Laprath is a fairly unique name. In August of 1995 I noticed there were only about 20 listings in my current phone disc in the entire United States. As my Grandmother was a Laprath, and I had her father's name as Mathias, I set out to see if I could make a connection with someone in these listings. My first response was from Roy Laprath in Gregory, SD and this contact has led to the identification of over 1100 descendants and spouses of this German family that immigrated to America in 1870. This research has been entirely created by contacts with family members whom I owe a deep debt of gratitude for their support and help. Until recently we had not been able to find out what happened to the one sister, Marie Catherine Laprath, but it appears that that roadblock has now been cracked.
Hans Laprath, Sr. married Anne Margetha Cathrina Himpkamp, his 2nd cousin, in Simonsberg near Husum, Germany on May 24, 1853. Husum is a west coastal city located in the neck of Germany that extends up to Denmark, in the Schleswig province or state. The couple had eight children, 7 boys and a girl, through fourteen and a half years in Simonsberg. One son died young. In 1870 they left Germany from the port of Hamburg in two sailings, arriving in New York. Hans and his two oldest sons Andreas and Mathias came in January. They gave their occupation as farmers. Margaret and the other five children arrived in June. Nineteen months later, in January of 1872, a ninth and last child and eighth son, was born, this time in Long Grove, Scott Co., Iowa. The 1880 Census found the family 100 miles west in Tama County, Iowa. Hans, Sr., Margaret, and 4 children were in Spring Creek township. Marie and Peter were working as servants for other families in Tama Co. My great grandfather Mathias was a farm laborer in Crawford Co. Only Andreas has not been found in this Census. Over the next two decades the family moved west to Sac City, Iowa and then northeast Nebraska. The German Laprath is more commonly spelled LaPrath today, except for a few families still in South Dakota. This has made the family unique, in that all LaPraths presently in the United States derived from this one family. You can view a map of the distribution of present living & known Laprath descendants. With the update in May of 1996 I have converted the Laprath pages to conform to the format used in the Chenoweth and Wibe pages. One graphical tree as been retained from the original presentation covering the first three generations and may still viewed in that form. The database is contained in Broderbund's Family Tree maker 3.01.
In researching the family of Hans Laprath, we now believe we know the lines and happenings of all six children who married. Maria Catherina Laprath married in late 1880 to a Charles Feddersen, probably in Tama Co. They had seven children. This matches the family recollection that she married a Fedderson or Fetterson, most probably German. Lewis Cassidy remembered the name Fetterson. He thought the names sounded like "featherstone" and he was from Iowa, which would have been where Mary Catherine married him. Margaret Cassidy Hanson confirms this. Margaret spelled the name Fedderson. She remembered that Mary Catherine came to Gross for the funeral of Hans, Jr in 1919.
A couple of years ago, through my 2nd cousin Claudia Marzullo, I was able to contact a Laprath 5th cousin who lives in Denmark on the island of Langeland in a town named Rudk�bing: Henriette Idestrup. Henriette has a genealogy website . Between Claudia and Henriette, we have pieced together a couple of Laprath generations in Germany: Hans Laprath, Sr. was the son of Andreas Adam Laprath b: January 17, 1787 and Maren Jens b: 1781. This Andreas had a sister Catherine who is the ancestor of Henriette. Their parents were Andreas Adam Laprath and Catharina Himpkamp who married on July 12, 1771 in Simonsberg. More recently, Peter (Theodosios) Himpkamp, of Athens, Greece contacted me. He has added pieces of the Himpkamp family back a couple of generation in Germany as well as some wonderful pictures and background material on Simonsberg. The internet has a connectivity that amazes me. I can't thank Peter and Henriette enough.Family Study
In February, 2003, I printed 100 copies of a 130 page family study. Unfortunately I have no copies left. A part of the study's introduction can be viewed on line. My present file is of 1189 people, 765 descendants and 423 spouses (Jan 2009) in this one family. into the 8th generation. In all there have been 80 males with the Laprath name born in the US, 74 are descendants of Hans and Margaret. 41 are presently living.
