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EDITOR: PETER C. CHENOWETH - E-MAIL: p.chenoweth@comcast.net
It matters not how you say it, Seasons Greetings, Merry Christmas, Joyeux Noel (French), Mele Kalikimaka (Hawaiian), Feliz Navidad (Spanish), Buon Natale (Italian), or Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda (Welsh), it is that time of the year when we all celebrate the birth of Christ. It is also a time when most of us spend more than we can afford to on friends and loved ones. But something that doesn't cost us money is remembrance of those that are not with their families and what we can do to make this a better world to live in. I am reminded of the song "Let There Be Peace on Earth" and offer the lyrics (written in 1955 by Jill Jackson and Sy Miller) here for your consideration:
Mary Calvert and John Chenoweth Mary Calvert, wife of John Chenoweth, was born 19 February 1687 in Upper Providence Township, (later became Delaware County), Pennsylvania in 1789. According to J.R. Buckey, who wrote "The Calverts Who Were Quakers" Mary was the daughter of John Calvert and Judith Stamper, and not the daughter of Charles Calvert, the third Lord Baltimore. I believe this is the accurate placement for Mary who married John Chenoweth.
John Calvert, her father, was born the 6th of October 1648, near Belfast, Ireland. He was married on 29th of May 1673 in Stranmillis, Belfast to Judith Stamper, the daughter of Hugh Stamper and his wife Briget. John Calvert was later living in county Armagh, Ireland and began to embrace the Quaker faith, along with his future brother-in-law Valentine Hollingsworth. Both men were living in the town of Lurgan, Calvert listed as a landowner, and Hollingsworth as a yeoman. A map of Lurgan dated 1703, still showed the name Calvert on a town lot, possibly a brother to John.
The immigration of this Calvert line into Ireland from Yorkshire, England was purely for religious freedom, as this line had chosen to follow the Quaker faith. Quakers were being persecuted and jailed for their beliefs. Hugh Stamper, Mary Chenoweths' grandfather had been imprisoned in Carlisle Castle Prison in 1663 (Cumbria County, England) for his beliefs, and also fined. Shortly after, he must have fled to Ireland.
County Armagh had become somewhat of a safe haven for Quakers, but still with much prejudice. As the number of Quakers grew, they had established themselves in industries such as linen and wool manufacturing. Although their numbers were small, they controlled a good portion of the economy.
Our Calvert family line along with other Lurgan Quakers were instrumental in helping to perpetuate the Quaker religion in County Armagh and the rest of Ireland. Armagh saw more Quaker immigrants come to America than any other county in Ireland, and John Calvert was among them. He came with William Penn's Quakers into Pennsylvania in 1683.
John Calverts' father and mother-in-law, Hugh and Briget Stamper continued to follow Quaker teachings, and both remained near Lurgan. When they died, they were buried in what is believed to be the oldest Quaker burial ground in Ireland. The graveyard called Lynastown, was begun by Thomas Lynas, for the purpose of burying his father, William, in 1658. Burials numbering about 200 continued there until 1967. The graveyard wall has been repaired, a new gate was in recent years rebuilt, and a large plaque inside the burial ground has the 200 names engraved on it. Both John Calvert and Valentine Hollingsworth were listed as "commissioners" of the graveyard at one time.
Hugh Stamper was buried in 1676, Briget in 1681, a son Daniel in 1684, and daughter Sarah in 1674. There are no gravestones, reflecting the early Quaker belief.
When Mary Calverts father, John, arrived in Pennsylvania in 1683, he purchased of William Penn, land in Upper Providence Township. He became one of the largest landowners in what became Delaware County, PA. After his arrival, he brought his father, Thomas Calvert, and wife, Jane Glassford, to America. Thomas had purchased another 300 acres, but died shortly after arriving. His will, dated 1685 in Philadelphia, mentions his wife Jane, but that is the last we hear of her.
John Calvert acquired upwards of 800 acres from his original purchase, his father's land and sisters. The location of the property can be seen today along the Providence Road, just north of Media, PA. At least 120 acres of the Calvert land is now a municipal park called Rose Tree Park.
This land became the focus of a dispute between John Calvert and his Hollingsworth in-laws. At the same time, the Quakers asked John Calvert to settle the dispute �. he refused to answer them and this must have been the reason for John Calvert to leave the Quaker faith. He had been elected constable of Upper Providence in 1687. There is no other indication that John joined another church. When he died however in September 1699, the Philadelphia Quaker Meeting graveyard recorded his burial as one not of the Quaker faith.
Judith Calvert, however, had joined another faith, and in 1697 she was baptized in Ridley Creek, near her home, by Thomas Martin. She was baptized into the Seventh Day Baptist Church but this union did not last long. About 1700, a difference arose about which day to observe the Sabbath, and the society was dissolved.
In 1702, and before, a group was forming; some from Christ Church, Philadelphia and many who were former Quakers. They started a church near the Delaware River and the church was to be called St Paul's Episcopal on the Delaware.
In the records of the church are found Judith Calvert and her son Isaac, both who became wardens of the church. They are found on a list dated 1704. St Paul's Episcopal (Anglican) Church was erected about 1702, and consecrated by the Rev. John Talbot in January 1703. John Talbot had been a ship's chaplain, and later came to America from England as the first missionary for The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. This was the missionary branch of the Anglican Church.
Another who would become instrumental in this church was the Rev. Evan Evans, a Welshman, formerly of Christ Church. He had been a missionary traveling about Philadelphia and the surrounding churches, and preached at St. David's at Radnor in Welsh. Maybe John Chenoweth had been present at one of these churches.
At St. Paul's however, Rev. Evans was listed as the occasional minister for the church through 1703. It is my belief that Rev. Evan Evans was the one who married John Chenoweth and Mary Calvert, at the church of her mother, St. Pauls Episcopal, sometime in the year 1703.
In 1704, John Talbot had removed to Burlington, New Jersey, some 20 miles up the Delaware River. His missionary position was all that was needed to spearhead an already eager group of Episcopalian followers. In 1702, the congregation had begun a church call St. Anne's in the earliest records, but was shortly changed to St. Mary's.
It is here that John Chenoweth and Mary Calvert Chenoweth followed, and in the records of the church, completed in 1705, is listed a son William Chenoweth, christened in 1704. Land records of Bristol, PA across the Delaware River from Burlington, record the name of John Chenoweth as a witness to three separate land transactions, dated 1706, 1707, and 1708. I believe he was living in Bristol, PA, crossing over by way of ferry to St. Mary's church.
John Talbot had become the rector of St Mary's, and in 1712, a new Episcopal church named St. James (the Greater) was built in Bristol. Rev. Talbot also became the rector there. St Mary's in Burlington is still there, the original part of the church built 1702-1705, with many additions over the years. This is the oldest Episcopal Church in New Jersey, and a newer church is across the graveyard, which was built in the mid 1800's. I have no doubt that the children of John and Mary Chenoweth were christened in these two churches.
There are two things which may have precipitated John and Mary's move from this area. One, a great fire broke out in Bristol in 1724, and nearly leveled the town. Being the early county seat, it was afterwards removed to Doylestown.
Secondly, the death of Rev. John Talbot took place in 1727, about the same time we found John Chenoweth and his son, John, Jr, as a witness to the Bowen/Kirk marriage down in Nottingham, now Cecil Co., PA.
I am inclined to believe the former date, as John Chenoweth, Jr is found to have been married in 1730 at St John's Episcopal Church, Copley Parish in which congregation was forming in 1724. St Johns was completed in 1729/30 and located near Joppa, now called Joppatown, and located on what is now called Rumsey Island, a newer church constructed in the 1970s is on the site of the former St John's; it is called Church of the Resurrection. When contractors were excavating the site, they found the old foundation of St. John's. It is now roped off to show the outline of the original church.
Also a reminder that Baltimore City was not laid out until 1729. The Joppa wharf was silting up, and thus prompted the demise of the town. By 1768 Joppa was in ruins.
