In the back of the Harris book, there are some 48 pages of Chenoweth lines that were unplaced at the time the book was published. Each of these sections is detailed on this page. In the intervening time, some have been placed within the main family tree. Others have been identified as not Chenoweth, belonging to other surnames. A few lines within the main family tree have been found to be in error and have been displaced. New unknown lines have been discovered. This page is an attempt to sort out the various statuses of these groups.
Part of the difficulty in genealogy is obtaining names of family members prior to the 1850 Census. For the Chenoweth family there are several gaps between some 3rd and 4th generation lines, that no continuation is known for, and the numerous new groupings that are picked up in the 1850 Census. Many of these unknown lines have developed from this phenomenon.
Ironically, one of the biggest areas of lost lines is in Baltimore Co., MD and its environs, where the Chenoweth family was founded. Not only are a large number of unconnected lines, but there is a dearth of known female lines. It should be noted that both major Chenoweth books have been written from outside this key area. Indeed, until recently there had been no comprehensive research source within Maryland, dealing specifically with this family. Perhaps because the family members there became "citified" and became many renters instead of landowners, making the trace documents found elsewhere non-existent. Perhaps in the clamor of a large city, family members became more easily separated from each other and the connecting ties loss. People in urban centers tend to move around more. The sheer density of the haystack makes more difficulty to find people. It does not help that the 1800 Census for Baltimore County, where the majority of the family lived, does not exist, only the Census for the City of Baltimore itself is preserved. Whatever the reason, Maryland remains an area of many questions.
In 2010, after 14 years of research 5 of the major unknown lines were placed with out a proof document as highly probable fits. These were John of Texas, John of Ohio, John Wesley of Piatt Co., IL, William R of Oregon and William, Jr. of Jaspar Co., IA . A more complete discussion can be found on the background page
Major unplaced Maryland groups are: [Charles - b: 1833], [George - b: Bet. 1760-1769], [Harry Jerome - b: 1874], [John - Abt. 1789], [Priscilla - b: 1792], [Richard - b: 1800-1815], [Richard - b: 1825], [Thomas J. - b: March 18, 1833]
It is most probable that a very high percentage of these unknown lines are indeed part of the Chenoweth family of John and Mary. These names, in the main, show up in areas where family members are known to have resided. No other major Chenoweth family immigration has been found until well after the turn of the 19th century. It is also probable that most of them are in the line of Richard(2) as we known very little of what happened to his six sons other than John. This appears especially true for those that use the spelling "Chenowith".
Please Note: most of the text in the detail section below is directly quoted from the Harris Book. A special thanks to Peter Chenoweth whose work has placed so many of these descendants and expanded the knowledge of their lines. This page is dedicated in hope that these 'unknowns' may be added to their proper place in the Chenoweth family.
Harris Listings [* = now placed]
- not part of the family of John and Mary - see Cheuvront
Recent information has shifted a few of the stated lines given by Harris. In some instances these have 'orphaned' lines that were originally included within the tree framework, and they have been relegated to an unknown status. Some Chenoweth names, included in the body of the family tree, are still unknown. They are tied by marriage to a known family line, but their own ancestry has not been determined. AARON b: ca. 1782 m [page 589] ADDED DETAIL: In the 1850 Census the name was spelled Chenrout, Chesenout, Chesmnout, Cheverout, and Chesrout. This XXX
There is a high likelihood that these are not Chenoweths. Aaron b: 1792, Isaac b: 1803, Joseph, Joseph B. and P.G. b: 1823 all lived in the same area and are probably related. Alexander b: 1848 Ohio m: Jennie Bush. This marriage was an unplaced record found in the Harris research. Alexander and Jennie are found in the 1870 Census of Boone Co., IN with a son, Ulysses, all three born in Ohio. Ten years later in 1880, Jennie is a widow in Fayette Co., OH with a daughter, Lucy born 1872 in Indiana. Jennie is successively found in Fayette Co., OH on each subsequent Census through 1930. AMON b: ca 1791
Amon Chenowitz, b: 1791 from Pennsylvania, is known to be the father of two sons, Amon and Samuel who lived in Warrick County, IN.
son Amon: ("Amos" in an 1850 Census) was born about 1812 in Pennsylvania, died September 30, 1874, killed by a horse. His body was found in the road near Yankeetown in Warrick County, Indiana. He is probably buried in the Chenoweth family cemetery located about 1-1/4 miles NE of Yankeetown. Amon was married twice. First to Anna B. Smith on May 6, 1841, by John W. Youngblood in Warrick County, Indiana. She was born about 1822 in Indiana. They, and three of their children were enumerated in the 1850 Census living in Anderson twp., in Warrick County. In that record Amon and Anna were listed as "Amos" and "Amy". Amon and Anna had six children before she died on Dec 29, 1852. She is also buried in the Chenoweth family cemetery. Anna's death left Amon with their six children, the oldest about eleven, the youngest, newborn. Amon married his second wife, Marie Meeks, widow of Athe Meeks, on March 24, 1853, the ceremony performed in Spencer County, Indiana by M.T. Meeks, JP. Amon and Marie had no children. They were divorced in September 1859. In 1860, and again 1870, Amon was enumerated in the Census of those years as a farmer, still living in Anderson twp., Warrick County. In 1860, his three surviving daughters were shown living with him, Listed living with him in the 1870 Census was his daughter "Cintha" (Cynthiann Eliza) and her 4 year old son George. Amon made his will in Warrick County on December 24, 1872, and it was proven there on September 28, 1874. In his will, Amon made bequests of land to his three surviving children, daughters Cynthiann Eliza, Hanna Sarah Jane, and Druzilla Luana. He also left them the remainder of his estate to be divided equally.
son Samuel: Born about 1811 in Pennsylvania, He, Harriet, and their four children were recorded in the 1850 Census as residents in Ohio Twp., Spencer County, Indiana. Samuel was noted as being a farmer there. Harriet was listed as 27 years old, born in Iowa. (this is probably a transcription error, and should be taken to be that she that she was born in Indiana.) From records at the county court house in Warrick County, Indiana (adjacent to Spencer County), is the record of a Samuel Chenoweth who married Mary Ann Smith on April 17, 1834; and of a Samuel Chenoweth and a Harriet Bacon who were issued a marriage license on April 9, 1849. There is the possibility that these were first and second marriages of the Samuel who is the subject of this narrative.
ADDED DETAIL: There is a possibility that this line is really Absolom the s/o Thomas(3) Arthur(2) as Amon. Absolom was known to have gone to Kentucky. The times and timing of this family fits as do the names used, but no proof of this theory has been found and it is far from certain. Recently the line of the son Samuel has been extended to present day. DESCENDANT CONTRIBUTOR: Linda Patton, IN
In the data base we have place Amon as Absolom the son of Thomas. It is my belief that this individual called "Amon" is really Absolom, the son of Thomas3 Arthur2. Cora Hiatt as well as court records indicate he went west to Kentucky. We believe he married twice, the name of his first wife is unknown, but three were at least 3 children: Amon, Samuel and Elizabeth. He may be the Absolom in the 1810 census of Washington Co., PA. He also could be the Absolom in Daviess Co., KY in 1820. Daviess County is not far across the Ohio from Warreick Co., IN where the families of Absolom emerge in the 1850 Census. Indeed, the 2nd marriage of Absolom was to Rachel Bryant on 27 Dec 1821 in Warrick Co., IN. Some of the reasoning is that no other no individual fits these two census records and this marriage except this Absolom. And though there is no written record or proof of this placement, it appears to be probable and fits well with what is known. There are two other details that seem to dovetail into this reasoning. One is that name Amon is only found in the database as Amon Butler who married Ruth Chenoweth, a aunt of Absolom we have selected, the likelihood of its use then would be higher. Second is that descendants recall that there was some sort of relationship between this Absolom and William Chenoweth Griffith (b: Nov 30, 1797 Center Co., PA ), whose mother was a Catherine Ogg. We know that Arthur's daughter Hannah married an Ogg, but we don't know who, or her family. This may well explain William's middle name and it also dances around the same area of the family of Arthur. There also may a possible connect to Eli Griffith who married Absolom’s sister Elizabeth. The preferred migrations from Baltimore Chenoweths in the early 1800's seem to be Pennsylvania, which both Absolom and the Oggs appear to have followed.
Archibald b: bef 1870, lived in Nebraska. His wife was Luciane Branch Patterson. This is a Black Family. Archibald was from Missouri, he died in the 1950s in Omaha Nebraska. Luciane Branch Patterson was born in Louisville, KY. May have been born a slave and was well cared for by the Patterson family. Luciane's mother cooked for this family until Luciane was 3 years of age. Luciane married at the age 13 in KY to a Patterson and moved to Missouri. Archibald's daughter Bettie graduated high school in the class of 1902, Fremont, NE. Other children were: Vina and Nan, and two sons that died young, Alex and Bishop. They spelled their name Chineworth. Information on him is from his descendant, Wardell Smith and Sister Mary Alice Chineworth, a nun in Maryland. It is assumed that Archibald was a slave of a Missouri Chenoweth family, but information on this is presently lacking. BENJAMIN b: ca 1843 m: Margaret Colbert [page 596] Benjamin and Margaret Colbert were married October 31, 1865 in Baltimore County, Maryland. ADDED DETAIL: Benjamin is found in the 1870 Census of the 1st district of Baltimore Co. with his wife Margaret and mother Kesiah. This Census gives us his age. It is now known from Tanjla Rae Vasquez that Benjamin was the son of Richard Chenoweth and Keziah Coe. Keziah Coe, born 1813, married Richard Chenowith, Dec 03, 1831 in Baltimore Co., MD she was the daughter of William Coe and Hannah Barber. The Coes lived near Cub Hill in Baltimore Co. the brother of Keziah, Benjamin, married Elizabeth Ann Francies, the daughter of Thomas Francies and Priscilla Chenoweth. As Priscilla was the daughter of an unknown Richard Chenoweth and Elizabeth Burton, it is likely that this Richard (m: Keziah Coe) is also in this same unknown line.
In the 1850 Census for 2nd District, Baltimore, MD, Keziah Chenoweth, age 36 (1814-MD) is living alone. Benjamin was born 1843. Descendant detail has been added by Carol Francine Chenowith. Catherine b: 1823 Maryland married Charles King and had Four children. The family is found in Howard Co., MD in 1850. Shortly thereafter they moved to Virginia where their last child was born. The son Samuel married in Illinois in 1871 and the family is found in the 1880 Census of Labette Co., KS. Information is from descendant, Kathy Beauchamp. Charles M. married May 03, 1892 in McLean Co., IL to Lucy Jackson. Lucy is found in 4 successive Censuses between 1900 and 1930 in Illinois, at first in McLean Co., then Knox Co. and finally Peoria Co. Charles is never found in these Censuses, Lucy stating she is divorced in the 1900 Census. It is not known who this Charles was.
1 Charles M. Chenoweth b: Bet. 1852 - 1872 d: Unknown Clyde b: December 07, 1893 in Arkansas. Clyde is believed to be a son of an Edward Chenoweth as remembered by Maxine Dinkins, the widow of Max Morris Chenowith. In 1910 Clyde, age 16, is living with his grandfather Richard Smith in Clay Co., AR. He marries Nellie Wise in Kenton Co., KY and settles in Wayne Co., IN.
The children of Cora Riggs Cora Riggs died in 1904 in Missouri and was married to a Chenoweth. They had four children raised by their Grandmother, Nancy A. Riggs. They are found in the 1910 Census of Buchanan Co., MO in St Joseph. Paul the oldest is in a training school in Boonville, Cooper Co., MO in that Census. It has never been determined who the Chenoweth husband of Cora was. In 1930, Theodore Roosevelt is still in St Joseph, now married with a family. He lived here his entire life. Information from descendants and Census work. EDWARD b: bef 1800 [page 600]
Edward is known only from a few meager records noting his service in the War of 1812. On Oct 29, 1853, John H. Saunders, the administrator of Edward's estate, made affidavit in Richmond, Virginia, that Edward had never been paid for his army service, and requested remuneration by the courts, to Edward's estate. Edward was a private in the volunteer company organized in the city of Petersburg, Virginia, known as the "Petersburg Volunteers". This unit, commanded by Captain Richard McRae, entered service on Oct 21, 1812, and was discharged Oct 17, 1813 at Detroit, Territory of Michigan. In his affidavit, John H. Saunders stated that "Edward Cheniworth served as aforesaid in said company up to the time of his death", and so, according to this, died before Oct 17, 1813, location not known. In his commendatory testimonial, made after the war, Adjutant-General Robert Butler, wrote about the Petersburg Volunteers, "the General feels at a loss for words adequate to convey his sense of their exalted merits; almost exclusively composed of individuals who had been nursed in a lap of ease, they have, for 12 months, borne the hardships and privations of military life in the midst of inhospitable wilderness, with a cheerfulness and alacrity which has never been surpassed." ELIZABETH b: abt 1803Elizabeth, was most likely the spouse of a Chenoweth male. She is enumerated in the 1850 Census living in the 6th ward, Baltimore City, MD. Listed living with her was Priscilla Chenoweth, age 30, born in Baltimore.