To those gone
Since I began this project, several family members who contributed much knowledge of the family, have passed away. I owe them a debt of gratitude for their help: George Laprath, Jr., Jack Leroy LaPrath, Kenneth Curtis LaPrath, Ella LaPrath of Sandpiont, ID, Garnet Shattuck Rossow, Lewis Cassidy, Vincent Cassidy, Reginia Cassidy Broadstone, James Edwin Cassidy, Margaret Cassidy Hanson, Ollie Swanson, Robert and Carol Egge, Margaret Ritchie Hind, and Barbara Bennett Taylor, Catherine Laird, Evelyn McBride, Perry Vernon LaPrath, Sr., Darlene Joyce LaPrath, Edward James LaPrath, Carl Owen LaPrath, Robert Richard Clary and Michael Charles Frehse
Recently the Egge branch of the Laprath Family had a family reunion (June 2007). The picture below shows 8 of 12 living cousins, all grandchildren of Mary Alice 'Nana' Laprath Egge
Right to left: Mary Parsons, Dan Ritchie, Rick Egge, Janet Acarregui, "Bunny" Pfister, Ruth Marie Jones, Jon Egge, Steve Egge
and this is a picture of the 5 children of Mary Elise Laprath and "Gus" Egge: Bob, Ruth, Ella, Norma and Dick, all born in Elma, WA, grandchildren of Mathias
SD Reunion
In 2009 Michael Laprath of Seeth, Germany visted Bill and Hans at their farm in South Dakota, maybe the first time the American and German branches have been reunited.
A 5th cousin in Denmark
A 3rd cousin once removed in Greece
1 Johann Jacob Hinrich Laprath b: Bef. 1711 . +Maria Hedewig b: Bef. 1711 2 Andreas Adam Laprath b: Abt. 1731 d: May 09, 1799 in Simonsberg, Schleswig-Holstien, Prussen .... +Catharina Himpkamp b: August 29, 1750 m: July 12, 1771 in Simonsberg, Schleswig-Holstien, Prussen d: November 23, 1827 in Simonsberg, Schleswig-Holstien, Prussen Father: Magnus Himpkamp Mother: Margarethe Suhrs ... 3 Margaretha Laprath b: March 21, 1774 d: 1774 ... 3 Johann Hinrich 'Klaus' Laprath b: April 02, 1777 d: 1859 ...... +Elsabe Momsen m: August 16, 1799 in Simonsberg, Schleswig-Holstien, Prussen ..... 4 Cathrina Laprath b: January 04, 1804 ......... +Hans Hinrich Hansen m: March 19, 1823 in Simonsberg, Schleswig-Holstien, Prussia ..... 4 Andreas Adam Laprath III b: March 02, 1807 in Br�klum, Schleswig-Holstien, Prussen ......... +Anna Christina ? b: Abt. 1819 ..... 4 Claus Mumsen Laprath b: March 02, 1807 in Simonsberg, Schleswig-Holstien, Prussen ..... 4 Johann Hinrich Laprath b: July 07, 1810 ..... 4 Elsabe Margaretha Christina Marta Laprath b: August 23, 1813 in Simonsberg, Schleswig-Holstien, Prussen ... 3 Andreas Adam Laprath, Jr. b: January 17, 1787 d: 1858 ...... +Maren Jens b: 1781 ..... 4 Claus Jens Laprath b: 1814 in Husum, Schleswig Province, Germany ......... +Anna Catharina Wolf b: Abt. 1818 ..... 4 Hans Laprath, Sr. b: June 24, 1824 in Witzwort, Schleswig Province, Germany d: May 23, 1910 in Bonner Co., ID Burial: Gross cemetery, Gross, Boyd Co., NE comment: 2nd cousin Himpkamp marriage ......... +Anna Margaretha Catharina 'Margaret' Himpkamp b: January 01, 1827 in Simonsberg, Schleswig Province, Germany m: May 12, 1853 in Simonsberg, Schleswig Province, Germany d: January 13, 1902 in Boyd Co., NE Father: Marten Himpkamp Mother: Anna Catharina Margaretha Peters Burial: Gross cemetery, Gross,Boyd Co., NE comment: 2nd cousin Himpkamp marriage(for continuation see Original family in America)
