[Menu] VOLUME 5 REUNION SPECIAL - August 2006
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EDITOR: PETER C. CHENOWETH - E-MAIL: p.chenoweth@comcast.net
Representing more than 40 lines of Chenoweths, nearly 100 individuals have registered for the 4th National Chenoweth Reunion. Hosts, Lois Akehurst and her son, Bill, and Jon Egge will be giving a presentation on the lines of Arthur2 and Richard2, who remained within the Baltimore area. He will also give a presentation on the status of the website and where the family�s research is heading.
Pete Chenoweth and Dianah Southard (Relative Genetics) will present an update on the family DNA project. This should prove informative as it will show how the family DNA samples give us information and how we can use to place unknown lines.
There will be round table discussions on the different family lines.
There will be a welcome presentation for the 5th National Reunion to be held in Ft Wayne, IN in 2008.
Another opportunity to hear the music of Daniel Fred Chenoweth of Mexico, along with the music of the Kidds and Bill Chinworth on bassoon.
An opportunity to attend church at St Thomas� Episcopal on Sunday, a family breakfast, the Biennial Family business meeting, and this has all the makings of the best family reunion yet. Here�s hoping that each and everyone of you has an outstanding time.
This will be my 4th blue T-shirt but the first time that I know that it is my rightful place. Daniel from Sonora will be there with his new bride, Marisela. After a long military career, Peter Chenoweth and his wife, Janet, will be attending their first Reunion. Albert Heller Chenoweth, host of the Portland reunion is coming, as well as a number of reunion regulars.
their committee, have put together what appears to be a great program. Emphasis is on history and there will be forums to address family matters. There will be area activities for children (swimming area at the motel and a trip to the Baltimore Aquarium) and all manner of outings for the adults to include places to go shopping. 2006 reunion family photograph. Side trips will include (1) the inner harbor, which includes the Aquarium, the Science Center, The Constellation; (2) The Flag House for those who choose to do so and have lunch in one of the restaurants in Little Italy (individual expense).
By Jon Egge
Without the wonderful work of Elmer Haile, Jr, our knowledge of the early Baltimore family would be far less than it is today. Elmer aided me in sorting out the jumble and provided accuracy to the facts of the family in the 1730s. I found Elmer through Shannon Graham, my 5th cousin (we both descend from the 3rd generation Thomas, the son of John). She sent me a copy of one of Elmer�s letters describing John Chenoweth, the progenitor, in Baltimore. I was amazed at the sense of authority contained in his account of John. About the same time I was casting my eye on Baltimore as being a real mess in terms of the family knowledge. There were lots of lines listed in the unknown section of the Harris book. They are what I affectionately call �the lost lines of Baltimore� (the place, not the nobility). It has a sense of being a tangle with very little connecting it to present day, yet there were literally hundreds of Chenoweths living in Baltimore. Cora Hiatt said very little about the families in Baltimore in her book. She missed any of the descent of William Chenoweth and Amy Davis. As I was to find, most of the 4 third generation lineage she did describe was mixed up. The Harris book improved this picture somewhat by adding in the large lines of William and Amy Davis, but misplaced William�s father, Richard who married first Eleanor Askew, as a grandson of Richard(2). So nothing in any of the known families was right. Harris also started the list of Chenoweths in Baltimore that could not be tied back to the original family. Today, even though we have most of the story straight, thanks in large part to Elmer�s help, very little progress has been made in placing these unknown lines. We have only solved two of the seven cited and have added in the process a couple of new ones.
I could see that part of the problem was that no one in Baltimore had ever published any of the genealogy there. I have found since instances of people that took an interest, but these were small family studies. Even Elmer was in a puzzled search over who his ancestor Thomas really was. Cora had mixed things up so much that it was hard to make any sense of it. One of the things I did was start to call people in Baltimore with the name Chenoweth. I am sure I have made more than a several dozen of these over time. Most people were gracious enough to listen to my babble about things that proved to be wrong. The first question they asked was always, do you spell it �weth� or �with�. My reply was always it doesn�t matter, it�s the same family. But I have to admit, that now that things are more correctly organized, there is an identification thread that can be generally assigned to the spelling. Actually there are 3 Baltimore spellings today. Chenoweth, the most common, are, as we now know, generally, Arthur lines and connected to the family, Chenowith almost always are unknown lines that we now attribute somehow to Richard. Chenworth, unique to the Baltimore area, is part of the unknown lines of George and surely a Richard line. The one unknown line we have that uses the �weth� spelling is that of John who married Ann Perinne. Today nationally, based on SSA death listings, 88% of the family uses �weth� and �with� usage is about 5.5% with the rest scattered over 6 distinct spellings and a number of minor variants. The percentage of �withs� increases dramatically in Baltimore to well over a third of the population. If we assign the �lost lines� to Richard, today Richard�s lines account for most of the variant spellings used today. There are the 3 Tennessee spellings and the Chenworths and �withs� of Baltimore. About half of the �withs� in the SSA listings were issued in Baltimore and portions of those that were not, are still migrations from these same lost Baltimore lines. An interesting aside to all of this is that Cora Hiatt claimed that her �Richard� lines had always adhered to the �purity� of the Chenoweth spelling. Of course, the short reply is, her lines were Arthur not Richard as she claimed.
Based on my random calls and my confusion I wrote a long rambling letter, that probably made little sense, to Elmer. He never replied directly to this. I am sure he was horrified by my slapdash thinking. I have never written anything to Elmer that he did not correct with a precision that is rock solid. Elmer seldom says anything that is not factually correct. My habits are immensely sloppier. Elmer is the epitome of a genealogist. Every thing is set forth in fact and speculations are both limited and stated. Over the years Elmer has sent me some 2 dozen letters and enclosed much information. As I began to cut through the incorrect placements in Baltimore, Elmer added 2 well researched corrections. All this would have been so much easier if I had ever been to Baltimore and knew the lay of the land. Elmer�s help with this part was a blessing. I had determined early on that some of the questions as to the Chenoweth family, whether we are talking of the Virginia lines or the Baltimore lines, could be better understood by exact locations. Elmer�s help provided me with a �lay of the land� understanding for Baltimore. John Chenoweth lived in the Back River Upper Hundred. This is the same area that his son Richard settled in. It was near present Towson. Arthur obtained land northwest of Reistertown in the Soldier Delight Hundred. This is where his father-in-law Samuel Hooker lived. What we can assemble of the families that followed was that Arthur was west and Richard east. Both migrated in to the southerly centered Baltimore City as time went on. But generally Richard�s lines were near Towson and moved east into Harford Co. Arthur�s lines were near Reisterstown and moved in to both Frederick Co. and Hampstead that became Carrol Co.
