The Chenoweths of John and Mary are a Colonial Family of Cornish roots that started in the Pennsylvania and New Jersey area about 1703 and moved to Baltimore Co., MD in the 1730s. In the 1740s the father and 3 of the sons moved to Frederick Co., VA. Two of the sons stayed in Baltimore Co. Virginia became a springboard for the westward movement and the Chenoweths a family of pioneer-settlers. At every stop they settled, parts of the family remained, while others moved on. The next immigration of anyone with the Chenoweth name did not come until 1820. In the 2000 Census there were 4,699 Chenoweths and 231 Chenowiths living in the US. Spread across America, 9 of 10 of them [by various spellings] are descended from this one Colonial Family
With the close of 2011, the website has be in operation for 16 years, on almost a daily basis. The database has expanded from a few thousand to over 184,000 names. Over 3,100 cousin contacts have been made on the internet and hundreds of others by snail mail. The genealogy lines of earlier times have been corrected to a true structure through the 4th generation. Dozens of previously unidentified lines have been successfully placed within the tree. A solid sourcing to Census data for all Chenoweths as been accomplished and the entire known family has been identified in both the 1850, 1860 and 1870 Censuses. The story of the family has been written in rich detail. Ten National Reunions have been staged. The quarterly newsletter has published its 42nd edition. I can't thank the cousins, especially Pete, Dot, Greg and Joyce enough. This has truly been a rewarding experience.
I am no longer actively updating the website, though I am still be engaged with working on the database. I wish you all a Happy New Year. -- Jon Egge, Saratoga Passage, Jan 2, 2012
I actually started a new page. It's called Jon's blog. we'll see how this goes. Every one in a while when working the database, I find an interesting story. I use to put these in the newsletter's, but will add them to the blog for now. - Jon Egge, February 14, 2021, Bells Beach, WA
caution: the database contained here has received many unposted corrections. Anyone seeking to use database information should contact me
All eight children known by will married and had children. Lines are known to present day for seven of these eight 2nd generation families.
John Chenoweth b: Bet. 1682 - 1683 in Cornwall d: Abt. May 1746 in Frederick Co., VA
m: Mary Calvert b: December 19, 1687 in Pennsylvania? m: Abt. 1703 d: Bef. 1737 in Maryland Presumed Father: John Calvert Presumed Mother: Judith Stamper
This site is unique in many ways. First it is the largest compilation of descendants of the family of John Chenoweth and Mary Calvert in existence. More the name is unique in that 90% of Chenoweths in the US come from this one family and so many of the first four generations are known, which creates a very broad tree. The site data is supported by Census data with pages depicting every descendant family in the 1850 and 1860 Census. Soon this will be joined by the 1870 census. These cover both Chenoweth and daughter lines. Chenoweth listings for every Census from 1790 to 1930 as well as current SSA listings have been identified into the 80 to 90% range. The knowledge base we have developed and are currently working with is massive. If you can contribute to this in any way, we would be most grateful indeed.
The Chenoweths settled in Maryland on Back River Hundred of Baltimore Co., then Virginia and parts of present day West Virginia, into Pennsylvania, Kentucky and Tennessee. From there they moved into Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, then Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas and Kansas. Today they encompass the country. Even if you don't find an immediate connection point in the current database, there are several other resources available to attempt to do so. Please understand that this data is subject to revision. I have found errors in the original database given me. There are errors in Hiatt. There are errors in Harris. I am sure that I have made more than my share. There will probably always be errors in any genealogy listing as the magnitude of detail is staggering. PLEASE NOTE: The posted database has not been updated in some time. There are many minor corrections to it in my file. If you want the most accurate information you should contact me.
The site has taken on a life of its own as 2350 Chenoweth cousins have signed in and added lines to the database. Living descendants today span from the 7th to the 14th generation. The most common sign-in is from a 10th generation descendant. The next most common is 9th generation, of which I am one. The 11th generation is generally too young and too busy, but all this is relative to which line you come from: the youngest or the oldest. Though I manage the site and work on the database, I am, in part, just a conduit of the labor and research of many others. (see sources). It includes all Chenoweth names from the Cora Hiatt book, the Harris book and as well as the database of Peter Chenoweth in Georgia, the site's genealogist. Great support in finding cousins has also come from Dot Tucker Houk of Maryland and the reunion committee efforts and website . [Thanks: Bill, Joyce and Mike]. This is believed to be the largest database and most in depth study of Chenoweth family members in existence. Thank you all for participating.
Background: The History of the Chenoweths in America is fairly well documented. The first in depth study was done by Mrs. Cora Chenoweth Hiatt in 1925 under the title History of the Chenoweth Family, listing about 5,100 names. [an index by the Rockville Public Library of 4,831 names is now available] And though there are some errors and disputes over some of her facts, the family owes her an enormous debt for the sheer scope of the collection of families she put together at a time when communications were not as quick as they are now. Her framework was based on then recent discoveries of the early wills of the Chenoweths. If interested, you might also want to look at this modern presentation of the family tree as outlined by Arthur L. Keith in 1922 at the 8th Chenoweth Reunion in Elkins, WV. This was a revolution from earlier myths of the preceding century. In 1994, The Chenoweth Family in America by Shirley and Richard Harris was published. The Harris Book is a result of over 15 years of research by Rich and his late wife, Shirley Bales Harris, who was the Chenoweth descendant of the family. For the most part, the Harris book, follows the same structure laid out by Cora Hiatt with a few major corrections. It is however rich with detail, listing some 13,000 names. With the last several updates, several major alterations have been made to the Harris structure. Details of these and other corrections can be found on our Background of Chenoweth genealogy page. The complete text of introduction by Richard Harris in his book is now presented on a separate page. Details on how to obtain the book are given below. A fuller discussion of the history and evolution of Chenoweth genealogy can be found on the background page.
The database I am listing here is at present about 120,000 names. Unlike the Harris book, lines of daughters are followed wherever they lead. The seven largest family names in order are the Chenoweths, Smiths, Hales, Millers, Carters, Johnsons and Wilsons. A distant Chenoweth cousin, Bob Derryberry, whom I met on Prodigy, started it. I, at first, started to augment it with my own family and sources on the web and Mrs. Hiatt's book. I am now using the Harris book as a standard; and the descendants contained therein are now completely contained within the site database. I suspect however this is only a small portion of descendants that actually sprang from this prolific family. Peter Chenoweth of Georgia has generously supplementing the database with his material he has collected over a lifetime of genealogy work. Many other cousins have contributed their lines.
