The site has been in existence for over 52 months and has grown in size and detail beyond my imagination. The full database on which it is based on has grown from 1,200 names to 89,624 names at the time of the last update. New ties into lines of daughters are being found on a weekly basis. Some of these are very early lines. Though the site uses the genealogy basis of "The Chenoweth family in America" by Richard and Shirley Harris, new information has made significant changes to that family structure, beginning with the 3rd generation. My thanks go to all the many cousins and family genealogists who have made this all happen. (See cousins page)
This was the 10th update to the database since it was uploaded on January 2, 1996. Spanning 40 1/2 months, this update added over 28,769 names and 2,800 surnames for a total of 108,811 individuals and 14,104 surnames.
We had new 509 cousin contacts during 1999 and an 113 additional since the start of the year. The site cousins are now at 1,302. The actual database takes up 404 pages. 233 of these are outline pages, and 109 are surname indexes and alphabetical lists. As before, each outline page is headed by a description of that primary family and, as best I could document, the sources of the material. Full dates and places of births and deaths are now included where known (except for living individuals). A more detailed summary of the children of the family follows the page biography.
There was major restructing of the family tree during The last 3 years. This process which began in 1999 continued through 2002 and is now virtually complete. There is an overview of all major line shifts on the background page. Since the May 2000 update, Arthur's son Richard, was determined to be the Richard who married 1st Elinor Askew and 2nd Ellen Hammer. Though his family was omitted in the Hiatt book, it was development but misplaced by the Harris book under a Richard(2) line. Arthur, Jr. was determined to be the Arthur who married Ann Beasman misplaced in both books as the son of Richard(2). William, Jr. was determined to be the William who married Elizabeth Hutchinson, again misplaced in both books. The corrected the William who married 1st Catherine Rinker to be the son of John(3) and his first wife Mary of Hampshire Co., VA. All these changes have been proven.
The William who lived in Hampstead, MD, Cora Hiatt's ancestor is no listed as the son of Arthur, Jr. and not the son of Richard(2). Though not fully proven, this shift is virtually certain. It is believed that his brother, Arthur III was the Arthur who is found in 1820 in Tuscarawas Co., OH. This too is unproven but likely. The Thomas who married Elizabeth Watson and settled in Clarke Co., OH is now believed to be the son of William, Jr. The James of Allen Co., OH is believed to be the son of the William who died there and his second wife now identified as Ann McCool. William, the son of Samuel, as been identified as the William who lived in Des Moines, IA. The William N(ewton) of Clinton Co., IN is believed to be the son of Arthur who married Elizabeth Edmonson and lived in Bartholomew Co., IN by this Arthur's 2nd wife, Jackealina Wall.
The missing William, son of Thomas, is believed to have married and unknown Mary and lived for the most part in Mason Co., KY. The Amanda who married Elijah Garret is believed to be his granddaughter. The Mary who married Abraham Sutton as been identified as the daughter of William, Jr. and the Permelia Chenoweth who married 1st Daniel Smith and 2nd Jacob J. Reynolds has been identified as the Millie, the daughter of Arthur of Pike Co., OH. Doctors Henry S., my own ancestor, and his brother John W. are currently unplaced. We believe them to be a son of a James Chenoweth from Virginia. It is likely that this James is James Frances the son of Thomas of Botetourt Co., VA.
To my chagrin we have made little progress in identifying the unknown lines of Maryland. We have some good ideas on several of the other unknowns. John Wesley of Piatt Co., Il is likely the son of Hiram who was the son of Arthur of Pike Co., OH. The John who married Christina Hall was the likely son of Ison. The William who married Sarah M. McClelland is possibly the son of William, the son of Thomas(2).
