Chenoweth History - 1850 Census
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Census: [1850]
Missing: [1860]
This is a list of the known family of John Chenoweth and Mary Calvert that we have not found (and believe we still might) in the 1850 Census. If you have any insight to where they are, or can find any of them, you help would sure be appreciated.
You can reach me, Jon Egge, by e-mail at:
- John P.7 Coberly (Margaret6 Chenoweth, Robert T.5, John4, William3) married (1) Prudence 'Prude' Bennet
- Martha Ann6 Chenoweth (Robert T.5, John4, William3) married George R. Gibson
- Isaac White6 Stalnaker (Mary M.5 Chenoweth, John4, William3) married Harriett Ann Talbott
- Ann6 Stalnaker (Mary M.5 Chenoweth, John4, William3) married George W. White
- Peggy6 Chenoweth (Jonathan5, Jonathan4, William3) married William Fletcher
- Elizabeth6 Chenoweth (Jonathan5, Jonathan4, William3) married Sylvester Bell
- Elizabeth5 Chenoweth (Jonathan4, William3) Widow of David Casebier
- Absalom Burdine6 Casebier (Elizabeth5 Chenoweth, Jonathan4, William3) married Eleanor Lafors
- Betsy6 Simmons (Chloe5 Chenoweth, Jonathan4, William3) married Richard Orr
- Samuel C.6 Simmons (Chloe5 Chenoweth, Jonathan4, William3) married Mary Ann Kindred
- William Smith6 Chenoweth (Jacob5, William S.4, John3) married Charlotte Davis
- Martha5 Chenoweth (William S.4, John3) married Barzillai Osborn
- Harriet5 Chenoweth (Absolum4, John3) married John Gibson
- James5 Ashbrook (Eleanor4 Chenoweth, John3) married Frances Dooley
- Elias5 Chenoweth (Elias4, John3) married Athea Malhon
- Rachel5 Chenoweth (Elias4, John3) married William Stonebarger
- Bartlett5 Switzer (Elizabeth4 Chenoweth, Thomas3) married Sara Catherine Reed
- James C.5 Switzer (Elizabeth4 Chenoweth, Thomas3) married Ann Schenck
- Nancy5 Chenoweth (Thomas4, Richard3) married Henry K. Kalfred
- Ann4 Chenoweth (Richard3) Widow of Joseph William Bonderant, Jr
- Ann R.6 Bell (Rachel Bruce5 Chenoweth, James4, Absolum3) married John Linsency
- Thomas Richard6 Westrope (Sarah 'Sallie'5 Ashbrook, Mary W.4 Chenoweth, John3) married (1) Sarah Ann Huntsman
- William Boone6 Westrope (Sarah 'Sallie'5 Ashbrook, Mary W.4 Chenoweth, John3) married Sarah Rebecca Evans
- Phebe Susan7 Tucker (Levi6, Phoebe5 Ashbrook, Levi4, Mary3 Chenoweth) married Ephraim Mckenny
- Rachel5 Tucker (Phoebe4 Ashbrook, Mary3 Chenoweth) married Brice William Alsbury
- Amelia5 Ashbrook (Aaron4, Mary3 Chenoweth) married William Cherry
- Mary4 Ashbrook (Mary3 Chenoweth) married Philip Peters
- Francinah5 Peters (Mary4 Ashbrook, Mary3 Chenoweth) married Salvester Bell
- Jonathan L.5 Peters (Mary4 Ashbrook, Mary3 Chenoweth) married Harriet Hopkins
- Rhoda4 Ashbrook (Mary3 Chenoweth) married Owen Williams
- Cecilia5 Ashbrook (William4, Mary3 Chenoweth) married Benjamin Bowman
- Mary5 Chenoweth (Absolom4, Arthur3) Was Born Bet. 1795 - 1801 In Kentucky. married (2) Joseph Adams
- Mary5 Chenoweth (Arthur4, Arthur3) married Ephram M. Jefferson
- Mary 'Polly'5 Rose (Elizabeth4 Seaton, Rachel3 Chenoweth) married Samuel B. Buckner
- Apphia Ward5 Seaton (George4, Rachel3 Chenoweth) married Matthew Meddis
- Sarah 'Sallie'5 Seaton (James Kenner4, Rachel3 Chenoweth) married James Stout
- Margaret5 Frederick (Sarah4 Seaton, Rachel3 Chenoweth) married Elijah Allison
- Richard4 Seaton (Rachel3 Chenoweth) Eleanor 'Nellie' Mundel
Insufficient information for details of missing married families
- Joseph5 Rees (Elijah4 Ann 'Nancy'3 Carter) married Isabella Houston
- Eliza5 Morgan (Nancy 'Ann'4 Rees, Ann 'Nancy'3 Carter) married Thomas B. Sturgis
- Mary6 Carter (Isaac5, William4, James3) married John Jones - Note: may be the John and Mary Jones living in Fall twp., Washington Co., PA - needs proof.