... 3 Hans Laprath b: April 24, 1790 in Simonsberg, Schleswig-Holstien, Prussen d: 1799
1 Magnus Himpkamp b: Abt. 1709 d: November 10, 1763 in Simonsberg, Schleswig-Holstien, Prussen . +Margarethe Suhrs b: February 1716/17 d: January 20, 1784 in Simonsberg, Schleswig-Holstien, Prussen Father: Marten Suhr 2 Hans Himpkamp b: September 1753 d: December 24, 1808 .... +Anna 'Antje' Palms b: Abt. 1772 d: May 09, 1800 Father: Jahren Tochter von Andreas Palms Mother: ? Fraucke ... 3 Marten Himpkamp b: October 28, 1796 d: November 23, 1862 in Simonsberg, Schleswig Province, Germany ...... +Anna Catharina Margaretha Peters b: April 09, 1801 in Tetenbuell, GERMANY m: May 19, 1825 in Simonsberg, Schleswig Province, Germany d: November 13, 1875 in Simonsberg, Schleswig Province, Germany Father: Peter Marten Peters Mother: Anna Margarethe Hasch ..... 4 Hans Himpkamp b: Abt. 1826 ......... +Anna Katharina Lotterup b: Abt. 1825 in Swensburg, Denmark d: Abt. 1901 ..... 4 [2] Anna Margaretha Catharina 'Margaret' Himpkamp b: January 01, 1827 in Simonsberg, Schleswig Province, Germany d: January 13, 1902 in Boyd Co., NE Burial: Gross cemetery, Gross,Boyd Co., NE comment: 2nd cousin Himpkamp marriage ......... +[1] Hans Laprath, Sr. b: June 24, 1824 in Witzwort, Schleswig Province, Germany m: May 12, 1853 in Simonsberg, Schleswig Province, Germany d: May 23, 1910 in Bonner Co., ID Father: Andreas Adam Laprath, Jr. Mother: Maren Jens Burial: Gross cemetery, Gross, Boyd Co., NE comment: 2nd cousin Himpkamp marriage(for continuation see Original family in America)
..... 4 Peter Marten Peters Himpkamp b: Abt. 1834 ......... +Wiebcke Jensen b: Abt. 1840 ..... 4 Thomas Himpkamp b: September 17, 1838 ......... +Maria Katharina Jens 2 Catharina Himpkamp b: August 29, 1750 d: November 23, 1827 in Simonsberg, Schleswig-Holstien, Prussen .... +Andreas Adam Laprath b: Abt. 1731 m: July 12, 1771 in Simonsberg, Schleswig-Holstien, Prussen d: May 09, 1799 in Simonsberg, Schleswig-Holstien, Prussen Father: Johann Jacob Hinrich Laprath Mother: Maria Hedewig (see Laprath above)
This is an ongoing family search to located all possible lines of this family. If you have any information to add to this project please contact me by EMail at or by regular Mail at P.O. Box 1188, Woodinville, WA 98072. Thank you
The original family
The Family of Hans Laprath and Margaret Himpkamp
1 Hans Laprath, Sr. (1824 - 1910) b: June 24, 1824 in Schleswig Province, Germany d: May 23, 1910 in Nebraska