I have been giving you this information which I started to accumulate before the 2006 Chenoweth Family Reunion. I spent several days visiting the above mentioned sites prior to the reunion, and have found it interesting again to find that our Chenoweth ancestors were always "on the frontier". They are truly pioneers in every sense of the word.
(The following e-mails have been received from members of the family with regards to the newsletter. Comments, articles, questions and other items for this newsletter are always appreciated.-editor) Let there be peace on earth,
And let it begin with me.
Let there be peace on Earth,
The peace that was meant to be.
With God as our Father,
brothers all are we.
Let me walk with my brother,
in perfect harmony.
Let peace begin with me,
let this be the moment now.
With every step I take,
let this be my solemnTo take each moment and live each moment,
in peace, eternally.
Let there be peace on earth,
and let it being with me.
I also offer this refrain from John Lennon's hit song
"So this is Christmas"
And so this is Christmas, and what have we done.
Another year over, and a new one just begun.
And so Happy Christmas, I hope you have fun.
The near and the dear one, the old and the young.
From your newsletter staff to all of our cousins, we wish you
and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
(Milford, OH)
(Margaret Mary8 Lacy, Charles Edgar7 Lacy, Martha Jane6 Chenoweth, Joseph5, Absolom4, William3, William2, John1)
Jon and Pete, I was able to access the September newsletter and letter that Jon sent out from my old email address, but soon, I will no longer have that access.
Please send email messages about the Chenoweth's to me at juneegardner@hotmail.com
I'm retiring at the end of the year and hope to get back into research on a regular basis. If we are able to do any traveling, I can always access the hotmail address.
Thank-you both for giving so much of your time and life in providing the information on the Chenoweth site. I have checked "it" out every so often in the past 10 years, just to see what is new, and how things have evolved.
9 Oct 2006
June Gardner
I am trying to find information on a Belle Chenoweth from Oklahoma. She is suppose to be part native American from the Cherokee tribe. Belle gave birth to a baby in June of 1930 in San Antonio, TX. She gave the baby up for adoption to a family named Bedford. This family named the child Lottie May. Lottie is now 76 years old and has for years been searching for her birth mother to no avail.
I ran across your web site while surfing the net and would be grateful for any help or suggestions you might be able to give us.
11 Sep 2006
Mary Shussler-Shellaby
Mshellaby @ sbcglobal.net
There is nothing in our Census work or Texas records that match this. I know of no Chenoweth or Chenoweth spouse that was an "Indian" though it is a common misconception. I do not find any Belle Chenoweth in Texas in 1930 (March) that would fit nor any in Oklahoma in 1920. - Jon Egge
I read about the lady who purchased an etching with the name Chenoweth on it, in the latest Chenoweth newsletter. After doing a little research on the Colorado college and Ancestry.com web pages, I am convinced she was the daughter of Albert A. Chenoweth and his wife Helen Ruth or Ruth, depending on which census page you read, Mary Ann Chenoweth.
Colorado College page states she was born on Muskogee, OK 17 April 1918 not Tulsa, OK and died 14 Jan 1999. She was a teacher and full professor eventually at Colorado College. My adobe reader did not give me a good page on the article I read about her. The article further stated she spent her early childhood in Sioux Falls, SD. 1920 census confirmed she was in SD. Census of 1930 showed she and her family were in Columbus, OH.
IF you can find the Colorado College page, you may be able to see a picture of her working on a carving of a large door.
Social Security death index, confirmed her birth and death dates.
16 Sep 2006
John McCall
Thanks for the assistance in this matter - editor
Thank you for the newsletter, I'll get back to you sooner about the info I have on Martha Chenoweth-Flood family. Thank you again for the newsletter.
17 Sep 2006
Norma George
Thanks for the note� Look forward to the information - Jon Egge
Thank you for everything you have done to research, edit, compose and update information on our family's website. It is greatly appreciated.
19 Sep 2006
Roger Daniels
Great newsletter, we laughed about the DNA, George hardly misses it at all. Had hoped the 2006 poem would be included in the newsletter, maybe I failed to send it to you.
The Baltimore Reunion was delightful for us. Lois and all the planners, especially Joyce and Bill gave a large group of family a chance to see "roots" throughout the area. We would never have been able to get the feel of the lines had it not been for Jon's research and explanations, mingled with sharing of stories, lively music and good food.
21 Sep 2006
George and Mary Ann (Plater) Chenoweth
Thanks, received the poem and you'll find it in this issue. - editor
Pete, I have a friend who served with a SGT Mamie Chenoweth in the Army Air Corps. She writes "I remember that day well (D-day). My First Sergeant woke me early on, gave me the news, and then we sat in my quarters and cried and prayed. She was a wonderful, competent, compassionate woman. She moved to San Francisco after the war and we lost touch."
She may have been born in Oklahoma. The individual trying to locate Ms Chenoweth was originally from Pennsylvania and is now retired and living in Florida.
Thanks for your assistance.
11 Jun 2006
George Madden
Gmadden @ netacc.net
I'm sorry that my military records on Chenoweths doesn't turn up the individual you are looking for, but maybe someone in our family can assist you. - editor
Pete, I've just been told that the Domesday Book is now available on the Internet. Isn't our family recorded somewhere in it? Have you any idea about how we could access that record?
5 Aug 2006
Jim Chenoweth
Chenoweth @ prodigy.net
The Domesday Book can be found at http://www.domesdaybook.co.uk - editor
Peter, My husband did a Google search today and found the family newsletter that included the following. We Sarah's mom and dad, Grant and Betty Griffith. I wanted to contact you about a couple of changes that I'd like to request be made to the "In Memorian" page -Since she was married at the time of her passing, shouldn't her name be listed as "Sarah R. Bunton, nee Griffith"? Also her birthday is August 20, 1979, instead of October. I don't know if you know, or even want to, since you have a very well put together and comprehensive site, and need to keep information to a minimum� and since Sarah wasn't a direct line descendant, but her death was a result of a severe flu complication. Sarah was a member of an exclusive(?) club - she had Cystic Fibrosis and had lived to graduate from college, get married, and have a job.
Also just an extra tidbit of a note - I did find in my Family Tree computer file a smidgen of another relationship -
And uncle of Harriett Bills -John Chenoweth
I hope that you don't mind that I wrote.
4 Aug 2006
Betty Griffith
Thank you for the correction�.it was my fault, I sometimes put these things together too fast. I am sorry for the loss of your daughter. I put the lateral connection in my notes. Sometimes it is a small world. Ephraim B. Chenoweth, who settled in Morgan Co., IN was 2nd cousin to James Chenoweth, the father of John W. Chenoweth who married Harriet Bills. - Jon Egge
Jon, I'm a military researcher working on a project and hoping you can help me out. It involves going through death certificates of individuals in the military during the Vietnam War era - as we're trying to identify men who were wounded there, died later elsewhere after being evacuated out - and whose names were "missed" when the Vietnam Memorial Wall was erected.
One case I'm currently working on is: Richard Lewis DANIELS. My records show he died on 1 Mar 1971 due to a gunshot wound received in Dong Tam - an area that was just south of Saigon at the time. I also show DOB: 6 Sep 1947, Longview, WA. Your family website lists him in your 8th generation - with the dates matching up.
I'm trying to locate a family member (you show mother and two brothers still living) to discuss the possibility of getting Richard's name added to the National Memorial. Based on preliminary information gathered, it appears that he should be honored along with the other men who died there that he served with.
Can you check your voluminous notes and see if you have any contact info on his family . . . and if so, see if they will get a hold of me to explain the process, current regulations, etc.
9 Jul 2006
Bruce Swander
Bruceswander @ hotmail.com
I was able to contact the family of Roger David Daniels, Richard's brother. Roger called ma back, as I understand it he was also a Marine in Vietnam. My records did not show that Richard served in Vietnam and I will accordingly add him to our listings of family members that served. I also forwarded your letter to Nancy Dunigan Amos, sister to Herschel Lewis Dunigan. See her letter below. - Jon Egge.