- Family of Sarah5 Carter (Henry Bowen4, James3) deceased married Thomas Morrison Bonham
- Sinah5 Burson (Ruth4, James3) married Thaddeus McFarland Horn
- Permilia4 Carter (James3) married Samuel Weir
- Evelinah5 Chenoweth (Richard B.4, John3) married John Shocky, Jr.
- Margaret Eveline5 Chenoweth (Thomas4, Thomas3) married Lewis A. Zell
- Elizabeth Ann 'Eliza'5 Chenoweth (Thomas4, Thomas3) married Andrew Carter
- Sarah Ann4 Chenoweth (Richard3) married Ralph Gregory
- John C.5 Gregory (Sarah Ann4 Chenoweth, Richard3) married Mary S. Mcpherson.
- Hannah6 White (Mary5 Heaton, Joanna4 Sutton, Mary3 Chenoweth) married Samuel Vance
- John6 Petro, Jr. (Mary5 Sutton, David4, Mary3 Chenoweth) married (1) Keziah Frazey
- Family Of Anchor6 Petro (Mary5 Sutton, David4, Mary3 Chenoweth) deceased, married Joseph Armstrong Montgomery
- Absolom5 Sutton (David4, Mary3 Chenoweth) married Jane Robb
- Mary Jane6 Sutton (Jonathan5, David4, Mary3 Chenoweth) married Henry S. Collins
- Joseph5 Mason (Eleanor Nellie 'Newly'4 Chenoweth, Joseph3) married Mary Bell
- Absolum C.5 Jennings (Jane4 Chenoweth, Absolom3) married Julia A. ?
- James5 Fullerton (Hannah4 Chenoweth William3) married Nancy Mcwhorter
- Lorena6 Lent (Hannah5 Wilson, Susannah4 Chenoweth, Isaac3) married Henry B. Carnes
- Jerimiah5 Wilson (Susannah4 Chenoweth, Isaac3) married Jane Moore.
- William5 Gordon (Elizabeth4 Chenoweth, Isaac3) William Lurena ?
- Robert5 Gordon III (Elizabeth4 Chenoweth, Isaac3) married Mary Wilson
- Jane5 Downing (Sarah4, Mary3 Chenoweth) married William Clarke
- Adeline5 Downing (Sarah4, Mary3 Chenoweth) married Simeon Field
- Rusena5 Downing (John4, Mary3 Chenoweth) married (1) Samuel Day
- George5 Morrison (Susannah4 Downing, Mary3 Chenoweth) married Nancy Hobbs
- Betty5 Rodgers (Sarah4 Chenoweth, John3) married Jacob Kester
- Rebecca5 Rodgers (Sarah4 Chenoweth, John3) married James Denny
- Family Of Serepeta5 Carter (Rebecca4 Chenoweth, John3) deceased married Thomas Groom
- Rachel5 Carter (Rebecca4 Chenoweth, John3) deceased married John Meyers
- Lavina5 Chenoweth (Absolom4, Arthur3) married Wesley Ditts. The only Wesley Ditts in Ohio in 1850 is in Highland Co. close to where Lavina's sister Clarinda is living. Lavinia is not listed.
- Ira L.5 Chenoweth (Richard4, Richard3)
- Ruth4 Chenoweth (Richard3) married Samuel Findley
- Thomas N.5 Chenoweth (Thomas C.4, Elijah3) married (1) Mary Ann Magness
- Sarah 'Mary'4 Chenoweth (Elijah3) married John Haines
- Lewis Foster5 Haines (Sarah 'Mary'4 Chenoweth, Elijah3) married ?
- Sarah H.5 Chenoweth (Joseph4, Elijah3) married Richard W. Hayes
- Cassandra C.4 Chenoweth (Elijah3) married (1) John Morgan, (2) Joseph Morgan
- Rebecca5 Chenoweth (Jacob4, Abraham3) married William Blizzard Borders
- Susan Delphia5 Peteet (Chenowith4, Richard John3) married Frederick Hanslip George * thought to be in Canada
- Martha5 Peteet (Chenowith4, Richard John3) married Thomas Harris
Copyright c 2003-2008 by Jon D. Egge. All Rights Reserved. Any republication of this page material for personal use requires inclusion of this copyright. Any other republication of this page material requires the express consent of the author.