Pricilla married to William C, Digget, who was born in 1817 in Virginia.
ADDED DETAIL: This family is also found in the 1860 Cenus. At one time it was thought that Elizabeth was the widow Elizabeth Airey Chenoweth, but this now seems unlikely.
ELIZABETH ? (spouse) b: 1836 m: unknown Chenoweth Elizabeth, now known as Elizabeth Eshleman married Alexander Thornton Chenoweth, born in 1830, in Berkeley Co., VA (now WV). She was born Feb 28, 1836 in Ohio, died Oct 18, 1889 in San Francisco, California. She is buried in Mountain View cemetery in Oakland, Alameda County, California. Elizabeth was recorded in the 1880 Census in Oakland, Alameda County, California, with seven children. The family had much trouble. One of the sons took his own life, another attempted suicide, and another shot and killed a friend and business associate, then ended his own life.
Census work has shown Elizabeth's husband to be Alexander T. Chenoweth who is thought to be the Thornton mentioned in the will of Samuel Chenoweth, Jr. as his grandson. Thornton is in the 1850 Census of Berkeley Co., VA (now WV) working as a carpenter, the same occupation found for Alexandert T. Chenoweth in 1860 and 1870. Both are born in Virginia about 1830. Though not proven, Thornton is thought to be the son of Samuel's daughter Julia Ann Dickey, born out of wedlock.
FRANCIS M. b: 1827 m: Elizabeth unknown [page 602]
Francis was born about 1827 in Alabama, according to the 1850 Census that enumerated him and family living in District #40, St. Clair County, Alabama.
In that Census, Francis was noted as being a farmer. Listed living with him was his wife, Elizabeth, age 18, born in Georgia, and their daughter, Sarah J., one year old, born in Alabama. GEORGE b: 1844 m: Susan unknown [page 603]
George was born about 1844 in Tennessee and was a farmer, according to the 1880 Census which enumerated him and his family as residents of Washington Twp., Webster County, Missouri. As recorded in the Census, his wife was Susan, age 35, born in Tennessee. His father was born in Kentucky, his mother, in Tennessee. Both of Susan's parents were born in Kentucky.
ADDED DETAIL. This family has never been found in another Census nor has any other trace been found, So the entry itself may have been some sort or error GEORGE b: bef 1800 [page 603]
George served in the army during the war of 1812. On July 30, 1816 in Pike County, Ohio, he made affidavit to the effect that in 1814 he had served in Captain Adam Berry's company in the First Infantry Regiment, Second Brigade, of the Ohio Militia. In his sworn statement, George maintained that though he served in the army, he never had been paid, and therefore requested remuneration from the U.S. Government. No other information about this George is known. Harry Jerome b: December 1874 Carrol Co., MD m: Rose Anna Hoffsunder. Harry, known first from contact with his descendants, appears in the 1900 Census of Baltimore in the 3rd district but has not been located in the 1880 Census with his parents. If indeed he was born in Carrol Co., MD, he may be the son "John" of similar age listed the family of Adolphus, who has never been found after 1880. Harry married Rose Anna Hoffsunder in the early 1890s and they had 6 children. The family is located in the 1920 Census in Baltimore City. Rose died September 12, 1926 and Harry Jerome on August 1934. Both are buried in the Parkwood cemetery, MD. Much of this detail has been supplied by Mary Chenowith Hurd. Hezekiah b: abt 1883 in Missouri married Margaret May Taylor of Fort Scott, KS. Information of him comes from his great grandson, Edward Joseph Chenoweth. They had 2 children. Hezekiah is found in the 1910 Census of Douglas Co., NE in the 6th ward of South Omaha. No other information is known. DESCENDANT CONTRIBUTOR: Edward Joseph Chenoweth, CA
NOTE: Hezekiah has been recently placed as HEZEKIAH8 CHENOWETH (JOHN CASPER7, HEZEKIAH STITES6, CASPER5, WILLIAM S.4, JOHN3, JOHN2). This will be added to the next database update.
See Newletter article: Hezekiah.
ISAAC b:1803 m: Catherine ? [page 607]
Information from the 1850 Census for the 27th District of Jackson County, Virginia is the sum of the information known of Isaac and his family. He was born about 1803 in Virginia, and was a farmer in 1850. His wife, Catherine, was born about 1808 in Virginia. ADDED DETAIL: In the 1850 Census the name was spelled Chenrout, Chesenout, Chesmnout, Cheverout, and Chesrout. There is a likelihood that these are not Chenoweths. Aaron b: 1792, Isaac b: 1803, Joseph, Joseph B. and P.G. b: 1823 all lived in the same area and are probably related. DESCENDANT CONTRIBUTORS: Joanna Gregg, OK, Marcia Chineworth Higgins, Italy, Becky Chineworth, OR
JESSE b: 1882 m: Hattie ? [page 613]
Jessie was born about 1882 in Indiana, died in Cleveland County, Oklahoma in 1946. Date and place of his marriage to an unknown Hattie is not known. She was born in Kansas about 1887. Jesse, Hattie and their son Ernest were counted in the 1900 Census as residents in Cleveland County, Oklahoma. Jesse is buried in the Lexington cemetery in Lexington in Cleveland County. Hattie is buried in Banner cemetery in Cleveland County. Also buried there is a Ruth Chenoweth, b: 1895 d: 19??, relationship not known. Ernest, their son lived in Oklahoma, Cleveland and McClain Counties in Oklahoma. The latter county, McClain, is where he is buried. ADDED DETAIL: Hattie is Hattie Hollowell b: August 07, 1886 in Kansas. They were married on August 30, 1904 in Noble, Cleveland Co., OK. Hattie is also a Chenoweth descendant her great grandmother being Rachel Chenoweth who married Smithson Hollowell in Lick Creek, Orange Co., IN.
Jesse married second Ruth Cleo Brooks. Harris mentions this Ruth as being buried in the same cemetery as Jesse. In all, Jesse and family are found in the 1910, 1920 and 1930 Oklahoma Censuses. First in Cleveland Co., OK and in 1930 in McClain Co. Linda Kay Chenoweth Hankinson, a descendant, relates that Jesse was born in Hardinsburg, IN on August 25, 1882. His marriage certificate to Ruth Cleo Brooks gives his parents as Samuel Reed Chenoweth and Martha Peters. Either Samuel had a child by someone before he married or Samuel raised Jesse was and was considered his father. There is a story that the mother may have been Martha Eveline Chenoweth who never married. Other family members relate that Jesse was raised in as orphan until he was 18. The connection to the Washington Co., IN Chenoweths makes it most probable that Jesse was born out of wedlock to Martha Evaline Chenoweth. The background of this family is that Samuel Reed Chenoweth married Ellen B. 'Ella' Bixler on April 02, 1884. His sister was Martha Evaline Chenoweth, who never married and died at age 42 on May 06, 1894. They were children of Joseph Chenoweth and Elizabeth Stalcup, Joseph being Joseph5 John4 John3 John2.
The lines of Jesse and his first wife Hattie Hallowell are found in the main body of the database.
JOHN b: 1853 m: Lucy Williams [page 615]
John and his family are known from the information in the 1880 Census which recorded them living in James Bayou Twp., Mississippi County, Missouri. As recorded there, John was then 27 years old, born in Kentucky. His spouse, Lucy, was 23 born in Tennessee. They had two children listed in the Census record. Also living with the family in the 1880 Census record was William Williams, 15, b: Kentucky, and Mary William, 19 b: Arkansas. Their relation to the family was given as a brother and a sister, assumed to Lucy, which would make her family name Williams also.
Son: CHARLES R(oss) b: 1876 m: Maud ? [page 597]
Born in March, 1876 in Illinois, Charles was enumerated in the 1900 Census, single at the time, living in Pemiscot in Pemiscot County, Missouri. In 1910, he and his wife Maud, were recorded in that year's Census as residents of Mississippi County, Arkansas, along with their three children. Maud was born about 1883 in Illinois.
Jessee Mitchell b: 1884 in Tennessee. Information on Jessee comes from descendants. He married Tilda Ellen. They were both from Tennessee and are cound in the 1910, 1920 and 1930 Census of Pemiscott Co., MO. Jessee was believed by the family to be a son of a Charles S. Chenoweth of Golconda, Pope Co., IL. This detail appears to be confused and it is likely that he is a brother to Charles Ross.
ADDED DETAIL: Now Proven as JOHN RUSSELL6 (JAMES ROSS5, ABSOLUM4, ABSOLUM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) by Pope Co., IL marriages. Previous discussion read: Though both John and Charles Ross are cited by Harris, the connection between the two was not made at the time. The death certificate of Charles R(oss) lists him as a son of an John Chenoweth b: in Indiana and Lucy Williams b: in Arkansas. Though the locations are different this ties to the family of John and Lucy above and confirms her maiden name. Charles died on November 19, 1946 in Benton Harbor, Berrien Harbor, MI. In 1900, Charles Ross is living in Pemiscott Co., MO., the same as Jessee Mitchell above in 1910. Descendants of Charles mention a brother Jessie. It well may be that they are brothers, though confused, the stories have many points of similarities. The most probable connection into the family falls to John Russell Chenoweth, the son of Stephen Ross. John Russell was born in 1848 in Kentucky and was raised in Indiana. He died February 24, 1884, place unknown. This information comes from family records passed on to Cora Hiatt.
This fit is appealing on several levels. The family of James Ross is somewhat undeveloped from the times of Cora Hiatt. The usage of the name Ross for the middle name of a son fits within the family pattern. The locations of both Kentucky and Indiana are good as well as John's death between the 1880 and 1900 Censuses. There were only 9 Chenoweth families in Kentucky in 1850 and this is the only John that would even remotely fit. Kentucky is not known to be a place of other Chenoweth immigrations. The only difference between an exact match is the 5 year difference is age given on the 1880 Census.
JOHN P. b: 1822 m: Sarah Elizabeth Moore [page 620] HARRIS: Born December 11, 1822 in Ross county, Ohio, died August 2, 1913 in Rockbridge County, Virginia. The name of John's first wife is now known to be Ruth Mickle. They had four children, and it is known she died in 1866 in Adams County, Indiana. John married a second time, to Sarah Elizabeth Moore on November 16, 1882. She was born in November 1846, in (what is now) West Virginia, and had been previously married to William Hambris, who died June 23, 1881. Sarah and John had one child. John enlisted in the army on April 23, 1863 at Springfield, Illinois as a private in Bridge's Battery, Illinois Light Artillery Volunteers. He later transferred to Company B, 1st Regiment Illinois Light Artillery. His battery was engaged in action near Columbia, Tennessee November 28-29, 1864 and at Franklin, Tennessee on November 30, 1864. John was captured in action at Spring Hill, near Columbia on that same day and he was confined a prisoner of war at Andersonville, Georgia. He was there from November 30,1864 to April 11, 1865, and during that time dropped from 190 to 120 pounds. John was paroled at Jacksonville, Florida on April 28, 1865 and returned to Benton Barracks at St. Louis, Missouri on May 17, 1865, where he was mustered out with his company on May 22, 1865. After the war, John traveled all over the country teaching and preaching, (he was a Baptist minister). After he left the army he lived 2 years in Canada, 21 years in West Virginia, and 24 years in Rockbridge County, Virginia. He was recorded living in Rockbridge County in the special 1890 Veteran's Census, and he and Sarah were enumerated in the Census of 1900 and 1910 living in Buena Vista County in Virginia.