I am not listing, as I previously have, the many, many cousin who have signed in and contacted me over the last 40 months. They are numerous and all quite wonderful. I will say that the torrent as slowed to a trickle and the addition of database names has likewise slowed considerably in the last year. That does not mean I have not been busy. During the last couple of years we have meticulously documented the family through the Census work of Peter Chenoweth. That includes all Chenoweth names found between the 1850 and 1930 Censuses and a complete review of the entire family in 1880 using the LDS Census CDs. Pete has done a more limited but useful run through of the entire family as found in the 1900 census. Pete is now retired and relocated back to Georgia, enjoying his first grandchild. In the last two years we have developed a spreadsheet containing all male Chenoweths found in any Census from 1790 to 1930 or born prior to 1951. It presently lists 3,303 individuals, some 1800 of whom we believe to be living in 1950. This is a unique and stunning research tool. We have continued to add to the SSA spreadsheet, which now includes 1,833 names, of which 283 are unidentified.
I feel the major work is now done. This has been an 8-year odyssey and much have been learned. This update is the work of months of preparation. It had grown in my mind into a monumental stumbling block because of the complexity of the many changes and the desire to finish the Census identifications started by Pete. The actual page production took about a week and was fun as I always enjoy inventing helpful macros. I hope I have not made too many mistakes. I am glad it is now complete and I can relax and try to do some projects, which interest me at a more, relaxed pace. In a way, this is like a major milestone. I will be interested to see what else this brings. Updated material always spurs new contacts and information.
There is not space to thank the many, many cousins who have been so helpful to me. I am hoping to do a page to explain who they all have been at some point. Besides Pete, I have to give special thanks to Greg Wulker, Dot Tucker-Houk, Jane Ryan, John McCall, and Betty Jo Blunk. I also what to especially credit Elmer Haile, Jr. of Baltimore and hope that he is well. I will be sending the database to Jonathan Paul to post and update his hosting of the Genweb-HTML presentation of this data that has been so useful in helping people find us. This is a remarkable history and a remarkable family.
This was the 9th update to the database since it was uploaded on January 2, 1996. Spanning 13 1/2 months, this update added over 15,300 names and 2,000 surnames for a total of 80,042 individuals and 11,323 surnames.
We had new 366 cousin contacts during 1999 and an 113 additional since the start of the year. The site cousins are now at 802. The actual database takes up 241 pages. 134 of these are outline pages, and 107 are surname indexes and alphabetical lists. As before, each outline page is headed by a description of that primary family and, as best I could document, the sources of the material. Full dates and places of births and deaths are now included where known (except for living individuals). A more detailed summary of the children of the family follows the page biography.
There was major restructing of the family tree during the year. The children of James(4) were corrected. New children for Absolom(4) son of Arthur(3) were developed. This Arthur(3) of Kentucky was listed as a son of John(2) and not as Arthur, Jr. Thomas(3) of Maryland was moved from Richard(2) to Arthur(2). The family of Absolom(3) of William was developed and Thomas(4) who married Elizabeth Watson was assigned as a son. Sarah who married Moses Sutton was replaced in the "unknown lines". The unknowns line of George Thomas and is father were placed within the family structure of Richard(2). All of these and other structural changes are commented on in detail on the background page. The background page was enriched by details of the locations of the early family in Maryland from research of Elmer Haile, Jr.