John and Bruce,
In 1988 I had the honor to visit the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and discovered my brother's name was not on it, much to my dismay. I went back home to Indiana and wrote to the officials at the Pentagon. The letter I received in return stated:
"The criteria that determine eligibility for the inscription on the Memorial are quite explicit. The service member's death must have been the result of or an aftermath of wounds received in the defined combat area of Vietnam (as designated in Executive Order 11216). Also included are those who died from injuries received en route to or returning from a direct combat mission or combat support mission to bomb, strafe or perform surveillance of targets within the defined combat area. Based on the circumstances surrounding Herschel's death as described in your letter, he does not meet the above defined criteria, since he did not sustain an injury or wound while in Vietnam. Therefore, I cannot recommend to the Office of the Secretary of Defense that his name be included on the Memorial."
He went on to say that the circumstances surrounding his death did not diminish the value of his service, etc. It was signed, G.T. Ellis, Assistant Chief, Mortuary Affairs and Casualty Support Division. Evidently, even though my brother was in a place he would not have been and had the malaria he had and therefore was hospitalized, and while in the hospital, he drowned in the Army Hospital pool, he was not eligible to be on said wall.
(As you can probably tell, I am not happy with the rules. I feel my brother earned a place on the wall of honor.) However, I do thank you for your interest. If I can ever be of any help, please don't hesitate to call on me. That's what families are for.
10 Nov 2006
Nancy Dunigan Amos
One of the biggest assets I had in Hannah's family was the wonderful research of Marie Eberle and her cousin Margaret Henley. They co-authored two books called Carter Cousins, vol I and vol II. The books were packed with detail and great research. I had obtained my copies from Marie in Evansville, IL, and we exchanged more than several Emails. I always appreciated her help with things. Sadly I have learned that Marie died this summer on June 28th, less than two weeks after Margaret. They were 3rd cousins one removed. A mutual friend had introduced them and their common interest in Carter genealogy had formed a lasting and successful friendship leading to the publications of their two books. The genealogy world has lost two fine devotees, but their research is a lasting gift to us all.
Reporting these events is always somewhat sad. I discovered Marie's death looking in the SSA index. I had known that she was not doing well lately and I was prompted to look when a new cousin inquired about her books. It was a bit disconcerting to discover she had passed away, so close to her friend and cousin Margaret. In all now the website records 25 cousin contacts that have passed away since I started this work, now in its 11th year. There are probable others, it is hard to keep track of the 2,500 plus cousins I have been in contact with. Each has helped us preserve vital information on the family, but Marie and Margaret through their books were very substantial contributors. I will miss Marie's' help.
MARIE EILEEN9 THOMPSON (RUTH CELIA8 FORDYCE, BERTHA CELIA7 APT, CELIA6 MILLER, PRISCILLA5 CARTER, HENRY BOWEN4, JAMES3, HANNAH2 CHENOWETH, JOHN1) was born July 23, 1923 in Roseville, Warren Co., IL, and died June 28, 2006. She married ROBERT FREDERICK 'DUTCH' EBERLE November 28, 1946 in Galesburg, Knox Co., IL, son of OSCAR EBERLE and ETHEL GREENBURG. He was born November 10, 1918 in Peoria, Peoria Co., IL, and died November 18, 1986 in Edwardsville, Madison Co., IL.
MARGARET LUELLA8 SHIPP (LUELLA7 PACKER, MARY LUELLA6 OAKES, MARY5 CARTER, HENRY BOWEN4, JAMES3, HANNAH2 CHENOWETH, JOHN1) was born September 02, 1922 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Co., OK, and died June 16, 2006. She married RAY T. HENLEY August 30, 1945, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Co., OK.
age 63 - ZELMA MARIE10 SMITH nee WORTH (ZELMA RUTH9 REIP, WILLIAM HOWARD8, PETER ALEXANDER7, EDITH AMANDA6 CHENOWETH, ROBERT T.5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born June 14, 1942 in Clarksburg, Harrison Co., WV, and died September 03, 2005. She married RICHARD LEE SMITH. He was born October 18, 1942.
age 93 - RISSIE ESTHER9 EVANS nee CHENOWETH (HOLTIE ARCHIBALD8, JACOB7, JOHN KITTLE6, WILLIAM PUGH5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born April 18, 1913 in Chenoweth Creek, Randolph Co., WV, and died November 05, 2006 in Philippi, Barbour Co., WV. She married RALPH R. EVANS August 14, 1944 in Elkins, Randolph Co., WV. He was born March 15, 1914, and died September 22, 1994. - Rissie attended the 2002 reunion in Elkins
age 48 - ANITA JEAN11 CHENOWETH (CHARLES RANDALL10, HOWARD LEE9, GENERAL ROBERT E. LEE8, MARSHALL7, JOHN KITTLE6, WILLIAM PUGH5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born May 17, 1958 in Elkins, Randolph Co., WV, and died October 28, 2006 in Barberton, Summit Co., OH.
age 99 - FRED WARNER9 DANIELS (OLIVER WARNER8, DAVID HOBART7, JERUSHA6 CHENOWETH, JOHN I.5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born July 08, 1906 in Ahsahka, Clearwater Co., ID, and died March 12, 2006. He married JANICE ELIZABETH ROBINSON March 12, 1927 in Spokane, Spokane Co., WA. She was born May 06, 1906, and died February 21, 1995 in Spokane, Spokane Co., WA. - Fred was also a descendant of Mary Chenoweth, sister of John I(5)
age 95 - MYRTLE BEATRICE9 BROWN nee DANIELS (OLIVER WARNER8, DAVID HOBART7, JERUSHA6 CHENOWETH, JOHN I.5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born February 24, 1911, and died May 25, 2006. She married CHARLES EDWIN BROWN December 17, 1932 in Millwood, Spokane Co., WA. He was born December 29, 1907, and died January 1972. - Myrtle was also a descendant of Mary Chenoweth, sister of John I(5)
age 27 - ERIN MELISSA12 CHENOWETH (RONALD EARL11, RONALD EUGENE10, OKEY EVERETT9, ULYSSES THOMAS8, LLOYD HYRE7, EVERETT6, JEHU5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born July 31, 1979 in Munson, OH, and died October 13, 2006 in Ohio.
age 70 - CHARLES EDWARD8 CHENOWETH (LEAROY R. 'ROY'7, JACOB VAN METER6, JAMES HACKLEY5, WILLIAM4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born June 18, 1936, and died September 28, 2006. He married BONNIE JEAN SANDERS. She was born June 17, 1938, and died October 02, 2006 in Litchfield, Montgomery Co., IL. - Charles and Bonnie died within 4 days of one another. Bonnie had been working on the genealogy of the families of James Hackley Chenoweth
age 85 - SHIRLEY JAMES GOODWIN, son of LEONARD GOODWIN and ESSIE WILSON. He was born March 04, 1921 in Vale, Malheur Co., OR, and died November 06, 2006 in Perry, Noble Co., OK. He married August 14, 1945 in Tulsa, Tulsa Co., OK, MARY MILDRED8 CHENOWETH (CLARK BRADEN7, JOSEPH STEAVEN6, JAMES HACKLEY5, WILLIAM4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1)
age 96 - LILLIE FLORENCE9 DUNN (MARY ELIZA8 PERCEFULL, JAMES CHENOWETH7, MARIAH JANE6 CHENOWETH, ISAAC CALVERT5, WILLIAM4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born January 28, 1909 in LaRue Co., KY, and died December 08, 2005. She married HOYT HOWELL February 12, 1931, son of JESSE HOWELL and LUCY SKAGGS. He was born April 25, 1911, and died July 23, 1997.
age 95 - GLADYS W.8 SELF nee CHENOWETH (MILFORD MATTOX7, WILLIAM6, JOSEPH5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born September 17, 1910 in Washington Co., IN, and died December 27, 2005 in Austin, Travis Co., TX. She married OMER ESCUE SELF May 28, 1932, son of WESTLY CRANDALL and MARTHA SELF. He was born September 04, 1901, and died September 17, 1992 in Austin, Travis Co., TX.