To understand Baltimore, let�s briefly review the two lines that stayed there when John the progenitor and his three other sons moved to Virginia. Both Arthur and Richard had six sons. Both families are known by will and by records of birth recorded by Arthur at St Thomas Parish. The lives of these two sets of 6 sons could not be more in contrast. Arthur thrived and Richard seemed to struggle. Five of the six names of the two sets of families were the same, mimicking the 5 sons of the original family. Arthur had a son Samuel named after his father-in-law. Richard had a son Joseph, and perhaps Kezia�s father was named Joseph. Today we have solid big lines from 5 of Arthur�s 6 sons and one of his two daughters. For Richard we have only 2 lines from the sons, one of the 3 daughters, and lots of questions. But this was not evident in Cora�s structure. What Cora set forth, Harris repeated. Shirley failed to contact Elmer.
ARTHUR�S LINES (sons only)
RICHARD�S LINES (sons only)
The first gap in Cora�s structure came with my realization that the Arthur in Kentucky who married Elspa Lawrence was the son of John and not Arthur, Jr. The question that immediately followed was �What then happened to Arthur, Jr.?� Elmer correctly identified him and also showed me that the two Thomas Chenoweths in Baltimore were reversed. Elmer�s basis for this was identifications made by land transactions between Arthur and his sons. By elimination, this meant that Thomas, the son of Richard, was the Thomas who married Rachel Norris and was Elmer�s ancestor. Elmer found mention of Richard�s son Arthur in a 1792 land lease near Gunpowder. I determined that he had been the Arthur that married Cassandra Bosely. Dorinda Shepley helped solve the problem of the generation skip in the children of Arthur�s son Thomas. A genealogy study from the McBaths of Tennessee helped prove that the Richard who married first Elenor Askew and second, the maid, Ellen Hammer, was really Arthur�s son Richard. Records from Ohio proved that the Thomas of Berkeley Co., VA was not the son of Richard, Jr. but rather the oldest son of William, Jr. Research by Jane Shaw showed that William of Hampstead, who married Sarah Baxter, was likely the son of Arthur, Jr. by a land transaction giving his wife�s name as Sarah on a land transaction from Arthur, Jr. Over a 4 year period, Cora�s structure of the family tree in Maryland got radically moved around and with it came a much clearer picture of the family in Baltimore emerged.
Arthur�s family lived and spread out from Reisterstown. This area was called the Soldiers Delight 100. Arthur had provided for each son and through this largesse most of these sons thrived. John and Samuel married well into the Cromwells and moved to Virginia. Both William and Richard Beasman, sons of Arthur, Jr. seem to have established themselves well in Baltimore. Most of William�s descendants would migrate to Randolph Co., IN. Richard Beasman became a successful blacksmith, a family trade that was passed down though many lines. Thomas, Jr moved into Baltimore City and his grandson William Edward founded a funeral home that became known as Chenoweths and Sons based on a remarkable embalming fluid that he developed. Arthur�s son, Richard, inherited most of Arthur�s original lands and mill, but the legacy of this was lost to the Baltimore descendants when Richard at age 55 left his wife Eleanor for the Irish maid she had hired, Ellen Hammer. Richard and Ellen fled to Knoxville, TN and there Richard started a whole new family, fathering children into his 70�s and waiting for over 10 years to be free to marry this beloved Ellen.
In contrast so very little is known presently about Richard�s family. Richard lived in the Back River Upper 100 as did his father John, the Progenitor. This area surrounds Towson and is the same area that Richard, Jr. is later found and where most of the �unknown� lines emerge. Of the 6 sons, John�s family is somewhat known, but his known children migrated to Washington Co., TN with John�s widow, Frances Haile Chenoweth, in the 1790s. Arthur Chenoweth appears to have had a daughter Elizabeth, who seems to be the Elizabeth who married Elias Passmore in Kentucky. Thomas married Rachel Norris and stayed in Hartford Co., MD. His one known son, Benjamin Norris Chenoweth, founded the only male line of Richard known to continue on in the Baltimore-Harford area, however the Chenoweth name of this line has since died out. Nothing is known about William or Joseph. William is found unmarried in several records with Thomas. Joseph was named executor of his father�s will, but was replaced by Richard, Jr. Richard, Jr. is known to have lived in the same area as his father. He took over the estate proceeding and seems to be in the 1790 Census, but nothing is known of his family. In the 1790 Census there is supposedly, Richard, Jr. himself, one female, supposedly his wife and one son, who is too young to be the unknown George. Richard(2), the son of John, had acquired a good amount of land which he attempted to distribute to his sons in his 1781 will. But something happened. We know there was a protracted legal dispute between the sons of Richard, heirs of the estate, and Francis Haile, the widow of their brother, John. Details are lacking, but it appears that somehow Francis won and the property was sold with little benefit to the sons of Richard. It is an enigma that has not been cracked, but the likely source of the many �lost lines of Baltimore�
The contrast between Richard and Arthur could not be starker. On the whole, Arthur�s sons were successful and the genealogy can be somewhat determined. Richard�s sons except for John, who died before his father, and Thomas and his one known son, Benjamin Norris, are a virtual black box. This is the one major urban area that the early Chenoweth family lived. Richard�s lines and the major line of Arthur�s son Richard, disenfranchised from early land holdings, merged into the urban environment. The early genealogy records that rely on land transactions do not exist. The import of wills to distribute such property does not exist. We are left with a hole in the records until the emergence of the 1850 modern Census. It does not help that there is not a Census of Baltimore Co. in 1800. The understanding of the correct genealogy and the contributing problems that the family had in Baltimore give us only a glimmer of the possible solutions.
If the male Chenoweth lines are clouded, the female lines are even worse. Arthur had 2 daughters and Richard 3, but only a few lines are known today of Ruth�s Butlers and Hannah�s Ashtons. Few female lines are known at all in the generations that follow. Arthur�s daughter Hannah Ogg was alive and in her sixties when her father died, but her family has never been defined. Richard�s daughters Susannah and Kezia married but nothing else is known. Census records indicate daughters in subsequent generations, but we lack marriage records. The gaps are large.