The database is presented in three tables comprising over 433 web pages: A surname summary, alphabetic listing, and descendant outlines (233). The names in the alphabetic table are linked to the appropriate descendant's table. You can return from a descendant's table to the alphabetic list by using the back button on your browser or through the links at the beginning of each page. My database is contained in a Broderbund's Family Tree maker file and the HTML linked lists are simply prepared by copying a descendant outline report into Excel and manipulating the data into HTML coding and tables. You should be able to move quite easily from one table to the other and back. If you have any trouble, find problems, have additions or corrections to add please contact me by EMail at or by snail mail at P.O. Box 1188, Woodinville, WA 98072. Please don't link directly to any of the name locations, as their indexed number will change with each update. You are more that welcome to link this page, any descendant page as a whole, or any of the variety of supporting pages; however, I would enjoy hearing about the link if you do so. There are a number of other features and pages concerning the family in addition to the database pages To appreciate the many features of the site you should vist the site introduction page. A broader discussion of the background of Chenoweth genealogy is on a separate page.
Return to contents
Genealogical Questions and Corrections: First it is important to realize that this website is a living document, under constant revision. Dates, places and relationships are subject to change as more is learned. As the database is an assembly of many sources, the quality of those sources vary. A section of the background information page has been devoted to various questions and disputes in Chenoweth genealogy. Therein the major problems contained in the Hiatt and Harris books are discussed, as well as present and unresolved controversies. Also outlined are departures in this database from the Harris book. I have avoided the thorny problem regarding the identification of the ancestry of Mary Calvert, John Chenoweth's wife, by starting with this family, which is the real start of the Chenoweths in America. John Chenoweth's own background is equally shrouded in mystery. If you want, you can view on that same page, a discussion of the background for Mary Calvert, who married John Chenoweth about 1703-5 and settled Baltimore Co., Maryland by 1830. My own belief in this matter adheres to the theory presented by J. Richard Buckey in his book The History of the Calverts who were Quakers. Chenoweth Wills: We have started the process of posting the four dozen or so early known wills of the Chenoweth family. Over 40 wills are posted on this page. They provide most of the early framwork of the family. If you have access to the full text of a will we are missing please or one we ought to include, please contact me. This page should serve to provide depth and support for the site genealogy. Besides diplaying the deep sense of the religion religious bearing of these people, the wills were a mechanism for passing on property. The families that went to Virginia and West acquired property. The families that stayed in Baltimore, moved to more landless occupations, and only a few early wills of these two branched of the family are know.
The great grandchildren - the bridge generation is an outline of the 1st four generations of the family as defined by the current database, denoting where they lived and which lines extend to present day. This is a comprehensive overview of the current family and the presently known lines of descent.
Blind alleys and unknowns: There are a number of Chenoweth sons born in the 1700's of whom little is known. A special page of these blind alleys is presented in hopes that someone may find the missing links. At present we also have a database of about 4,000 Chenoweth names, spouses and descendants that cannot be linked to the families of John Chenoweth and Mary Calvert. A comprehensive listing of the major branches of these unknowns, including a complete compilation of the unknown Chenoweth section of the Harris book is presented on 11 pages. All are accessible from the Main Harris Unknowns Page. These names have been indexed and included in the main database site alphabetical name listings. Also available is a list of unknown Chenoweth Marriages. If you have information on any person listed on these pages please contact me: Jon Egge. Unknown Chenoweths in the Social Security System: This page is a list, by last known location, of deceased Chenoweths and their spouses listed with the Social System that we can not identify. If you have Excel capability you can view the most current list in that format. Perhaps you can help us. Of over 1,900 names presently listed in the SSA index, we have identified over 86% of these individuals. Of those identified, over 85% of these are in our main file, with known ties to the family of John and Mary. Moreover over half of those identified but not placed within the main file, belong to specific unknown lines that are believed to belong to the family but are unproven at this time. Less than 4% have been identified to "other lines" of later immigrations. This supports my belief that 9 out of 10 Chenoweths in America today descendant from the family of John Chenoweth and Mary Calvert.
Spellings: "Chenoweth" can be spelled in a variety of ways. Though CHENOWETH, and to a lesser extent, CHENOWITH are the most pervasive spellings today [ the only 2 to have over 100 listed names in the 2000 Census], CHINOWETH, CHENOWTH, CHINOWTH, CHENWORTH, CHINWORTH, CHINEWORTH, CHANEYWORTH, CHENEYWORTH AND CHINOUTH are found in particular, select branches. Regardless, they are all the same family. The breakdown of this names is roughly as follows:
The one spelling that I have never found associated with the family is CHYNOWETH, though it is the same Cornish root name. Another spelling, CHENNITH, though seen in family records in earlier times, the modern usage by certain families does not appear to be part of the Chenoweth family of John and Mary. For this site all descendants with the Chenoweth-Surname have been sorted together under the spelling Chenoweth.
The distribution map below depicts the spread of the Chenoweth name in the 1930 Census. Found in 45 0f the 48 states, it is relatively rare in New England and the South. The traditional early settlement states of Maryland, West Virginia (the Virginia), Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri form an almost direst straight line west that became extended into Kansas and Colorado in the latter part of the 1800s. The name also depicts the early jump to the West Coast.. [This distribution includes only males bearing the Chenoweth name descended from the family of John Chenoweth and Mary Cavert for a total of 1,417 males found in the 1930 Census. The 1930 Census has a relatively low "found" rate. We estimate there were probably as many as 1,700 male Chenoweth named members in 1930]. Further discussion of spelling and numbers found in Censuses can be found on the Census page.
Given Names: Like most families, the original names of the first family [John, Richard, Arthur, William & Thomas] were passed on in succeeding generations. Unfortunately through the first 4 generations, most middle names are unknown. This adds to identification problems. John and William, and to a lesser extent Thomas, are the most common in the family. [When known, please use middle names when inquiring about or listing information on Chenoweths.] Chenoweth is often used as a middle name. My own brother is Richard Chenoweth Egge. The Everett family has carried this down to four generations with John Chenoweth Everett, IV. There are instances of it used as a first name as in Chenoweth Hale, Chenoweth Peteet, Chenoweth Tredway, Chenoweth Ashton, and Chenoweth Stalnaker. There is even my 2nd cousin, Chenoweth Robertson, a lady.