New cousins since April 1, 1998 to May 4, 2000
JOHN(2): Carol Lynn Horspool Chenoweth, Andrew Lee Ervin, Dr. Stanley Shaffer, Brett R. Stanaker, Jana J. Gray, Janet Lee Kelly, Sandra Stimson, Pat Koehler, Debby Bell Brooks, Timothy John Zechiel, Jennie Hodge Poe, Daniel Loren Chenoweth, David Stalnaker, Nancy Jo Ragan, Jerry & Mary Ann McKoon, Norinne Joseph Schultz, Davey P. Rowan, Robert J. 'Bob' Chenoweth, Jeff Bower, Lisa Lindsey, Shirley Ann Dekle Jourdan, Christopher Hudelson Green, Wayne Smith, Cherita Daugherty, Maryann Vertrees Ogden, Jacob A. Seaton, George Robinson Carver, Daniel C. Ryon, Doris H. Gleason, Janet Lee McConville, Lisa Williams, Donna Jean 'DJ' Gaskin, Kathy Jeffries Awbrey, Debra Lynn Finley, William Hawley McCown, David W. Biser, Marsha Lewis Harrison, Richard Rollin Chenoweth, Carolyn Chenoweth Newby, Bruce Alan Fulton, Janet Ashford, Brooke Nicole Chenoweth, James Douglas 'Doug' Wolfe, Wilma Beth Bennett Hoover, Janel Berghauser, Tammy Lott, Mark Raymond Chenoweth, Douglas R. Windsor, Nancy Chenoweth, Marcia Burke Higginson, Anne E. Gooding, Tracy Lynn Possage, Barbara Wilson Sackberger, Jacqueline Taylor Montoya, Curtis L. Daniels, Carol Rogers, Peter M. Chenoweth, Mary K. George, Thomas Ward White, Mary Altman Smith, Robert David Mast, Lester Lee, Bill Brittain, Amy C. Woltman, Alan Neil Casebier, Doris Eileen Baldwin, Joni Rowan, Carlyn Ames, Edmund P. Willis, Sharen Elizabeth Agbulos, Beth Ellen Patterson, Kenneth Lynn Rowan, Joann Grimmett, Molly Breckling, Laura Lentell, Richard Allan Reeves, Diane Wells Emerson, Trae Whitt, Debbie Chenoweth Koza, Kristina Angelique Sharrar, Sharon Lee Beck, Nichole Sonjon Chenoweth, Brenda Bennett, Dorothy Chenoweth Goodson, Rhonda Kay McDonald, Duane Haddock, Sherry Hall, Ann J. Korschgen, William C. Senne, Randy Daniels, Stacy Ryerson, Mary Mechelle Hulley, Debra Bunch, Jan Jones, Rodney H. Chenoweth, Gary Watkins, Robert Preston Chenoweth, Valori B. Cable, Jeanne Triplett, Phyllis Chenoweth, Matthew Gene Chenoweth, Bonnie Benedik, Dan Linaburg, CanDee Lynn Henderson, Scott Edward Chenoweth, Rita Ranae Stastny, Mandy Dawn Winans, Darlene Dolbey, David Allen Chenoweth, John Douglas Chenoweth, Donna Dougherty, Jo Ann Casebier, Robin Penfield Hutzell Gates, Dorothy Jeanetta Wideman, Lois P. McDaniel, Jenny Lynn Whitaker, Roy Leon McQuown, Carol Tharpe, Linda Kelley Senger, Nelson Grant Morris, Paula Marie Lane, Jill Davis Chenoweth, Deby Carnahan, Terry Chenoweth Schooler, Glenda Chenoweth Low, Glenn Coontz, Bryan Reddish, Nancy L. Choina, Helen Storrer, John 'Doug' Lewallen, Donald Ray Perceful, Geri Moody, Warren Montgomery, Andrew Elliot Deuley, Julie Bennett, Charles Daniell, Delores Benson, Katherine Brown Leidy, Barbara Frame, Ronaele Snyder, JoAnne Ross, David L. Hathaway, Jane Linkswiler, Julie DeMoss
RICHARD(2): Daniel Frederick Schell, Dottie Nanto , Donald Fisher, Ellen Sommers, Bonnie Rinard, Laura Burkhart Simonson, Sara Jane Lovall, Nell D. Shannon, Roger P. Hale, Lesa Chenoweth Coffelt, Cammie Gray , Daniel McClure Murray, Sandra Colleen Lester, Rea Gillette, Kathy Lowery, Heather Hale Poorman, Michael Frederick Baker, Susan K. Erlick, Robert Alan Meadows, Cheryl Barnum, Douglas L. Clark, Jeanne M. Gallimore, Brenda Harris, Richard E. Chenoweth, Thelma Partridge Chenoweth