The importance of Baltimore in the family genealogy can not be overstated. It was the first permanent settlement of the Chenoweth family. It spawned migration after migration west, beginning with John the father and his 3 sons to Frederick Co., VA, then the frontier, and continuing with the 2nd Virginia immigration of Arthur�s sons: John and Samuel, the Tennessee movements of the widow Francis and the fleeing couple of Richard and Ellen, the migration of the Hampstead Chenoweths to Randolph Co., IN and the tracing of Henry�s children west to Cincinnati and then Chicago. Still the Baltimore area today remains one of the largest areas of concentration for the Chenoweth name. For at least 150 years it was the only urban area heavily populated by the family. The Virginia lines that moved west became farmers and lived on the land. Ironically this association to land and life in more thinly populated areas, makes the �non�-Baltimore part of the family much easier to sort out. The Chenoweths in Baltimore became a bit lost in the density of urban life. It is for those that remain to understand their rich shared heritage and to maybe begin to make some progress to filling out the tree.
Elmer came out with his family to the Portland Reunion. He was 94 at the time. As I write this I understand he is doing well and working with some Towson State University writers who are supposed to write a book about the history of Long Green Valley. I hope to be able to meet him again during the reunion. This is Elmer�s line and his parents Grace Reckord and Elmer Haile, Sr.
LILLIAN R.6 CHENOWETH (JOHN BRADFORD5, BENJAMIN NORRIS4, THOMAS3, RICHARD2, JOHN1) was born May 25, 1854 in Baltimore Co., MD, and died 1907 in Cockeysville, Baltimore Co., MD. She married WALTER PAUL RECKORD January 24, 1882 in Harford Co., MD. He was born July 12, 1857 in "Manchester", Virginia, and died July 12, 1943 in Cockeysville, Baltimore Co., MD.
In this issue we present 56 individuals from the states of Maryland and Virginia. If you know these people let us know at jegge@chenowethsite.com or p.chenoweth@comcast.net.
Joyce Wiegand of Lafayette, IN first suggested a national reunion to me in 1998. Through the website we were able to assemble a committee of Joyce, Bill Chinworth of Tucson, and Mike Chenoweth of Gas City, IN. They not only organized the first reunion in Bowling Green, KY but became the backbone that has helped local organizers put together the Elkins, WV reunion in 2002; the Beaverton, OR reunion in 2004; and the present reunion in Baltimore, MD. At each reunion some 200 Chenoweth descendants have come together to celebrate their heritage and enjoy shared activities.
The first Reunion in Bowling Green, KY featured Richard Harris, author of the 1994 book, �The Chenoweth Family in America� based on research he shared with his wife Shirley. Richard had donated the notes and research upon which the book was based to the Kentucky Museum located in Bowling Green.
The second Reunion tagged onto the annual family picnic that has been held in Elkins, WV since 1915. There are literally hundreds of descendants that still live in this area of Appalachia. A highlight to the reunion was an evening with Virginia Bird Johnson, age 93. Virginia was the main resource for the extensive West Virginia genealogy found in the Harris book and had attended all 89 picnics. She passed away on February 5, 2004.
The third reunion in Beaverton, OR was a chance for West Coast Chenoweths to more easily participate. Albert Heller Chenoweth and his wife, Delores, were the local coordinators and again were helped by Bill, Joyce and Mike. A significant attendee was Elmer Rathbun Haile, Jr., age 94, from Maryland. Elmer has contributed significant knowledge of the early family in Baltimore helping to correct imbedded misalignments found in both Chenoweth books. Music was provided by Daniel Fred Chenoweth of Sonora, Mexico. The �reunion picnic� was held at Mount Hood.
Reunion Profiles
Reunion Committee
William Clement �Bill� Chinworth
Born in Elkhart, IN, but calls Warsaw, IN home. A graduate of Warsaw High School, Culver Summer Schools, and the University of Arizona, he has earned Bachelor Music Education and Master of Music degrees. Bill is a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the US Army Reserves.
Bill has performed recitals in the Tucson and Prescott areas and has performed as bassoon soloist with orchestras in those two towns. He has been a member of the Arizona Symphonic Winds, the Civic Orchestra of Tucson, The Columbus, Georgia Symphony, The Augusta Georgia Symphony, Sirocco and is an �on call� principal bassoonist for the Yavapai Community Orchestra at Prescott, AZ. He was the principal creator of the Southern Arizona Symphony.
Affiliations include Music Educator�s National Conference, Arizona Music Educator�s Association, International Double Reed Society, and Kappa Kappa Psi, the band fraternity.
Bill has been married to Barbara Lee Cleveland for 45years and has 3 children.
His Chenoweth line is John1, Arthur2, Arthur3, Arthur4, Robert S.5, William H.6, Clement7, William Jonathon8
Joyce Aileen (Corns) Wiegand
Born in Lafayette, IN, she grew up in a very small community where everyone knew everyone. As a youngster in grade school, she was sick quite often, and spent the greater part of three years in bed with heart problems.
Joyce went to work in the office of a gear manufacturing company before graduating from high school and was married a year later to Richard Wiegand. Within six months Uncle Sam came knocking on the door. After basic training she joined her husband at Ft Bliss in El, Paso, TX. During the two years in El Paso she worked in a bank. After the military obligation was complete, she returned to her former place of employment until 1970 when they adopted their son, Gregory. A requirement of adoption at that time from the agency was she quit work for a year. After staying home for three and a half years, the company asked if she would like to return to work. She retired in 2001.
Not being interested in history as a student in school, she however, became interested in her family history in 1970 when she read an earlier article in her local paper stating that the county court house, running out of storage space, would be destroying all old county records. The Curator of the local historical association, a DAR member, volunteered to house the records. The volume of records collected in over 150 years of record keeping for the county was extensive.
Michael Allen Chenoweth
Mike is a native Hoosier from Marion, IN. He now lives in Gas City, IN with his wife, Kay. Kay and Mike spend most of their time enjoying their gardens, bicycling, and spoiling four grand children (all boys). I also take care of the checkbook for the Chenoweth Family Association and use my scribing skills as a member of the local Library Board of Trustees.
Mike missed the Portland reunion and has regretted it. He does not intend to miss the Baltimore festivities.
Because of three unique cousin marriages, Mike (8 or 9) descends from:
John1, John2, John3, William S.4, Elizabeth5, Harvey R.6, Joel Harvey7, Wilbur8 AND John1, William2, William, Jr3, John4, Harvey R.5, Joel Harvey6, Wilbur7
The cross linkage occurs at John4, who marries Elizabeth5 in Warren Co., OH. Jon Egge and Greg Wulker (also a descendent from one of these marriages) spent many hours untying the web created by Cora Hiatt with respect to this lineage. Please review Jon�s website for further discussion.
My past includes US Navy duty in the VietNam era, alma mater Ball State University, Muncie, IN and employment for 25yrs with RCA/GE/Thomson Consumer Electronics.