ADDED DETAIL: John P. was the son of Thomas Chenoweth and Rachel Ann Swane. This marriage took place on February 18, 1822 in Ross Co., OH where John P. was born later this same year. It is possible that this Thomas was the son of John Chenoweth and Rachel Kerr. Nothing of this son Thomas is presently known. Possibly this John P. is the same unknown John P. that appears in various places, with brief marriages that resulted in one child. See notes under James Garrison.
JOHN R. b: before 1800 m: Margaret Miller [page 621] John, a veteran of the War of 1812, came to Indiana in 1840. His wife, Mary Miller was born in Erie County, New York. John died in 1875.
ADDED DETAIL: This family is Chilcote and not Chenoweth. JOSEPH b: 1809 m: Hannah ? [page 622]
Born about 1809 in Virginia, Joseph, his wife Hannah and their children were enumerated in the 1850 Census living in the 27th District in Jackson County, Virginia. Joseph is listed as being a farmer. In that record, Hannah was shown as being age 39, born in New York. ADDED DETAIL: In the 1850 Census the name was spelled Chenrout, Chesenout, Chesmnout, Cheverout, and Chesrout. There is a likelihood that these are not Chenoweths. Aaron b: 1792, Isaac b: 1803, Joseph, Joseph B. and P.G. b: 1823 all lived in the same area and are probably related. JOSEPH B. b: 1823 m: Elizabeth ? [page 622]
Joseph B. Chenoweth and his wife Elizabeth were enumerated in the 1850 Census of the 27th District in Jackson County, Virginia. That record noted he was the 27 years old, born in Virginia, and was a farmer. Elizabeth was 23 years old and was also born in Virginia. They had one child, a son. ADDED DETAIL: In the 1850 Census the name was spelled Chenrout, Chesenout, Chesmnout, Cheverout, and Chesrout. There is a likelihood that these are not Chenoweths. Aaron b: 1792, Isaac b: 1803, Joseph, Joseph B. and P.G. b: 1823 all lived in the same area and are probably related. Joseph b: Bef. 1869 Joseph Wright b: January 11, 1885 Iowa JOSHUA b: before 1788 m: Sarah ? [page 623]
John (Joshua) died in 1802 in Fayette County, Pennsylvania. He wrote his will there on February 11, 1802, and it was proven in court on June 29, 1802. In it he mentioned his wife Sarah, and two children, Elizabeth and John. The will was witnessed by William Harbaugh. ADDED DETAIL: This record seems confusing with Joshua4 John3 Arthur2 Chenoweth who married Elnora Holmes inn 1796 and was also in Pennsylania at the time. However John's Joshua lived until. 1856. This is following Census record in 1800 in Fayette Co: page 532 line 8 - Chineth, Joshua with these ages---Free white males to age 10 -one; ages 16 to 26 -one male; ages 16 to 26 -one female. This is the only listing for any Chenoweth in the 1800 Census of Pensylvania.
1 Joshua Chenoweth b: Bef. 1780 d: 1802 in Fayette Co., PA LEMUEL b: 1812 m: Mary ? [page 624]
Lemuel, his wife Mary, and their two children were counted in the 1860 Census of Saline County, Missouri. He was shown as being 48 years old, born in Virginia. She was 46, born in New York. ADDED DETAIL: In 1850 This family is living in Knox Co., OH transcribed as Cheuvront - This is not believed to be part of the Chenoweth family
1 Lemuel Chenoweth b: Abt. 1812 in Virginia d: Unknown Matilda J. b: August 30, 1825 in Muskingum Co., OH married October 07, 1840 in Muskingum Co., OH to Adam Linn. There were no early known male Chenoweths in Muskingum Co., OH. The Baxters of Sarah Chenoweth were there from the 1812 on, but the Chenoweth name is not found in the 1820 Census of this county. But it appears that some of the children of Edward(4) from Pennsylvania were in Muskingham Co. at some point. There was one son and 8 daughters. Of the 8 daughters, one was married bef 1820 and the other 7 appear in the 1820 census of Fayette Co. PA. The names are known of only 5. The son Ison is in Hocking Co., OH in 1850 with his family and his mother, Mary, and sister, Hannah. But Esther, another sister, married in Muskingham Co. in 1837 and a Deliah married there in 1843. It was thought that Matilda might be one of the daughters of Edward. Much of the information on Matilda comes from one of her descendants, Donald E Long, of Ohio, who has been looking for her parents for many years.
DESCENDANT CONTRIBUTOR: Donald E Long, OH, Mary Ann Mercer Corder, TX
Recently a DNA project undertaken by Bob Crane has revealed that Matilda was a daughter of Ison Chenoweth's first wife Sarah Wilson, probably unwed, or of an unknown marriage, possibly with an Emberson.. It has now been shown through DNA that Sarah was one of the daughters of Susannah Chenoweth and Zachariah Wilson , listed as Sallie in the current database, making the marriage between Ison and Sarah a first cousin marriage. This being the case, then Matilda is not only a stepdaughter of Ison's but a descendant by Sarah's lineage through Susannah Chenoweth. See attach [research]. This will link you to [Ison and his first wife, Sarah Wilson. P.G. b: 1825 m: Nancy ? [page 626]
Enumerated in the 1850 Census of the 27th District in Jackson County, Virginia, was P.G. Chenoweth, age 25, a farmer, and his wife, Nancy, age 19, born in Virginia. No Children listed. ADDED DETAIL: In the 1850 Census the name was spelled Chenrout, Chesenout, Chesmnout, Cheverout, and Chesrout. There is a likelihood that these are not Chenoweths. Aaron b: 1792, Isaac b: 1803, Joseph, Joseph B. and P.G. b: 1823 all lived in the same area and are probably related. Priscilla b: 1792 Maryland married Thomas Francies (also Francis) on April 17, 1810. She is said to be the daughter of a Richard Chenoweth and Elizabeth Burton. Though this Richard is unknown, he is likely a 3rd generation Chenoweth, maybe Richard, Jr. who has eluded detection for so long. This is a very large family body and part of a study of the Francies Family which still resides in the Baltimore area. Priscilla has ties to other Chenoweth lines as well. Her daughter, Elizabeth Ann Francies, married Benjamin Coe of Cubb Hill. Benjamin's sister Keziah Coe married an unknown Richard Chenoweth. Another daughter, Sarah Eliza Francies, married Cougill Gray. Their grandson, George Cougill Pearce, would marry Blanche Chenoweth a daughter of William H. Chenoweth7 John6 William5 Richard4 John3 Richard2.
RICHARD R. b: February 1863 m: Adelade 'Addie' H. ? Richard and family are found in the 1900 Census in Baltimore City, MD. Again they are located there in 1910. No information as to who this Richard might be has been found. SARAH b: 1834 m: Jesse Tuttle [page 629]
Born in Virginia, about 1807, Sarah married Jesse Tuttle on February 26, 1934 in Champaign County, Ohio. He was born in Ohio about 1799. The family was enumerated in the 1850 Census living in Woodford County, Illinois, and in the 1870 census as residents then of Vernon County, Missouri. This line has now been placed thanks to many: Alice Sanders, Harry Holt Chenoweth, and Greg Wulker. Family detail will be included in the next database update: SARAH5 (JAMES FRANCIS4 THOMAS3, JOHN2).
SARAH m: William Willard. Information on Sarah comes from a descendant, Susan Ann Nicolia. This family lived in Hocking Co., OH. Sarah has been placed as one of the daughters of Edward4 Isaac3 William2. The family detail will be updated in the next database update WALTER ALOYSIUS b: November 15, 1903 in Maryland m: Jean Stone. Information on Walter comes from the 1930 Census and a wife of descendant, Mary Beth Chenoweth. Mo other information is known at present. WILLIAM b: 1840 m: Christina Simmins [page 632]
William was born about 1840 in Ohio, died March 9, 1905 at his son's home in Des Moines, Iowa, but at the time lived in Greene County, Ohio, where he was a member of the M.E. Church at Cedarville. William was listed as a fisherman, age 19, when he was recorded in the 1860 Census living in the household of Daniel and Elizabeth Ingersol in Burlington, Des Moines County, Iowa. In the 1870 census, he and his wife Christina Simmons, age 30, born in Pennsylvania, were recorded in that year's census living in Des Moines County, Iowa. In that record he was shown as being a steamboat captain. William died before the 1880 Census and his wife Christina and their 5 children were enumerated living in Baltimore Twp., Henry County, Iowa. In 1900, Christina was living in the household of John Hobbs in Burlington Twp., Des Moines County, Iowa. WILLIAM b: ? m: Lucy Craig [page 633]
William died probably between 1898 and 1900 in Iowa. His wife, Lucy Craig, and their one-year old son, Robert Day, were enumerated in the 1900 Census in Washington Twp., Buchanan County, MO with Lucy's father, Lou Craig. Lucy was born March 1880 in Iowa. William has be placed as WILLIAM MERRET(7), LEMON(6), IRA L(5) RICHARD(4) RICHARD(3) THOMAS(2) WILLIAM b: Abt. 1849 in Kentucky is found with his family in the 1880 Census of Calhoun Co., KY. No other information is known. WILLIAM b: Abt. 1859 in Maryland is found with his family in the 1900 Census of Baltimore Co., MD and agin in 1910. No other information is known. WILLIAM C. b: 1860 m: Eva C. ? [page 634]
William C. Chenowyth was born August 1860 in Ohio, died in 1935. He and his wife Eva P., were recorded in the Census of 1900 as residents in Fort Smith, Sebastian County, Arkansas, along with their three children. In that record, Eva was shown as being born January 1864 in Illinois. William and Eva were probably married in Illinois, and lived there until at least 1884, when their first child was born there. Their other two children were born in Arkansas. William and Eva are buried in Macon cemetery located in South Macon, Macon County, Illinois on the Macon-Bluemound Road. Their son Roy and his wife Irene are also buried there. WILLIAM J. b: 1862 [page 635]
Born January 29, 1862 in Baltimore, Maryland, died July 4, 1927 at the National Military Home in Elizabeth City, Virginia. William did not marry. William lived in Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky before he enlisted on May 6, 1898 to serve in the Spanish-American War. He was enrolled at Lexington, Kentucky as a private in Company M of the 2nd Kentucky Volunteer Infantry Regiment. At the time of his enlistment he was a traveling salesman and his description was given as being 36 years old, 5'- 43/4" tall, dark complexion, dark hair, and brown eyes. On August 25, 1898 at Chickamunga Park, he was taking a barrel of drinking water off a wagon when it slipped in his grip causing him to suffer a rupture. This resulted in him being kept from duty for several days, then after that he returned to duty, apparently well. About two years after he was discharged at Lexington, Kentucky on October 31, 1989 with the rank of Sergeant, the injury returned, requiring him to receive treatment at Soldier's Home Hospitals in 1900, 1904, 1908 and again in 1914. William applied for and received a pension based on his military service and his injury related disability. Return to top of page