In the early family, biblical or religious names were common: John, Thomas, Absolom, Elias, Joseph, Abraham, Isaac, Elijah, Eli, Joshua, Gideon, Jacob, Joel, Luke, Michael, Noah, Uriah, Philemon, Parmenus.
There are the famous people names: Benjamin Franklin Chenoweth, Benjamin Harrison Chenoweth, Christopher Columbus Chenoweth, General Robert E. Lee Chenoweth, George Washington Chenoweth, Isaac Newton Chenoweth, John Wayne Chenoweth, John Wesley Chenoweth, Karl Marx Chenoweth, Martin Luther Chenoweth, Millard Filmore Chenoweth, Thomas Jefferson Chenoweth, Sherman Grant Chenoweth, Stonewall Jackson Chenoweth, Theodore Roosevelt Chenoweth, Ulysses S. Grant Chenoweth, Woodrow Wilson Chenoweth, and Zachary Taylor Chenoweth
Then there are the unusual names. Some of my favorites are: Absolum Loraine Chenoweth, Armour Benton Chenoweth, Baxter Baile Chenoweth, Beach Mead Chenoweth, Bernard Peel Chenoweth, Cyrus Pepper Chenoweth, Daisy May Chenoweth, Finis Edwin Chenoweth, Floyd Welcome Chenoweth, Grafton Whitaker Chenoweth, Hardin Tallman Chenoweth, Harry Hambleton Chenoweth, Havilah A. Chenoweth, Herr Victor Chenoweth, Hester Brisco Chenoweth, Hezekiah Stites Chenoweth, Indiana Chenoweth, Isaac Calvert Chenoweth, Jeremiah Browning Chenoweth, Joshua Gent Chenoweth, Leander Olander Chenoweth, Massalona Chenoweth, Missouri Independence Chenoweth, Misty Dawn Chenoweth, Nimrod Hunter Chenoweth, Origen Hungerford Chenoweth, Pethas Payne Chenoweth, Philemon Cromwell Chenoweth, Reason Colony Chenoweth, Rossiter Rowley Chenoweth, Salem Chenoweth, Scioto Chenoweth, Starletta Fenwick Chenoweth, Sidney Orange Chenoweth, Stout Chenoweth, Tunie Chenoweth, Verna Sonoma Chenoweth, Xmas Carol Chenoweth, Zendorf Chenoweth, and Zue D'Etta Chenoweth
Major Ties: This file contains over 18,700 Surnames and many family ties of daughters that married into other family names. The largest and most signicant of the daughter lines found in the database are listed below. All are from distant Chenoweth cousins and make this file unique, in that it contains the tip of complexity of the weave of family lines, formed when examination is given to the lines of the daughters, who no longer carry the Chenoweth name. The sheer size of what is out there when one considers the resulting intertwining of trees is mind boggling. This is an attempt to introduce some of these daughter lines. [An ancillary study is a listing of daughter marriages not found in the Harris book]
Other important early family ties are the ALEXANDERS, BOWENS, BROOKS, FOSTERS, FRANKLINS, GISTS, GORDONS, KITTLES, MAYFIELDS, RARICKS, SKIDMORES, THOMPSONS, TAYLORS, WILSONS AND WESTROPHES. Need I say, SMITHS are everywhere. I hope you enjoy the rich mixture of names and lines in this growing data base as much as I. Largest families groups by surname (more common names listed below): Chenoweth 10,260, Hale 734, Carter 583, Ashbrook 530, Stalnaker (also Stanaker) 451, Daniels 340, Taylor 321, Casebier 309, Petro 308, Thompson 291, Whitaker 276, Simmons 274, Morgan 267, Butler 262, Sutton 247, Adams 246, Kelley 233, Downing 226, Rowan 207, Callaway 207, Tucker 200, LaRue 199, Hart 197 [based on September 22, 2003 data]
Common Named Families groups by surname: Smith 1,186, Miller 625, Johnson 609, Wilson 577, Davis 494, Brown 431, Williams 425, Jones 422, Moore 360, Scott 330, Anderson 312, Baker 311, Martin 300, Harris 282, White 265, Wright 241, Allen 236, Roberts 232. Most of these are scatterings of many groups. [based on September 22, 2003 data]
Known surnames ties through the 1st three generations. (names in 'CAPS' indicate daughters marrying into another family name that have continuing lines)
Chenoweth daughter lines not in Harris: this page attempts to outline additional Chenoweth daughter lines between the 3rd and 5th generation not found in the Harris book and their sourcing.
A question of numbers: The forest through the trees. The 2000 Census lists Chenoweth as the 6,638th most common name in the US with 4,699 individuals. The next most common variant spelling, Chenowith, falls to 77,222nd with 231. Adding in all the known variants the number would be slightly less than 5,000 people. [In 1990, the Chenoweth ranked 6,272nd] Out of every 100,000 people in the US, 3.42 are named Chenoweth. The Chenoweth Family in America is currently in the 7th through 14th generation. Figures dated Sept 22, 2003 based on total database of 119,900 and approximately 108,800 descendants and spouses. An additional numbers analysis can be found in a new discussion on the 1880 Census
Family descendants are known for 7 of the eight children of John Chenoweth and Mary Calvert. Of the 59 grandchildren of the family, 37 are known to have lines to present day. The numerical breakdown is listed below, but over 2/3 come from the oldest son John and the youngest son Thomas. In fact John(2) is over half the database and his first son William exceeds Thomas in size though a generation younger. That said, it should be noted that by 1840 the lines of John only represented roughly 40% of the male lines. So some of John's dominance comes from the strong knowledge of daughter lines from this oldest branch. This dominance, particularly over his brother, Thomas, the next closest in size, is in part a generation difference. In 1930, John's lines had 182 sons in the 9th generation and 29 in the 10th, while Thomas, the youngest of the 5 sons, had but 15 sons just starting into the 9th generation. But looking at the 6th generation, which was complete by 1930, John had a total of 172 sons born to that generation, while Thomas has 200! So which is the biggest, John or Thomas? Well that depends how you define the question. The rarest of the seven are from the 2nd son child, Richard(2). Though Ruth is smaller, her lines are in the process of being built. Descendants of Mary, who married John Watson are basically unknown.
