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EDITOR: PETER C. CHENOWETH - E-MAIL: p.chenoweth@comcast.net
Over the summer, with the help of John Rausch of Ohio, Pete and I have put together a new spreadsheet of Chenoweths throughout the country. Some years ago Pete had done this task on his own by hand and I used it for years to make contact with Chenoweths. This time, thanks to John, we were able to easily assemble everything on one sheet; and, using database techniques, it now can be analyzed. The sheet at present contains about 2,400 listings. Some are duplicates and we know there are listings we don�t have. Pete has worked to transfer our previous identifications and I have added in line identification to the 4th generation. There are still things I want to add to the list, but, even though somewhat squishy, we can start to paint a picture of the present family from the data. Bear in mind though that this rendition only pertains to the Chenoweth name. The Social Security spreadsheet we use tells us there are not many surprises out there. By identifying the 2,060 some listings in the SSA at a 92% success rate we know a lot about the family and what lines exist.
First there are the modern day spellings to consider. Chenoweth is used in about 90% of the cases and Chenowith makes up another 5%. The balance is divided into Chenworth, Chinworth, Chenowth, Chinowth, Chinouth, Cheneweth, Chineworth, Cheneyworth, Chaneyworth and Chinoweth. All these are variations of the family of John and Mary. There are �Chy� spellings, from the same Cornish root, but this spelling has never been used within the family. Roughly Chenoweth listings are divided into 86% identified to the family, 10% in groupings of unknowns we think belong to the family and just 4% to later immigrations and anomalies. Though we have presently only identified about half of the male listings in our new sample of national Chenoweth households, the sample is broad enough now to draw some conclusions as to the male descent through 300 years. We believe there were some 90 fourth generation males. 75 of these have traceable marriages and families through the Census. There are possibly 4 or 5 others that could have been added to this by solving the unknown lines. I have so far identified 51 of these 75 lines as coming down to present day. It is possible that there are 2 or 3 others that survived.
The ones that never got started (in line order): The ones that died (in order of first out are as follows): Very thin lines [it is likely in each case that there are a few listings yet uncovered. A listing is a household, so likely to have additional males] The biggies:
Wow, what a spread! It is somewhat startling how strong the lines of John, the first born son, were. The oldest line in the family, that of John Chenoweth in Randolph Co. is by far the largest in the family, almost double the second place listing. John�s lines have 4 of the top 7 lines among the 51 existing 4th generation lines. Only one of the 16 continuing lines of John, among the 75 traceable lines, has had the male name die out, that of Arthur�s son Absolom. Only 2 of John�s grandchildren did not start families. For the other brothers, the reductions are more stark: Arthur lost 4 lines and had 4 that never started and one son that died without issue, leaving Arthur with 10 continuing lines. William had the smallest family to start and the lines of both his older sons died out, leaving 6 lines to today. Thomas had the most chances with 7 sons and 35 grandsons. The lines of his son, William, are lost and only 17 of the 35 lines continue. Richard is the disaster with only two continuing lines and 4 of his 6 sons without an identifiable family. It should be noted that this same information gives us guidelines for coordinating our DNA research project and what lines we can hope to get samples from.
Iowa Treasures Updated A dread in genealogy is misidentifying something and publishing the mistake. It is impossible to recall the ripple that will continue to emanate from that publication. I was narrowly saved in the June newsletter describing the treasure trove of information that Pete had found in the 1925 Iowa State Census, as I only included the identifications we had made in the main file. It turns out that the Anna Chenoweth Cline living in Burlington, IA was the daughter of Lemon Chenoweth and Evaline Gillespie and not the daughter of William of Burlington, IA as we had mistakenly thought. The 1900 Census, off ten years in age had led us to the wrong conclusion. Actually we had not found Anna, but her son, and then based on a marriage to Frank Cline, found the couple in the 1900, 1910 & 1920 Censuses. There are lots of differing bits of information in all these varying looks and without the obit that Dot Tucker Houk recently found, I don't think that we ever would have gotten this straight. This is the obit:
Winterset Madisonian August 16, 1934, Pg 1
A brief illness lasting little more than a week, was fatal to Mrs. B. S. Binns, who died at her home in Winterset August 7. She was 68 years old.