+Anna Margretha Cathrina Himpkamp (1827 - 1902) b: January 01, 1827 in Simonsberg, Schleswig Province, Germany m: May 12, 1853 in Simonsberg, Schleswig Province, Germany d: January 13, 1902 in Nebraska
2 Andreas Laprath (1854 - 1936) b: May 05, 1854 in Simonsberg, Schleswig Province, Germany d: January 31, 1936 in Stockton, CA
+Isabelle Pearce (1878 - 1971) July 11, 1878 in Bayou Sorrel, Iberville Parish, LA m: May 14, 1892 in Franklin, St. Mary Parish, LA d: October 25, 1971 in San Francisco, San Francisco Co., CA
2 Mathias Laprath (1856 - 1924) b: March 10, 1856 in Simonsberg, Schleswig Province, Germany d: September 20, 1924 in Elma, Grays Harbor Co., WA
+Anna Marie Haba (1874 - 1967) b: April 10, 1874 in North Platt, Lincoln Co., NE m: October 07, 1887 in Pierce Co., Nebraska d: November 1967 in Los Angles, CA
2 Maria Catherina Laprath (1858 - unknown)b: March 12, 1858 in Simonsberg, Schleswig Province, Germany
+Charles Feddersen in Tama Co., IA
2 Hans Laprath, Jr. (1860 - 1919) b: January 28, 1860 in Simonsberg, Schleswig Province, Germany d: November 18, 1927 in Norfolk, Madison Co., NE
+Mary Klindt (1867 - 1927) b: December 05, 1867 in Kiel, Germany m: in Sac City, Sac Co., IA d: 1927 in Norfolk, Madison Co., NE
2 Peter Friedrig Laprath (1862 - unknown) b: January 31, 1862 in Simonsberg, Schleswig Province, Germany
2 Thomas Jens Laprath (1863 - 1935) b: December 21, 1863 in Simonsberg, Schleswig Province, Germany d: September 04, 1935 in Tripp Co., SD
+Katheryn Elizabeth Sacht (1884 - 1944) b: March 24, 1884 in Falls City, Richardson, NE m: June 06, 1900 in Ft. Randall, Tripp Co., SD d: February 21, 1944 in Spokane, Spokane Co., WA
2 Wilhelm Heinerig Laprath (1867 - Abt 1927) b: October 30, 1867 in Simonsberg, Schleswig Province, Germany d: Abt 1927 in Nebraska or South Dakota
+Margaret H. Sacht (1881 - 1977) b: February 13, 1881 in Falls City, Richardson, NE d: December 1977 in Sandpoint, ID
2 Johannis Hinerig Laprath (1872 - 1928) b: January 26, 1872 in Long Grove, Scott Co., IA d: November 30, 1928 in Lynch, Boyd Co., NE
Surmane Index
Acarregui (7)
Adams (1)
Adamson (1)
Alexander (5)
Andersen (3)
Anderson (3)
Antholz (1)
Aronson (2)
Asher (7)
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Barsumian (1)
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Bellville (1)
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Bentley (1)
Blazek (1)
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Bonich (1)
Bowers (1)
Boxx (2)
Braddy (1)
Braden (2)
Bradshaw (2)
Brennan (1)
Brim (6)
Broadstone (16)
Brockmoller (2)
Brown (9)
Brummel (1)
Bryant (1)
Buchert (1)
Bures (4)
Burleson (1)
Burns (1)
Buttrill (4)
Bybee (1)
Cachanni (1)
Calloway (1)
Campbell (1)
Carpenter (3)
Cassel (1)
Cassell (1)
Cassidy (20)
Caudy (3)
Charland (1)
Chenoweth (1)
Christiansen (3)
Clare (1)