The oldest known male line to present day The oldest known descent known line to present day The youngest known male line to present day The youngest known descent known line to present day First born males of the first 11 Generations
Males Bias: There is a built in bias tilting towards male Chenoweth lines in the first 3 generations of the family. In the 2nd generation there were 5 sons and 3 daughters. Lines from all 5 of the sons, but only 2 of the 3 daughters are presently known to modern day. Of the 5 sons, in the 3rd generation there were 29 grandsons and only 15 granddaughters. 24 of the male lines can be traced to present day, only 4 of the 6 sons of Richard(2) and one of Arthur(2) are missing. [One or some of these may account for the lost lines known to exist today in the area of Baltimore, MD.] Thus all the combined 17 sons of John, William and Thomas, 5 from Arthur and 2 from Richard are traceable to present day. 21 of these 24 lines still carry the Chenoweth Name in male lines. Of the 15 daughter lines only 7 of the 15 can be traced to present day. For the 2 known 2nd generation daughters, only 7 of the known 12 children are traced at present, further limiting the extent of the daughter lines. This heavy skewing towards male lines gives a has produced a strong dominance of the Chenoweth name in the database.
Continuing Males Lines: There were 29 third generation males bearing the Chenoweth name and 89 in the fourth generation. 49 of these are continuing male lines today into the 8 and 9 generations. All these fourth generation males were born before 1820, the first Census in which a 2nd migrant family appears. The oldest lines, those of John, are very strong in passing down the male name. From 6 sons there were 18 fourth generation males lines, 15 of these extend to males lines today. All six sons of John have continuing male lines to present day. Of Richard(2)'s 6 sons, only one, the line of the son John, has continuing male named lines. Five of Arthur(2)'s 6 sons result in 21 fourth generation lines, but only 8 of these are continuing male named lines to present day. Two of William(2)'s four sons resulted in 8 fourth generation male named lines and 6 of these continue through today. Thomas(2) had 7 sons. Six of these resulted in 35 fourth generation male named lines. 17 of these continue through today. The rough distribution of fourth generation lines continuing the Chenoweth name today then is 1/3 John, 1/3 Thomas and 1/3 the combined other 3 sons. The density of these lines is even more skewed to the lines of John, the oldest son. Roughly half of the 722 eighth generation Chenoweth male lines are from John, and half of these are from the oldest grandson, William. The lines of the oldest great grandson John (4th generation) are 101 of these 722 lines.
The first born Chenoweth male of the 11th generation happened in the 1940s in the line of John. No other line of the original sons started the 11th generation until after 1950. The lines of Thomas, the yougest son, were still producing primarily 8th generation males with a few 9th generation. No 10th generation Thomas line had started by 1950. The last 7th generation Chenoweth son for the entire family was born in 1946. There were over 802 known Chenoweth males born to the 7th generation. This generation had begun in 1833. The last survivor of the 6th generation probably died in 1988 at the age of 94. The 6th generation had begun in 1807 and spanned 180 years from the first son born until the last son had died. There were over 583 known Chenoweth males born to the 6th generation. Through 1950 the database has a total of 813 known Chenoweth males for the 8th generation which is still in formation. At present some 3314 known males being the Chenoweth name have been born of this family since inception to 1950. 1,824 of these were living in 1950. It should be noted however that the database is incomplete, particularly in the later generations.
The Forest: A family tree starts off like an upside down triangle, and is really a pedigree for all the branches that ascend upward (back in time). But though drawn upside down, this triangle is reversed; these are the roots of the trees, that dig into the soil of days past. Family researchers become involved with the trunk and branches of the tree, a normal triangle, one that starts at a single marriage and broadens with branches on the way up, that keep reaching to the sky in broader and longer formations. In reality humanity is a web of lines going up and down and interlacing each generation with a new marriage, connecting new families together. The researcher's rays of lines cross and re-cross each other. The trees become the forest. My database of Chenoweths has 275 descendants in the fourth generation, 1,125 in the fifth. With the latest update, just one of these fourth generation Chenoweths, Jonathan of William(3) John(2), will have over 4,081 descendants and 2,330 spouses (his brother John has 9,008 descendants with 4,623 spouses). Applied across the board this number would balloon to 1,400,000. Conservatively we could easily have a quarter of a million people in a descendant's outline. The Harris book contains some 13,000 names but doesn't begin to dent the full structure and variety of what is there when the lines of women are considered. Is this realistic? Would every line have been as prolific as that of Jonathan(4)? Maybe not, but consider than the bulk of Jonathan's 6,300 descendants and spouses come from 4 of his eight children. Then consider that of the three daughters in the second generation only 7 single lines are followed past the 3rd generation in my database, from just two of the daughters, accounting for 30 fourth generation children. The fourth generation of Chenoweths is bigger than the 275 in my database and Jonathan's line is greater than 6,300. I tend to believe my figures are conservative. There are an estimated 5,000 living descendants today with the name of Chenoweth [In 1930 there were 1716 males living that are in my file and another 100 or so in scattered lines which we believe to be part of the family.]. They range from the 7th to the 14th generation. The last of the 6th generation is thought to have died in 1988. The last of the 7th generation is thought to be born in 1946. The 8th generation should be complete by now, but the data is so recent that an exact determination cannot be made.
Given for each Chenoweth surname in the 9th generation would normally be 255 other surnamed. Because of the skewing in the first 2 born generations towards male lines this figure is closer to half that, or 121 daughter lines for each male line. The 9th generation should contain about 1,000 males named Chenoweth. A estimated calculation the various rations for each generation would a total family size of about 250,000 people.
I have always been curious as to the size of the family. Here is another analysis. The family is a dynamic thing at this point with over a thousand family members dying each year and even more being born. We have a good idea of the numbers living in the 1850 and 1860 Census, and if I ever complete the 1870 Censuses, that knowledge will advance. Not that these numbers are static. The 1850 Census count have grown to 949 families. In February 2007 the count was 911. The first run through in 2005 was 758. A 2nd pass that year got the numbers to 817. They have edge up from there and though more slowly, I suspect they will continue to grow. The present [February 2009] 949 families equate to 4,994 people. What does that grow to?