Mrs. Binns was born Alma Chenowith, in Marion county, on January 27, 1866. As a young woman she went to Missouri, and there was married to Frank Cline on March 8, 1885. They settled in Otumwa (Ottumwa), Iowa, living there for 17 years, later moving to Burlington, where Mr. Cline died. Seven years later she married B. S. Binns of Winterset, and moved to this city. She was a member of the Episcopal church, being affiliated at Ottumwa and Burlington.
Mrs. Binns is survived by her husband, two sons, John Cline of Illinois, and George Cline of Michigan and two sisters, Mrs. William Young and Mrs. Sadie Kellogg, both of Winterset.
The obit itself is puzzling as I have nothing remotely like this Alma. But the certitude of who her sisters are led us to the name Anna, the oldest daughter of Lemon Chenoweth and Evaline Gillespie. In 1870 she is listed as Sarah A. age 6, in 1880: Anna age 16, in 1900 Anna Cline age 26 (Jan 1874), in 1910: Anna Cline age 45, in 1920, Anna L. Cline age 55, in 1930: Anna Binns age 63. None of this would lead us to an Alma born 1866 in Marion Co., IA. It is difficult to say what is right, but the consistency of the name Anna and an 1884 birth appears as correct as one could come. As found in the 1930 Census, her 2nd husband is Benjamin S. Binns. We have not been able to locate Anna herself in the 1925 Iowa census. By the obit she is likely widowed. Here is what we have:
SARAH ANNA �ALMA�7 CHENOWETH (LEMON6, IRA L.5, RICHARD4, RICHARD3, THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born January 27, 1864 in Iowa, and died August 07, 1934 in Winterset, Madison Co., IA. She married (1) FRANK N. CLINE March 08, 1885 in Missouri. He was born March 1861 in Illinois. She married (2) BENJAMIN S. BINNS Aft. 1925. He was born Abt. 1853 in ENGLAND.
Children of SARAH CHENOWETH and FRANK CLINE are: (The following e-mails have been received from members of the family with regards to the newsletter. Comments, articles, questions and other items for this newsletter are always appreciated.-editor)
Misidentifed in Iowa, saved by an obit
Winterset, Iowa
I would like to receive posts from other Chenoweth cousins.
12 Aug 2007
Marian Parrish Watson
We would be delighted to help. Marian is part of the Ohio line of Ruth that married Ira Owen Parrish. The family resettled to Polk and Taney Cos., MO. This is a Thomas line from Ruth�s father Thomas, Jr. She currently lives in Texas .� Jon Egge
I am Michael Chenoweth of Frisco, TX. I was checking the cousins page and was not listed in Texas. My brother, Charles Sherman was and he now resides in Washington, DC� for the last years of his military duty. I also did not see my father, Charles Walker Chenoweth, listed as residing in Missouri, or my brother Christopher Lee, residing in Missouri. I did find my uncle, Frank Chenoweth [William(2); Isaac(3)] listed in Kansas. Thanks for keeping us up to date. If you are interested, you can visit my personal website at www.praiseprojects.org
13 June 2007
Michael Chenoweth
Maybe I should explain the Chenoweth Cousins page. These are listings of people that have contacted me throughout the years listed by their place in the tree and also by state of residence. To get listed you must be placed within the database and give me a street or mailing address (to date1878 of 2377 contacts have done this). Though you did contact me in June of last year, I don�t think you ever gave me an address, though I likely asked for one. Your brother Charles Sherman and uncle Frank did, so they are accordingly listed. Your father or brother Christopher has not contacted me. Of course people move around and often they don�t tell me, so not everything is up-to-date. I keep these lists so people can find cousins close to them in the family tree or in the area that they live. I hope it is useful. I stopped listing Email addresses when spam mining became so prevalent, but gladly furnish addresses I know to be still valid to cousins on request. If the email is no longer good, well perhaps their address will help find them. � Jon Egge
Cemetery Help Needed
The following Chenoweths have not been identified. Any assistance that can be provided would be appreciated.