HANNAH(2): Patricia Ann Terpstra, Kamie Kay Ulery, Kenneth W. Neundorf, Elaine Elizabeth Holm, Kenneth H. Stewart, Susan Ann Wauchope, Jamie Dyer, Georgeanne Hammond, Judy Kay Griffin, Susan Kay Bassett, Lois Kimmons, JT Talbot, Kathy L. Carter, Vernon L. Drake, Ginny Rockenhauser, Linda Lacich, Lori Ann Caviness, Karen Donohue Pollock
ARTHUR(2): Norma Dils, Marianne Elaine Kepler, Dick Shimmin , John William Chenoweth III, Lyndell L. Lewis, John McKown Miller III, Edys Burris Cacy, Lee Alan Wolfskill, Don Alban, Jr., Fairybelle E. Jackson,
WILLIAM(2): Lisa Bell, Marilyn Banks, Reita Kay Maupin, Charles Sherman Chenoweth II, Bebe Dale McFerrin, Valori Enge, John Wesley Veale II, Marie Elizabeth McIntyre, June E. Gardner, Melvina Reed, Gene Laney Whitaker, Sharon Antel Moses, Robert David Copeland, Wendy Chenoweth, Gary Chambers, Jack Richard Weyrick, Barbara Jean Droullard, Joel William Victory, Pat Dorsey , Elane Bennett, Richard Douglas Chilcote, Martha Anne Holt, Beverly Brehm Buchanan, Cynthia Weis , Mark Steven Chenoweth, Dorothy Helene Bazata, Jean Terberg, O'Reba Weeks Klepser, Michael Padgett, Patrica 'Patsy' Hefferon, Wendy Chenoweth Walters, James Albert Chenoweth, Paula Spink, Barbara Mae Daus, Christopher Lee Chenoweth, Theresa Ann Bartlett
THOMAS(2): Gordon Rock, Teresa Ann Luing, Matthew James Winters, Lesley Howson Stavola, Dick Folkerth, Jeanie Voege, Jane Ann Shaw, Julie Ann Rizzo, Shelly McClusky, Larry Alan VanWinkle, Ted Bird, Lee Edward Merklin, Norma Hammett, Ronald Eugene Chenoweth, Paul M. Chenoweth, Gary Robert Weidman, Robert A. Lata, Alain Chenoweth Carrillo, Jean Chenoweth Tuohino, Pat Chenoweth Crume, David Garrett, Della Bailey, Barbara A. Cameron, Kenneth Dean Whittington, Phyllis Riley Chatterton, Jayme Shaw Hall, Marlena Richards, Arthur Duane Chenoweth, Bev Parsons, Shelley May Oden, Kim Lukas, Melissa Jane Donner, Nancy Persing, Lou Curtis, Shawna L. Hubbard, Joseph Thomas Chenoweth, John Feldenzer, Sallie Diann Luevano, Cinda Anderson Justice, Joan Carol Westgate, Nancy D'agostino, Wendy Colby Luers, Sharon McCubbin, Donna Love, John S. Rarick, Charlene Mullihan, Dianna Jean Oknowsky
RUTH(2): Dorinda Swanson Hightower, Sara Jane Callaway Aycock, Portia Anne Lary, Margaret Lynne Peteet McEwan, Marion P. Howard, Heather Stewart, Leone Gayden Schwartz, Maryjane Stout, Hank Sutherland, William Neilson Masten
UNKNOWN(2): William Alan Chenoweth, Ginger Sue Kramp, Wardell Smith, Marcia Chineworth Higgins, Donald E Long, William Matthew Graff, Linda Chenoweth McDonald, Mary Ann Mercer Corder, Cathy Ginzel, Shawn Brandenburg, Sylvia Graves, Dorothy Justice, Lois K. Akehurst, Juliette Yettefti, Mark Bradley & Mindy Chinworth, Colleen Sue Coffman, Joyce McDonald, Carolyn Carson, Stacy Hardin, Roy Earl Chenyworth, Donald Earl Cheneyworth, Sandra Obie, Betsy Merrick, Gabrielle Chenoweth
OTHER(2): Patricia Chenoweth, Jenny Rachel Connatser, Susan Old, Jennifer Lynn Chenoweth Parker, Lois Pascoe Morgan
This was the 8th update to the database It is the largest, but it also spanned a greater time period (14 months) in collecting data. As the knowledge base has grown so have the leads to new material and lost ties. This update adds almost 17,500 names and 2,100 surnames for a total of 64,710 individuals and 9,340 surnames. This update complied with privacy concerns and eliminated any details, other than names, on living family members. A new feature is that the spouses have their parents listed on the descendant outlines, where they are known. This information has previously only been available at the GenWebHTML site.