Chenoweth ties that are still Unknown
Newly developed unknowns [and some placed]
1 Aaron Chenoweth b: Abt. 1782 in Virginia d: Unknown comment: see Matilda, wife or daughter
.. 2 Elizabeth Chenoweth b: Abt. 1805 d: Unknown
.. +? Mattox d: Unknown
.... 3 George C. Mattox b: 1833 in Virginia d: Unknown
.... 3 Sarah Mattox b: 1834 in Virginia d: Unknown
.... 3 Rebecca Mattox b: 1836 in Virginia d: Unknown
.... 3 Amos Mattox b: 1839 in Virginia d: Unknown
.... 3 Mary L. Mattox b: 1841 in Virginia d: Unknown
.. 2 Matilda Chenoweth b: Abt. 1810 d: Unknown comment: See Aaron, husband or father
1 Alexander Chenoweth b: 1848 in Ohio d: Unknown
+Jennie Bush b: July 1848 in Ohio d: Unknown
.. 2 Ulysses B. Chenoweth b: May 30, 1868 in Fayette Co., OH d: Unknown
.. 2 Lucy Chenoweth b: December 1872 in Indiana d: Bef. 1910
.. +? Cline b: Bet. 1867 - 1877 d: Bef. 1900
1 Amon Chenowitz b: Bef. 1791 d: Unknown
.. 2 Amon (Amos?) Chenoweth b: Abt. 1812 in Pennsylvania d: September 30, 1874 in near Yankeetown, Warrick Co., IN
.. +Anna B. Smith b: 1822 in Indiana d: December 29, 1852 in Warrick Co., IN
.... 3 William L. Chenoweth b: March 14, 1842 in Warrick Co., IN d: November 10, 1844 in Warrick Co., IN
.... 3 Cynthiann Eliza Chenoweth b: Abt. 1844 in Warrick Co., IN d: March 06, 1884
.... +Sundalien Wangler b: Abt. 1835 d: February 27, 1883
...... 4 George Wangler b: Abt. 1866 d: Unknown
.... 3 Joanna G. Chenoweth b: January 02, 1846 in Warrick Co., IN d: February 24, 1851 in Warrick Co., IN
.... 3 Hanna Sarah Jane Chenoweth b: Abt. 1848 in Warrick Co., IN d: Unknown
.... +Joseph Jeffers d: Unknown
.... 3 Druzilla Luana Chenoweth b: Abt. 1850 in Warrick Co., IN d: January 30, 1915 in Warrick Co., IN
.... +William R. Goins d: January 19, 1896 in Warrick Co., IN comment: last name maybe Gowens
.... 3 Anthony W. Chenoweth b: December 19, 1852 in Warrick Co., IN d: December 05, 1853 in Warrick Co., IN
.. *2nd Wife of Amon (Amos?) Chenoweth:
.. +Maria ? d: Unknown
.. 2 Samuel Chenoweth b: Abt. 1811 in Pennsylvania d: Unknown
.. +Mary Ann Smith d: Unknown
.... 3 Jane Chenoweth b: 1840 in Indiana d: Unknown
.... 3 Edwin A. Chenoweth b: Abt. 1843 in Indiana d: Unknown
.... 3 David Newton Chenoweth b: Abt. 1846 in Indiana d: October 1892 in Missouri
.... +Elizabeth ? b: 1853 in Missouri d: Unknown
...... 4 Eppia A. Chenoweth b: 1880 in Missouri d: Unknown
...... 4 Frank N. Chenoweth b: Abt. 1880 in Missouri d: Abt. 1913
...... +Blanche Slinkard d: Unknown
........ 5 Blanchard Joe Chenoweth b: January 06, 1907 in Jefferson Co., MO d: April 10, 2002 in Arizona City, Pinal Co., AZ
........ +Theresa Fry b: January 1904 in Missouri d: August 1974
.......... 6 Robert J. Chenoweth b: August 04, 1931 in St Louis, MO d: April 07, 2003
.......... 6 Helen C. Chenoweth b: Abt. 1944 in Eldon, Miller Co., MO d: June 12, 1990
.......... +Harold Dowers
............ 7 Theresa Dowers
............ 7 Elizabeth 'Beth' Dowers
............ 7 Merrill Dowers
........ *2nd Wife of Blanchard Joe Chenoweth:
........ +Anne Richter
...... *2nd Wife of Frank N. Chenoweth:
...... +Blanche ? b: September 1887 in Missouri d: December 01, 1923 in Calloway Co., MO
........ 5 Howard A. Chenoweth
.... *2nd Wife of David Newton Chenoweth:
.... +Demerius Amanda Proffer b: 1859 in Cape Girardeau, MO d: January 18, 1930 in Cape Girardeau, MO comment: remarried to Jacob M. Kinder on 30 January 1896, Cape Girardeau Co., MO
...... 4 Carrie Frances Chenoweth b: July 15, 1888 in Cape Girardeau, MO d: June 16, 1976 in Cape Girardeau, MO
...... 4 Silvania Arizona Chenoweth b: September 18, 1889 in Cape Girardeau, MO d: August 01, 1909 in Cape Girardeau, MO
...... 4 John Samuel Chenoweth b: December 15, 1891 in Cape Girardeau, MO d: September 26, 1892 in Cape Girardeau, MO
...... 4 David Edward Chenoweth b: March 02, 1893 in Cape Girardeau, MO d: December 30, 1925 in Cape Girardeau, MO
...... +Mary Rosetta Johnson b: January 05, 1896 in Missouri d: February 1983 Father: James H. Johnson Mother: Favia ?
........ 5 James David Chenoweth
........ +Ruth Woods
.......... 6 Janet Ruth Chenoweth
.......... +Foster T. Hampton III
.......... 6 Mary Jean Chenoweth
.......... +David Lynn Proctor
.......... 6 Donna Mae Chenoweth
.......... +Robert Pritchard
.......... 6 James Brent Chenoweth
.......... +Donna Eloise Dewrock
.......... 6 Teresa Ann Chenoweth
.. *2nd Wife of Samuel Chenoweth:
.. +Harriet Bacon d: Unknown
.... 3 John L. Chenoweth b: July 1850 in Indiana d: Unknown
.. 2 Elizabeth Chenoweth b: Bef. 1814 d: Unknown
.. +Samuel Horton d: Unknown
1 Archibald Chineworth b: June 1850 in Missouri d: 1939 comment: Black
+Luciane (Patterson) Branch b: January 1850 in Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY d: Unknown
.. 2 Bettie Elizabeth Labana Chineworth b: December 1882 in Missouri d: Unknown
.. +Wardell Nelson Cash b: Abt. 1883 in Virginia d: Unknown
.... 3 Gretchen Cash b: Abt. September 1909 in Fremont, NE d: 2002
.... +? Smith
...... 4 Wardell Smith
...... 4 Betty Jean Smith
........ 5 Vincent Johnson
.. 2 Alex R. Chineworth b: February 1884 in Missouri d: Abt. 1939
.. +Victoria 'Dora' Schliker b: July 03, 1889 in Minnesota d: July 01, 1981 in Maryland
.... 3 Magdalen Chineworth
.... +Paul Junkins b: Aft. 1902 d: Unknown
...... 4 Edward Junkins
...... +Julie Nerit
........ 5 Jacqueline Junkins
........ +? Hopkins
........ 5 Victoria Junkins
........ +? Naffier
........ 5 Edward Junkins, Jr.
........ +Carole Baraldi
........ 5 Julie Junkins
........ +? Long
........ 5 Jeanette Junkins
........ +? Metzger
...... 4 Margaret Frances Junkins
.... 3 Innocence V. Chineworth
.... 3 Alex Chineworth, Jr. b: March 22, 1921 in Rock Island Co., IL d: April 07, 1982 in Iowa CIty, IA comment: World War II
.... +Hazel ?
.... 3 Joseph E. Chineworth b: July 13, 1923 in Rock Island Co., IL d: June 26, 1991 in Rock Island Co., IL comment: World War II
.... +Marion ?
...... 4 Joseph Chineworth, Jr. b: March 04, 1945 d: December 09, 1990
...... 4 Michael Chineworth b: April 17, 1952 d: July 24, 1993
...... 4 Mark A. Chineworth
...... +Jennifer L. ?
........ 5 Gena Chineworth
........ 5 Chelsea Chineworth
........ 5 Joseph Chineworth
.. 2 Bishop Chineworth b: March 1885 in Missouri d: Unknown
.. 2 Vina Chineworth b: November 1887 in Missouri d: Unknown
.. 2 Nan Chineworth d: Unknown
1 Richard Chenowith b: Bet. 1800 - 1813 d: Bef. 1850
+Keziah Coe b: 1813 in Maryland d: Aft. 1870 Father: William Coe Mother: Hannah Barber
.. 2 Benjamin Chenowith b: 1843 in Maryland d: Unknown
.. +Margaret Colbert b: 1855 in Maryland d: Unknown comment: or Cobert Father: Robert Colbert Mother: Ellen ?
.... 3 John R. Chenowith b: March 04, 1870 in Maryland d: May 24, 1947 in Maryland comment: had 3 additional children, died young
.... +Susan Slade b: December 30, 1878 in Maryland d: July 19, 1909
...... 4 ? Chenowith b: 1898 d: Unknown comment: died young
...... 4 ? Chenowith b: 1899 d: Unknown comment: died young
...... 4 ? Chenowith b: 1900 d: Unknown comment: died young
...... 4 Charles Chenowith b: July 23, 1902 in Maryland d: June 14, 1934 in Baltimore Co., MD
...... +Kathleen Donlan b: 1906 in Maryland d: August 26, 1962
........ 5 Charles Francis Chenowith b: December 07, 1925 in Baltimore, MD d: August 25, 1991 comment: World War II
........ +Jeanne Dorothy Zeinog
.......... 6 Carol Francine Chenowith
............ 7 Christopher Michael Durm
...... *2nd Wife of Charles Chenoweth:
...... +? ?
........ 5 John Chenowith McCready
...... 4 John Edward Chenowith b: April 05, 1905 in Maryland d: July 1979 in Maryland
...... +Mildred Saffeld b: July 03, 1906 in Maryland d: June 1980 in Maryland
........ 5 Susan Chenowith
........ 5 John Lester 'Jack' Chenowith
........ +Magdalena ?
.... *2nd Wife of John R. Chenoweth:
.... +Laura B. Fisher b: 1890 in Maryland d: Unknown
...... 4 Mary Elizabeth Chenowith
...... 4 Robert Chenowith
...... 4 George Chenowith
...... 4 Ruth Chenowith
...... 4 Charles Henry Chenowith
.... 3 Richard Chenowith b: January 1872 in Maryland d: March 16, 1933 in Anne Arundel Co., MD
.... +Catherine 'Kate' (Tobin) ? b: January 1866 in Washington, DC d: Unknown
...... 4 Gladys Helen Chenowith b: 1902 in Maryland d: Unknown
...... +Clarence Horton b: 1896 in Maryland d: Unknown
.... 3 Katherine Margaret Chenowith b: March 24, 1876 in Maryland d: Bef. November 09, 1949
.... +? Husley d: Unknown
.... *2nd Husband of Katherine Margaret Chenoweth:
.... +? Zirl d: Unknown
.... 3 (son) Chenowith b: March 18, 1878 in Maryland d: Unknown
.... 3 (son) Chenowith b: July 06, 1880 in Maryland d: Unknown
1 Catherine Chennwith b: 1823 in Maryland d: Unknown in Labette Co., KS
+Charles King b: Abt. 1810 in Maryland d: Unknown in Labette Co., KS
.. 2 Martha King b: Abt. 1843 d: Unknown
.. 2 Samuel C. King b: February 18, 1845 in Elkridge, Howard Co., MD d: August 03, 1917 in Labette Co., KS
.. +Sophie Triebel d: Unknown
.. 2 Charles H. King b: 1849 d: Unknown
.. 2 Frances ' Fanny' King b: 1852 in Virginia d: Unknown
.. +Francis Goldy d: Unknown
+Lucy Jackson b: January 1867 in Illinois d: April 12, 1935 in Limestone, Peoria Co., IL Father: J. Bushrod Jackson Mother: Elizabeth Catherine Branaman
.. 2 Rebecca Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Chenoweth b: March 1893 in McLean Co., IL d: Unknown
.. +Frank Kiebe b: Abt. 1892 in Illinois d: Unknown
1 Edward Chenoweth b: Bef. 1873 d: Unknown
+? Smith d: Unknown
.. 2 Clyde Chenowith b: December 07, 1893 in Arkansas d: February 06, 1952 comment: First World War
.. +Nellie Wise b: 1898 in Indiana d: February 07, 1965
.... 3 Max Morris Chenowith b: December 30, 1926 in Wayne Co., IN d: June 22, 1990 in Indiana
.... +Maxine Dinkins
...... 4 Duane Chenowith
...... +Joyce Berry
........ 5 Duane Allen Chenoweth b: November 12, 1964 in Indiana d: December 04, 1994 in San Francisco Co., CA
...... *2nd Wife of Duane Chenowith:
...... +?
........ 5 Jeffrey L. Chenowith
........ +Amy L. Leith
...... *3rd Wife of Duane Chenowith:
...... +Susan ?