Recently I entered my Laprath family at ancestry to the 1930 Census. The count was about 160. But I have 1200 names, so whatever existed in 1930 is 7.5 times greater. Since 1850 to 1930 is a similar span, could we say that we could use a factor of 56 from the 1850. That comes to 280,000. This is low end because the growth from 1850 to 1930 would be larger than the 7.5 from 1930 to today and because even the 7.5 is Iowa I don t have every up to date in the Laprath family. I would easily use the 1860 figure of 7,378 and be still undercounting and that comes to 410,000. I suspect the number is greater than this. Just food for thought. No one will ever really know the true figures or just how many of us are really related. In genealogy we look at trees, but do we see the forest? Coat-of-ArmsThe Coat of arms used at this site has undergone a gradual evolution. The current crest is the result of a long and costly research effort by Bill Chinworth and employs "choughs". Bruce Wesley Chenoweth of Idaho has redone this image in fine high resolution version. It is a far better image that the one I was using. (Thanks Bruce!). The previous crest using griffins was done for me by Jeff Swann based on a description in the Harris book. [as "SA. on a Fasse, Or. Three Griffin's heads, erased, guiles". This describes a shield of black (SA.) with a band of gold (OR.), running horizontally midway between the top and bottom, with three Griffin heads of red (gules) color, with ragged necks as if torn from their bodies (erased)]. The griffins are supposed to be on the band. But Hiatt and Harris both (though the picture in the Harris book has it right) say two above the gold band and one below. Hence the "coat of arms" given by both Harris and Hiatt appear to be wrong. It is a reminder to me that there are many mistakes made in genealogy. According to Connor Hugh Chenoweth, the original art work for the Coat of Arms used by Cora in her book was done by Hugh Maxwell Chenoweth, a great grandson of William Thomas Chenoweth.
Bill Chinworth spent considerable time and expense researching the crest. This is his definitive explanation of what he found out:
"The 1925 Chenoweth History authored by Cora Chenoweth Hiatt had a nice picture of a family crest designed by someone [Hugh Maxwell Chenoweth] with artistic talent back in 1925. There are two or three errors there but without anything else, the family has become quite enamored to this depiction. It is instantly recognizable by us all.
The three things wrong with it are: I have been in contact with the College of Arms and the York Herald, Henry Beddingfield, who corresponded with me. The College of Arms does not recognize our American crest because it's somewhat wrong. The last crest awarded to Chenoweths ended when the heir died at age four. This is the info that Jon was mentioning in his message. However, this crest was quartered and the Chenoweth quarter definitely shows the black - gold - black background with the three red birds on the gold. So, that's the latest true feature. It was from 1650 or thereabouts without going across the room and check. Chenoweths lost their peerage status when the little boy passed on.
There is also another Chenoweth listing which comes from a source other than Henry's bailiwick noted above. This is an earlier official designation from another data base. It has three choughs on the fess (middle horizontal bar). They are not erased. Chough is a small black bird with a red bill and red feet and is a resident of Cornwall, the shire in question. Chough is pronounced, chuff. Erased means the head has been ripped from the body and is depicted by a ragged neckline. " Beginnings - 12 generations in England: You can view a genealogy tree of 12 generations of the Chenoweth family that originated this surname from 1100 AD ? to the mid 1600s (thanks to Kathie Weigel and Peter Chenoweth). Please note that John Chenoweth b: ca. 1682 has no known tie to this family other than a common name Other Chenoweth lines: The genealogy lines of Peter Clinton Chenoweth back to William Chenoweth b: 1682 in England are presented on a separate page: William's father was John Chenoweth b:1635. What the relationship to John Chenoweth(1) b: 1682-1683 is unknown at this time.
A Little Geography: Where we live [NOTE: for a more detailed description of the early places of settlement see: The places they lived.] Tradition has it that the Chenoweth family started in Maryland, in Baltimore County. John Chenoweth immigrated from Cornwall and his wife Mary Calvert was most probably born in Pennsylvania. It is thought that they may have married in Pennsylvania at a home of one of Mary's relatives. Their eight children were probably raised in New Jersey of Southeast Pennsylvania. The first records of the Chenoweths in Baltimore Co., MD begin with the marriage of the oldest son, John, in 1730. Parts of the family have been there ever since.
In the second generation Richard and Arthur remained in Maryland, but the other three sons, John, William and Thomas, and probably the all daughters, moved south, to Frederick Co., Virginia. It is now believed that John Chenoweth, the progenitor, also moved to Virginia before 1743. Some of this area later became Hampshire and Berkeley Counties, and still later a part of West Virginia. In the third generation most of the Carters of Hannah Chenoweth moved from Virginia to Washington County, Pennsylvania. The widow Frances Haile Chenoweth took her family to Washington Co., TN. Arthur's son Richard, relocated to Knox Co., TN about 1812.
In the 1790s "Revolutionary" John Chenoweth(4) settled in Randolph Co., Virginia. Chenoweths remain in this area today, though it is now located in the state of West Virginia. Others of the third and fourth generation went to the wilds of Kentucky as early as 1778, though until 1783, Kentucky was still considered part of Virginia. Here, the family of Richard Chenoweth was involved in the famous "Chenoweth Massacre" at the hands of Shawnee Indians in 1789. Richard and his wife, Peggy, helped found present day Louisville in Jefferson County, Kentucky. Between 1790 and 1820 many of these same Kentucky Chenoweths, and others from Maryland and Virginia, as well as their Carter cousins from Pennsylvania, pioneered into Ohio. They generally moved in family groups. A couple of siblings and their families would pioneer westward and soon be followed by others. The Thomas branch moved cohesively together in the third generation at least three times to the area of Old Town in present day Allegany Co., MD, then to Mason County, KY and then the Scioto Valley of Ohio, all before 1800. About the same time, several Arthur(2) and William(2) lines left Berkeley Co., VA for Pennsylvania.
During the time leading up to the Civil War, while parts of the family stayed in Maryland and what is now present day West Virginia, the bulk of the family continued to expand into Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky and Tennessee. By 1840, the three Great Lake states of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois were home to over half of the Chenoweth families, a concentration that would continue past 1880. Even today these 3 states hold a heavy concentration of families. At the same time, Chenoweths, then, pushed into Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas and Texas. They were in Oregon by 1849 and of course some left for the gold fields of California. In the course of 70 years from the late 1770s, they had spread west across the land to the Pacific. Often they were among the first settlers in the area. By the time of the Civil war, the 5th through 7th generations, Unlike the general movements of most of the Chenoweth family, it is now known that John Peteet (Petit), who married Ruth Chenoweth, the youngest daughter of John and Mary Calvert Chenoweth, went to North Carolina with his son Richard John Peteet. This Peteet line moved on to Wilkes Co., Georgia and then to Texas. This is the only instance of Chenoweth descendants, in early America, that I have found in the deep South.