We had new 138 cousin contacts during 1998 and an 99 additional since the start of the year. The site cousins are now at 480. The actual database takes up 199 pages. 103 of these are outline pages, and 96 are surname indexes and alphabetical lists. As before, each outline page is headed by a description of that primary family and, as best I could document, the sources of the material. In general, the biggest additions were in the line of William(4) and Mary Van Meter of Louisville, in the line of William(3) John(2). Also a page has been added for the new line of Ruth(2), the youngest daughter, who married John Peteet. These lines came to light in March 1998. Sources include leads established by Broderbund's WFT Vols 15 through 27
One of the biggest changes has been the restructuring of William I. He is found on page 494-5 in Harris as a son of Thomas(2). He is now a son of William(2) at the site and in our database. Unfortunately this has displaced James Mathias who is now in out unknowns. Details of all the present thinking on various Chenoweth genealogy questions are covered on our background page. This has been a major re-ordering of things
During the year several new features were added: (some of these were including in earlier notices)
JOHN(1) has been redisplayed to show the first 3 generations of this family. Every child but Mary now has a separate page. John and Mary had 58 grandchildren.
COUSINS: ad Astra (with sorrow): Two cousins who joined us in this family project passed away during the year: David Dyer and William E. Weidman. But their lines and contributions will live permanently as part of this family.
New cousins since Jan 1, 1998 to March 30, 1999
JOHN(2): Lane David Chenoweth, Douglas W. Goetz, Nickalus Allen, Jennifer Chenoweth, Charles Lee Greenwood, Margaret Ethel Miller, Darroll Lee Hawkins, John R. Hill, Susan Michelle Gustafson, Doris Kersey Buffum, Andrea Sachs, Beth F. Forton, James Howard Larue, Harold C. Powers, Cindy Cunningham, John Kindervag, Nancy Prouty, Diana C. Walker, Theresa Ann Lang, Connie Chenoweth, Denise Chenoweth, Lisbeth Anne Walls, Lynne Robinson, Robert Burns, Gregory George Wulker, Lydia Streeter, John Dewayne Lashbrook, Darlene Magdalene Price, Joan Arlene Sanders, Dan T. Lewis, Charles Stephenson Spillar, Laurus Lehwalder, Sandra Stalnaker Taylor, Carolynn Joan McLaughlin, Milroy Milton Chenoweth, III, Donna Wilson Berg, George Boyles, Thomas Denton Chenoweth, Michael McTeer, Shirley Calfee Acebedo, Kenneth Lee Collett, Donald Earl Papson, Robert Douglas Rose, Corey Dale Chenoweth, Sarah Catherine McDevitt , Bradley William Chenoweth, Robert