........ 5 Chad Chenowith
1 Cora Riggs d: 1904
.. 2 Paul L. Chenoweth b: Abt. 1895 in Missouri d: October 14, 1960
.. 2 Nell Chenoweth b: Abt. 1899 in Missouri d: February 09, 1958
.. 2 Bonnie 'Ida' Chenoweth b: Abt. 1900 in Missouri d: March 21, 1945
.. 2 Theodore Roosevelt 'TR' Chenoweth b: July 09, 1901 in St Joseph, Buchanan Co., MO d: April 01, 1967 in St Joseph, Buchanan Co., MO comment: 1 brother and 2 sisters
.. +Marie Ann (Farrow) Daily b: August 24, 1893 in Savannah, Andrew Co., MO d: 1970 in St Joseph, Buchanan Co., MO
.... 3 Theresa Marie Chenoweth
.... 3 Robert Lee 'Bob' Chenoweth b: June 08, 1928 in St Joseph, Buchanan Co., MO d: August 24, 1948 in PHILLIPINES comment: never married
.... 3 Paul Lawrence Chenoweth
.... +Grace K. Schemesiou b: September 09, 1927 in Honolulu, HI d: January 19, 1971 in Lancaster, Los Angeles Co., CA
...... 4 Timothy Lawrence Chenoweth b: February 13, 1952 in Honolulu, HI d: September 22, 2001 in Arizona
.... *2nd Wife of Paul Lawrence Chenoweth:
.... +Betty Lou (Horstmann) Wiginton
.... 3 Frank Leroy Chenoweth
.... +Mildred Boyer
...... 4 Carl Dean Chenoweth
...... +Cheryl 'Cheri' ?
...... 4 Carla Chenoweth
...... 4 Cheryl Chenoweth
...... +? Matthews
1 Alexander T. Chenoweth b: 1830 in Virginia d: Unknown
+Elizabeth Eshleman b: February 28, 1836 in Ohio d: October 18, 1889 in San Francisco, CA
.. 2 Wellington H. Chenoweth b: Abt. 1854 in Ohio d: June 02, 1912 in San Francisco, CA
.. +Elizabeth ? b: 1855 in New York d: December 16, 1935 in California
.... 3 Ora V. Chenoweth b: April 14, 1898 in California d: June 18, 1976 in Orange Co., CA
.... +Robert L. Roberts b: February 14, 1893 in Iowa d: November 27, 1977 in Orange Co., CA
...... 4 Roberta L. Roberts b: November 08, 1919 in San Francisco Co., CA d: May 19, 1986 in Orange Co., CA
...... +? Auburn
.. 2 William Chenoweth b: Abt. 1858 in Ohio d: Unknown
.. +Nellie Buckman b: Abt. 1859 in Vermont d: April 16, 1921 in Alameda Co., CA
.... 3 Walter W. Chenoweth b: Abt. 1881 in California d: October 23, 1918 in Alameda Co., CA
.. 2 John M. Chenoweth b: February 1859 in Ohio d: August 28, 1890 in San Francisco, CA
.. 2 Edward D. 'Ezra' Chenoweth b: June 07, 1861 in Ohio d: August 02, 1923 in California comment: married twice
.. +E.D. ? b: Abt. 1874 in Iowa d: Unknown
.. 2 George B. Chenoweth b: March 1863 in Indiana d: March 22, 1917 in California comment: once attempted suicide
.. +Alice M. ? b: November 19, 1872 in California d: March 25, 1915 comment: Harris has Abbie M.
.. 2 Clara E. Chenoweth b: January 17, 1866 in Indiana d: March 15, 1943 in San Francisco Co., CA comment: never married
.. 2 Emma A. Chenoweth b: July 28, 1877 in Illinois d: May 14, 1920 in California
.. +? Tiedmann d: Unknown
1 Francis M. Chenoweth b: Abt. 1827 in Alabama d: Unknown
+Elizabeth ? b: Abt. 1832 in Georgia d: Unknown
.. 2 Sarah J. Chenoweth b: Abt. 1849 in Alabama d: Unknown
1 George Chenoweth b: Abt. 1844 in Tennessee d: Unknown
+Susan ? b: Abt. 1845 in Tennessee d: Unknown
.. 2 William Chenoweth b: Abt. 1867 in Missouri d: Unknown
.. 2 Martha Chenoweth b: Abt. 1869 in Missouri d: Unknown
.. 2 James Chenoweth b: Abt. 1873 in Missouri d: Unknown
.. 2 Thomas Chenoweth b: Abt. 1875 in Missouri d: Unknown
.. 2 Charles Chenoweth b: Abt. 1877 in Missouri d: Unknown
.. 2 Mandy Chenoweth b: Abt. 1878 in Missouri d: Unknown
.. 2 Susan Chenoweth b: Abt. 1879 in Missouri d: Unknown
1 George Chenoweth b: Bef. 1800 d: aft 1816
1 Harry Jerome Chenowith b: December 1874 in Carrol Co., MD d: August 1934
+Rose Anna Hoffsunder b: July 06, 1877 in Maryland d: September 12, 1926
.. 2 Nelly May Chenowith b: January 1895 in Maryland d: Unknown
.. +Williams Watts d: Unknown
.... 3 Edith Watts
.... 3 Dorothy Watts
.... 3 Mabele Watts
.... 3 Robert Watts
.... 3 Edward Watts
.. 2 George F. Chenowith b: December 1896 in Maryland d: March 29, 1942 comment: went to Detroit, MI
.... 3 George Chenowith
.. 2 Ethel E. Chenowith b: October 1898 in Maryland d: Unknown
.. +Elmer Kline d: Unknown
.... 3 Jerome Kline
.... 3 Rose Kline
.... 3 Iris Kline
.. 2 Harry Chenowith b: Abt. 1902 in Maryland d: Unknown comment: went to Detroit, MI
.. +Ann ? b: December 25, 1903 in Alabama d: April 01, 1970
.... 3 Caroline Chenowith
.. 2 Walter Elmer Chenowith b: December 22, 1903 in Maryland d: December 23, 1955 in Carroll Co., MD
.. +Martha William Tyler b: January 31, 1903 in Maryland d: October 05, 1954 in Carroll Co., MD Father: James Underwood Tyler Mother: Mary Schockley
.... 3 Martha Elizabeth Chenowith b: December 18, 1922 in Maryland d: June 18, 1986 in Baltimore City, MD
.... +Linwood Roger Hart
...... 4 Donald Roger Hart
...... +?
........ 5 Nancy Ann Hart
...... *2nd Wife of Donald Roger Hart:
...... +Patricia ?
........ 5 Ian Thomas Hart
...... *3rd Wife of Donald Roger Hart:
...... +June ?
...... *4th Wife of Donald Roger Hart:
...... +Inna ?
...... 4 Judith Lynn 'Judy' Hart
...... +James Michael Link
........ 5 Carey Ann Link
...... 4 Douglas Hart
........ 5 Elizabeth Ann Hart
........ +Anne Marie Smith
.... 3 Mary Rose Chenowith
.... +Edwin Marion Hurd
...... 4 Edwin Marion Hurd, Jr.
...... +Barbara Emily Binning
........ 5 Meridith Binning Hurd
........ 5 Tyler Marion Hurd
...... 4 Richard Craig Hurd
...... +Janet Gayle Flesher
........ 5 Taylor Craig Hurd
........ 5 Samantha Ann Hurd
...... 4 John Reynold Hurd
...... +Mary White Poland
...... 4 Jay Randall Hurd
...... +Lisa Ann Dowell
........ 5 Heather Ann Hurd
........ 5 Dylan Matthew Hurd
.... 3 Janet Eva Chenowith
.... +Ray Hugh Persinger b: November 22, 1925 d: May 1979
...... 4 Ray Hugh Persinger, Jr.
...... +Laura Constance Poulsen
...... 4 Gordon David Persinger
...... +Debroah Callahan
........ 5 Sarah Persinger
...... 4 Martha Ann Persinger
...... +Guy Haden
........ 5 Nicole Haden
...... *2nd Husband of Martha Ann Persinger:
...... +Michael Erlinger
........ 5 Katie Erlinger
...... *3rd Husband of Martha Ann Persinger:
...... +Paul Anthony Mettille
........ 5 Erin Christine Mettille
........ 5 Rebecca Marie Mettille
........ 5 John Paul Mettille
...... 4 Julie Anna Persinger
...... +Daniel Patrick Casey
........ 5 Daniel Sean Casey
........ 5 Brittany Aileen Casey
.... 3 Donald Carl Chenowith b: October 31, 1936 in Maryland d: July 29, 1965 in Baltimore Co., MD comment: never married
.... 3 Joyce Aileen Chenowith
.... +Francis Ross
...... 4 Wayne Howard Ross
...... +Tina Marie Morgan
........ 5 Johnathan Paul Ross
........ 5 Stephen Michael Ross
...... 4 Cynthia Diane Ross
...... +Patrick Michael Callahan
........ 5 Sean Patrick Callahan
........ 5 Megan Elizabeth Callahan
.... *2nd Husband of Joyce Aileen Chenoweth:
.... +Edward Bates
.... 3 Christine Clarice Chenowith
.... +Jerone Fischer
.... *2nd Husband of Christine Clarice Chenoweth:
.... +Milton Grimes
...... 4 Ginger Lynne Grimes
...... +Timothy James Gisiner
........ 5 Timothy Adam Gisiner
...... *2nd Husband of Ginger Lynne Grimes:
...... +Tracey Sean Worrall
........ 5 Christopher Kirk Worrall
.... 3 Walter Chenowith b: Bet. 1921 - 1929 in Maryland d: Unknown in Mt. Carmel Cemetery comment: died young
.. 2 Paul Edward Chenowith b: April 19, 1906 in Maryland d: July 1967
.. +Christina Railey
.... 3 Paul Edward Chenowith, Jr.
.... +Barbara ?
.... *2nd Wife of Paul Edward Chenoweth, Jr.:
.... +Mary ?
...... 4 Susan Chenowith
.... 3 Edwin Charles Chenowith
...... 4 David Charles Chenowith
...... +Irene ?
...... +Deborah ?
