknown lines in the book.

It is only recently that Peter Chenoweth and I have carefully pieced these parts together. Even better, a recent obituary sent to me by Dot Tucker-Houk in Maryland, located Dorothy Cook Cocking, a great granddaughter of William M. Chenoweth and Anna Elizabeth Schuller, still living in Des Moines. (William M. was one of the sons of William Chenoweth and Susanna Smith). Dorothy's investigations in the 1970s had reached the same conclusions about the family of William and Susanna that Pete and I had arrived at much later. A pleasant surprise out of this was that Dorothy had found that a William Harding Chenoweth of Des Moines was a son of Samuel Chenoweth and Fannie A. Schuller. Samuel was another son of William and Susanna. We had found this marriage of Samuel listed on July 26, 1873 in Polk Co., IA. Fannie and Anna Elizabeth were sisters, so this was another case of two brothers marrying two sisters. Until Dorothy came to the rescue, we had not known there was a son of this marriage. Samuel and Fannie have not been found after their marriage.

William Harding is listed on page U632 of the Harris book as William H. with his wife, Nellie Grant Person. This listing is from the 1900 Census which gives them a son and a daughter, Vern and Emma G. More census work by Pete turned up a second son, Halford F. Chenoweth who was one of our unknown Social Security (SSA) listings in California. It becomes a small world. A couple of years ago, I had talked to a Mary Chenoweth in San Bernardino Co., CA. She had been the second wife of a Herbert Fayne Chenoweth. Herbert, now deceased, was raised by his mother in Iowa and had known little of his father who was a Vern. But Mary remembered that he had an uncle by the name of Fayne. It is now apparent that this was Halford Fayne Chenoweth, Pete having uncovered the middle name by obtaining Halford's SSA application.

This is the way of genealogy, slowly piecing together bits and pieces from various sources that eventually weave together another branch of the family and this time a rare Jonathan line at that! It is much easier to get the information directly from a family. Every year now the SSA listings have 50 to 60 named Chenoweths who died. With each a bit of history is at risk to being lost. Even with stalwart work by Dot and Pete, we could use more help from the cousins track down living Chenoweth families not yet connected.


My brother's name is Richard Chenoweth Egge, the middle name coming from my mother's maiden name. My uncle is Harry Holt Chenoweth, with his middle name coming from his mother's maiden name. My grandfather was Henry Edward "Harry" Chenoweth, taking the first name of both of his grandfathers. My great grandfather was Albert White Chenoweth, his middle name coming from his mother's maiden name. Middle names add a certain richness and texture to things. I have always assumed that the Chenoweth family always had middle names, we just do not know what they were. In less populated times, they were seldom necessary for everyday use. Yet evidence is names were carefully thought out and given with meaning. It has long been a part of the Chenoweth family to carry down surnames of ancestors as middle names.

There are 313 John Chenoweths in our database. There are even more William Chenoweths. Middle names help sort them out. I get e-mails from "Tom" Chenoweth, without any other identification. Now Tom might be the only Tom Chenoweth within his circle of knowledge, but here, at the Chenoweth database, he has a forest of namesakes. I usually have to write back and ask, "just who is this Tom Chenoweth?" Census listings often will one time give children by first names and ten years later the same children by middle names, but then the question becomes "which was which?" In genealogy always try to include middle names.

The only known third generation Chenoweth with a middle name is Samuel Churchill Chenoweth. I doubt if it is correct. It is listed that way in the Cora Hiatt book, but where on earth did it come from? I have never seen any sort of record that gives this name. Churchill does not seem to relate to anything in this Chenoweth family. The fourth generation is where we start to see the introduction of middle names, and the tradition of using surnames is evident in the few we know: Nicholas Ruxton, James Francis, John Thomas, Richard Beasman, Philemon Cromwell, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Richard Thomas. Early middle names would be a great boon to our knowledge.