age 80 - ROBERT EDWIN9 HODGE (GLENMORE CHENOWETH8, EMMA JANE 'JENNIE'7 CHENOWETH, THOMAS JAMES6, JOHN W.5, JAMES FRANCIS4, THOMAS3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born January 26, 1926 in Bonham, Fannin Co., TX, and died August 04, 2006. He married (1) LOMETA HILDINGER August 22, 1947. She was born February 05, 1926 in Bonham, Fannin Co., TX, and died November 07, 1980 in Bonham, Fannin Co., TX. He married (2) CORDELIA KAVANAUGH
age 93 - FRANCES ELVA CHENOWETH CARLTON nee MAXWELL, daughter of ERNEST MAXWELL and NORA STEVENSON. She was born June 06, 1913 in St. Paul, Collin Co., TX, and died August 25, 2006 in Washington. She married May 10, 1932 in Eddy Co., NM CHARLES CURTICE 'CURT'8 CHENOWETH (ALBERT WILLIAM7, ALBERT WHITE6, HENRY S.5, JAMES FRANCIS4, THOMAS3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born April 06, 1905 in Missouri, and died March 17, 1991.
age 78 - RICHARD JAMES8 CHENOWETH (HUBERT FRANK7, JAMES HARTSOCK6, JAMES5, THOMAS4, RICHARD3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born May 13, 1928 in East Chicago, Lake Co., IN, and died October 30, 2006 in Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha Co., WI. He married (1) DOLORES M. WAGNER. He married (2) ALICIA M. OLSZEWSKI - this is the 3rd Richard James Chenoweth to die in the last 12 months.
age 63 - BEACH MEAD9 CHENOWETH III (BEACH MEAD8, BEACH MEAD7, WILLIAM ARTHUR6, JAMES MARELYA5, JAMES S.4, RICHARD3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born June 14, 1943 in Birmingham, Jefferson Co., AL, and died June 24, 2006. He married JUDITH FRANCES SHERROD age 74 - JAMES MAXWELL10 GEORGE (MARCUS ALEXANDER 'MARK'9, OSCAR TRENTON8, REBECCA ALICE7 HODGEN, ATTARAH JANE6 THURMAN, MARY5 CHENOWETH, ABSOLUM4, ABSOLUM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1932, and died October 08, 2006 in Colorado Springs, El Paso Co., CO. He married VIRGINIA ANN DAVIS.
age 80 - RUTH CHENOWETH nee MOORE. She was born July 19, 1925 in Bristol, Bosque Co., TX, and died July 15, 2006 in Texas. She married SAMUEL JOSEPH10 CHENOWETH (SAMUEL JUDSON9, JOSEPH WILBURN8, ISAAC PIERCE7, NELSON H.6, JOSEPH5, NICHOLAS4, JOHN3, RICHARD2, JOHN1) was born May 11, 1923 in Los Angles Co., CA, and died December 24, 1991 in Dallas Co., TX.
age 96 - RUTH ANN CHINOWTH nee NIGGEL, daughter of ROY NIGGEL and AGNES JOHNSON. She was born March 10, 1910, and died May 22, 2006. She married WILLIAM HOWARD8 CHINOWTH (CHARLES W.7, WILLIAM H.6, RICHARD5, NICHOLAS4, JOHN3, RICHARD2, JOHN1) was born October 22, 1908 in Washington Co., TN, and died August 26, 2000.
age 71 - MARGARET JO9 JONES nee LAIRD (REBA ADELINE8 GRAY, JOSEPH TERRELL7, GEORGE GRANT6, AGNES5 CHENOWETH, NICHOLAS4, JOHN3, RICHARD2, JOHN1) was born May 06, 1934 in La Grande, Union Co., OR, and died February 08, 2006 in Portland, Multnomah Co., OR. She married (1) FRED SCHNEITER She married (2) JONES
age 97 - LAVISA MARILLA GRAY nee HODGE. She was born February 14, 1908 in Oregon, and died December 19, 2005 in Oregon. She married December 04, 1926 THROVAL GRAYDON8 GRAY (CHARLES HENRY7, NATHANIEL LEROY6, AGNES5 CHENOWETH, NICHOLAS4, JOHN3, RICHARD2, JOHN1) was born May 15, 1907 in Union Co., OR, and died August 08, 1992 in Enterprise, Wallowa Co., OR.
age 68 - HELEN CORA CHENOWETH-HAGE nee PALMER. She was born January 27, 1938 in Burlingame, Osage Co., KS, and died October 02, 2006 in near Tonopah, Nye Co., NV. She married NICHOLAS S.9 CHENOWETH (DEFAY8, JOHN THOMAS7, JOSEPH M.6, NICHOLAS HALE5, NICHOLAS4, JOHN3, RICHARD2, JOHN1) was born December 15, 1935 in Orofino, Clearwater Co., ID, and died April 23, 2002 in Lewiston, Nez Perce Co., ID.
age 82 - MARIE EILEEN9 EBERLE nee THOMPSON (RUTH CELIA8 FORDYCE, BERTHA CELIA7 APT, CELIA6 MILLER, PRISCILLA5 CARTER, HENRY BOWEN4, JAMES3, HANNAH2 CHENOWETH, JOHN1) was born July 23, 1923 in Roseville, Warren Co., IL, and died June 28, 2006. She married ROBERT FREDERICK 'DUTCH' EBERLE November 28, 1946 in Galesburg, Knox Co., IL, son of OSCAR EBERLE and ETHEL GREENBURG. He was born November 10, 1918 in Peoria, Peoria Co., IL, and died November 18, 1986 in Edwardsville, Madison Co., IL. - Co-author of Carter Cousins, see article above.
age 86 - RALPH9 CHENOWETH (LOWELL WESLEY8, WASHINGTON ELLSWORTH7, CHARLES WESLEY6, WILLIAM THOMAS5, WILLIAM4, ARTHUR3, ARTHUR2, JOHN1) was born September 24, 1920 in GERMANY, and died November 21, 2006 in Largo, Pinellas Co., FL. He married MARILYN WINIFERD WALKER. She was born July 17, 1922, and died July 27, 1993 in Indiana.
age 90 - JOYCE D. CHENOWETH nee CATES, daughter of DENTON CATES and MARTHA MILLER. She was born June 21, 1946 in San Angelo, Tom Green Co., TX, and died October 01, 2006 in Jacksboro. She married May 07, 1976 in Weatherford, Parker Co., TX, BILLYE FRANK7 CHENOWETH (GEORGE WILLIAM 'WILLIE'6, JOHN P.5, GEORGE WASHINGTON4, RICHARD3, ARTHUR2, JOHN1) was born March 16, 1935 in Jack Co., TX, and died January 18, 1993 in Dallas, Dallas Co., TX.
age 86 - LOIS9 YARLING nee SIZER (MILDRED IDELLA8 CHENOWETH, CHARLES EDWIN 'ED'7, THOMAS HENRY6, GEORGE HENRY5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born February 18, 1919 in Madison Co., IN, and died October 27, 2005. She married RALPH S. YARLING
age 73 - PATTY ANN9 GEORGE nee GERULF (ALICE8 STILES, ANNA AMELIA7 FLOOD, MARTHA S.6 CHENOWETH, JOSEPH FOSTER5, JOHN C.4, THOMAS3, THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born August 18, 1932, and died December 13, 2005 in Westminster, Orange Co., CA. She married NORMAN RICHARD GEORGE October 30, 1953 in Vancouver, Clark Co., WA, son of RICHARD GEORGE and ALICE HUNT. He was born October 28, 1927 in Baker City, Baker Co., OR, and died May 25, 2001 in Westminster, Orange Co., CA.