1 Hezekiah Chenoweth b: Abt. 1883 in Missouri or Kansas d: Unknown
+Margaret May Taylor b: 1879 in Fort Scott, KS d: Unknown comment: Or Lottie Bryant Father: Hampton Taylor Mother: Sarah Dean
.. 2 Jesse H. Chenoweth b: Abt. November 1909 in Missouri d: 1958
.... 3 Alvin Howard Chenoweth
.... +Betty Ann Adams
...... 4 Edward Joseph Chenoweth
...... +Julie A. Graber
........ 5 Jason Jerome Chenoweth
........ 5 Alison Marie Chenoweth
........ 5 Kristen Ann Chenoweth
...... 4 Lloyd Howard Judson Chenoweth
...... +Cindy Ann (Churchill) Wolf Father: Roy Louis Wolf Mother: Gloria Bell Stubbs
........ 5 Alicia Danail Chenoweth
........ +Roger Ripley
.......... 6 Clara Dawn Ripley
........ 5 Maegan Rae Chenoweth
...... 4 Roberta D. Chenoweth
.... 3 Donna Chenoweth
.. 2 Etta Margaret Chenoweth
1 Isaac N(ewton) Chineworth b: September 1849 in Missouri d: August 11, 1931 in Idabel, OK
+Martha Jane Ellison b: Abt. 1859 in Arkansas d: Bef. 1910 Father: Jonathon G. Ellison
.. 2 Joseph Chineworth b: 1880 in Arkansas d: Unknown comment: died young
.. 2 Elmer L. 'Slim' Chineworth b: April 02, 1882 in Six-Mile Valley, Logan Co., AR d: January 26, 1970 in De Quincy, LA comment: no children
.. +Bessie Lou (Stark) ? b: Abt. 1886 in Louisiana d: Unknown
.. 2 Pearl Chenoweth b: 1884 in Six-Mile Valley, Logan Co., AR d: September 06, 1885 in Six-Mile Valley, Logan Co., AR
.. 2 Burl Chineworth b: September 01, 1886 in Six-Mile Valley, Logan Co., AR d: September 01, 1886 in Six-Mile Valley, Logan Co., AR
.. 2 Minnie Louisa Chineworth b: September 04, 1890 in Six-Mile Valley, Logan Co., AR d: April 10, 1970 in Idabel, OK
.. +Charles Robert Westmoreland b: Abt. 1876 in Missouri d: Unknown
.... 3 Otis Westmoreland b: 1905 in Arkansas d: 1930
.... 3 Claude Westmoreland
.... +Willie Faye Weems
...... 4 Joanna Westmoreland
...... +? Gregg
...... 4 Charles Westmoreland
.... 3 Herbert Westmoreland b: July 04, 1911 d: March 1984
.... +Martha Ellen Goolsby
...... 4 Kathy Westmoreland
...... 4 Herbert Otis Westmoreland
...... 4 Sarah Ellen Westmoreland
.. 2 Bert Otis Chineworth b: November 04, 1892 in Sevier Co., AR d: August 1972 in Oregon
.. +Madge Stone b: January 10, 1896 d: February 1980 comment: Stone was adopted name
.... 3 Nathanial Bert Chineworth b: March 10, 1922 d: October 01, 1967
.... +Frances June Smith
...... 4 Gregory Bert Chenoweth
...... 4 Marcia Chenoweth
...... +? Higgins
...... 4 Frances Rebecca Chenoweth
*2nd Wife of Isaac N(ewton) Chenoweth:
+Carolina ? b: Abt. 1860 in Mississippi d: Unknown
1 Jesse E. Chenoweth b: August 28, 1883 in Hardinsberg, Washington Co., IN d: February 06, 1946 in Cleveland Co., OK Comment: unknown line
*2nd Wife of Jesse E. Chenoweth:
+Ruth Cleo Brooks b: January 11, 1895 in Ingraham, Clay Co., IL d: February 19, 1979
.. 2 Emma Ruth Chenoweth b: December 01, 1916 in Lexington, Cleveland Co., OK d: July 1927
.. 2 Carl Vincent Chenoweth
.. +Marie Wells
.... 3 Carla Marie Chenoweth
.... +? Splaingard
.... 3 Linda Kay Chenoweth
.... +James William Hankinson
.. 2 Vernon Chenoweth b: December 08, 1921 d: January 26, 1928 Comment: died as child
.. 2 J.B. Chenoweth b: January 30, 1924 in Lexington, Cleveland Co., OK d: February 14, 1979 in Tulsa, Tulsa Co., OK
.. +Ruth Shoemaker
.... 3 J.B. Chenoweth, Jr. b: April 09, 1955 d: January 19, 1992 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Co., OK
1 John Chenoweth b: Abt. 1853 in Kentucky d: Unknown
+Lucy Williams b: Abt. 1857 in Tennessee d: Unknown comment: Williams is not certain
.. 2 Charles Ross Chenoweth b: March 12, 1876 in Galt, Whiteside Co., IL d: November 19, 1946 in Benton Harbor, Berrien Harbor, MI
.. +Maud ? b: Abt. 1883 in Illinois d: Unknown
.... 3 Lloyd Chenoweth b: October 03, 1903 in Missouri d: August 21, 1987 in Benton Harbor, Berrien Co., MI
.... 3 Elmer Chenowith b: February 12, 1907 in Missouri d: November 15, 1988 in Benton Harbor, Berrien Co., MI
.... 3 Bertha Chenoweth
.... +Louis Adams
.... 3 Eva Chenoweth
.. *2nd Wife of Charles Ross Chenoweth:
.. +Bertha Green b: in Tennessee d: Unknown
.... 3 Afton Charles Chenoweth
.... +?
...... 4 Afton Charles Chenoweth, Jr.
...... +Grace M. (Pipkin) Huners
...... *2nd Wife of Afton Charles Chenoweth, Jr.:
...... +Patricia Ann (Carpenter) Aerts
...... *3rd Wife of Afton Charles Chenoweth, Jr.:
...... +Susan Lostraglio
...... *4th Wife of Afton Charles Chenoweth, Jr.:
...... +Julie Maulden Collins
.... *2nd Wife of Afton Charles Chenoweth:
.... +Deborah Anne ?
.... 3 Freeman Chenoweth b: August 16, 1923 d: January 01, 1967
.... 3 Viola Chenoweth
.... +? Beverly
.... 3 Jewel Lee Chenoweth
.... 3 Gordon Edward Chenoweth b: May 11, 1933 in Blytheville, Mississippi Co., AR d: August 29, 1985 in Naples, Collier Co., FL
.... +Marie Louise Mitchell
...... 4 Linda Chenoweth
...... +? McDonald
...... 4 Gordon Edward Chenoweth, Jr.
...... +Mary Flores Byron
...... *2nd Wife of Gordon Edward Chenoweth, Jr.:
...... +Laura Ruth Gilmore
...... *3rd Wife of Gordon Edward Chenoweth, Jr.:
...... +Loralee Kristine Padgett
...... 4 Larry Ross Chenoweth
...... +Karen Marie McLean
...... 4 Cynthia Ann Chenoweth
.... *2nd Wife of Gordon Edward Chenoweth:
.... +Maxine Forsythe Lynch
.... 3 Barbara Ann Chenoweth
.... +Benjamin Frank Huebner
...... 4 Kevin Wayne Huebner
...... 4 Karla Renee Huebner
.. 2 Gus Chenoweth b: Abt. 1880 in Missouri d: Unknown
.. 2 Jessee Mitchell Chenoweth b: 1884 in Tennessee d: June 15, 1951
.. +Tilda Ellen (Salterfield) (Piene) ? b: 1885 in Tennessee d: May 18, 1971
.... 3 Laurence Chenoweth b: Abt. 1906 in Missouri d: Unknown
.... 3 Stanley Lee Cheneworth b: October 20, 1910 in Cooter, Pemiscot Co., MO d: August 11, 1999
.... +Jewel L. ?
...... 4 Majorie L 'Margie' Chenoweth
.... *2nd Wife of Stanley Lee Chenoweth:
.... +Helen Ann Gaborski b: July 19, 1910 in Newark, Essex Co., NJ d: September 16, 1999
...... 4 Arlene Chenoweth
...... 4 Christine Cecile Chenoweth
.... 3 Charles Louis Chenoweth b: August 26, 1912 in Pemiscott co., MO d: December 07, 1996 in Florida
.... +Irene ? b: August 08, 1915 d: May 21, 1988
.... 3 Bessie 'Angie' Chenoweth
1 Thomas Chenoweth b: Bef. 1804 in Virginia d: Unknown
+Rachel Ann Swane b: Bef. 1804 in Ohio d: Unknown
.. 2 John P. Chenoweth b: December 11, 1822 in Ross Co., OH d: August 02, 1913 in Rockbridge Co., VA comment: Civil War: North-Pvt, Company B, 1st Regiment, Regular Illinois Light Artillery
.. +Ruth Mickle b: Bet. 1831 - 1836 in Green Co., PA d: 1866 in Adams Co., IN Father: Rueben Mickle
.... 3 Thomas N. Chenoweth b: February 16, 1859 d: April 26, 1878 in Adams Co., IN
.... 3 John P. Chenoweth, Jr. b: November 18, 1863 in Indiana d: February 24, 1918 in Adams Co., IN comment: had previous marraige
.... +Maria C. 'Mary' Closs d: Unknown
...... 4 John L. Chenoweth b: March 26, 1882 in Adams Co., IN d: Unknown
...... +Laura Neithus b: February 01, 1889 d: Unknown
...... 4 (son) Chenoweth b: December 03, 1883 in Adams Co., IN d: Unknown
.... *2nd Wife of John P. Chenoweth, Jr.:
.... +Mary C. Smith b: August 1866 in Adams Co., IN d: 1956 in Adams Co., IN
...... 4 John Chenoweth b: May 15, 1893 d: September 07, 1894
...... 4 James Abraham Garfield Chenoweth b: September 23, 1894 in Indiana d: Unknown
...... +Amy Keken Millington b: June 10, 1897 in Indiana d: Unknown comment: remarried to Richard Claven Gilbert Father: Stantford Millington Mother: Molly Goff
........ 5 John Alvin Chenoweth b: August 27, 1916 in Milford, Kosciusko Co., IN d: April 09, 1979 in Sioux Falls, Minnehaha Co., SD
........ +Ottilia A. Kuemper
.......... 6 Paula Barbara Chenoweth
.......... +James David Tollefson b: June 25, 1942 d: November 09, 1994
............ 7 Paul Bradley Tollefson
............ +Kristine Anne Madsen
.............. 8 Lindsay Anne Tollefson
.............. 8 Jaime Renee Tollefson
.......... 6 Alvin Albert Chenoweth
.......... +Mary Smith b: August 07, 1952 d: April 01, 1990
............ 7 Stacy Lynn Chenoweth
............ +Heriveto Lopez
.............. 8 Selena Gabriele Lopez
.............. 8 Brianna Sierra Lopez
............ 7 Jaime Marie Chenoweth
............ +Quentin Yarbrough
.......... *2nd Wife of Alvin Albert Chenoweth:
.......... +Betty Ann Blocker
.......... 6 Virgil Leonard Chenoweth
.......... +Linda J. Leno b: August 31, 1948 in Vermont d: February 19, 1990 in Vermont
............ 7 Tammie Jo Chenoweth
............ +James Blalock
.......... *2nd Wife of Virgil Leonard Chenoweth:
.......... +Cynthia E. Leno
............ 7 Diane Renee Chenoweth
............ 7 Nicole Michelle Chenoweth
............ 7 Christina Leigh Chenoweth
.......... 6 Angela Cecilia 'Angie' Chenoweth
.......... +Darrell Andrew McMurray b: December 08, 1952 d: October 22, 1983
............ 7 Derrick Matthew McMurray
............ 7 Adam Gregory McMurray
............ 7 Andrea Noelle McMurray
.......... *2nd Husband of Angela Cecilia 'Angie' Chenoweth:
.......... +Keith Stephen Feltz
.......... 6 Elaine Katharine Chenoweth
.......... +James Allen Backer
............ 7 Scott Dewayne Backer
............ 7 Shannon Dawn Backer
............ +Joshua Williams
.............. 8 Jordan Ryan Williams
............ 7 Bethann Elaine Backer
.......... 6 Lorraine Annette Chenoweth
.......... +Kevin Rich
............ 7 Eric Ryan Rich
.......... 6 Jerome Dennis Chenoweth
.......... 6 Marilyn Louise Chenoweth
.......... +Mike Powell
............ 7 Jesse Lynn Powell
............ 7 Cory Michael Powell
............ 7 Lacy Jo Powell
............ 7 Tara Deanne Powell
.......... *2nd Husband of Marilyn Louise Chenoweth:
.......... +Jerry Gene Cochrun
........ 5 Ralph James Chenoweth b: December 31, 1919 in Indiana d: December 15, 1983 in Missouri
........ 5 Mary Chenoweth b: February 24, 1921 d: May 15, 2001 comment: has 5 children
........ +? Brown
.......... 6 Silas Brown
...... 4 Grant I. Chenoweth b: August 24, 1896 in Indiana d: 1939
...... +Wanetta B. Clark b: February 01, 1901 in Indiana d: September 23, 1979 in Pierce Co., WI
........ 5 Mary Jane Chenoweth
........ 5 Margaret Ann Chenoweth
...... 4 Ruth Chenoweth b: July 15, 1899 in Indiana d: April 07, 1903 in Indiana
...... 4 Edna Chenoweth b: April 02, 1904 in Indiana d: Unknown
.... 3 Reuben Chenoweth d: Unknown
.... 3 Rachel Anna Chenoweth b: Abt. 1866 in Indiana d: Unknown
.... +Robert A. Perkins d: Unknown
.. *2nd Wife of John P. Chenoweth:
.. +Sarah Elizabeth Moore b: November 1846 in West Virginia d: Aft. 1920
.... 3 Sarah Margaret Chenoweth b: September 27, 1883 in Indiana d: Unknown
.... +H.W. Cash d: Unknown
Information on Joseph's family comes from his grandson Harvey Merle Chenoweth. Both Joseph and his son Clarence died when quite young, and with them memory of the family's origins. Joseph is buried in Mt. View cemetery, Walla Walla, WA. His wife, Martha Anne Dyer, was born in Sullivan Co., TN. This Joseph is belived to be Joseph Edwin7 (NELSON HENRY6 JOSEPH5, NICHOLAS4, JOHN3, RICHARD2). Joseph married first Sarah Elizabeth Livesay but was soon divorced and the family of Martha Dyer is known to have been living in the Benton Co., AR at the same time.