With thanks and appreciation to Dot Tucker-Houk of Maryland who makes much of this list possible each newsletter
age 76 - THOMAS VERIT9 FOSTER, JR. (OPAL CHENOWETH8 RIDDELL, ALICE CLAIR7 CHENOWETH, ROBERT JAMES6, ROBERT T.5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born September 26, 1930 in West Virginia, and died December 03, 2006. He married MARLENE STAATS
age 97 - DOROTHY SCHOONOVER nee TRIPLETT, daughter of PERRY TRIPLETT and MARTHA CARVER, born May 06, 1910 in Elkins, Randolph Co., WV, and died June 06, 2007 in Elkins, Randolph Co., WV. She married December 18, 1927 in West Virginia ERNEST10 SCHOONOVER (ALBERT TILDEN9, JUDITH8 CHENOWETH, MARSHALL7, JOHN KITTLE6, WILLIAM PUGH5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1). He was born August 30, 1903 in West Virginia, and died December 20, 1972 in West Virginia.
age 56 - PATRICIA ANN CHENOWETH nee MONAHAN, daughter of HOWARD MONAHAN and MARY FISHER, was born September 16, 1950 in Elkins, Randolph Co., WV, and died July 22, 2007 in Randolph Co., WV. She married ALLEN DALE10 CHENOWETH (WILLARD OWEN9, BEEBE8, MARSHALL7, JOHN KITTLE6, WILLIAM PUGH5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1)
age 5 months, 26 days - KRISTEN MAY14 COCHRAN (NIKKO MARIE13 CHENOWETH, KAREN SUE12, DAVID ALLEN11, MARVIN CHESTER 'PECK'10, CARL BEVERAGE9, DELIA8, MARSHALL7, JOHN KITTLE6, WILLIAM PUGH5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born January 16, 2007 in Nevada, and died July 12, 2007 in Nevada.
age 85 - BEATRICE ELIZA9 KIRKPATRICK nee CHENOWETH (HOMER WASHINGTON8, JACOB7, JOHN KITTLE6, WILLIAM PUGH5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born February 29, 1912 in Randolph Co., WV, and died August 05, 2007 in Elkins, Randolph Co., WV. She married COY L. KIRKPATRICK.
ca age 67 - NANCY EVA "NANNIE" CHENOWETH nee LEARY was born Abt. 1940 in Cravensdale, Randolph Co., WV, and died August 22, 2007 in Elkins, Randolph Co., WV. She married May 23, 1986 in Elkins, Randolph Co., WV RONALD DALTON9 CHENOWETH (LEWIS TALBOTT 'BUD'8, COFFMAN7, JOHN KITTLE6, WILLIAM PUGH5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1). He was born May 15, 1936, and died June 18, 1992 in West Virginia.
age 43 - TAMMY EILEEN11 HOUDERSHELDT nee LINABURG (JOAN IRENE10 CHENOWETH, DONALD FRANKLIN9, DAVID FRANKLIN8, DAVID BLACKMAN7, GEORGE WASHINGTON6, JOHN I.5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born August 06, 1963 in Cumberland, Allegany Co., MD, and died June 17, 2007 in Allegany Co., MD. She married CRAIG HOUDERSHELT.
age 78 - JEANNINE ADAIR9 BARTYLLA nee CHENOWETH (EDGAR EUGENE 'BOB'8, LAFAYETTE D.7, ELIJAH H.6, JOHN I.5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born February 27, 1929 in Staples, Todd Co., MN, and died August 17, 2007 in Brainerd, Crow Wing Co., MN. She married ROBERT JESS BARTYLLA June 24, 1948. He was born May 04, 1926, and died August 15, 1994.