For daughter lines in the family, it is an asset to find the carry down of the Chenoweth name. The Everett family of Kentucky has done this through four generations to a John Chenoweth Everett, IV. However, a middle name does not always indicate a direct blood relationship. Sometimes it is in honor of a friend and neighbor. That is how Henry Breckinridge Chenoweth got his name. As Henry wrote me " Colonel Breckinridge and my father were the closest of friends. Both had distinguished military careers and each had enormous respect for the other. So much so that when I was born, I was given the name Henry Breckinridge Chenoweth."

Middle names are often elusive. I know I looked for a long time for the middle name of my great grandfather, Albert W. Chenoweth. I thought I had found it once in a Pineville grave register where he was listed as Albert Woodrow Chenoweth. Both my uncle and I wondered where this had come from. As it turned out it was wrong. In the trial transcript of 1883, Albert's son "Charley" states while on the witness stand, "My father was Albert White Chenoweth". His mother was Levina Frances White. His father was Henry S. Chenoweth. Both my uncle and I feel this middle name could prove who Henry was, but so far the name has not come to light. One has to be careful, there are lots of false starts in this endeavor.

So I encourage you to use those middle names. Better yet, think about this wonderful tradition of using surnames as a middle name naming practice. AND maybe you can identify those middle names that we don't have in the database. � Jon Dexter Egge [Dexter is my father's middle name, his father picked it from a Jack London character he liked]


In the last 3 issues we listed approximately 300 individuals from the Social Security Death List that we were unable to identify. During that period we have been able to identify many of those individuals. This brings us to 81% of the Chenoweth's listed there. In this issue we show you the balance of the unknowns, another 70 names & dates. Do you know any of these individuals? If so please let us know by contacting Jon Egge at Jegge@chenowethsite.com or PO Box 1188, Woodinville, WA 98072.