age 93 - VINNIE ELVIRA8 NESBITT nee MCGRAW (VIRA MAY7 CHENOWETH, WILLIAM BENJAMIN6, JOSEPH5, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN4, THOMAS3, THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born July 21, 1913 in Dallas, Dallas Co., TX, and died October 19, 2006 in Virginia Beach, VA. She married ROBERT ALLEN NESBITT, JR. March 17, 1959 in Vienna, Fairfax Co., VA, son of ROBERT NESBITT and ROBBIE RIKE. He was born February 28, 1914 in Ada, Pontotoc Co., OK, and died March 1988.
age 56 - ALVIN ALBERT6 CHENOWETH (JOHN ALVIN5, JAMES ALVIN GEORGE4, JOHN P.3, JOHN P.2, THOMAS1) was born December 18, 1949 in Sioux Falls, Minnehaha Co., SD, and died September 17, 2006. He married (1) MARY SMITH June 1972. She was born August 07, 1952, and died April 01, 1990. He married (2) BETTY ANN BLOCKER
age 80- MARILYN2 McCLELLAN nee CHENOWETH (JOHN EARL1) was born January 21, 1924 in Dungarvin, Huntingdon Co., PA, and died October 29, 2006. She married JAMES R. McCLELLAN. - Co-Marilyn's father, George Eisenhardt, assumed the name of his friend John Earl Chenoweth when he went to enter the army in World War I in Baltimore. He liked and kept the name.
age 74 - JOHN TERRELL8 RUTHERFORD (CHARLES ALBERT7 RUTHERFORD, JOHN CARTER6, JAMES WILLIAM5, MARY SUSAN 'POLLY'4 CARTER, JOHN3, HANNAH2 CHENOWETH, JOHN1) was born March 10, 1908 in Virginia, and died July 12, 1982 in Virginia.
unknown lines:
other lines:
John Terrell Rutherford was in correctly reported in the September newsletter as having died in 2006. Actually it was July 12, 1982
DNA Project Coordinator
AUGUST 4, 2006. A day like any other day in most of the world, but in Baltimore, MD about 80 members of the Chenoweth Family were enjoying the sites and sounds of Ft McHenry and the Inner Harbor area. Excitement and enthusiasm was high and it was with this feeling in the air that Diahan Southard of Relative Genetics and I were hoping to improve the DNA Project that evening.
It was "make or break" time. In the past 5 years we had only acquired 6 samples for the Chenoweth DNA study. Four of these were from the John1 lineage, 1 was an unknown line and the other was my line (believed to tie in to the family many generations before John1). If we couldn't get a significant response to our presentations than it might be time to scrap the project.
At about 8pm we adjourned to one of the ballrooms at the hotel and I started the evening with a presentation on DNA basics. Citing what DNA is and how it is obtained, I was followed by Diahan. We had decided that she should focus her presentation on how to interpret the DNA results, how they impacted on the family and what it all meant.
As I stated previously it was our hope to improve the number of samples in the database. To this end, Relative Genetics offered us a reunion special price, while the Family Association offered an additional $50 incentive. These incentives were valid for any samples that were received by Relative Genetics by the end of the fiscal year (30 September).
OH GLORIOUS DAY. By the time the deadline arrived (30 September) we had received an additional 10 samples. With these samples processed and the results posted to the Chenoweth Family DNA spreadsheet, it is time for me to attempt to explain what we have learned and where we need to go.
For those individuals desiring to see this spreadsheet (and with internet access) go to www.relativegenetics.com. In the upper right hand corner click on "login". The user ID will be Chenowethdna and the password will be "testme!". Next click on project results and a spreadsheet will appear. If you click on the icon (arrow) to the left of each individual it will move that individual to the top of the list and all others will be compared to it. Each sample is identified by second, third and fourth generation names to preserve that anonymity of the donating individual.
An understanding of the aspects of the chart are necessary for one to know what it means. Each column represents a Y chromosome location. Each location is made up of a number of allele. The number within that column represents the number of times that that allele repeats itself before the next one starts. For example using allele DYS 388 we can see that the allele for John1 is 13 and that all samples have this value. Allele DYS391 has a value of 11 but one of the samples has a value of 10. This is called a mutation. Samples containing this single mutation are considered of the same line.
Samples that have blank spaces where others have a value were originally tested for 26 alleles while current testing is done for a more definitive 43. It is hoped that those samples will be updated to 43 providing an overall clearer picture.
With the samples that have been provided we have been able to determine the DNA of John1. At this time we can definitely state that there were no mutations at the 2nd generation level (though more testing of William2 lines is necessary to verify him).
We will now take a look at what these samples mean by looking at the respective 2nd generation lines.
With mutations the uniqueness of these lines has been determined. These mutations take place past the second generation level or all would have a single mutation in common. At what point they occur can only be determined with more testing in other 3rd generation lines.
If another sample were obtained from any of these possible 3rd generation lines and a common mutation occurred we would know that it occurred at 3rd generation level and that all descendants of that 3rd generation line would have it. Since I have charted samples to 5th generation level, if a sample from an unknown line had matching mutations in it we would than be able to place it within the family.
There are 17 3rd generation lines that no sample has been obtained from. Of these 4 have no known male descendants or ones that are still living, 5 have an unknown factor (we have no descendents within our database) and 8 offer the possibility of samples. Even if we were only to get samples from the 8 possibles this would increase our database tremendously. Once again those possibles are:
Dear Cousins:
I am addressing this to cousin contacts in what I call "the unknown lines." DNA testing to date is beginning to yield some information. It has isolated the DNA of John Chenoweth, the progenitor of most of the Chenoweths in the US today, and it has shown him clearly to be related to other Cornish immigrations. So far we have tested 2 unknown lines of about a dozen major lines and both have been positively shown to be descended from John Chenoweth. This leads me to the question, why are not more people in the status of an unknown line not interested in finding a suitable candidate to submit a sample from your line? In my opinion this would be a big step forward�. I believe that each of these lines is part of the family, it would be good to confirm it. As I said, so far we are 2 for 2 with two of the least likely of the unknown lines we have developed. The parameters are: a males bearing the Chenoweth name who is in an unadopted line. The cost about $200. Anyone interested should contact Peter Chenoweth (p.chenoweth@comcast.net).
Unknown lines where samples would be helpful:
(The following poem was received from Mary Ann Plater Chenoweth, wife of George Samuel Chenoweth, Anna, IL � Mary wrote a poem for the 2002 & 2004 Reunion also)
by Mary Ann Plater Chenoweth
From the shores of the Pacific
To the Heartland, east to the sea
Clan of Chenoweth recently gathered
For a fourth time of revelry.
Near the Chesapeake, to Baltimore town
And the busy water front scene
The descendants of Grandpa John
Met to know others of their gene.
Posed on a grassy hillside slope
Ft McHenry's flag flying proud
Blue, red, green, orange, brown clad cousins
Made a lovely summer rainbow crowd.
Celebrated 300 birthday years
Candles, coffee, cake and ice cream
Joined in song with the marching children
Paying tribute to the Grand Old Flag theme.
Looking forward now to 2008
When to Indiana's Ft Wayne we go
Seeking treasures of its library-
Perhaps then a drive over to Chicago.
Now our thanks to all who planned
The past four fun filled events
Making "kissin" cousins try family
Time together, ours to cherish ever hence.
By Jon Egge, WA
(10th Installment of a series - This is the 2nd installment on the grandchildren.)