Most recently, I�m semi-retired (actually unemployed) since the factory closed and moved to Mexico and China. I�m now attending classes to upgrade my software programming skills.
Reunion Hostess
Lois Sue (Kidd) Akehurst
Born in Maryland Lois lives in Street, MD. Her line of Chenoweths remained in Baltimore all of their lives. In fact her mother of eighty-four years, lived and died in the same house, in the same neighborhood, where her sisters and brothers lived. You will be able to visit this Chenoweth settlement where Lois lived in years past when you come to the reunion August 2-6, 2006. Be ready to hear how her father moved their house back on the property during the preparations of the I-695 Baltimore Beltway.
Lois and her husband, Bill, have three married sons and eight grandchildren. Bill was instrumental in planning this reunion as a gift of love for Lois. After Bill�s death on March 1, 2006, Lois has gone forward to finalize the plans with her son and daughter-in-law, Bill and Terri. They look forward with anticipation to welcoming all of you who come home to Maryland. Lois urgent request is for all the local cousins, nieces and nephews to come to this reunion and enjoy the history of their roots. �You�ll never be the same,� she says.
Lois�s Chenoweth line is one that hasn�t been placed within the Chenoweth Family yet. John1, Asbury Independence2, Asbury Grant3, Lingard Grant4, Helen Elizabeth5.
Website Authors
Jon Dexter Egge
Born Seattle, WA Jon lives on Cottage Lake in Woodinville, WA with his wife of 31 years Deanna (Sundvick). His mother was Edna Louise Chenoweth, born to Harry Edward Chenoweth and Minnie Jane Holt. Harry had come out to the Seattle area from Pineville, MO about 1912. This in the line of the 3rd generation Thomas, son of John. Jon has been doing Chenoweth genealogy and hosting the Chenoweth website for 10 years during his retirement from construction.
He has attended all 4 national reunions and made presentations at each of them. He graduated in 1966 from the University of Washington and is an avid Husky fan. Jon spent the next three years in Vietnam, working for RMK-BRJ on military construction. On his return he worked for Morrison Knudson in Boise, ID and Aleutian Constructors in Alaska, before joining his brother n their own construction firm. Jon and Deanna have three daughters, the youngest of whom is attending Whitman College in Walla Walla, WA.
Jon�s Chenoweth line is John1, John2, Thomas3, James Francis4, Henry S.5, Albert White6, Harry Edward7, Harry Holt8, Edna Louise9.
Peter Clinton Chenoweth
Born October 14, 1948 in Newark, NJ, Pete now makes his home just outside of Augusta, GA in Hephzibah with his wife of 34 years, Janet (Hearndon). Due to his brother�s health, the family moved to St Cloud, FL when Pete was a young boy. A small community of 1500, this would be where he grew up and met his wife.
Upon graduating from high school in 1966, he enlisted in the US Air Force serving in Turkey and VietNam. Taking a break from the military, he attended Columbia College, MO, married his high school sweetheart and earned a Master Printers Certificate from the state of Florida. He re-entered the military in 1979 and completed a lengthy career with the US Army in 2003. He is currently employed as a Deputy Sheriff in Richmond Co., GA. Pete and his wife have 2 sons, Christopher Allen, St. Cloud, FL and Michael Harold, Beaverton, OR. They are also the proud grandparents of a grandson, Austin David.
Pete has been involved in genealogy since the early 1980s when he used to check telephone directories during his military travels to see just how many Chenoweths he could find. He is currently the editor of the Chenoweth Family Newsletter, Project Coordinator of the DNA Project and Chenoweth website genealogist.
Pete�s Chenoweth line is one of the other lines: Edward1, John2, William3, William4, Edward5, John6, Edward7, John8, William E.9, William Clawson10, Frank Larkin11, Harold Richard12.
By Jon Egge
(Cottage Lake, Woodinville, WA)
(Descendant of Dr Henry S. Chenoweth of Chillicothe, OH)
There are 7 major lines in the Baltimore area that have never been tied back to the family of John Chenoweth and Mary Calvert. It is almost certain however that they are part of this family. In present day, four of the seven use the spelling �Chenowith�, one �Chenworth� and one �Chenoweth� and one has no firm male lines today. Three are �pre 1800� and three start with a male that is captured in the 1850 Census, the other is from Kezia Coe Chenoweth�s son Benjamin who first emerges in the 1870 Census. . It is probable that some of the 4 later lines �hook� into the line of Richard who married Elizabeth Burton. All originate or have ties to areas that are thought to be associated with the son Richard(2) and are generally assumed to be in his line. The reader is referred to the Aug 2003 newsletter describing Richard�s family. We really only know of three of his six sons that married and even then there is no definitive list of the children of these three sons, John, Thomas and Arthur. The other 3 sons Richard, Jr., William and Joseph were alive when their father died, but nothing is known about what happened to them. Compounding the problem, there is no documents that gives their ages or the order of their birth, other than the Cora Hiatt book which does not seem to have any basis and cannot be relied on. Present knowledge has not been able to break through the several different possibilities for the proper placement of these lines.
[Unknown lines: Chenworth]: George of the Back River Upper Hundred
George is the earliest of the unknown lines of Baltimore. George would have to be 4th generation and would have to be in the line of Richard. His age and location are consistent with this. A likely candidate for his father would be Richard, Jr., but there is so much we don�t know about the majority of Richard�s sons and what happened, it is impossible to be certain. Each of the major unknown Baltimore lines should be weighed in context with each other. It is very hard to determine what the exact relationship between them might be. Early Census numbers can lead to endless speculation. Many descendants of George today spell their name Chenworth.
Another possibility for George is that he is an unknown son of John Chenoweth and Francis Haile. I have never been sure that we have a definitive list of the children of John. We know for certain that there was Parmenus, Archibald and Nicholas as they all show up in Tennessee. Richard�s will tells us there was a Richard, who may have been the oldest. Harris says there was also a John, but nothing is ever found and Harris does not tell us in his book where the list of children came from. George Chenoweth was born well before George Washington. The Cornish people had no great love of King George, the Ruler of England at the time. But the father of Francis Haile was George Haile, who owned a tavern in Towson. It would have been natural that John and Francis would have named a son for the father of Francis. George and his brother Richard could both have married prior to their mother leaving for Tennessee with the younger children and decided to stay in Baltimore. Certainly we know that Archibald did not accompany Francis, and married in Virginia only to show up much later in Tennessee with his other siblings. Casting George as an unknown son of Richard�s son John is a solid possibility.
