In the course of my reaserch I have run across Austill, Carter, Chatham, Farthing, Kendall, Orr, Rarick, Swann, Tyler, and Wilmoth Family researchers who have large databases. There is website information below for Austills, Chathams, Hoyts, Tylers, Whitakers, and Wilmoths. Email information is available for Carters.
This is a list of surnames in our family tree. Like most American families it is filled with immigrants. Eighteen separate family or individual immigrations and 75 family names are cited below spanning more than 200 years from pre 1700 to about 1915. They say if we go back far enough we're all related. Perhaps, for a few, the journey back won't be as far and you will recognize someone. Any additions or corrections to our list would be most welcome. I used four source books I have as well as family records: The Chenoweth Family in America by Richard Harris (which replaces The Chenoweth History by Cora Chenoweth Hiatt), The House of Waltman and its Allied Families by Lora S. LaMance, and YONCE Families, by Luther V. Yonce.
If you want to view these lines in graphical form you can look at 4 Visio charts I made or one chart for my children made in Family Tree Maker by Broderbund. You can also view the more than 800 names (the Chenoweth database is not included here) presently in my family database as a alphabetical table with dates and places of birth where known. This is a HTML 3 document and uses a table format that can only be viewed properly by a Netscape 1.1 browser or equivalent. If you have interest in one of these relatives please write me. The lines of women have begun to fascinate me as I make connections on my Chenoweth and Laprath pages. There is a vastness and a complexity that is like threads in a tapestry. Out of my 496 Laprath descendants I have found 81 are males sons to bear the name. 407 were daughters or sons of daughters. I know there are at least a 60 more to find, all non-Laprath named, making the male sample only about 13% at most as we edge further into the 6th and 7th generations. And this is from a family that started with seven sons and a daughter. It took me 7 years to find the only daughter of the immigrant family: Mary Catherine Federson. The lines of women seldom die out. They have a chameleon like property that blends into family trees across the board. It is sort of the glue that binds us all together. To have a family name, you are the son (or daughter) of a son of a son of a son as far back as the name existed. Everyone is born with one line like that. It defines their name. But for each generation back a geometric explosion of other names and lines happens. For the Chenoweths ranging between the 9th and 13th generation today in America, there are over 1000 descendants with names other than Chenoweths for every male bearing the family name. The immensity of the ocean around a family tree is the texture of our society. Collecting the names of sons is easy and ordered, but can you find the daughters? If your father gave you a name, didn't your mother bring you another family? My mother's father was a 7th generation Chenoweth in America, son of a son of a son et al.. He had one son, who had three daughters. The name in this line is lost, but the 8 children of my mother and her brother will always carry Chenoweth blood. How long will their descendants remember it? My line of Lapraths is through Mathias, the second son. Through the 7th generation there have been 138 descendants. Nine were males bearing the name Laprath. One son bearing the Laprath name exists today in the sixth generation to carry on the name, but there are 48 other members of this generation. So far there are 27 in the seventh generation and none carry the name. The sheer size of the problem as well as the difficulty in finding the daughters restrict genealogists to limiting their descendants to the males. They miss a lot. If this idea intrigues you, you should look at the Casebier subset lines on my Chenoweth pages originally researched by Mary Elizabeth Padden of Washington and augmented by Rodger Smith of Ontario, Canada. The complexity I allude to is very richly evident in their work. Have fun with your search. In case you missed the links above, you can link to 4 pages of seven generations of Lapraths. This is an on going research that covers 1,035 family members including spouses from 1824 to present day (newest descendant born April 27, 2001, Montana):
You can link to a 285 pages of over 82,000 descendants and spouses of John Chenoweth and Mary Calvert with a linked surname summary, a linked alphabetical list and a descendants outline. I will be adding to this from time to time. Last update 5/14/00 Visit a McKean research page at Broderbund by William Earl and Janice Louise Angle. This section consists of 3 pages covering about 460 descendants both in Norway and America of this family of my great grand mother Olina Pedersdatter Wibe . Last update 6/11/96. This is an ongoing project. This new section consists of 5 pages covering about 1,000 descendants of Conard Waltman b: 1718 and his wife Katherine Bierly. Both born in Bavaria, they immigrated to Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania in 1738. Last update 8/31/97. Through my Chenoweth page I found an Austill link, David E Austill. David has an Austill web site and can be contacted by EMail David Austill. As a point of interest both the Chenoweths and Austills came from the area around Cornwall, Great Britain. Through my Chenoweth page I have found found two distant Chenoweth cousins that are Carters from James Carter I, b: ca 1670, England, immigrated to Bucks County, PA: Marie Eberle of Illinois and Margaret Skyles of Oklahoma. Marie has written two books on the Carter lines and researched the Carter name for over 20 years. Marg generously gave me over 900 descendants from Hannah Chenoweth and James Carter. Debbie Chatham, a Chenoweth descendant, has a homepage for Chatham, Viles, Chenoweth, and Lofgreen families. She is an avid resercher. You can Email her Debbbie. Or go to her genealogy page at Debbie Chatham's Home Page