Menu of previous series articles
Abraham, the youngest grandson
Abraham, the youngest male line grandson in the family almost made it to the 1850 Census, dying on October 29, 1845 in Pike Co., OH where he and four or five of his siblings had settled from their migration from Allegany Co., MD, where he was probably born. The last son of Thomas Chenoweth and Mary Prickett, Abraham, the first in the family so named, was probably named for his uncle, Abraham Prickett, who lived on adjoining property to Thomas, where the family had made their first home on Back Creek in Frederick Co., VA. Thomas and Mary appear to have moved down the Potomac to the Old Towne area, in what became Allegany Co., MD before Abraham was born. He married Rebecca Kerr in Mason Co., KY where his mother and sibling families had migrated during their move to Ohio after the death of Thomas. Abraham built a boarded log house on his property about � of a mile from present day Piketon. A cemetery remains today in the orchard on property where both he and Rebecca were buried, though only the location of Rebecca's grave remains marked. This home had served as a place of early church services when the area was in its early development. Abraham wrote his will in May of 1845, five months before his death, at the age of 75, a widower and father of 14 children all of whom married and evenly divided among sons and daughters. At that time twelve of these children were still living and nine of these lived in the Scioto Valley area. Sons, John and Jacob, had moved to Darke Co., OH on the border with Indiana. Son, Noah, was living in Logan Co., IL. Nancy Johnston, the widow of his son William had taken her children to Warren Co., IN. Abraham's son, Joel documented the genealogy of this family some 30 years later from the plains of Iowa. In all 20 families of this young line of Abraham's are to be found living in the 1850 Census, living in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Iowa.
Today we have descendants from six of the seven sons and two of the 7 daughters. Martha, the oldest, married William Hackney and had two daughters who had died in infancy before Martha herself died a young wife. Ann married James Moore but had no children. Sarah, single at her father's death, married Joseph Moore late in life and is said to have had a son who must have died young. Susannah married late in life too, just before her father's death, to John Russell Turner, and had no children. The lines of the other three daughters: Mary, Hannah and Rebecca all need development. Mary married James R. Hibben and I have heard from three of her descendants. Hannah married Thomas Blackstone and three of her children are found in the 1880 Census in Iowa and Kansas. We presently lack information on the Blackstone daughters. (Note: in October 2006, after I had written this article, Thomas Charles Blackstone, a descendant, contacted me and extended for me the lines of one of the sons, Abraham Blackstone, to present day.) Rebecca married William Reed and two families of her sons are found still in Ohio in the 1880 Census.
Of the sons, Gideon, the youngest son, married Maria Millar, but never had children. John and Jacob founded strong families in Darke Co., OH with 18 children between them. Jacob had married Sally Foster, the niece of two of Jacob's aunts, Cassandra and Rachel Foster, who had married his uncles Thomas, Jr and Elijah. Two sons of Thomas, Jr also moved to this Darke Co. area. Jacob's son, Abraham J. Chenoweth, would marry Susan Harris in Randolph Co., IN. They moved to Iowa and then Kansas where Abraham, using a typewriter, would correspond with Chenoweths around the country, taking up the mantle of this pursuit of family genealogy that his uncle, Joel, had begun. John married Mary Barger. Their son, Abraham John Chenoweth, married Celia Harris in 1848, a sister of Susan and remained in Randolph Co., IN where they had married. This was the same area where so many Chenoweths in the Maryland line of Cora Hiatt settled in the 1840s. Noah had married Elizabeth Ann Wiley in Pike Co., in 1833 and moved to Logan Co., IL just before 1840. Joel married three times, moving to Logan Co., IL in the late 1840s where his brother, Noah, lived, and then on to Iowa where his wife Harriett McNatton died in 1853 in Louise Co. Left with eight children, Joel traveled back to Pike Co. to marry Mary Vinson Chenoweth, the widow of his cousin, Reason Shriver Chenoweth. He brought Mary and her younger children to Iowa where they are found living in the 1860 Census. Mary died there a year later and Joel then married his third wife, Mrs Naomi Fowler. William had died at the age of 40 in Louisville, KY while returning from a marketing trip to New Orleans. His widow, Nancy Johnston moved her family to Warren Co., IN after his death. Abraham, Jr stayed in Pike Co. marrying in 1835. He and his wife, Irene Jemima Blackstone, had thirteen children, six of whom married. He outlived all his brothers and is buried in Evergreen Union cemetery, Waverly, OH with Jemima.
ABRAHAM3 CHENOWETH (THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born January 25, 1770 in present day Allegany Co., MD, and died October 29, 1845 in Pike Co., OH. He married REBECCA KERR May 26, 1790 in Mason Co., KY, daughter of SAMUEL KERR. She was born December 26, 1773, and died January 24, 1831 in Pike Co., OH.
If there is a talent in the Chenoweth family that seems prevalent, it may be of a musical nature. That certainly doesn't include me, as I not only can't carry a tune, but I have been told that I even hum off key. The Chenoweth reunion in Elkins featured Bill Chinwoth and his Sirocco Band. The Portland reunion had Daniel Fred Chenoweth of Hermosillo, Mexico entertain us with his singing (CD's available). Incidentally Daniel Fred married in the winter of 2005 to Marisela Aguirre Escobosa and my congratulations to him. Both Bill's quartet and Daniel Fred and his new wife performed at the 2006 Baltimore reunion.
Bill has pointed out to me that Vida Sue Chenoweth was the first concert marimbist, and played at Carnegie Hall. Her father, Louis Alexander Chenoweth, owned a music store called Chenoweth and Green in Enid, OK. Irene Seaton Wicker, in Rachel's line was known as the "Singing Lady" winning a Peabody Award. Charles H. Chenoweth was an actor and musician, other musicians were James William Chenoweth in Baltimore, as was Jay Justin Chenoweth in California. Eugene Victor Chenoweth, who befriended me with many letters on the family, was a professor of music at Jordan College of Music and Butler University, a member of the viola section of the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra and a conductor. Wilbur Rossiter Chenoweth, also a professor of music at the University of Nebraska and Occidental College, was a prolific composer. Christine Chenoweth Catlin taught music in the Richmond Public Schools as did Margaret "Maggie" Chenoweth in Missouri, Tommie E. Chenoweth in Texas, and Ralph Wylie in Illinois. Dorothy Chenoweth Vaernewyck taught music for 60 years and was a harpist with the Omaha Symphony. An even earlier teacher of music was Samuel Joseph Wing, the son of Elizabeth Chenoweth, who taught music in 1875 in Heber City, Utah. Recently, Charlotte Smith of Nashville, from a Richard of Louisville line told me she was a Grammy nominated songwriter in Nashville, Tennessee with songs recorded by Faith Hill, Kenny Chesney, Martina McBride and many others.
Andrea Sachs placed in my file her first cousin, Kris Kristofferson, a son of Mary Ashbrook, decending from Mary Chenoweth. Later Martha Anne Holt introduced into the tree her first cousin, Roger Dean Miller, who won 11 Grammy awards including "King of the Road". I am told Kris and Roger were friends and liked to sing together, but didn't know they were cousins as well. Roger is in the line of Barbara Chenoweth Martindale, a daughter of William S. of Warren Co., OH. Everyone in the family seems to have heard of Kristin Chenoweth who hails from a Thomas line in Oklahoma and won a Tony for her performance in "Charlie Brown". Now into this mix Peter Chenoweth has added Edward Jackson Culpepper who changed his name to Jack Pepper and was the dancing partner and first husband of Ginger Rogers. He was a son of Josephine Ann Chenoweth, a Texan Thomas line from Benjamin Franklin Chenoweth.
This last discovery has evolved over 6 years. The Harris book only gives us a daughter named Jo Ann "Josie" for the daughter of Joseph Chenoweth and Rebecca Ann Crawford on page 438 and that she was born September 24, 1870. Then Pete found this obit in Confederate Veteran, Vol XXVIII, page 28
"Joseph Chenoweth, formerly of Dallas, Tex., died at the home of his daughter, Mrs A.L. Thiel, at Hampton, VA in November 1919. He had reached the age of eighty-two years and death was due to the infirmities of age. Mr Chenoweth went to Hampton from Texas to visit his daughter last August. He served with Texas Rangers during the Indian uprising, and in the War between the States he served in the Confederate Army with distinction, although he was born in Illinois. He was a member of Sterling Price Camp, No. 31, U.C.V., of Dallas, Tex. He is survived by his widow and eleven children, who are: Mrs A.L. Thiel and Mrs G.D. Culpeper, of Hampton; Mrs J.H. Bennett, of New York; Mrs H.N. Witmer, of Chicago; Mrs W.B. Carr, of Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs E.H. Kantz, Mrs A.J. McCollum, W.B. Chenoweth, and Howard Chenoweth, of Dallas, Tex; Mrs M.J. Smith, of Garland, Tex; L.R. Chenoweth, of Philadelphia, PA."