George is not included in the Harris book, but his two sons, John (page: 615) and Thomas (page: 630) are included in the unknown section. I was first alerted to the details of George by Patrick Daspit, a descendant in this line. Family information had a list of four children John and Thomas and two daughters, Sarah and Susan. Susan and John married Stover siblings. There is a Baltimore Co. marriage of a Rachel Hale who marries a George Chenoweth on January 26, 1796. The birth of the 4 known children began in 1800 and continued to 1818. All this seems to fit together. There was no other known George in the Baltimore lines and George is found in the 1810 census in the same general area where Richard and his son Richard Jr. lived. This Census listing has 6 children in the family, 3 boys and 3 girls. The age of the oldest girl would place her birth before the 1796 marriage. Both George and his wife are stated to be over 45, placing George�s birth into the early 1760s. George appears again in the 1820 and 1830 Census. In 1820 there is only one daughter and one son living with the older parents. The age bracket for the 1830 Census places the age of George as between 60 and 69 putting his birth in the 1760s consistent with the 1810 Census.
Most helpful in this line has been Dot Tucker-Houk of Timonium. Dot has become a regular contributor to the database. Her help with detailing the line of George, identifying Chenoweths in Baltimore and searching the internet for obits and important Chenoweth records nationwide has been invaluable. Dot�s mother was Mary Louise Chenworth, daughter of Samuel Thomas Chenworth, a grandson of George�s son Thomas and his marriage to Rhoda Ann Dogett. Thomas is found in the 1850 Census in the 2nd district, again consistent with the �Richard� locations. His brother John is found in Harford Co., again consistent with other descendants of Richard�s lineage.
GEORGE1 CHENOWETH was born Bet. 1760 - 1769. He married RACHEL HALE January 26, 1796. She was born Bet. 1770 - 1779.
The knowledge of Richard came from Elmer Haile, Jr. No mention of this is found in Harris. It was part of a research study of the Francies [Frances] family of Baltimore. Thomas Francies married Priscilla Chenoweth on April 17, 1810. She was the daughter of Richard Chenoweth and Elizabeth Burton. Priscilla was born in 1792. There are only 2 possible Richards that this could be, Richard Jr. or John�s son Richard. Between these two sources, the latter is the more probable, as it would seem, though we don�t know for sure, that Richard Jr. would be somewhat too old to have had a daughter born 1792. It is believed that Richard�s sons were all born in the 1740s and 1750s. In the 1773 tax listing, only Joseph is unlisted (presumably younger than the age of 16) telling us that at least 5 of the six were born before 1756. John�s son Richard was not yet 21 in 1783 when Richard(2) died and mentioned his grandson in his will. If this indeed is the Richard who marries Elizabeth Burton, then not all of John�s children went to Tennessee with Francis. A Richard is found in the 1790 Census in the Back River Hundred. He has one son living with him under the age of 16. This son is too young to be George and the couple is most probably Richard and Elizabeth Burton. The pros and cons as to who this is can be argued forever without any resolution.
There are some interesting aspects of this family. First is that in 1810, Elizabeth appears to be a widow and there are 3 sons and one daughter living with her. This oldest boy may be John who married Ann Perinne. One of the younger sons is likely to be the Richard who marries Keziah Coe. This is the 2nd interesting aspect. The oldest daughter of Priscilla, Elizabeth Ann Francies, marries Benjamin Coe, the son of William Coe and Hannah Barber. Benjamin�s sister married an unknown Richard Chenoweth. Thomas Francies and Priscilla are found in the 1820 Census on the same page as an unknown William Chenoweth who is obviously newly married and has one daughter. This William could be the source of the 3 unknown families that will emerge in the 1850 Census born in the 1820 and 1830s. The locations of Richard, Elizabeth and the family of Thomas and Priscilla Francies are in the 2nd district that we associate with the families of Richard.
Chinworth, Elizabeth State : MD (It appears to be Elizabeth Burton the widow of Richard)
County : Baltimore Co.
Year : 1810
age # : 622
(families in the area: Amos, Bosley, Crbin, Frances, Goodwin, Harding, Harrick, Mase, Parish, Price, Reynolds, Smith, Stanbury, Tucker, Underwood, Voce)
< 10 |
10 - 15 |
16 - 25 |
26 - 45 |
>45 |
M |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
F |
0 |
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PRISCILLA2 CHENOWETH (RICHARD1) was born 1792 in Maryland, and died 1885. She married THOMAS FRANCIES April 17, 1810. He was born 1788, and died June 05, 1832.
According to Harris, using his enrollment in the war of 1812, John was born ca 1789. He married Ann Perinne on September 02, 1819 and died just before the 1850 Census. His wife Ann is found in the 5th ward of Baltimore City with her 3 sons. In 1860 Ann has moved out to Little Gunpowder in Baltimore Co. There is very little indeed to add to John other than what Harris said. It is uncertain as to what of the possible Censuses between 1820 to 1840 would be this John. Two of his three sons are extremely hard to track, Thomas Worth who went to New York and John, whose descendants ended up in New Jersey. The Baltimore descendants today come from the son Asbury Independance who married Ann Jane Sanderson. Of the 6 lines of the �lost Baltimore lines� this is the only one which uses the �weth� spelling today.
As mused by my census article in this newsletter, John may be the brother of Samuel and a son of the Richard who married Elizabeth Burton. If his age, as cited by Harris in his War of 1812 enlistment is off, and John is older, he could even be the John Thomas, the son of Thomas of Botetourt Co., VA, assuming that he and his mother Ann returned to Maryland after the death of Thomas. The son Thomas Worth is found in two Censuses, 1850 with his widowed mother and brothers in Baltimore City and ten years later in New York, where he would marry Mary Alvord Hooker. The line is never carried past his children, the 2 youngest of these ending up in Los Angeles. John, the brother of Thomas married Sarah Jane Berry and is not found after the 1860 Census. His one known son, John Berry Chenoweth married Ada L. 'Addie' Weitzell and their two sons ended up in New Jersey by the 1910 census. Their grandson, Harry William Chenoweth, was the Mayor of Nutley, NJ. Asbury Independence and his wife Ann can be trace through the 1880 Census. As stated, their children form the bulk of the lines of John Chenoweth and Ann Perinne who still reside in the Baltimore area today.
JOHN1 CHENOWETH was born Abt. 1789, and died March 17, 1846 in Baltimore Co., MD. He married ANN PERINNE September 02, 1819 in Baltimore, MD. She was born 1803 in Maryland, and died Aft. 1878.