The Midwest: Ohio, Indiana and Illinois are the heartland of the family. This area was started to be settled by 3rd and 4th generation family members just before the turn of the 19th Century. Indiana by 1850 became the most populous state for family members, a distinction carried forward through the remainder of the century. Looking back from a perspective presented by the Census studies through 1930, of the 2800 males born with the Chenoweth name to that point in time, one third of them had been birthed in the states of Ohio and Indiana. Of the two original homes of the 2nd generation, Maryland has always kept a strong presence, particularly when viewed with the staggering number of unknown lines there, known to be part of the family, and particularly thought to be descendants of Richard. As for Virginia, the focus was always what became West Virginia, and has mostly narrowed to the dominance of the Randolph Co. families of the 4th generation "Revolutionary John."
The Chenoweth surname is found today throughout the United States. Present phone listings have Chenoweth for every state in the Union. New England and the Deep South, in general, have fewer listings. In terms of numbers, the five states with the biggest listings are Illinois, Ohio, California, Maryland and Indiana. The next five are Colorado, Missouri, Texas, Florida, and West Virginia. While West Virginia is only tenth in terms of absolute numbers, this state, which saw the early migration of second generation families, has the highest density in the nation of Chenoweths when compared with its general population. Baltimore Co., MD still contains the largest number of Chenoweth names of any individual county in the nation. A graphic of this US distribution can be viewed on the cousins page. Of course the Chenoweth surname, with the living family now in the 8th through 14th generation, is just a tip of the iceberg of descendants; so the phone listing tell only a small part of the story.
: Other Chenoweths involved in the movie industry can be found at this site. Only Kristin and Ellen are identified above.
in genealogy: Part of the background of Chenoweth genealogy involved a legal pursuit of leases and land in an around Baltimore, just after the turn of the 20th century. I asked my uncle, Harry Holt Chenoweth, to examine the history and circumstances of these events. In reality no lease document was ever produced and the Cora Hiatt claim of a vast estate called Gunpowder Manor was equally a myth. It is probable that the Chenoweths descendants at the time were innocent victims in all this as explained by a recent Article by in the Rootsweb Review by Myra Vanderpool Gormley, Vol. 3, No. 17, 26 April 2000:
"The bulk of estate frauds has been associated with common surnames. These scams -- many of which occurred about 75 to 100 years ago -- worked like this. Confidence men sought "missing heirs" by placing advertisements in the personal ads or legal
notices of newspapers. Then they planted stories in newspapers about huge estates that were soon to be awarded to rightful heirs. Naturally many people responded. Then these "heirs" -- at the urging of the swindlers -- would form associations as estate claimants, incorporate under the laws of their state and write letters to their cousins encouraging them to join the association, and pay the membership dues and special assessments for legal fees to fight for their "estates."
Newspaper wire services picked up dozens of such items about meetings of these various "heirs groups" in small towns.
Eventually these stories began to appear in major newspapers such as THE NEW YORK TIMES. Naturally, appearance in prestigious newspapers gave credence to the stories of the estates."
The nature of these frauds are very similar to the one that involved the Chenoweths. We now know that the Chenoweths never owned property in Maryland until 1741 when, the son, Arthur, made the first purchase, and that property was never a vast estate. We also know that the Chenoweths were not connected with the Baltimore Calverts. But those were different times and at the turn of the 20th century, little but myths was known. The name Calvert, the location of Baltimore Co. and the smell of money were enough to start the fever. But often good comes from bad. The resultant associations started the collection and documentation of the Chenoweth family tree on a broad scale that was used by Cora Hiatt in her 1925 book.
Here is Harry's report:
Some Calverts, Chenoweths, and Cromwells and their relatives began to believe that one or more of their ancestors owned large tracts of land in or around present day Baltimore, Maryland. Furthermore, they believed that the land had been leased for 99 years rather than having been sold. Some thought that this land had passed through the hands of "the Lord Baltimores". A few thought this land had been obtained by outright grants by the King of England to their relatives. In any case the land was now extremely valuable and many associations were formed to investigate the matter and to file the appropriate claims
While their were many of these associations, among the better known ones were "The Calvert Heirs Association of Kansas City, and the "Chenoweth Heirs Association" with headquarters in Ash Grove, Missouri and organized in 1911. Closely associated with this latter group was what was known as the "West Virginia Branch of the Chenoweth Heirs", organized in 1912. Each potential heir was expected to contribute six dollars to the Association. This was a considerable amount of money in the period 1911-1920. Five dollars was supposed to cover the cost of a future genealogy chart and one dollar was to cover the cost of the expenses of the Association. It is not known how the money was actually used. There is no evidence of a final genealogical chart. However, the Associations did exchange a great deal of genealogical information with the members. It is a possibility that some of the funds eventually helped finance Cora Hiatt's book. Certainly some of the genealogy information collected was turned over to her.
There were those who claimed to have seen wills and lease documents. There was even a few that claimed to possess such documents. In general, the various associations did not trust one another, and therefore were hesitant to cooperate. There was lots of bickering. Here are a few excerpts from letters written by officers of some of the Associations. While the search for people and documents went on from about 1907 to 1927, a period of about 20 years, in the end, no useful bona-fide lease documents were ever found. But in addition to searching for documents, a good deal of effort was put into genealogical searches. This, of course, is the really valuable part of the "dream". Among others, Cora Chenoweth Hiatt became involved in this search. Her work finally led to the publication in 1925 of the "History of the Chenoweth Family". While that book was somewhat incomplete and contained some errors (as would be expected), it formed the basis for later research and publications.
The opinion of two law firms are interesting. One firm gave as its reason for its unwillingness to take the case on a contingency basis the following. They claimed to have had considerable experience with 99-year leases in and around Baltimore and they said that such leases invariably contained a clause allowing for their renewal forever on the original terms. The other firm said that, "The court of Appeals in Maryland has held in cases where the leaseholder has not been disturbed by the owner for a long number of years that the owner loses his right and the leaseholder acquires a good title to the property. The court holds that it would work greater injustice to dispossess people who have improved property and held it for many years than to return it to its original owners."
In researching this paper, Harry concluded, "If I held such a lease I would want a second opinion, and maybe even a third, but I strongly suspect that I would find that this last opinion is a correct one. So much for the 'dream'" ..., [I would add to Harry's words, and the "goose chase"].
As an added note, Harry passed away in August of 2008 at the age of 94. He was my uncle, friend and fellow researcher. I owe him a great debt for his work and the discovery of the correct placement of the family of James Francis Chenoweth and Rebecca Safley. God rest his soul.