Typical of obits at the time, it left us with a big sorting out project as the daughters were listed by their married husbands and no hint as to who was who. In 2001 Pete found G.D. Culpeper in the 1900 Census of Denton Co. and we knew we had a match with Josie:
Culpeper, G.D. 33-LA (Mar 1867) md 10yrs parents born: GA & LA - Banker Joan 29-TX (Sep 1871) 4child/4 Liv parents born: IN* & MO Myrtle 10-TX (Sep 1889) Roland 7-TX (Jun 1893) Beulah 5-TX (Mar 1895) Minnie 11/12-TX (Jun 1899)
In June 2005, Pete located WFT Vol 157 #600 giving us Josephine Ann Chenoweth and George Daren Culpepper and included Edward Jackson 'Jack Pepper' Culpepper born after the 1900 Census and his story. The 1910 Census found the family back in Dallas. Edward Jackson was 7 year old.
1910 census TX, 9th Ward, Dallas, Dallas Co. (roll T624-1544, pg 67B) 36 Sunset Ave
Culpepper, George D. 43-LA md 20yrs - salesman (groceries (parents born: GA & MS) Joann 40-TX 7child/7 Liv (parents born: IN* & MO) Roland 17-TX - clerk (railroad) Beulah Rae 15-TX Winnie M. 10-TX (this is Minnie in 1900) Jack 7-TX James F. 5-TX Willie A. 0/12-TX
This is the obit Pete found for Jack Pepper.
Jack Pepper (born Edward Jackson Culpepper, June 14, 1902 - April 1, 1979) was an American vaudeville dancer-singer and later a Dallas nightclub manager. One of his early dancing partners, in the team of Ginger and Pepper, was Ginger Rogers, who became Pepper's first wife. By his second wife, Dawn, Jack Pepper was the father of actress Cynthia Pepper.
Maybe we could have found it sooner but the California death listings did not give the maiden name of his mother but listed him as Edward Jackson Culpepper born Texas. Interesting that Kris, Roger and Jack were all born in Texas, and Kristin, not far away in Oklahoma. As for other musically gifted Chenoweths, I am sure I have left out more than a few. Of course we all know that the early family were blacksmiths. Besides John, all five of his sons claimed this occupation, and a number of grandchildren and even great grandchildren. They soon, though, became farmers, the common way of supporting a family in those times. Still other noted occupations are physicians and educators.
William was a son of William S. of Warren and Allen Co., OH. He was born about 1797 on Back Creek in Frederick Co., VA and traveled with his father and stepmother to Warren Co., OH where he met and married Rachel Cassel, a native of South Carolina, on December 23, 1825 in Warren Co., OH. It is thought that William and Rachel went to Indiana. Rachel is believed to have died in 1847 in Warren Co., IN. William died before this as he is mentioned as deceased along with his brother Jacob in their father's will that was dated August 7, 1832. In both instances, the father William stipulated that their children were to receive their father's share. This tells us indeed that William and Rachel had children, but today we have no idea who they might be. It is likely that they were daughters as more likely as not, a male line would have been traced by the name.
There are two Warren Co., IN marriages that have never been identified. Elizabeth Jane Chenoweth married Leven Hickman on 21 Apr 1842 and Mary Chenoweth married Andrew Pritchet on 12 Dec 1844. In the case of Elizabeth, the spreadsheet notes state she was born in Warren Co., OH and died in 1872 in Iroquois Co., IL. Pete has found a family tree that further detailed this family:
WFT Vol 152 #0497 He then found a 1850 Census listing that appears to fit IN, Warren, Warren Co. (roll M432-178, pg 75) The age of this Elizabeth is exactly right for the 1825 marriage. It is a strong case. The only other family in Warren Co., IN at the time was that of Nancy Johnston, the widow of William, son of Abraham, from Pike Co., Oh. But the details of this family are pretty well known and intact and Elizabeth Jane and Ann do not appear to fit within this other Warren Co., IN family. It is likely that there are "orphan" court papers that describe these children of William and Rachel's that have never been looked at. This is a situation ripe for a researcher with access to Warren Co., IN data, or possibly failing that, Warren Co., OH and Allen Co., OH data. A day at the courthouse might reel in another family
Bill Price, a professional genealogist, was one of the speakers at the Elkins Reunion in 2002. During his presentation, he rattled off from note cards a number of "Chenoweth" records he had recently found. My ears pricked up. After the lecture, I approached Bill to see if I could get a copy of these and see if we could check them against my database. Bill kindly acquiesced to my request. One was the marriage of Zachary Taylor Chenoweth to Anna J. 'Angela' Lilly in 1866 in Green Co., MD. I did not have this marriage which was 8 years prior to his marriage to Julia Ann Smith on May 24, 1874. Zachary Taylor was a son of Lemuel Chenoweth and Nancy Ann Hart. Apparently Zachary and Angela had divorced at some point. They had separated before the 1870 Census. Divorces, though not actually rare, were certainly less common than they are today. One of the earliest divorces in my file was in 1816, when Elijah Chenoweth, the son of John, in the line of Thomas(2) divorced Mary O'Dell, who he had married on November 26, 1812 in Adams Co., OH. A daughter Gracy was a child of this marriage. A posting in Scioto Gazette on 20 July 1815, announced that "Elijah Chenowith says he will not honor the debts of his wife Mary". Obviously Elijah was not a happy camper. Arthur Chenoweth, the son of Richard, another line of Thomas(2) divorced his wife Elizabeth Parker in October 1837. He had married her on May 02, 1811. At the time Arthur was in Tippecanoe Co., IN and Elizabeth was still living in Pike Co., OH. There were 3 daughters from this marriage. Arthur remarried to Anna Warren the same month.
Gene Stone related a story to me of his ancestor Izariah Stone. Izariah married Lucy Emma "Nancy" Martindale on December 25, 1864 in Miami Co., IN. His father had told him that Izariah had been married before Lucy Emma and living in Hamilton Co., OH. As Gene related it "Izariah, coming in from doing the chores, found his wife in bed with the hired man. There must have been some mistake in understanding what he was hired to do. The first time I heard the story and got to the response to the discovery, which was "he took his rifle and a heavy coat and walked out the door and headed west", I thought I was going to be told that he shot them. I think what he did (to walk west) was a better response. No doubt we will never know all the circumstances involved in these dalliances. Such things may be one of the reasons my father usually advised me not to dig too deeply because I might not like what I found when I got to asking questions about our roots". My own personal experience in this was my labor foreman where I was working one summer in Alaska. Having worked every summer and fall in the bush, we finished up early that July and he flew home to surprise his wife, only to find her in bed with another man. In this case he ended up in jail. Maybe Izariah was smarter. One thing for sure, it takes two people working at a marriage to make it work.
Like Elijah and Arthur, Zachary Taylor had daughters by his first wife. In 1870, we found them living with Angela and her parents without a clue as to who they were until Bill Price turned on the light. I since have learned more of the story from Randy Stalnaker who descends from Angela's second marriage to John Marshall Crouch. I related this story to Robert FitzSimmonds, whose wife is a granddaughter of Zachary Taylor, by his third wife, Esther Eleanora Baird, who Zachary married after Julia's death. The family had no idea of this first marriage. We believe today that the daughter Alice died young. Dora Belle Chenoweth was living with her Lilly grandparents in 1880. We are not sure what happened to her. My hat is off to Bill Price for all the valuable little tidbits of Chenoweths in Randolph Co. that he passed on to me.