Richard emerges in the 1850 Census with his wife Anne in the 17th ward of Baltimore City as described in the Harris book on page 626. He is a blacksmith and has a newborn son, William H. Richard and Anne are then found in 1st district of Baltimore Co. for the 1860 and 1870 Census and have one additional son named Benjamin. The family then moved out to Allegany Co., MD where they are found into the early 1900s before moving back to the Baltimore area. The website has been fairly successful in tracing out the descendants, but no progress has been made in determining who Richard was. He is a possible son of the Census listing of Samuel and Eliza Shipley. The family uses the �with� spelling.
RICHARD C.1 CHENOWETH was born Abt. 1825 in Maryland. He married ANNE L. ?. She was born Abt. 1831 in Maryland.
Children of RICHARD CHENOWETH and ANNE ? are:
Thomas and his wife Telitha Brown are found in Harris on page 631. They had seven children and descendants today are many. The family was Catholic, probably from Telitha�s side. Thomas was born about 1833 and is probably the Thomas found living in the 2nd district in 1850 as an 18-year-old shoemaker working for John Geddes, an Irish immigrant, and living with John, his wife Ann and family. Next door was a family of John and Eliza Burton.
Thomas served in the Civil War with Company B, 1st Maryland Regiment, Volunteer Light Artillery. He was discharged September 7, 1863 at Maryland Heights. After the war, he claimed a disability pension because of rheumatism in his right shoulder, arm and leg and also that he had deafness in the right ear, all due to exposure to the weather. In various correspondence prepared by him in connection with his pension application, he named his date of birth as being March 1832, March 1836, March 18 or 19, 1835 and March 1838. He and Telitha are found in 2 Censuses both in the 9th district of Baltimore Co. in 1870 and 1880. In those Censuses, his age is 37 and 47 respectively. In 1910 Thomas is found living with his son William B. in the 9th district as a widower. He gives his age as 75. He died in St Joseph�s hospital 3 days after being struck by an automobile while he was working as a road laborer at the age of 83. His death certificate was filled out by his son, William, giving no parents and his date of birth as March 17, 1827. Thomas is buried in a private cemetery, in Baynesville, Baltimore Co., MD
THOMAS J.1 CHENOWETH was born March 18, 1833 in Baltimore Co., MD, and died March 23, 1917 in Baltimore City, MD. He married TELITHA BROWN August 27, 1862 in Baltimore Co., MD. She was born Abt. 1837 in Maryland, and died December 04, 1897 in Baltimore Co., MD.
The family of Charles was found by Peter Chenoweth through Census work. As a married man he and his wife, Martha Anne 'Annie' Doll, are first found in the 1860 Census of Howard Co., MD. By 1870 they had moved to the 9th district of Baltimore Co. Charles is probably the young teen found in the 1st district in the 1850 Census living with the family of Samuel and Rebecca Lewis. He died in Perry Hall, Baltimore Co., MD in 1875 and is buried in Baltimore Cemetery, Baltimore City, MD. Charles is a likely candidate for being a son of Samuel and Eliza Shipley, noting that Charles named his oldest son Samuel.
CHARLES1 CHENOWETH was born 1833, and died August 28, 1875 in Perry Hall, Baltimore Co., MD. He married MARTHA ANNE 'ANNIE' DOLL. She was born Abt. 1834 in PRUSSIA, and died August 22, 1905 in Loch Raven, Baltimore Co., MD.
Benjamin, the son of Richard Chenoweth and Keziah Coe is found in Harris on page 596. He married Margaret Colbert and is found in one Census, that of 1870 in 1st district of Baltimore. Keziah is found living alone in the 1850 Census in the same household as her two brothers William and John Coe. Richard is never found in a Census. He married Keziah on December 03, 1831 in Baltimore Co. It is assumed that Richard is related to Priscilla Chenoweth who married Thomas Francies and whose daughter married Benjamin Coe, another brother of Keziah.
RICHARD2 CHENOWETH (RICHARD1) was born Bet. 1800 - 1813, and died October 1841 in Maryland. He married KEZIAH COE December 03, 1831 in Baltimore Co., MD, daughter of WILLIAM COE and HANNAH BARBER. She was born 1813 in Maryland, and died Aft. 1870.
Generation No. 2
BENJAMIN2 CHENOWETH (RICHARD1) was born 1843 in Maryland. He married MARGARET COLBERT October 31, 1868 in Baltimore Co., MD, daughter of ROBERT COLBERT and ELLEN ?. She was born 1855 in Maryland.
Wednesday � 2 August
Registration, meeting people, supper buffet and organizational preparations.
There will be daily panel discussions in the morning or afternoon hours as scheduling best works out. The hostess will invite volunteers to moderate these family discussions. With that in mind, everyone is encouraged to bring family data sheets, pictures and ideas for participation as a part of such an informal group.
Thursday � 3 August
Daily individual agendas: field trips, sight seeing, genealogy study. Families from the Richard and Arthur lines can take the opportunity to go find still existing Richard and Arthur place names. Thursday evening: family music series with the Kidd family, Daniel and Maricel, and Bill and Ed. Then Jon Egge will present his first lecture on the state of the family with regard to the Richard and Arthur lines.
Friday � 4 August
The bus tour of Baltimore historic sites and the taking of the family photograph at Fort McHenry. In the evening Diahan Southard of Relative Genetics in Salt Lake City, UT will speak on the Chenoweth Family DNA Project, as she did in Portland. She will be assisted by Pete Chenoweth, our family liaison officer to Relative Genetics.
Saturday � 5 August
In the daytime: Other panel discussions as well as sightseeing as desired. In the evening: The big tri-centennial anniversary celebration of the wedding of John Chenoweth and Mary Calvert. Gala family history presentation by Jon Egge, webmaster of the Chenoweth Family Site. Don�t miss the �mother of all wedding cakes.�
Sunday � 6 August
Breakfast buffet will be served followed by the Bi-Annual meeting. Church will be at the Holiday Inn or St. Thomas�s Episcopal.
Over the years, I have made many phone calls to cousins across the country. In 1998 I became so curious about the many Chenoweths in Baltimore that I spent days calling any number I could find. One of these was to a Paul Chenoweth. In the course of several conversations, I found that Paul had the Bible of George, the son of William Chenoweth and Amy Davis. This Bible enabled us to piece together his two marriages and many children.
Paul Chenoweth is the natural son of Alfred Leonard Chenoweth and Cora Simmons. Paul was placed in St. Vincent's orphanage soon after his birth because his mother could not afford to raise him. Alfred was 55 when Paul was born and he and his wife Delia soon adopted him. Delia Chenoweth was the only mother Paul ever knew. Delia was born in Ireland. Alfred and Delia Chenoweth never produced children together and Paul, as far as we know, is the only child of Alfred Leonard Chenoweth. Paul's adoptive mother, Delia Chenoweth, was a Roman Catholic and Paul�s father converted to that faith after their marriage in 1897. Alfred Leonard was a big handsome man who, according to Paul, attracted ladies like a moth to a flame. He had little education and started working for a local streetcar company as a motorman. After a terrible streetcar accident he quit and eventually went to work for St. Charles� Roman Catholic Church as a caretaker/custodian. He held that job until his death in 1939.