age 57 - RODNEY ALBERT10 CHENOWETH (EDWARD DALE9, ROY PERRY8, PERRY WEESE7, JOHN SKIDMORE 'JS'6, JEHU5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born April 01, 1950 in Los Angeles Co., CA, and died August 20, 2007 in Aberdeen, Grays Harbor Co., WA. He married (1) KAREN T. SAETES. He married (2) GAIL M. DAVENPORT He married (3) LAURA L. MAYER
age 60 - DOROTHY PATRICIA "PATTY" ROGERS, daughter of RICHARD ROGERS and DOROTHY GULLEY. She was born April 04, 1947 in Butte, Silver Bow Co., MT, and died May 16, 2007 in Butte, Silver Bow Co., MT. She married HARRY MARSHALL10 CHENOWETH (MELVIN CARL9, THEODORE MARSHALL8, HARDIN7, DANIEL6, SAMUEL5, JONATHAN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) He was born May 22, 1941 in Butte, Silver Bow Co., MT, and died September 12, 2002 in Las Vegas, Clarke Co., NV.
age 87 - HAZEL LOUISE9 RICHARD nee ARMSTRONG (ETHEL MELVINA8 CHENOWETH, STONEWALL JACKSON 'SAMUEL'7, JOHN W.6, SAMUEL5, JONATHAN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born September 20, 1919 in Oakland, Douglas Co., OR, and died March 12, 2007 in Miles City, Custer Co., MT. She married ORVAL RICHARD October 28, 1939. He was born November 23, 1915, and died June 11, 1996 in Montana.
age 78 - MARJORIE CHARLEEN CHENOWETH nee WIXSON, daughter of CHARLES WIXSON and FLORENCE MORLEY, was born January 27, 1929 in Lincoln, Douglas Co., NE, and died June 05, 2007 in Osage City, KS. She married July 31, 1947 in Denver, CO CHARLES RICHARD10 CHENOWETH (CHARLES A. 'CHARLEY'9, THOMAS ADISON8, JOHN BENTLY7, WILLIAM HAYCRAFT6, JACOB VAN METER5, WILLIAM4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1). He was born January 18, 1926 in Harveyville, Franklin Co., KS, and died December 18, 1977 in Osage Co., KS.
age 29 - MICHAEL LEE11 CHENOWETH (MELVIN L. 'SQUEEK'10, CHARLES A. 'CHARLEY'9, THOMAS ADISON8, JOHN BENTLY7, WILLIAM HAYCRAFT6, JACOB VAN METER5, WILLIAM4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born June 04, 1978 in Harveyville, Wabaunsee Co., KS, and died August 27, 2007 in Yell Co., AR. - William died on leave from his 2nd tour in Iraq. God bless him for his service.
age 83 - HELEN "TOBY" FRANK, daughter of EDWARD FRANK and MYRTLE JOHNSON, was born March 09, 1924 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN, and died August 18, 2007 in Sigourney, Keokuk Co., IA. She married June 19, 1948 in Aurora, DuPage Co., IL STEPHEN CHENOWETH9 GERARD (MARY ELIZABETH8 CHENOWETH, JAMES WILLIAM7, WILLIAM6, ABRAHAM5, WILLIAM4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) He was born May 12, 1923 in Sigourney, Keokuk Co., IA, and died January 15, 1986.
age 74 - FRANK LEROY10 CHENOWETH (THEODORE ROOSEVELT 'TR'9, JESSE8, JOHN CASPER7, HEZEKIAH STITES6, CASPER5, WILLIAM S.4, JOHN3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born June 21, 1933 in Buchanan Co., MO, and died July 15, 2007. He married MILDRED BOYER.