Clark (1)
Clary (23)
Cole (1)
Coleman (1)
Coles (1)
Combs (1)
Conery (2)
Connelly (3)
Cook (1)
Costich (3)
Cote (1)
Coulson (1)
Cox (1)
Croft (1)
Daniels (1)
Davis (1)
Dean (4)
Derby (2)
Dotson (3)
DuMontier (1)
Dunford (4)
Dunn (1)
Duran (1)
Eddings (5)
Egge (22)
Eiher (1)
Ellington (2)
Enright (1)
Farmer (16)
Feddersen (2)
Ferres (1)
Finagin (3)
Fink (1)
Finnerin (1)
Flagg (6)
Fredrickson (1)
Frehse (1)
Frey (1)
Gertsch (3)
Gilbert (6)
Goings (1)
Gonsalves (1)
Gordon (3)
Grady (2)
Gray (1)
Green (3)
Greenlow (1)
Gregg (1)
Griffith (1)
Haba (1)
Hadley (1)
Hagen (1)
Hall (5)
Halls (1)
Hammack (1)
Hannahs (2)
Hansen (3)
Hanson (5)
Hawkins (1)
Heald (2)
Heft (1)
Heine (1)
Heinrich (1)
Heller (2)
Henderson (1)
Hill (3)
Hills (3)
Himpkamp (1)
Hind (1)
Hoffman (1)
Hoflich (3)
Holbrook (1)
Holcombe (1)
Hollibaugh (1)
Holloway (3)
Holman (9)
Horst (2)
Hubbard (1)
Hunt (2)
Hunter (3)
Hutchins (3)
Jackson (1)
Jacox (2)
Jamnick (1)
Jewart (1)
Johnson (3)
Jolley (1)
Jones (7)
Kane (23)
Keith (1)
Kelly (1)
Kendrick (4)
Kirby (2)
Klimple (2)
Klindt (1)
Knotts (1)
Knowles (1)
Knutson (1)
Krzeczkowska (1)
Kuhia (1)
Kuper (1)
Laird (6)
Lake (1)
Lakey (1)
Laprath (154)
Larkin (1)
Lawrence (1)
LaZelle (1)
Lepetrie (1)
Levesques (1)
Lilly (1)
Linscott (8)
Lockwood (1)
Loomis (2)
Madera (1)
Maher (1)
Malone (4)
Mancuso (1)
Manke (1)
Maresh (1)
Marley (1)
Marsh (8)
Martin (3)
Martinez (1)
Martz (7)
Marzullo (3)
Matsuoka (1)
Matz (1)
McAvoy (1)
McBride (9)
McClelland (6)
McCreary (1)
McGinn (3)
McGraw (3)
McKenna (2)
McLean (6)
McPhee (1)
Meadows (1)
Mellish (1)
Michalak (2)
Michaud (1)
Miller (2)
Mole (1)
Monahan (1)
Moog (4)
Mooney (1)
Morgan (1)
Morlock (3)
Morris (3)
Morton (1)
Murray (19)
Mutter (1)
Myer (1)
Nancarrow (1)
Nebola (4)
Nelson (1)
Newell (1)
Newton (1)
Northup (1)
O'Hern (1)
Olson (6)
Orr (6)
Osborne (4)
Ott (8)
Otto (4)
Owens (2)
Pang (1)
Parsons (4)
Pearce (1)
Penter (1)
Peraza (4)
Peters (3)
Peterson (7)
Petrovic (1)
Pfister (7)
Potts (1)
Prchal (1)
Ramstedt (1)
Raus (1)
Reiser (1)
Remedes (1)
Reynolds (1)
Rhoades (6)
Richardson (1)
Ringstad (1)
Ripka (1)
Riske (2)
Ritchie (5)
Roberson (11)
Robinson (4)
Rodman (1)
Rojas (3)
Runcorn (3)
Runkle (4)
Sacht (6)
Sanders (3)
Satterthwaite (1)
Scales (2)
Scheel (7)
Seeberger (11)
Servey (3)
Shandley (1)
Shattuck (1)
Sheldon (1)
Sheppard (2)
Sherrod (2)
Shorb (1)
Sirkis (1)
Skinner (1)
Skog (3)
Smallwood (1)
Smith (5)
Snider (3)
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Spear (1)
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Stampe (4)
Stecher (3)
Stewart (1)
Stier (4)
Stone (1)
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Tanner (1)
Taylor (19)
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Timm (1)
Timmorman (1)
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Tyrel (1)
Unruh (1)
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