Paul Chenoweth started first grade in Garrison at the local public school but soon transferred to St. Charles� Roman Catholic School in Pikesville. He finished St. Charles in the eighth grade in 1938 and graduated from the local public high school. He then started working for the Baltimore Gas and Electric Company. Paul was drafted into the army in 1943. After returning from World War II, Paul went back to work for the Baltimore Gas and Electric Company retiring after 42 years as a meter reader. Paul Chenoweth has lived his whole life in the area of Garrison, often called Owings Mills, Baltimore County, Maryland. Growing up right in the middle of "Chenoweth Territory," Paul remembered many of his Chenoweth relatives.
About the same time as I was conversing with Paul, Gary Damien, a cousin from George Thomas, emailed me that he had located the death certificate of George Thomas, giving his parents as George and Angeline Chenoweth. Thanks to Gary, George Thomas is one of the few Harris unknown lines among the many in Baltimore today that we have ever placed. George Thomas was born just two years before his mother died. In 1860, he was living with the family of John A & Margaret Duries in the 2nd district. His father George was living in the 4th district near Reisterstown with his new wife Ruth Moran. In 1850, Ruth had been living with George�s parents, William and Amy. When I told Gary about Paul, Gary set out to visit and transcribed parts of the bible for me. He and Paul took a trip out to Reisterstown and several graveyards there, where so many of these Chenoweths are buried. The resulting information from the bible and graveyard data has been an invaluable asset to our knowledge of this family. Unfortunately as I was preparing this newsletter for presentation at the reunion, Linda Harlow sent me an obit that Alfred Paul died on July 21, 2006. I was glad to have known him.
GEORGE5 CHENOWETH (WILLIAM4, RICHARD3, ARTHUR2, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1824 in Maryland, and died May 18, 1899 in Baltimore Co., MD. He married (1) ANGELINE BOWEN, daughter of ELIJAH BOWEN and CATHERINE HEIBEL. She was born June 10, 1827 in Maryland, and died August 1856. He married (2) RUTH MORAN Bet. 1856 - 1857. She was born Abt. 1836 in Maryland, and died September 02, 1903 in Baltimore Co., MD.
Dorinda Shepley contacted me very early in February of 1997, when the website had been operating for about a year. I was still pretty green. She was searching for her ancestor Mary Doll. Mary�s daughter was Ann Elizabeth Doll who married Dennis Etzler. Their son, Thomas Chenoweth Etzler, was Dorinda�s great grandfather. Dorinda had found that Elizabeth Chenoweth had been living with Mary Doll and had died at her home per testimony in an equity document. Dorinda believed Mary and Elizabeth were sisters. None of this matched anything in the Harris book. Dorinda had also found the Chancery records of a Thomas Chenoweth and his wife and children. These were specific records giving dates of birth for the children. The wife�s name was Elizabeth. There was a Mary and Elizabeth, and Mary�s age fit Mary Doll�s 1850 Census data. Again none of these children matched any thing in Harris, but I came to believe that it might fit the Thomas Chenoweth who Cora claimed lived a 106 years. Cora may have been lead to this conclusion by the 1840 Census of Thomas that shows a 90 year old male living in a Chenoweth household of Thomas. But there was reason to doubt that Thomas had lived this long. If both Thomas and his son Thomas had married Elizabeths, then one could understand how the father and son got confused and merged into one person who lived an extremely long time. However, Harris said this son Thomas had married Deborah Buckman. We did not yet have the correct answers yet.
In Sept 1998, Dean Merriman, a Merriman researcher interested in some Baltimore Merrimans in my file, sent me the newspaper article from the Baltimore Sun cited in Cora�s book. Apparently Cora had never seen the article, albeit a short one, and only had the headline of a Thomas dying in Baltimore City on July 31, 1846. The full article was: On Friday afternoon the 31st (July), in the 59th year of his age, funeral Sunday (2 Aug) 10am from the late residence at #58 Union Street. [Baltimore Sun for obit for Thomas Chenoweth: 1 Aug 1846]
Thomas was only 59, not 106 and the age fit exactly with the children in the Chancery record that Dorinda had found. The Chenoweth history had made a generation skip similar to that between the two Jonathans. After I met Elmer Haile, I sent him this information. Elmer had some corrections. In the first place Thomas, Sr. had married Elizabeth Carter the daughter of John J. and Mary Carter. This Thomas was the son of Arthur, not Richard. He lived in Frederick Co., MD and his son Thomas had moved into the city. Then Elmer showed me that Thomas had married first Deborah Buckman and that she had died July 16, 1826 and was buried in a Methodist burial ground, in the southern precinct of Baltimore City, MD. Thomas had then remarried to Elizabeth Airey on December 18, 1829. This explained that both Thomases, father and son, had married Elizabeths and the records all fit.
A son of Thomas, Jr. and Deborah�s was Oliver Buckman Chenoweth. This is a solid Baltimore line, Oliver�s son William Edward founding the funeral home of what would become Chenoweth and Sons. Solving and correcting the line also gave us a new puzzle as to what had happened to the many children of Thomas. We now knew that Mary had married a Doll and was widowed, that Elizabeth died at Mary�s home and Thomas, Jr. had married twice with a sizeable family. But the others remain somewhat of an enigma.
THOMAS3 CHENOWETH (ARTHUR2, JOHN1) was born March 31, 1753 in Baltimore Co., MD, and died Abt. 1801. He married ELIZABETH CARTER Abt. 1774, daughter of JOHN CARTER and MARY ?. She was born Bef. 1758, and died Abt. 1835.
Absolom, the oldest is known to have gone to Kentucky, but we have never located him. There is a vague possibility that he is the Amon Chenoweth of Warrick Co., IN. Ruth is known to have married Michael Wall. We don�t know if there were children. Rebecca married Alexander Coulter, but nothing else is known. Elizabeth married Eli Ridgely Griffith and had three children (Darius, Charles and Harriett). Eli had tried to swindle Elizabeth�s sister Mary out of her property and had absconded to Kentucky, perhaps with Absolom. We have never found what happened to the children. Sarah, Harriet and Eleanor died as young ladies, never marrying. Chloe Matilda married Jacob Houck, but again, nothing is known. Enoch roamed around and returned to Maryland to marry Sarah Ann Armitage. They had at least one daughter Mary Levina. We don�t know what happened to her. Could Enoch be the father of some of the lost lines? Two are right - time wise.