  1. Chenoweth, Oscar 1 Dec 1880 � 1 Oct 1969 (issued in OH)
  2. Chenoweth, Patricia 28 Apr 1942 � 1 Apr 1985 (issued in MO)
  3. Chenoweth, Patricia 29 May 1957 � 30 Dec 1998 (issued in OR) believed to be Patricia �Patty� Kilwien
  4. Chenowith, Paul 19 Apr 1906 � 1 Jul 1967 (issued in MD)
  5. Chenoweth, Paul 21 Nov 1923 � 1 Nov 1984 (issued in IN)
  6. Chenoweth, Pauline 9 Dec 1920 � 22 Oct 1995 (issued in MO)
  7. Chenoweth, Phyllis 14 Sep 1912 � 27 Mar 1998 (issued in OH)
  8. Chenowith, Phyllis 21 Oct 1961 � 30 Dec 1999 (issued in AR) believed to be Phyllis Maxine Harlan
  9. Chenoweth, R. 28 Jul 1942 � 15 Nov 1991 (issued in IL)
  10. Chenoweth, R. 4 Jul 1945 � 1 Oct 1990 (issued in CA) believed to be Richard T.
  11. Chenoweth, R. 14 Dec 1959 � 1 Dec 1978 (issued in KS)
  12. Chenoweth, Ralph 12 Mar 1906 � 1 Nov 1984 (issued in MO)
  13. Chenoweth, Ralph 26 Mar 1936 � 1 Apr 1989 (issued in AR)
  14. Chenoweth, Ray 27 Feb 1900 � 1 Aug 1967 (issued in MA)
  15. Chenoweth, Raymond 16 Apr 1908 � 1 Mar 1977 (issued in MO)
  16. Chenoweth, Rebecca 1 Jul 1970 � 27 Jul 1990 (issued in WV)
  17. Chenoweth, Remedios G. 4 Apr 1914 � 19 Feb 2002 (issued in CA)
  18. Chenowith, Reuben 24 Nov 1925 � 1 Mar 1978 (issued in KS)
  19. Chenowith, Richard 24 Jul 1889 � 1 Jun 1967 (issued in DC)
  20. Chenoweth, Richard 7 Dec 1960 � 1 Feb 1992 (issued in WV)
  21. Chenewe, Rider 13 Apr 1889 � 1 Oct 1973 (issued in OK)
  22. Chenoweth, Robert A. 3 Dec 1933 � 8 Dec 2002 (issued in WV)
  23. Chenoweth, Robert 14 Jan 1899 � 1 Oct 1960 (issued in PA) maybe a Robert Carey Chenoweth
  24. Chenowith, Robert J. 3 Sep 1909 � 26 Jul 1989 (issued in CA)
  25. Chenoweth, Robert 5 Feb 1915 � 1 Jul 1971 (issued in SD)
  26. Chenowith, Robert 18 Sep 1922 � 15 Mar 1994 (issued in MD)
  27. Chenowith, Robert Stewart 6 Feb 1949 � 1 Aug 1995 (issued in MD)
  28. Chenoweth, Roberta 31 Dec 1934 � 21 Jan 2000 (issued in NY)
  29. Chenoweth, Rose 26 Feb 1893 � 1 May 1970 (issued in MT)
  30. Chenoweth, Rose 9 Feb 1899 � 1 Jul 1986 (issued in NE)
  31. Chenoweth, Roy 3 Jan 1881 � 1 Feb 1972 (issued in IL)
  32. Chenoweth, Russell 10 Apr 1946 � 1 Jul 1978 (issued in IN)
  33. Chenoweth, Ruth Caroline 6 Jan 1898 � 1 May 1992 (issued in IN)
  34. Chenoweth, Ruth 28 Sep 1902 � 1 Jun 1978 (issued in IA)
  35. Chenoweth, Ruth 29 Aug 1909 � 1 Dec 1985 (issued in IL)
  36. Chenoweth, Ruth 15 Jun 1912 � 21 Jan 1999 (issued in OR) believed to be Ruth Ariel McNabb
  37. Chenoweth, Ruth M. 3 Jul 1915 � 1 Jun 1982 (issued in CA)
  38. Chenoweth, Ruth 14 Dec 1924 � 10 Jan 1990 (issued in MD)
  39. Chenoweth, S. 30 Aug 1882 � 1 Jan 1985 (issued in MO)
  40. Chenoweth, S. 29 Mar 1903 � 14 Apr 1994 (issued in WA)
  41. Chenoweth, S. 15 Oct 1943 � 1 Oct 1987 (issued in IL)
  42. Chenowith, Sallie 19 Apr 1888 � 1 Oct 1962 (issued in AR)
  43. Chenoweth, Stella 19 Sep 1893 � 1 Feb 1969 (issued in KS)
  44. Chenoweth, Thelma 23 Mar 1912 � 24 Aug 1991 (issued in IN)
  45. Chenoweth, Thelma Pearl 15 Jul 1916 � 22 Feb 1996 (issued in MO)
  46. Chenoweth, Thomas 19 Jul 1940 � 1 Dec 1987 (issued in OH)
  47. Chenoweth, Valera 14 Feb 1917 � 12 Jun 1996 (issued in TX) believed to be Valera Valentine
  48. Chenoweth, Vance 14 Sep 1915 � 1 Feb 1980 (issued in TX)
  49. Chenoweth, Verna 27 Apr 1915 � 1 Oct 1991 (issued in MO)
  50. Chenoweth, Verniece 16 Nov 1906 � 25 Oct 1992 (issued in IN)
  51. Chenowth, Viola 16 Feb 1897 � 29 Mar 1990 (issued in TX)
  52. Chenoweth, Violet 2 Feb 1920 � 30 Nov 1996 (issued in IN)
  53. Chenoweth, Virginia 23 Aug 1905 � 27 Jan 1990 (issued in IL)
  54. Chenoweth, Virginia 22 Oct 1908 �15 Jan 1997 (issued in MO)
  55. Chenoweth, Virginia 27 Feb 1909 � 1 Sep 1986 (issued in MD)
  56. Chenoweth, Virginia 22 Nov 1911 � 1 Jun 1977 (issued in NY)
  57. Chenoweth, Vivian 10 Jan 1929 � 1 Feb 1976 (issued in AR)
  58. Chenoweth, Willard 21 Aug 1916 � 1 Aug 1974 (issued in OH)
  59. Chenowith, William 19 May 1889 � 1 Dec 1968 (issued in MD)
  60. Chenoweth, William 4 Sep 1890 � 1 Jan 1965 (issued in IN)
  61. Chenoweth, William 27 Sep 1897 � 1 Aug 1952 (issued in MD)
  62. Chenoweth, William 22 Aug 1898 � 15 Apr 1968 (issued in CA)
  63. Chenoweth, William 17 Jun 1900 � 1 Nov 1952 (issued in CO)
  64. Chenoweth, William G. 25 Sep 1904 � 1 Sep 1968 (issued in IL)
  65. Chenowith, William 5 Oct 1910 � 1 Dec 1972 (issued in MD)
  66. Chenoweth, William Robert 12 Apr 1920 � 7 Feb 1989 (issued in IL)
  67. Chenoweth, William 12 Aug 1920 � 1 May 1977 (issued in IA)
  68. Chenoweth, William 2 Nov 1925 � 1 Jan 1958 (issued in MD)
  69. Chenoweth, William 22 Dec 1933 � 2 Mar 1999 (issued in VA)
  70. Chenoweth, William 19 Aug 1940 � 1 Jan 1977 (issued in PA)