Alan Ashbrook, Robert Adair, Noel Trout, Janet Graham, Martha Fleshman, Greg Smith, Joyce Barbara Jones, Ellen Bernice Funk, Kathy Bisbee, William Wade Carroll, Jean Chenoweth, Okey Lee and Katherine McQuain, Donna Lee Eure, Buhl Chenoweth, Dick Frampton, Lori Ann Pownall, Betty J Rogers, Tracy L. Smith, Cynthia D. Ettinger, George Robert Chenoweth, Rebecca Chenoweth Sudtell , Morgan Kathleen Battisti, Sandra Joan House, Sandra Kay Wilson, Kyleen Ann Wilson, Erica Chenoweth, Ty Miller, Doroethy Leonard, Barbara McQuain, Joyce Maralee Mitchell, Richard M. Artz, John E. Irvin, Elisabeth Royels Mortensen, Karen Feisel, Richard Maxwell Chenoweth, Adele Graham, Michael Dale Chenoweth, Kathryn M. Bibbo, Angela Mae 'Angie' Carender, Elizabeth Baker Snyder, Sharlee Laverne Winn, Julie Anne Fricke, Robert James Mackin, Jr., Arthur L. Chenoweth Jr. , Tom Wilson, Margie Huddleston, Polly Leidy, Marscha J. Chenoweth, Ann Casebier VanDenburgh, Jay Franklin, Kellyn Jane Lawrence, Lee Lansinger, Brian Jon Roget, Mary Seger, Caroline Bosworth Respress, Kim Ann Reitz, Carolyn Wimp, Michelle Chenoweth, Carol Chenoweth, Cynthia A. Boone, Joy McBride, Jan Cloud, Debby Chenoweth, Linda Toms, Jay Volk, Robert Baldwin, Kelly Slayton, Dorothy Hosking Huntley, John Bryan Price, Jr., Margaret Taylor, Ann Young, Sandra Lynn Hart, Richard W. Rankin, Ruth Trim, James R. Hancock, William D. Tuey, Noble F. Conner, Jr., Stephanie Johnson, William A. Forman, Kara Louise Chenoweth, Linda Lu Navarre, Barbara A. Hill, Sue Dillenburg, Dianna Ennis, Janet L. Pomeroy, Luverne Harstine
RICHARD(2): David Erlick, Barbara Ballard, Dennis Alan McBride, Terry Dean Davison, Elizabeth Dale Smith, Robert Dale Manes, Jane B. Ryan, Niki Lemin, Penelope Marie Callender, Dale T. Eesley, Norma Jean Melson, Ernst E. Chenoweth, Genevieve M. Trump, Susan Dyer, Liz Chenoweth Ecoff, Jean Chenoweth Henson, James Meeks, L. Max Burris, Marcella Mae Herfel, David Earl Chenowth, Lynna Joyce Kyle, Richard Conroy, Charlotte Dobson, Jerry Roland Strayer, Linnie Kathleen Christ, Gale K. Chenoweth, Thomas Joseph Chenoweth, Lisa M. Cockerton , Shirley Oliver, Toby Lee Chenoweth, Barbara Page, Nancy Ann Ohda, Debra Ann Walden, George Mader, Lowell Porter Chenoweth
HANNAH(2) Karen Roberta Baker, Kitt Carroll, Phil Hirl, Mary Miller, Jim McClenathan, Dan J. McGuire, Ann Newlin Lieberson, J. Richard Fikuart, Paul D. Reese, Christopher Lee Reese, James R. Price
ARTHUR(2): Bill Swanson, Sara-anne Taylor, Robin Chenoweth McShaffry, Kelli Dawn Chenoweth, Charles C. Fletcher, Scott Charles Smith, Randall Martin, Arrilia Mae Kief, Harry Russell Schuppner Jr.