1 Joseph Chenoweth b: abt, 1858 in Madison Co., AR d: May 1891 in prob Walla Walla Co., WA
+Martha Anne Dyer b: October 1858 in Sullivan Co., TN d: 1909 comment: Remarried to Noah Taylor Father: Thomas Leander Dyer Mother: Susan Sharp King
.. 2 Clarence C. Chenoweth b: March 16, 1889 in Oregon d: November 05, 1918 in Umatilla Co., OR
.. +Neta Carman Felty b: April 15, 1895 in Dandridge, Jefferson Co., TN d: December 21, 1962
.... 3 Joseph Earl Chenoweth b: November 08, 1913 in Milton-Freewater, Umatilla Co., OR d: May 09, 1977 in Umatilla Co., OR
.... +Francee Muriel Henry
...... 4 Earlene Faye Chenoweth
...... +Howard Marion Cockburn
........ 5 Timothy Scott Cockburn
........ 5 Robyn Lynn Cockburn
........ 5 Scotty Cockburn
.... 3 Harvey Merle Chenoweth
.... +Marjorie Elizabeth Brugger
...... 4 Stephen Merle Chenoweth b: September 12, 1941 in Spokane, Spokane Co., WA d: December 08, 1950
...... 4 James Earl Chenoweth
...... +Roberta Elaine Dugger
........ 5 Debroah Elaine Chenoweth
........ +Anthony Joseph Vegn
.......... 6 Ailee Marie Vegn
........ 5 Darla Jean Chenoweth
........ +Eric James
........ 5 Denise Ann Chenoweth
........ +Robert Christian Frieund
.......... 6 Averie Ann Frieund
........ 5 Darcie Lynn Chenoweth
...... 4 Paul Wesley Chenoweth
...... +Lori Lynn Stoner
........ 5 Ester Naomi Chenoweth
........ 5 Lydia Marie Chenoweth
........ 5 Caleb Benjamin Chenoweth
Joseph Wright is known by his descendants. He married Lena Meyers, probably in Colorado. His age and place of birth are taken from a single listing of a Joseph in the 1910 Census in Sterling, Logan Co., CO where his first son was born in 1915. At the time Joseph was single and working in a sugar factory. He and Lena married sometime after the 1910 Census. In 1920 Lena is living with her parents, Joseph A. and Magdalena Myer Seward Co., NE. A Joseph Edward is the s/o Gilbert Allison & Missouri Wright based on his location and middle name, found in the SSA application of his son Roy. He appparently was missed in the 1900 Census. His parents are living in Sterling, Logan Co., CO in the 1910 Census. But Joseph is not with them in the 1900 Census when he was 14 years old. In the 1910 Census Missouri says she has had eight children and all of them are living. However in 1900 she says she had 7 children and only 5 are living. We have only 6 known children for this family, so this confirms the probability despite the absence of a son Joseph in the 1900 census of South Omaha, Douglas Co., Nebraska
1 Joseph Wright Chenoweth b: January 11, 1885 in Iowa d: Unknown
+Lena Meyers b: Abt. 1894 in Nebraska d: Unknown Father: Joseph A. Myers Mother: Magdalena ?
.. 2 Edward Sterling Chenoweth b: July 21, 1915 in Sterling, Logan Co., CO d: April 05, 1997 in Apache Junction, Pinal Co., AZ
.. +Lena May Lewis b: January 26, 1926 d: June 29, 1995
.... 3 Pamela Chenoweth
.... +? Fenton
.... 3 Lynn Chenoweth
.... +? Jackson
.... 3 Tammy Chenoweth
.... +? Edin
.... 3 Ora Chenoweth
.... +? Queen
.... 3 Nanette Chenoweth
.... 3 Charles Henry 'Chuck' Chenoweth
.... +Lynda Ann Davis
...... 4 Gayl Marie Chenoweth
...... +Paul Creel
........ 5 Preston T. Creel
........ 5 Morgan Amber Creel
...... 4 Shane Trenton Chenoweth
.... 3 Daniel L. Chenoweth
.... 3 Joseph Darrel 'Joe' Chenoweth
.... +Treasa Allen
.... 3 Wade Chenoweth
.. 2 Royal Howard 'Roy' Chenoweth b: Abt. August 1917 in Nebraska d: 1973
.. +Virginia Lewis
.... 3 Johnny Lloyd Chenoweth
.... +Cindy L. ?
.... 3 Douglas R. Chenoweth
.... 3 Richard Chenoweth
.... 3 Ronald Chenoweth
.. 2 Lloyd Chenoweth
+Sarah ? d: Unknown
.. 2 Elizabeth Chenoweth b: Bef. 1802 d: Unknown
.. 2 John Chenoweth b: Bef. 1802 d: Unknown
+Mary ? b: Abt. 1814 in New York d: Unknown
.. 2 Thomas Chenoweth b: Abt. 1843 in Ohio d: Unknown
.. 2 Alta Chenoweth b: Abt. 1848 in Ohio d: Unknown
1 Matilda J. Chenoweth b: August 30, 1825 in Muskingum Co., OH d: December 26, 1891 in Vinton Co. OH
+Adam Linn b: April 20, 1818 in Guernsey Co. OH d: June 26, 1873 in Vinton Co. OH Father: Joseph Linn Mother: Martha Montgomery
.. 2 Sarah Martha Linn b: September 15, 1841 in Hocking Co., OH d: October 13, 1892 in Hocking Co., OH
.. +Abraham Kitchen b: June 25, 1836 d: Unknown
.... 3 Homer W. Kitchen b: February 07, 1874 in Swan twp., Vinton Co. OH d: Unknown
.... +Leutricia Long d: Unknown
...... 4 Virgie Kitchen
...... +? Donley
...... 4 Myrtle Kitchen b: February 12, 1899 in Benton twp., Hocking Co,. OH d: Unknown
...... +? Larimer d: Unknown
.... 3 Florence Kitchen b: Aft. 1874 d: Unknown
.... +Charles Unger b: Aft. 1864 d: Unknown
...... 4 Carrie Unger b: Aft. 1894 d: Unknown
...... +? Strawn d: Unknown
...... 4 Rosa Unger b: Aft. 1894 d: Unknown
...... +? Scott d: Unknown
...... 4 Edna Unger b: Aft. 1894 d: Unknown
...... +? Myers d: Unknown
.... 3 Charles Albert Kitchen b: March 19, 1879 in Laurel, Hocking Co,. OH d: May 05, 1964 in Logan, Hocking Co., OH
.... +Bertha Vetter d: Unknown
...... 4 Earl Kitchen
...... 4 Floyd Kitchen
...... 4 Hazel Emma Kitchen b: August 11, 1906 in Hocking Co,. OH d: May 27, 1972 in Fairfield Co., OH
...... +Delmar Don Long b: March 23, 1897 d: July 30, 1985
.... 3 George Kitchen b: November 29, 1880 in Laurel, Hocking Co,. OH d: Unknown
.. 2 John Henry Linn b: October 09, 1843 in Hocking Co,. OH d: Unknown
.. +Nancy Jane Crawford b: Abt. 1849 in Ohio d: Unknown
.... 3 Alice M. Linn b: Abt. 1868 in Ohio d: Unknown
.... 3 Carrie A. Linn b: Abt. 1869 in Ohio d: Unknown
.... +Eugene E. Hunt d: Unknown
.... 3 Ralph Linn b: Abt. 1872 in Ohio d: Unknown
.. *2nd Wife of John Henry Linn:
.. +Roxanna Self b: Abt. 1820 d: Unknown
.. 2 Mary Elizabeth Linn b: March 16, 1846 d: Unknown
.. +Myra Reed d: Unknown
.... 3 John Reed d: Unknown
.... 3 Bert Reed d: Unknown
.... 3 Carrie Louella Reed b: February 12, 1875 in Swan twp., Vinton Co. OH d: Unknown
.... +? Davis d: Unknown
.. 2 Joseph Asbury Linn b: February 09, 1848 in Hocking Co,. OH d: April 10, 1926 in Swan twp., Vinton Co. OH
.. +Elizabeth Ann Faulkner b: May 24, 1850 in Vinton Co., OH d: May 14, 1918 in Vinton Co., OH
.... 3 Mary Alice Linn b: January 20, 1870 in Bloom twp, Fairfield Co., OH d: June 13, 1943 in Swan twp., Vinton Co. OH
.... +Louis Henry Arick b: January 16, 1867 in Reinersville, Morgan Co., OH d: June 01, 1932 in Creola, Vinton Co., OH
...... 4 Floyd Ernest Arick b: November 14, 1894 in Swan twp., Vinton Co. OH d: January 30, 1983 in Logan, Hocking Co., OH
...... +Dorothy Price b: May 01, 1901 d: April 26, 1971 in Logan, Hocking Co., OH
...... 4 Prudence Arick b: March 15, 1896 in Swan twp., Vinton Co. OH d: September 17, 1929 in Swan twp., Vinton Co. OH
...... +Archie Miller d: Unknown
...... 4 Nellie Marie Arick b: April 15, 1898 in Swan twp., Vinton Co. OH d: June 17, 1989 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., OH
...... +Walter Henry Snider b: November 11, 1895 d: August 02, 1937
...... 4 Scott Arick b: June 08, 1900 in Swan twp., Vinton Co. OH d: September 27, 1957
...... +Phoebe Goheen b: July 15, 1903 d: April 18, 1992
...... 4 Wilbur Arick b: August 07, 1903 in Swan twp., Vinton Co. OH d: June 02, 1976 in Columbus, Franklin Co., OH
...... +Anna Evelyn Dunkle b: July 11, 1903 in Swan twp., Vinton Co. OH d: June 04, 1972 in Columbus, Franklin Co., OH
...... *2nd Wife of Wilbur Arick:
...... +Margaret Garner Masters b: April 08, 1905 d: June 25, 1990 in Columbus, Franklin Co., OH
...... 4 Mary Alice Arick b: August 26, 1908 in Nelsonville, OH d: August 09, 1988
.... 3 Drucilla Bertha Linn b: August 10, 1872 in Swan twp., Vinton Co. OH d: February 10, 1964 in Logan, Hocking Co., OH
.... +Pearl Bray b: October 23, 1867 in Swan twp., Vinton Co. OH d: October 09, 1948 in Swan twp., Vinton Co. OH
...... 4 Joseph Bray d: Unknown
...... 4 Ernest John Bray d: Unknown
...... 4 Pearl L. Bray
.... 3 Adda Estella Linn b: February 08, 1874 d: Unknown
.... 3 Pearl Clifford Linn b: November 16, 1884 in Swan twp., Vinton Co., OH d: May 15, 1961 in Logan, Hocking Co., OH
.... +Fannie Susan Bray b: July 07, 1884 in Swan twp., Vinton Co., OH d: Unknown
...... 4 Olive N. Linn b: December 06, 1904 in Vinton Co., OH d: January 18, 1994 in Logan, Hocking Co., OH
...... 4 Virgil Linn
...... 4 Joseph Blaine Linn b: Abt. 1912 in Vinton Co., OH d: August 13, 1982 in Logan, Hocking Co., OH comment: married w/child
.. 2 Hannah Anna Linn b: March 09, 1850 d: Unknown
.. 2 Matilda Jane Linn b: November 19, 1852 d: Unknown
.. 2 Bemona Albert Linn b: August 22, 1855 d: Unknown
.. 2 James Harvey Linn b: May 08, 1858 d: Unknown
.. 2 Latitia Alma Linn b: October 1860 d: Unknown
.. 2 Ida Florence Linn b: February 09, 1863 d: Unknown
.. +Fenton Ellis b: August 12, 1861 in Swan twp., Vinton Co., OH d: 1924
.... 3 Earl Ellis b: Aft. 1883 d: Unknown
.... 3 Arch Ellis b: April 25, 1885 d: Unknown
.... 3 Nora Ellis b: February 28, 1895 d: Unknown
.. 2 Myrtle Ledora Linn b: June 07, 1866 d: Unknown
.. +George William Simms d: Unknown
.... 3 Goldie Simms b: October 01, 1899 in Vinton Co., OH d: Unknown
1 Richard Chenoweth b: Bef. 1772 d: Unknown
+Elizabeth Burton b: Bef. 1772 d: Unknown
.. 2 Priscilla Chenowith b: 1792 d: 1885
.. +Thomas Francies b: 1788 d: June 05, 1832 comment: War of 1812
.... 3 Elizabeth Ann Francies b: October 30, 1811 d: Unknown