    We will next be looking at Birth Records. As in the Social Security Database, these are individuals that we have been unable to place. The source of these individuals was a website entitled Any Birth Date. As always any help in identifying these individuals would be greatly appreciated.

    Name, Birth Date, Possible Birth State, Remarks

  71. Chenoweth, Alan B. Dec 31, 1953 California married Deborah L. Page
  72. Chenoweth, Alayne K. Oct 08, 1951 Nevada
  73. Chenoweth, Alfred M. Aug 03, 1946 Louisiana
  74. Chenoweth, Alice Mar 11, 1927 Minnesota wife of Ronald
  75. Chenoweth, Alice Mar 21, 1948 California
  76. Chenowith, Alice A. Dec 12, 1939 Maryland possible wife of Millard Phillip
  77. Chenoweth, Alice M. Mar 30, 1961 Wisconsin possible wife of Joseph S.
  78. Chenoweth, Allan B. Jul 29, 1949 Nevada
  79. Chenoweth, Alonzo W. Nov 27, 1960 Texas
  80. Chenoweth, Alta 20 Dec 1900/01 California last name is Howe
  81. Chenoweth, Alvin A. Dec 18, 1949 South Carolina has wife Betty
  82. Chenoweth, Alvin D. Oct 13, 1966 Maryland
  83. Chenoweth, Amanda K. Dec 23, 1977 Wisconsin
  84. Chenoweth, Amelia Aug 20, 1966 California
  85. Chenoweth, Amy E. May 06, 1962 California
  86. Chenworth, Amy G. Nov 10, 1960 Maryland
  87. Chenoweth, Amy J. Dec 23, 1977 Idaho may be sibling of Richard C.
  88. Chenoweth, Andrea Oct 21, 1954 Mississippi maybe Andrea Marie, sister to Richard Eldon
  89. Chenoweth, Andrea D. Apr 19, 1964 Oklahoma
  90. Chenoweth, Angela A. Aug 30, 1969 Idaho
  91. Chenoweth, Angela M. Apr 30, 1953 Illinois possible wife of Flank Cleame
  92. Chenoweth, Angeline F. Mar 05, 1930 Alabama
  93. Chenoweth, Anita May 17, 1958 West Virginia
  94. Chenoweth, Anita V. Nov 03, 1919 California
  95. Chenoweth, Ann E. Aug 02, 1959 Wisconsin
  96. Chenoweth, Ann L. Dec 13, 1932 Maryland

Peter Chenoweth, editor, Roy, UT.... Comments and Contributions Email: p.chenoweth@comcast.net
Copyright c 2003 by Peter Chenoweth and Jon D. Egge. All Rights Reserved. Any republication of this page material for personal use requires inclusion of this copyright. Any other republication of this page material requires the express consent of the editor.