The difficulty with the lines of Thomas does not end with the children of Thomas, Sr. and Elizabeth Carter. Thomas, Jr had eight children, 4 by each wife. The main line follows Oliver Buckman Chenoweth, the oldest son. Priscilla married William Clemn Dogged and we know of 4 children from the 1850 Census where her widowed stepmother Elizabeth is living with her. These people have not been traced past 1860. The son William is thought to have married Eliza Jane Cromwell and had one daughter Laura, before Eliza died. Laura and William are found in just one Census in 1880 and nothing more is known. The son Thomas (maybe he should be Thomas III) is given to have married Emiline �Emily� McCubbins and is traceable through the 1870 Census with 5 children, but we know nothing of what happened to them. The youngest 4 children of Elizabeth Airey fare little better. Margaret Eveline married Lewis A. Zell. Tracing her through the 1880 Census we know she had 4 children, but nothing is known as to what happened to any of them. Elizabeth Ann married Andrew Carter and is never found in a Census. Oscelia and Frances Marion were put in an orphan�s home after the death of Thomas, Jr. Oscelia grew up to marry G.A. Slepper, but is never found. Frances Marion married John K. Alban and is our one success, as Don Alban, Jr., a descendant, found us in 2000 bringing this line into modern day.
THOMAS4 CHENOWETH (THOMAS3, ARTHUR2, JOHN1) was born August 05, 1787 in Frederick Co., MD, and died July 31, 1846 in Baltimore Co., MD. He married (1) DEBORAH BUCKMAN April 18, 1811 in Baltimore, Baltimore Co., MD. She was born Abt. 1791, and died July 16, 1826. He married (2) ELIZABETH AIREY December 18, 1829 in Baltimore Co., MD. She was born Abt. 1803, and died Unknown.
Oliver Buckman Chenoweth married Catherine Airey, of some unknown relation to his step-mother. He died just a few years after his father in 1849 at the age of 35 leaving 5 sons. The lives of two are traced to present day, William Edward Chenoweth married Naomi Eleanor Paxton and as stated became the founder of what became known as Chenoweth and Sons. Paul Earl Chenoweth, III, a great grandson, lives now in Pennsylvania and tells me that his family has the funeral home records. These have never been examined to see what knowledge they could add to the Baltimore Chenoweths. William�s brother, Oliver Buckman, Jr. married Martha S. Morrison and had 9 children, 8 sons, but only one of these is successfully traced to present day. The daughter and one son died young. Arthur Franklin, Oliver Clarence, William Jerome, Leo Morrison, and Herbert W. all married and are traced though succeeding Censuses without ever having been found to have had any children. Oscar Buckman married and had one daughter. Only the family of George Milton blossomed. Of the other 3 sons of Oliver Buckman, John is only found in one census and may have died young. James T married an unknown Mary and had a son James, but that is all that is known. Jerome N. married a German lady named Margaret and is found with her in 1900 in New York. Margaret, widowed, is later found living near Jerome�s nephew Paul Edwin in the 1920 Census of Baltimore. Just recently we obtained a SSA application for a Richard Maxwell Chenoweth in Virginia. He was the son of Oliver Edwin Chenoweth and Lettie O�Dell Long. Oliver was born in New York in 1898 and is found with Jerome in Philadelphia in 1910. Why he is missed in the 1900 Census is unknown but this recent information has extended this one line of Jerome.
The upshot of most of this is that this Thomas line of Arthur has been extremely hard to track and people have a habit of just falling off the radar screen. As a consequence it remains a thin line with lots of promise and mystery. It is a tribute to the research of both Dorinda and Elmer that we have made substantial progress however. This is the line of Dorinda�s Etzlers
ANN ELIZABETH5 DOLL (MARY4 CHENOWETH, THOMAS3, ARTHUR2, JOHN1) was born May 26, 1814 in Frederick Co., MD, and died September 12, 1881 in Libertytown, Frederick Co., MD. She married DENNIS ETZLER September 14, 1834 in Frederick Co, MD. He was born October 16, 1812 in Libertytown, Frederick Co., MD, and died April 16, 1882 in Libertytown, Frederick Co., MD.
Children of ANN DOLL and DENNIS ETZLER are:
Dot signed in on March 3, 1998. Her mother was Mary Louise Chenworth, a spelling that denotes the line of the unknown George of the Back River Upper Hundred. This line had been started for us about 6 months earlier by Patrick Daspit and Dot would add to George in rich detail. But her help did not end there. Dot began to find records for us in Baltimore, going through death listings and cemetery listings as we worked to piece together the hundreds of Chenoweths in Baltimore. Without Dot�s persistent and dogged pursuit of these records, we would know far less today than we do. It was good to have someone to bounce questions off of and Dot was always there to look at things. She then began to help with the SSA listing and by my last count Dot helped solve 68 of those we had not yet identified. As the years went on, Dot�s help broadened to anything Chenoweth on the internet. She became our main source of family obits which also forms the primary basis for the death notice detail posted in the quarterly newsletter out side of the Chenoweth name. When we could not identify someone, often the material in the obit would allow me to find a way of contacting someone and many lines were extended in this way. Dot has over the years added thousands of records to the database. Dot also has been a great help in my still-in-process pursuit of the entire family in the 1860 Census.
Dot�s ancestor Thomas Chenworth was one of the 2 sons of George. Thomas married Jane Wilson in 1838 in Maryland and had one daughter before Jane died. He remarried two years later to Rhoda Ann Dogett and they would have 8 children before Thomas died on July 19, 1857. In the 1850 Census the family is found living in the 2nd district. Later the widowed Rhoda would be found living in the 11th district, sometimes synonymous with Little Gunpowder. One of her sons was George Washington Chenworth who married Mary Eliza Reid, the daughter of Samuel Reid and Rebecca Cook in Harford Co. on October 23, 1886. We now have captured George Washington in every Census from 1880 to 1930 and as a young child with his parents in 1850. A better detail on the family of George of the Back River Upper Hundred can be found in another article in this same newsletter.
GEORGE WASHINGTON3 CHENWORTH (THOMAS2, GEORGE1) was born August 09, 1848 in Maryland, and died February 08, 1933 in Baltimore Co., MD. He married MARY ELIZA REID October 23, 1886 in Harford Co., MD, daughter of SAMUEL REID and REBECCA COOK. She was born July 31, 1861 in Maryland, and died June 1953.