age 66 - ROBERTA ANN9 BARNES nee CHENOWETH (HERMAN ADOLPH8, JAMES HENRY7, ELIAS BIRDINE6, WILLIAM5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born September 19, 1940 in Table Grove, Fulton Co., IL, and died August 10, 2007 in McComb, McDonough Co., IL. She married (1) WILBER LEON SINNETT. She married (2) GERALD MASON She married (3) RAYMOND BARNES
age 89 - VIRGINIA CLAUDIA CHENOWETH nee GRIFFITH, daughter of ARLANDA GRIFFITH and NELLIE COX, was born December 29, 1917 in Hillview, Greene Co., IL, and died July 06, 2007 in Macomb, McDonough Co., IL. She married February 21, 1940 in Keokuk, Lee Co., IA MELVIN EZRA8 CHENOWETH (EZRA WILLIAM7, MILTON ANDREW 'MILT'6, WILLIAM5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, JOHN1). He was born November 08, 1917 in Fulton Co., IL, and died November 04, 1999 in Canton, Fulton Co., IL.
age 90 - MARIAN CHENOWETH nee BAILEY was born August 09, 1916 in Rogers, Benton Co., AR, and died August 02, 2007 in Neosho, Newton Co., MO. She married March 05, 1982 in Anderson, MacDonald Co., MO PAUL8 CHENOWETH (ALBERT WILLIAM7, ALBERT WHITE6, HENRY S.5, JAMES FRANCIS4, THOMAS3, JOHN2, JOHN1). He was born October 07, 1910 in Pineville, McDonald Co., MO, and died March 10, 1998 in Neosho, Newton Co., MO.
age 78 - BEVERLY NORFLEETE CHENOWETH nee LELAND, daughter of JOSEPH LELAND and MARGARET PATTON, was born January 26, 1929 in Jefferson Co., AL, and died July 02, 2007 in Alabama. She married February 17, 1951 in Jefferson Co., AL JAMES BARNETT8 CHENOWETH (BEACH MEAD7, WILLIAM ARTHUR6, JAMES MARELYA5, JAMES S.4, RICHARD3, JOHN2, JOHN1). He was born May 21, 1924 in Birmingham, Jefferson Co., AL, and died September 1980 in Jefferson Co., AL.
age 91 - LETA MARIE8 JOHNSON nee CHENOWETH (JOHN HENRY7, GRAFTON WHITAKER6, EPHRAIM B.5, ABSOLUM4, ABSOLUM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born June 21, 1916 in El Paso Co., CO, and died July 21, 2007. She married (1) LEROY MAUL 1935. He was born December 03, 1912, and died February 1971. She married (2) ROBERT "BOB" JOHNSON 1963.
age 79 - LEROY JOHN DOUGLAS9 WUNDERLY (HAZEL8 THURMAN, STEPHEN ALLEN D.7, JOSEPH ABSOLOM6, MARY5 CHENOWETH, ABSOLUM4, ABSOLUM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born July 02, 1927 in Colorado Springs, El Paso Co., CO, and died February 24, 2007 in Oak Harbor, Island Co., WA. He married JACQUELINE JEAN GREY May 26, 1951, daughter of JOHN GREY and ELIZABETH FITZSIMONS. She was born June 04, 1928, and died April 16, 1994 in Lake City, Calhoun Co., IA.
age 55 - PATRICIA LITA11 PHILLIPS (FLORENE LAPEARL10 ADAMS, ANDREW JAMES9, JAMES RICHARD8, ALBERT MILES 'BERT'7, JAMES ALEN6, ELIZABETH5 CHENOWETH, ABSOLOM4, ARTHUR3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born November 22, 1951 in Valentine, Cherry Co., NE, and died June 13, 2007 in Boise, Ada Co., ID.