.... +Benjamin Coe b: 1807 d: Unknown Father: William Coe Mother: Hannah Barber
...... 4 Maria Caroline Coe b: Aft. 1829 d: Unknown
...... +John Russell [1] b: Aft. 1819 d: Unknown
........ 5 Emma Russell b: Aft. 1854 d: Unknown
........ 5 Charles Russell b: Aft. 1854 d: Unknown
........ 5 John Russell b: Aft. 1854 d: Unknown
........ 5 Mary Ellen Russell b: Aft. 1854 d: Unknown
........ +John Neuhauser b: Aft. 1844 d: Unknown
...... 4 Thomas B. Coe b: Aft. 1829 d: Unknown comment: died young
...... 4 Hannah Prisciila Coe b: Aft. 1829 d: Unknown
...... +John Russell [1] b: Aft. 1819 d: Unknown
........ 5 Charles Russell b: Aft. 1860 d: Unknown
........ +Gertrude Schaffer b: Aft. 1860 d: Unknown
........ 5 Martha Russell b: Aft. 1860 d: Unknown
........ +John Schneider b: Aft. 1850 d: Unknown
........ 5 Suasan Russell b: Aft. 1860 d: Unknown
........ +Thomas Whittle b: Aft. 1860 d: Unknown
........ 5 Hannah Russell b: Aft. 1860 d: Unknown
...... 4 Elizabeth Ann Coe b: Aft. 1829 d: Unknown
...... +John Isennock b: Aft. 1819 d: Unknown
........ 5 Charles Isennock b: Aft. 1854 d: Unknown
........ +Lena Reute b: Aft. 1854 d: Unknown
........ 5 John Isennock b: Aft. 1854 d: Unknown
........ +Victorine Coe b: Aft. 1854 d: Unknown
........ 5 Ellen Isennock b: Aft. 1854 d: Unknown
........ +Randolph Crew b: Aft. 1844 d: Unknown
........ 5 Betty Isennock b: Aft. 1854 d: Unknown
........ +Scott Kavanaugh b: Aft. 1844 d: Unknown
........ 5 Wesley Isennock [3] b: Aft. 1854 d: Unknown
........ +Minnie Maria Francies [2] b: October 19, 1878 d: Unknown Father: Charles Francies
........ 5 Sarah 'Sally' Isennock b: Aft. 1854 d: Unknown
........ +George Knight b: Aft. 1844 d: Unknown
........ 5 George 'Doc' Isennock b: Aft. 1854 d: Unknown
........ +Ella Russell b: Aft. 1854 d: Unknown
........ 5 Carroll 'Dick' Isennock b: Aft. 1854 d: Unknown
........ +Emma Jones b: Aft. 1854 d: Unknown
........ 5 Florence Isennock b: Aft. 1854 d: Unknown
........ +Harry Russell b: Aft. 1844 d: Unknown
........ 5 William 'Bill' Isennock b: Aft. 1854 d: Unknown
........ +Neva Campbell b: Aft. 1854 d: Unknown
.... 3 Maria Francies b: December 09, 1812 d: Unknown
.... 3 Thomas Francies b: January 09, 1817 d: Unknown
.... 3 William Francies b: November 03, 1819 d: April 26, 1920
.... 3 Priscilla Ann Francies b: February 21, 1822 d: Unknown
.... 3 Sarah Eliza Francies b: September 05, 1824 d: Unknown
.... +Cougill Gray b: Bet. 1809 - 1829 d: Unknown
...... 4 Annie Eliza Gray b: Bet. 1842 - 1856 d: Unknown
...... +George Keck Pearce b: March 13, 1846 d: October 24, 1907 Father: Luke Johnson Pearce Mother: Ella Pugh Keck
........ 5 George Cougill Pearce b: October 20, 1876 d: October 23, 1942 in Baltimore Co., MD
........ +Blanche Chenoweth b: December 14, 1879 in Maryland d: February 1977 in Baltimore Co., MD Father: William H. Chenoweth Mother: Katherine R. Frock
.......... 6 George William Pearce b: October 15, 1898 in Baltimore Co., MD d: November 03, 1898 in Baltimore Co., MD
.......... 6 Joseph Earle Pearce b: June 07, 1901 in Baltimore Co., MD d: November 05, 1901 in Baltimore Co., MD
.......... 6 Robert Allen Pearce b: Abt. 1903 in Maryland d: Unknown
............ 7 Jean Pearce
............ +? Shay
............ 7 Pat Pearce
............ +? Garrish
............ 7 Donna Pearce
............ 7 Robert Pearce
............ 7 David Pearce
.......... 6 Donald Edward Pearce
.......... 6 Wilson Lloyd Chenoweth Pearce b: Abt. 1907 d: Abt. 1908
.......... 6 Ellen Elizabeth Pearce
.......... +? Randell
.......... 6 Mary Catherine Pearce b: April 30, 1910 in Baltimore Co., MD d: July 28, 1910 in Baltimore Co., MD
.......... 6 Anna Rosamonde Pearce
.......... +Robert Louis Olsen b: Aft. 1900 d: Unknown
............ 7 Robert Louis Olsen, Jr.
............ 7 Sara Lane Olsen
............ +? Brown
.... 3 Richard Chenowith Francies b: July 13, 1827 d: Unknown
.... 3 Mary Jane Francies b: October 20, 1829 d: Unknown
.... 3 Charles Francies b: October 08, 1832 d: Unknown
.... +Martha Ann Willingham b: June 28, 1842 d: July 09, 1922
...... 4 Pricilla Ann Francies b: September 30, 1871 d: October 25, 1925
...... +John Cole Pearce, Jr. b: December 25, 1862 d: September 30, 1920 Father: John Cole Pearce Mother: Sarah Achia Woods
...... 4 Emma May Francies b: December 25, 1873 d: Unknown
...... +Harry A. LeBrun b: June 01, 1875 d: Unknown
........ 5 H. Francies LeBrun b: September 19, 1908 d: January 29, 1958
........ +Beatrice 'Betsy' White b: November 25, 1909 d: December 19, 1985
.......... 6 Betsy Ann LeBrun
.......... +William Casperi III
.......... *2nd Husband of Betsy Ann LeBrun:
.......... +Samuel Seymour Merrick
...... 4 Minnie Maria Francies [2] b: October 19, 1878 d: Unknown
...... +Wesley Isennock [3] b: Aft. 1854 d: Unknown Father: John Isennock Mother: Elizabeth Ann Coe
1 Richard R. Chenowith b: February 1863 in Maryland d: Unknown
+Adelade 'Addie' H. ? b: March 1871 in New Jersey d: Unknown
.. 2 Richard R. Chenowith b: July 1889 in New York d: Unknown
.. +Anna A.? b: Abt. 1889 in Maryland d: Unknown
.. 2 Ethyl Lyle Chenowith b: June 1891 in New York d: Unknown
.. +? Montgomery d: Unknown
1 Sarah Chenoweth b: Abt. 1807 in Botetourt Co., VA d: Unknown
+Jesse Tuttle b: Abt. 1799 in Ohio d: Unknown
.. 2 Henry Tuttle b: Abt. 1835 in Ohio d: Unknown
.. 2 Mary Tuttle b: Abt. 1839 in Ohio d: Unknown
.. 2 Rebecca Tuttle b: Abt. 1840 in Indiana d: Unknown
.. 2 Wesley Tuttle b: Abt. 1845 in Illinois d: Unknown
.. 2 John W. Tuttle b: Abt. 1850 in Illinois d: Unknown
1 Sarah Chenoweth d: Unknown
+William Willard d: Unknown
.. 2 David Albert Williard b: October 17, 1848 in Benton twp., Hocking Co, OH d: January 05, 1941 in Fairfield Co, OH
.... 3 Thomas Albert Williard b: February 21, 1886 in Hocking Co, OH d: April 10, 1973 in Circleville, Pickaway Co, OH
...... 4 Lillian Marie Williard b: March 28, 1919 in Groveport, Franklin Co, OH d: October 22, 1982 in Columbus, Franklin Co, OH
........ 5 Roy Roger Stevens
.......... 6 Susan Ann Stevens
.......... +? Nicolia
1 Walter Aloysius Chenoweth b: November 15, 1903 in Maryland d: August 16, 1977 in Los Angeles Co., CA
+Jean Stone b: August 18, 1904 in California d: April 21, 1991 in San Diego Co., CA
.. 2 Walter A Chenoweth, Jr.
.. +Charlanne Swanson
.... 3 Walter A Chenoweth III
.... +Mary Beth ?
.... 3 Elizabeth J. Chenoweth
1 William Chenoweth b: Abt. 1840 in Ohio d: Unknown in Des Moines, IA
+Christina ? b: October 1835 in Pennsylvania d: Unknown
.. 2 Sarah Chenoweth b: Abt. 1858 in Iowa d: Unknown
.. 2 Jeanette Chenoweth b: Abt. 1861 in Iowa d: Unknown
.. 2 James Chenoweth b: November 1864 in Des Moines Co., IA d: Bef. 1910
.. +Rosa ? b: December 1869 in Iowa d: Unknown
.... 3 Pearl Chenoweth b: December 1888 in Iowa d: Unknown
.... 3 Lloyd Henry Chenoweth b: August 28, 1889 in Kansas d: Bef. 1920 comment: had 2 additional children
.... +Bessie May Creager b: Abt. 1894 in Missouri d: Unknown comment: Also Cleager
...... 4 Lee Hale Chenoweth
.... 3 Neal Chenoweth b: June 18, 1902 in Oklahoma d: September 01, 1974
.. 2 Cora Chenoweth b: Abt. 1867 in Iowa d: Unknown
.. 2 Alphea Chenoweth b: Abt. 1871 in Iowa d: Unknown
.. 2 Anna Chenoweth b: Abt. 1875 in Iowa d: Unknown
.. 2 Rachel Chenoweth b: Abt. 1879 in Iowa d: Unknown
1 William Chenoweth d: Bet. 1898 - 1900 in Iowa
+Lucy Craig b: March 1880 in Iowa d: Unknown Father: Lou Craig
.. 2 Robert Day Chenoweth b: August 01, 1898 d: June 1978 in Scott Co., IA
.. +Hester ? b: September 13, 1899 d: March 16, 1992
.... 3 Bobby Chenoweth
1 William Chenoweth b: Abt. 1849 in Kentucky d: Unknown
+Artemesia (Parker) ? b: Abt. 1837 in Mississippi d: Unknown
.. 2 Elbor Chenoweth b: 1869 in Arkansas d: Unknown
.. 2 Emma Chenoweth b: 1874 in Arkansas d: Unknown
1 William Chenowith b: October 1859 in Maryland d: Unknown
+Amanda Maise b: December 1863 in Maryland d: Unknown
.. 2 Florence E. Chenowith b: September 1884 in Maryland d: Unknown
.. 2 Ella M. Chenowith b: January 1887 in Maryland d: Unknown
.. 2 Lavinia C. Chenowith b: July 1889 in Maryland d: Unknown
1) William C. Chenoweth (1860 - 1935) b in Ohio comment: spelled name Chenowyth
1 William C. Chenoweth b: August 1860 in Ohio d: 1935 in Illinois comment: spelled name Chenowyth - Chyunk file
+Eva P. ? b: January 1864 in Illinois d: 1939 in Illinois
.. 2 George W. Chenoweth b: January 1884 in Illinois d: Unknown
.. +Myrtle Connell b: Abt. 1885 in Texas d: Unknown Mother: Maggie ?
.... 3 Margaret E. Chenoweth
.... 3 George M. Chenoweth
.. 2 Roy I. Chenoweth b: May 12, 1891 in Arkansas d: January 25, 1962
.. +Irene T. ? b: April 26, 1894 d: January 05, 1965
.. 2 Gladys Chenoweth b: July 1897 in Arkansas d: Unknown
.. +Wallis S. Bromley b: 1896 d: Unknown
.... 3 (Daughter) Bromley
1 William J. Chenoweth b: January 29, 1862 in Baltimore, MD d: July 04, 1927 in Elizabeth City, VA comment: never married Spanish American War
Soultion or details appreciated - Jon Egge
You can reach me by e-mail at:
Snail Mail: PO Box 1188, Woodinville, WA 98072
Copyright c 1999-2021 by Jon D. Egge. All Rights Reserved. Any republication of this page material for personal use requires inclusion of this copyright. Any other republication of this page material requires the express consent of the author.
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Last Revision May 24, 2021