WILLIAM(2): John Randall Chenoweth, Rosella Vohs, Roy Arthur 'Rick' Nixon, III, Gary Parfitt, Lyn Victor Weyrick, Keith Warren Belcher, Joann Eileen Charles, Shawn Street McIntyre, Albert Jennings Chenoweth, Jr., Gene Jordan
THOMAS(2): Randy Bishop, Donald Jack Knight, William E. Weidman, (deceased), Ann-Marie Boyett, John Arthur McCall, Shirley L. Turner, Eugene Carl Chenoweth, Chloe Hannah, Dolores Rose Horstman, Gregory Flynn, John Pierce Gould, John Walter Mead, Sue Blosser, Sue Ellen Blessing Peglow, Robert J. Patterson, David Henry Smith, Barbara Mundy, Clara Esther Peterson, Alan Bruce Chenoweth, Elizabeth Black, John Philip Clark, Stacy Lee Horner, Barbara Klamm, Linda Ellen Masters, Robert Richard Anderson, Debbie Owen, Judith Catherine Mahan, Celesta Chenoweth Marker, Greg Mason, Dale Miller Payne, Lorita Danler, Shirley M. Downing, Ray Brodbeck, Robert Niels Clark, Jodie Miller, Steve Hodson, Raymond & LaVerne Boyer, Connie Chandler, Alice S Dyck, Beckie Chenoweth, Marian Parrish Watson, Jean Nealis, Robert Emmett Bales, Kelli Stidham, Pat Linaman, Elberta Arehart, Della May Carnes
RUTH(2): Walter Wilson McMillan, Jr, Sherrie Lee Smith, Nancy Munroe
UNKNOWNS: Gary Damien Chenoweth, Dot Tucker-Houk, Rob Schellhaas, Phyllis Charlene Chenowith, Janet Lee Caughlin, Kathy Chenoweth Huber, James Wilbert Chenoweth, Jr., Cookie Chinworth, William D. 'Bill' Chenoweth, Robert William Chenoweth, Kathy Beauchamp
OTHER CHENOWETH LINES: Ronald Chenoweth Gorsky, Darryl Chenoweth, Gloria Hoyt, Jan Church, Dale Robert Chenoweth, Jonathan D. Bunt, Jim Crighton, Susan Lynch Jordan, Ronnie Lee Brothers, Jason Chynoweth
The Januray 98 update added almost 14,300 names and 1,800 surnames for a total of 47,209 individuals and 7,156 surnames. This update is concentrated in the lines of John(2), the oldest son, Richard(2) and Hannah(2). Important sources were: 1) Leads established by Broderbund's WFT Vols 8 through 14; 2) Marie Eberle's and Margaret Henley's Carter book, Carter Cousins Vol I; 4) The Hale work of Denzil Mauldin given to me by James Hale of Indiana; 4) The Sutton database of MaryLou Hermiller; 5) The Mustoe database of James Mustoe for Idaho Stalnakers and Daniels; 6) Many Randolph County sources including Ken Rowan, Ricahrd Phares and Phyllis Daniels and the West Virginia work of Don Norman. 7) A special thanks to the prodding of Betty Jo Blunk of Morgan County; 8) Large family databases of Sue Eagle Sparkman, Pennie Johnson, Jackson Arnold Springston, Jackie Cramer, Nathan Rose and John Gregg Scircle III, The Jubers and Betty Lou Hart; and 9) The many cousins who signed in with information, numbering 121 in this past year.
For me the February 97 was surprisingly large, in that the primary sources of The Harris book were exhausted, with the last update, and the completion of "computerizing" Peter Chenoweth's database comprised less than half of the new data. The update added almost 8,000 names and 1,100 surnames for a total of 32,904 individuals and 5,345 surnames. My thanks for this update goes to Peter Chenoweth who has now completely furnished his known database of the Family of John Chenoweth and Mary Calvert. This update is concentrated in the lines of John(2), the oldest son. They are not only the oldest lines of the family but by far the largest. Other important sources were: 1) Leads established by Broderbund's WFT Vols 4 through 7; 2) Chenoweth lines in both the books: "The Stalnaker Family Chronology" and "The Harts of Randolph"; 3) DOWNING-CLYMER database of Zelma Stoddart-Thompson given to me by Don Smith; 4) Randolph County lines from Sandra Duncan and many source leads supplied by her; 5) Large family databases of Robert Mustoe, Walter Thompson, Hazel Lenney, Joe Thompson, Thomas Bird, and Calvin Rees, Jr; and 6) The many cousins who signed in with information, numbering 50 in all since August.