ZACHARY TAYLOR7 CHENOWETH (LEMUEL6, JOHN I.5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born September 13, 1847 in Beverly, Randolph Co., VA (now WV), and died April 23, 1893 in near Midland, Randolph Co., WV. He married (1) ANNA J. 'ANGELA' LILLY 1866 in Green Co., MD, daughter of DAVID LILLY and JOSEPHINE CLINE. She was born Abt. 1851 in Virginia (now West Virginia), and died 1899. He married (2) JULIA ANN SMITH May 24, 1874 in Harrison Co., WV, daughter of NOAH SMITH and LUCINDA KNISELEY. She was born May 17, 1844 in Virginia (Now West Virginia), and died May 23, 1888 in Beverly, Randolph Co., WV. He married (3) ESTHER ELEANORA BAIRD December 25, 1889, daughter of SAMUEL BAIRD and JANE WILSON. She was born 1851 in Tennessee, and died November 12, 1930 in Staunton, Augusta Co., VA.
Children of ZACHARY CHENOWETH and ANNA LILLY are: Children of ZACHARY CHENOWETH and JULIA SMITH are: Children of ZACHARY CHENOWETH and ESTHER BAIRD are: There are details in Cora's book that are not otherwise found. Take my own ancestors, the family of James Francis. Cora's listing of the children as a group has never been found outside the detail in her book, and despite the fact that she placed it under the wrong James, we may have never cracked the mystery if she had not grouped the children together correctly. Another such case is the family of George Chenoweth, the son of Arthur of Pike Co. George, listed by Cora in her book, is corroborated by the estate papers of his father, Arthur. His first wife was Nancy Nichols who he married on May 02, 1822 in Ross Co., OH. The paper trail ends here. George is never found in a Census, and the details of his 2nd wife Mary Morgan and 4 children, two by each spouse so far have Cora as their sole source. George apparently went to Virginia after his first wife died. In the 1850 Census, no trace of this family has been found. Ten years later, the 3 sons emerge in separate places. Charles born July 01, 1834 in Virginia appears in Platte Co., MO with his wife Virginia Fox. Though he has not been found in 1870, he re-emerges in Nevada, newly married to a 2nd wife, Lucy Connor, with his two children from the first marriage to Virginia. The daughter Mary was born in Platte Co. The son, Daniel Edward, was born in California in 1864. Edward, the brother of Charles, is found on Galveston Island in Texas with his wife Louisa and mother, Mary. He remains here through the 1870 Census and meets up with Charles in Nevada in 1880. Their half brother, John Wesley, married on November 10, 1850 in Red River Co., TX to Rachel Hartsock. In 1860 they are in the town of Tarrant in Hopkins Co., TX. They are found again in 1880 in Grant Co., NM in Silver City. Twenty years later they are in Los Angeles.
Without Cora's preservation of this family, I doubt if it would be possible to place this narrow line today. I was able to contact once some descendants of John Wesley, from his daughter Margaret, who married William Brahm, probably in Silver City, NM. I am still hoping that more will be found:
GEORGE4 CHENOWETH (ARTHUR3, THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born 1787 in Mason Co., VA (now KY), and died Unknown in Ohio. He married (1) NANCY NICHOLS May 02, 1822 in Ross Co., OH. She was born Abt. 1801, and died Unknown. He married (2) MARY MORGAN Aft. 1827. She was born Abt. 1800 in Virginia.
Children of GEORGE CHENOWETH and NANCY NICHOLS are: Children of GEORGE CHENOWETH and MARY MORGAN are: Early in my research of the Chenoweth family, I became interested in the Balls of Oliver Cromwell Ball and Sarah Ann Chenoweth. Norma Jean House who had found the website that first spring introduced me to this line. Sarah had married Oliver in Perry Co., OH and moved to Henry Co., IN. Her daughter Sarah Ann had married Thomas Allen House on October 31, 1867, most likely in Henry Co. The Ball-House research was the product of Susan Cooper nee House. Susan born in Delaware Co., IN was Norma's oldest aunt. According to Cora Hiatt, and repeated by Harris, Sarah Ann Chenoweth was the daughter of Absolom Chenoweth, the son of Arthur. Jr. As I gradually came to understand, this was so mixed up it defies easy description. As I was to learn, Sarah was not the daughter of Absolom, and though Absolom was the son of Arthur, he was never in Perry County and his children were very different, and Arthur was not Arthur, Jr. These were multiple mistakes. My first inkling to this was the will of James sent to me in the fall of 1997 by Pete. James was supposed to be my ancestor and yet my Henry was not mentioned. Sarah Ann Ball however was, in fact Oliver Cromwell Ball was the executor of the will of James. A careful reading showed that the children listed under Absolom in Cora's book on page 84 [Harris 332] were those of James. This made some sense as James had been in Perry Co. and died in Delaware Co., IN which abuts Henry Co.
In Cora's confusion, she had placed 2 Absoloms in Perry Co. confusing the children of James under the second Absolom. In reality there was but one Absolom in Perry Co., the brother of James. These two brothers had come to Perry Co., OH with their brother Elias after their father John had died in Hampshire Co., VA. They formed a nucleus of early Chenoweths in Perry Co. The description Cora had for the family of James included a Sarah and I at first thought my Henry then was the brother of Sarah Ann Ball, despite that fact that Henry was not in the will. Susan Cooper never got this far in the great unraveling of this mess. Moreover reading Cora's work on page 84, Susan had tried to straighten out the confusions of Cora's statements. Under Arthur, Cora had added other children: Elias and William, though neither was in the Bible record I was later to find. Under Absolom's son James on the same page she said "his father came from Hampshire County, Virginia, to Perry County, OH, with his brothers Absolom and Elias, confusing Absolom with himself instead of James. On page 58, under Absolom, the son of John she had written "Came to Perry County, Ohio with his two brothers, John and William." It was a circle of mistakes. Cora kept loading people into Perry Co. and adding names where things didn't fit. Into the mix she added another James, whom she called James Mathias, the son of William, Jr.
Susan never solved this dilemma. She however did a wonderful job in documenting the Balls and Houses. In her description of Arthur's family she repeated Cora's confusion and added sons, William and Elias, as the only way to fit the circle of names. Harris has included these names in his listing of Arthur's family on page 331. I wish I had been able to meet Susan, I appreciated her work.
SARAH ANN5 CHENOWETH (JAMES4, JOHN3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1810 in Hampshire Co., VA (now WV), and died August 23, 1883 in Henry Co., IN. She married OLIVER CROMWELL BALL December 28, 1827 in Perry Co., OH, son of JAMES BALL and ANNA CLAYPOOLE. He was born May 15, 1803 in Fauquier Co., VA, and died March 22, 1864 in Franklin twp., Henry Co. IN.
Children of SARAH CHENOWETH and OLIVER BALL are: DO YOU KNOW THESE PEOPLE? In the near future we will be posting to the website a spread sheet of more than 900 marriages that we have been unable to place. As always with this column any help in identifying these individuals would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks to Renee Batson for the above.
A probable daughter for William
1 Eliza Jane Chenoweth
.. +Levin Henry Hickman b: 05 May 1821 in Kent, Delaware m: 21 Apr 1842 in Warren Co, Indiana d: 22 Jan 1881 in Sheldon, Iroquois Co, Illinois Father: Roger Hickman Mother: Mary Jenkins
......... 2 Enoch Hickman b: Bet. 08 Dec 1850 - 1859 in Warren Co, Indiana d: WFT Est. 1848-1949 in Warren Co, Indiana
......... 2 Rachel A. Hickman b: 23 Dec 1846 in Warren Co, Indiana d: WFT Est. 1847-1940 in Warren Co, Indiana
Hickman, Eleven 29-DE
Elizabeth 24-OH
Charlotte A. 7-IN
Mary E. 6-IN
William H. 2-IN
James F. 6/12-IN
Best, Sarah L. 13-IL
A divorce among the tidbits from Elkins
Thank Cora for George's family
Susie Cooper and an insight
Peter Chenoweth, editor, Hephzibah, GA ....
Comments and Contributions Email: p.chenoweth@comcast.net
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Copyright c 2006 by Peter Chenoweth and Jon D. Egge. All Rights Reserved. Any republication of this page material for personal use requires inclusion of this copyright. Any other republication of this page material requires the express consent of the editor.
publication: Dec 15, 2006