. Farthing researchers can contact Barbara Bonham of Massachusetts or Thomas Michel Farthing Sr. of Georgia Jill E. McLeester, has a nicely done homepage for Hoyts with a large database connection. You can Email her Jill. Or go to her genealogy page at The Pumpkin's Roots
. Sandra Duncan of California has been a marvel. Her links and sources to Randolpd County, West Virtginia have meen invaluable to me. She has a database of over 10,000 names at her hompage and can be contacted by EMail Sandra Duncan. In the course of looking for my Chenoweth-Whitakers The SAR has a website maintained by Donald Frank Evans of the George Masion Chapter of the Virginia Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. I know of three lines of eligiblity listed on these pages. They include several Chenoweth lines, My Waltman-Yount line, and some Peabody lines mainatined by Velton. If the SAR is of interest to you you might visit this site. *US CENSUS Rank: 88,799 surnames from a summary of about 2.6 million: These files contain frequency information about the names used by the American population in 1990. The data comes from a sample of about 1 million households included in the 1990 Census. To protect the privacy of respondents, the least common names used by about 10% of the population have been surpressed. Another useful tool in surnames is a website that will generate a distribution map for the 50,000 most common surnames in the US: U.S. Surname Distribution NOTICE: New at the US Census Genealogy: Age Search Service.
The Census Bureau provides an "age search" service to the public:
They will search the confidential records from the Federal population censuses of 1910 to 1990 and issue an official
transcript of the results (for a congressionally mandated fee).
Individuals can use these transcripts, which may contain information on a person's age, sex, race, State or country
of birth, and relationship to the householder, as evidence to qualify for social security and other retirement
benefits, in making passport applications, to prove relationship in settling estates, in genealogy research, etc., or to
satisfy other situations where a birth or other certificate may be needed but is not available. Information can be
released to the named person, their heirs, or legal representatives.
Details and/or application furnished upon request. Contact Mary Lee Eldridge at
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Good Genealogy Links
Helm's Genealogy Toolbox
Janyce's Genealogy Page - You can instantly link your Genealogy Home Page, AMAZING!
Broderbund's World Fmily Tree Site - A great resource an starting place
GenForum - Good Genealogy Bulletin Board
Family Search Internet Genealogy - The LDS, motherlode of genealogy, is on the web
Genealogy Is ... Lori Hoffman's Home Page - Really exquisite
The USGenWeb Project - Drill down to any County
Darke County Ohio Genealogical
Researchers Home Page - great site
Orsay it on the Web- Beth tracks world family tree submitters
Mark and Cyndi's Family Tree! - over 2,200 categorized links for other genealogy sites and resources on the Internet
RootsWeb Surname List - Search - Find other searchers
interesting & helpful sites
Allegheny Regional Family History Society - A well done regional genealogy resource site
The Attic by Dolby
Cool Sites for Genealogists
Everton's Guide to Genealogy
GenWeb Database Index - by Tim Doyle
Lines and Lineage
Genealogy's "Most Wanted" - A useful and helpful resource
Index of most visted genealogy sites during current week
PAFways - locations of genealogy pages all over the web
Patsy Dominick's Claim To Fame - in search of genealogy in the southeastern U.S.
Polk County Missouri Genealogy - My grandmother's roots as well as some Chenoweths
SURNAME SPRINGBOARD- A place to link your family tree site
SurnameWeb- A new site listing Surname links all over the world by David L. Beck
U.S. Census: Genealogy Page
U.S. Surname DistributionA useful site that will generate a US distribution map of 50,000 Surnames
The Genealogy Home Page
well done home pages
Sue Skay's Genealogy Home- Susan and her cousin Kay have a well done genelogy page with high tech web authoring. There is a downloadable file here of 5,000 names
Bob Kinsman's Home Page - Bob has about 5,000 names; Kinsman and other Cornwall families at his site at Half Moon Bay
Comments appreciated - Jon Egge
You can reach me by e-mail at:
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Laprath Family
1st Generation 2
2nd Generation 16
3rd Generation 80
4th Generation 167
5th Generation 332
6th Generation 328
7th Generation 107
8th Generation 8
Chenoweth Family
McKean Family
Wibe Family
Waltman Family
Austill Family
Carter Family
Chatham Family
Farthing Family
Hoyt Family
Whitaker families
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Sons of the the Ameriacn Revoultion
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Statistical U.S. Distribution
------ per 93 Phone disk-------------------------
Top Ten Most Common Surnames in US
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