In this update, the to this point, about 10,200 names and 1,500 more surnames have been added for a total of 24,962 individuals and 4,205 surnames. My thanks for this update goes to Peter Chenoweth who added 8,000 names to complete the known lines of Thomas(2). Moreover the database is now believed to contain all known descendants from the Harris book, which became the database standard with the March update. Thanks to cousins Virginia Duling (Colorado), Julie Terstriep (Illinois), Mackenzie Scott Carlson (Pennsylvania), Donald Smith (Kansas), and an Austill genealogist David Austill for great conributions. Other Chenoweth cousins tying in this month were Randy Bennett (Washington), Teresa Chenoweth Pietrangelo (Michigan), Bruce Carl Chenoweth (Illinois), David Dennis Ferrell (Missouri), Edward Q. Johnson, Jr (Virginia), Sharon Statler-Mabe (Virginia), Heidi Dundas (Oregon), Nancy Forsyth (Kentucky), Elaine Zacky (Washington), Jerry Yohey (Alabama). As always there have been corrections with every update.
Over 6,700 names and 1,000 more surnames were added for a total of 14,733 individuals and 2,677 surnames. My thanks for this update goes to Peter Chenoweth who added the complete known lines Of both Richard(2) and Arthur(2). Greg Nelson contributed another extensive file of the descendants of Chloe(5) from Jonathan(4), William(3), John(2). Other Chenoweth cousins tying in this month were Michael Chenoweth, Indiana, Noel Chenoweth, North Carolina, Candace Chenowth Chase, California, Janet Margolis Damm, Washington, Janet Chenoweth O'Hare, Arizona, Martha H Grammar, Texas, Kim Rowlett, Nevada, Ronald E. Brown, Connecticut, Barbara Rabinowitz, Florida, Dawn Hines, Arizona, and sisters Terri Snyder & Kitty Leffler, California.
2800 names and 600 more surnames were added for a total of 8,000 individuals and 1680 surnames. My thanks for this update goes to Greg Nelson who surprised me with his extensive file of the descendants of Gideon(6) from Samuel(4) Jonathan(4), William(3), John(2). (Peter Chenoweth added the lines of "Giddy Watson" from her marriage into the FARTHING family which he obtained from Barbara Bonham - this turned out to be an error and the Watson-Farthing lines are being deleted). Peter also completed work on the known descendants of William(2). Other Chenoweth cousins tying in were Marcia Davis, Arkansas, Andrew Lee Chenoweth, Iowa, Shaunn Harris, Georgia, and Nicole May, Massachusetts.
Over 3400 names and 600 surnames were added. My thanks for this update goes to Margaret Skyles who generously included her Carter database for the line of Hannah and Mary Elizabeth Padden whose 40 years of work on the Casebrier descendants of Elizabeth Chenoweth in the fifth generation adds immense depth to the William(3) line of John(2). Other Chenoweth cousins tying in were Bradley Bone, California, Marilyn Stubbs, Ohio and Paul Marvin Chenoweth, Tennessee. Lines have been added down out of debt for Richard & Shirley Harris and Cora Hiatt.
My thanks for the first update extends to Alan Albright who Emailed me 8 pages of Darke Co., Ohio Chenoweth information, a new found cousin, Richard Chenoweth from Prodigy, who gave me the correct descendent line for William Pugh Chenoweth, and Jonathan Paul, another cousin, who not only has supplied an extensive listing in the Arthur(2) line but helped with interpreting the Hiatt corrections. Anyone interested in Darke Co., Ohio genealogy
should be aware that they have a wonderful website.
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Last Revision 10/15/2003