Three special pages are dedicated to those in the family that served our nation in its time of conflict. They are dedicated in appreciation of that sacrifice. If you have a family member who served and is not listed, please contact me. An explanation of the early genealogy of the Chenoweth family as determined by the wills of Maryland and Virginia, presented by Arthur L. Keith in a paper Presented Sept 1922, Elkins, WV at their 8th Chenoweth Reunion. This remarkably accurate account forms the formation for the family as it is now known.
The first hand account of James Chenoweth, as told to his grandchildren in 1850, of the founding of Louisville, Kentucky and the Chenoweth Massacre is now available at the site. This account was written by Alfred Pirtle, nephew to a son of James, published in 1931. (I have never been able to place Alfred in the family tree). For anyone with an interest in early American life, this story of the travails of Richard and Peggy Chenoweth and their pioneering into the wilderness of Kentucky, prior to 1780, is a delightful discovery. Another version, probably more accurate, can be found in Blaine Guthrie, Jr's account of Captain Richard Chenoweth as published by the Filson Club of Kentucky, 1972. This detail contains many historical facts about the life of Richard Chenoweth.
Genealogy, at its core, involves family stories. This is one about the death of my great grandfather, Dr. Albert White Chenoweth, of Pineville, MO, who was shot two weeks before my grandfather was born. Dr. Albert was a veteran of the Civil War and a prominent citizen of McDonald County. This is an account of the witness testimony at the trial of Garland Mann, the saloonkeeper, who was accused of the shooting. Garland Mann was tried 3 times. During a 4th trial, a mob broke into the jail house and hung him. Cousin marriages were common in early America. In part this was due to the more limited area in which families lived, based on available transportation. Cousins were a large part of who you knew in the immediate locality. To day, though close cousin marriages are rarer, there is the surprising instances of very distant cousins uniting, often without knowledge of the relationship.
This page is a study of twins and triplets organized by generation, born in the various branches of the Chenoweth family, as produced by Peter Chenoweth. It is a personal interest of his, as his wife is a twin. So, remarkably, is my father; though it's my mother who was the Chenoweth. Peter adds so interesting comments on twins. A note: This database is comprised of numerous secondary sources. Most are very good, but some not. Whereas I can refer you to the source, I can not give you primary data. We have used our best judgment as to whether to include material. Changes will occur. This is a living document, not etched in stone. The main sources are listed below. Besides these specific sources, hundreds of cousins across the country have contributed their family trees. These can be found, by branch, on the cousins pages below. In all there have been over 800 separate sources for names in this database. A listing of the top 140 can be viewed on another page.
Bill Chinworth, with the permission of Richard Harris, has had a reprint done of 500 copies of the Harris Book, "The Chenoweth Family in America". This book is rich in detail and texture with a fine index and a comprehensive look at the male lines of the family. The price is $50 including shipping. The reprint includes the Harris Addendum. You can order by mailing your check and address directly to Pete Chenoweth, 1045 Hancock Mill Lane, Hephzibah, GA 30815. Make the check payable to Chenoweth Family Book. PS: for those interested in Cora Hiatt's book, an online copy is available to those with access to Heritage Quest. (this great genealogy resource is often accessible through your local library)
Richard Harris sold out his original stock of books on "The Chenoweth family in America", pub: 1994 in the fall of 1997. The book is an absolute treasure. As I understand it, Mr. Harris has moved to St. Louis, MO. A listing of 244 genealogy libraries that have a copy of this book are presented on a separate page. Currently Bill Chinworth has a mailing out on short addendum for book holders, completed by Richard Harris in the fall of 1998 (cost $3.50). The Introduction of the Harris Book, as well as his thoughts on John Chenoweth and Mary Calvert, and his write-ups on second generation children are now available at the site The 1st National Chenoweth Reunion was held on August 4th - 6th, 2000 in Bowling Green, KY. There were some 80 families and 200 people and much was learned and enjoyed. The event was highlighted by the attendance of Richard Harris. My compliments to the fine organization done by Bill Chinworth, Joyce Wiegand and Mike Chenoweth. The Chenoweth Family Association was organized.
The 2nd National Chenoweth Reunion was held on August 15th - 18th, 2002 in Elkins, WV. Randy Allan was the local co-ordinator and again was helped by Bill, Joyce and Mike. The star of the event was Virginia Bird Johnson of Elkins, age 93 and bright as a button. The 88th annual local Chenoweth Picnic was held that Saturday. In all some 225 people registered in addition to local attendance at the picnic. A special thanks to the local cousins who helped with registration: Sharon Matthews, Sue Chenoweth, Sheila Washburn, Cindy and Sarah Talbott, Donna Allan
The 3rd National Chenoweth Reunion was held on August 4th - 8th, 2004 in Beaverton, OR. Albert Heller Chenoweth and his wife Delores were the local co-ordinators and again was helped by Bill, Joyce and Mike. A signicant attendee was Elmer Haile, Jr. of Baltimore Co., MD, age 94. Music was provided by Daniel Fred Chenoweth of Sonora, Mexico. The picnic was held on Mt. Hood. [Highlights]
The 4th National Chenoweth Reunion was held on August 2nd - 6th, 2006 in Baltimore, MD. Lois Akehurst and family were the local hosts. A signicant attendee was Elmer Haile, Jr. of Baltimore Co., MD, age 96. Music was provided by Bill Chinworth's trio and Daniel Fred and Marisela Chenoweth of Sonora, Mexico. The family outing was to Fort Henry. A significant attendee was Elmer Haile, Jr. of Baltimore Co., MD, age 96. Music was provided by Bill Chinworth's trio and Daniel Fred and Marisela Chenoweth of Sonora, Mexico. The family outing was to Fort Henry. [Highlights]
The 5th National Chenoweth Reunion was held on July 23rd - 27th, 2008 in Ft Wayne, IN. Joyce Weigand and Mike & Kay Chenoweth were the local hosts. Attendees visited the Amish community of and made several visits to the genalogy department of the Ft Wayne Public Library. Greg Wulker discussed the Early Life of the Calverts. [Highlights]
The 6th national Reunion was held in Mesquite, TX on Jul 21-25, 2010 The Ft MesquiteReunion was hosted by Lawra Duy of Dallas, TX, IN. The 8th national Reunion was held in Oklahoma City, VA in the summer of 2014
The 9th national Reunion was held in Oklahoma City, OK in the summer of 2016
The 10th national Reunion was held in Mineral Point, WI in the summer of 2018
The 10th national Reunion was held in Little Rock, AR in the summer of 2022
The next reunion are will be held in in will be held Aug. 1-4, 2024, in Media, PA, hosted by Greg Wulker. Please visit the Chenoweth Family Association site for information.
Local Reunions: NOTICE: Find-a-grave: I have recently begun to understand the possibilities of this site. At present I am slowly gathering together named Chenoweth burials already posted. I am looking for a few cousins who are interested in developing the potential of this site: Chenoweth burials
The 25 latest cousins to sign in are listed below. In 2011, 35 cousins signed into the site out of 79 cousin contacts. To view all the cousins to have registered please go to the Cousins:John(2) or Cousins: Other children, unknown and other lines pages. There is a special descendant's table that will allow you to quickly find your closest relative as well as an alphabetical listing. To look at cousins in your state (49 of 50 represented) or country (Australia, Canada, Mexico, Japan, France and England), click here. If you are a cousin Email me, give me your name, your address and the connection. All Chenoweths and descendants welcome. The largest group of cousin contacts have been females in the 10th generation. About two thirds of all cousins that sign in are in the 9th and 10th generation of the family. I have had 4 cousins from the 7th generation and 3 from the 13th, quite a spread and quite a family!
In all, this project has contacted over 3,500 descendants of this family. Near cousins often have bits of information about your family line. The cousin listings provide an exceptional opportunity to network with not so distant family. I have removed the Email listings of contributing cousins to help protect their addresses from "spamharvesters". If you are a cousin or researcher I will try to give you a connection address on request In honor of cousins that have helped me and since passed away during the ongoing process of the Chenoweth Website. Without their help, much of the family knowledge would never have been acquired. They each will be missed.
Jonathan Paul, California, my first web cousin (in reality a 7th Chenoweth cousin), had graciously provided an alternate site to the Chenoweth Web pages done in GED2HTML for those of you who prefer this format for years. You can find this site at
The database was cut off on September 22, 2003 at 119,878 names. The update was posted Oct 15th. This update, the first in 3 years, was based on the almost 29,000 names added for a net of 108,811 names, and includes the restructured tree as presently known. It includes 14,100 surnames and a total of 10,800 named Chenoweths. It includes data as sourced in a complete review of the 1870-1930 Censuses for Male Chenoweths, and the entire family in the 1880 Census. Descendant pages were expanded to 217 separate pages up from 135.
Current file status To conserve space on this main page, the notes on the workings of this site and successive update information and its sources can be are now linked on a separate page for those interested. There have been Last Revision Thursday, May 9, 2024
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named known Cora Hiatt's
Gen yr of birth children Chenoweth spouses total Numbers
1st: 1682 1 1 2 3 1
2nd: 1706-1722 - 8 (avg 8.0) - 8 - 8 16 8
3rd: 1731-1775 - 59 (avg 7.3) - 45 - 59 118 42
4th: 1750-1827 - 302 (avg 5.1) - 198 - 260 562 192
5th: 1779-1875 - 1,193 (avg 4.0) - 560 - 967 2,160 416
6th: 1801-1915 - 3,895 (avg 3.3) - 1,305 - 2,420 6,315 1,433
7th: 1822-1946 - 8,100 (avg 2.1) - 1,681 - 4,461 12,561 1,543
Total through 7 ------ -----------------------
generations 13,558 3,798 8,177 21,735
1850 Census 4,972 (living)
1860 Census 7,051 (living)
(based on 9/22/03 database)
John(2) 53.9%
William(3) 29.4%
John(4) 16.4%
Jonathon(4) 6.6%
William(4) 6.4%
Richard(2) 4.4%
Hannah(2) 6.4%
Arthur(2) 9.5%
William(2) 6.4%
Thomas(2) 18.3%
Ruth(2) 1.2%
KURTIS PARK11 CHENOWETH (Doral Park10, Doral Park9, Doral Park8, George Mcclellan7, Ira Stout6, Robert T.5, John4, William3, John2, John1)
LEONA KATHYRINE11 COBERLY (Edgar H.10, Lee9, Jesse Chenoweth8, William Harrison7, Margaret6 Chenoweth, Robert T.5, John4, William3, John2, John1)
JOEL RUSSELL9 CHENOWETH (Robin Russel8, Russell Arthur7, Clyde Wagner6, Joel5, Joel4, Abraham3, Thomas2, John1)
MIRIAM8 ARNOLD (David Johnson7, Robert Johnson6, Oliver Hazzard Perry Arnold5, Eunice Peteet4, Richard John Peteet3, Ruth2, John1)
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Noteworthy Chenoweths - Because I get asked a lot
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Chenoweth Heirs Association
by Harry Holt Chenoweth
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Special Pages
Census Pages
Service in Wars - Chenoweths who served in our nation's time of need
Arthur L. Keith - an outline of the early family
Chenoweth Massacre - Richard(3) of Kentucky
The Assassination of Dr. A.W. Chenoweth - my great grandfather
Kissing Cousins - just for fun
Twins: by Peter Chenoweth
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Sources of information, with thanks
Harris Book
A List of Major sources
(Peter's genealogy tree may be viewed under William Chenoweth)
Snail Mail Cousins - Chenoweths Researchers
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Elkins Presentation
The 7th national Reunion was held in Winchester, VA on Jul 26*31, 2012
Email Cousins - Web Chenoweths - Notices
Looking for the first descendant of the century
Cousins #2350 (19 for 2012) - May 26, 3012
now international
Contributing Cousins "ad Astra"
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Chenoweth GedHTMLWeb Site
Database and Future updates: 186,893 [plus 1,163 for 11 weeks and 67,015 since the last web database update]. We now have over 66,000 marriages recorded in the database. In 2000 we added 12,571 names; 7,268 names [in 2001]; 9,482 names in 2002 ; 6,664 names in 2003 ; 6,237 names in 2004, 8,248 names in 2005, 5,082 names in 2006, 8,789 names in 2007, 11,722 names in 2008, 10,775 names in 2009, 7,320 in 2010, 5,931 in 2011. This is the largest assemblage of individuals in the Chenoweth family in existence. The site has been updated 10 times in the last eight years, and has grown to over almost 109,000 posted names.
Site Updates and Information
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Comments and Cousins appreciated - Jon Egge
You can reach me by e-mail at:
Snail Mail: PO Box 1188, Woodinville, WA 98072
Copyright c 1996-2012 by Jon D. Egge. All Rights Reserved. Any republication of this page material for personal use requires inclusion of this copyright. Any other republication of this page material requires the express consent of the author.
to return to Egge Family Tree...
visits to this page since Feb 2003 and an additional 110,000 + since 01/02/96 including a few construction events by me.
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