age 83 - SAMUEL ALONZO9 CHENOWETH, JR. (SAMUEL ALONZO8, ISAAC PIERCE7, NELSON H.6, JOSEPH5, NICHOLAS4, JOHN3, RICHARD2, JOHN1) was born August 04, 1923 in Dallas Co., TX, and died June 24, 2007. He married EVA R. BUCKLEY - Sam was one of our contributing web cousins
age 92 - KATHERINE ELIZABETH8 ZIMMERMAN nee SHRONTZ (RUSSELL LOWELL7, THOMAS MCKEE6, REBECCA5 CARTER, JOHN4, JAMES3, HANNAH2 CHENOWETH, JOHN1) was born August 16, 1914 in Scenery Hill, Washington Co., PA, and died June 02, 2007 in Washington, Washington Co., PA. She married HOWARD RALPH ZIMMERMAN March 16, 1937 in Rochester, Monore Co., NY, son of GEORGE ZIMMERMAN and FLORENCE SIMPSON. He was born June 28, 1914 in Van Ormer, Cambria Co., PA, and died November 02, 1979 in Washington, Washington Co., PA.
age 81 - GEORGE MERL9 JOHNSON, JR. (RUTH ANNE8 ANDERSON, HANNAH BELLE 'TOPSY'7 CHENOWETH, EDWIN MILTON6, WILLIAM THOMAS5, WILLIAM4, ARTHUR3, ARTHUR2, JOHN1) was born November 17, 1924 in Indiana, and died November 04, 2006.
age 66 - BARBARA JANE CHENOWETH nee NOE was born June 19, 1941 in Nevada, Vernon Co., MO, and died July 25, 2007 in Florida. She married August 27, 1961 in Bethany, Harrison Co., MO JOHN WILLIAM9 CHENOWETH III (JOHN WILLIAM8, JOHN WILLIAM7, ROBERT BEATTY6, JOHN WESLEY5, JOHN4, JOHN3, ARTHUR2, JOHN1)
age 76 - ARTHUR MILTON8 CHENOWETH (ARTHUR EDWARD7, WILLIAM EDWARD6, GEORGE5, WILLIAM4, RICHARD3, ARTHUR2, JOHN1) was born March 29, 1931 in Baltimore City, MD, and died July 17, 2007 in Colorado.
age 88 - MABEL JEANETTE CHENOWETH nee SHOUL, daughter of SAMUEL SHOUL and MABEL RAY, born January 27, 1919 in Baltimore Co., MD, and died July 20, 2007 in Westminster, Carroll Co., MD. She married HARRY MARVIN8 CHENOWETH (HARRY RAYMOND7, ELI HINKLE6, JOHN5, WILLIAM4, RICHARD3, ARTHUR2, JOHN1)
age 78 - JACK LYLE9 SHEPARD (GRACE E.8 CHENOWETH, ASBURY7, ELIJAH6, WILLIAM5, THOMAS4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born September 29, 1928 in Rankin, Vermilion Co., IL, and died July 21, 2007 in Urbana, Champaign Co., IL. He married PATRICIA LAMPMAN
age 52 - GEORGE THOMAS LOCKE was born August 08, 1954 in California, and died December 08, 2006 in Long Beach, Los Angeles Co., CA. He married July 07, 1977 in Westminster, Los Angeles Co., CA NORMA ANN10 GEORGE (PATTY ANN9 GERULF, ALICE8 STILES, ANNA AMELIA7 FLOOD, MARTHA S.6 CHENOWETH, JOSEPH FOSTER5, JOHN C.4, THOMAS3, THOMAS2, JOHN1)
age 43 - RUSSEL BURCHARD WILLIAMS was born February 26, 1963 in Fort Ord, Monterey Co., California, and died August 03, 2006 in Galveston, Galveston Co., TX. He married April 11, 1992 in Pasadena, Harris Co., TX. DONNA GENISE10 HAWKINS (FRANKIE PEARL9 BROWN, HAZEL LYNN8 FARRIS, HANNAH MELINDA 'LINNIE'7 LOWE, FRANKLIN6, BENJAMIN C.5, RACHEL4 CHENOWETH, THOMAS3, THOMAS2, JOHN1)
age 92 - MARGARET JANE "PEGGY" EESLEY nee McMASTER, daughter of ROBERT McMASTER and ALICE ANDERSON, was born September 10, 1914 in Coraopolis, Allegheny Co., PA, and died May 21, 2007 in Marietta, Washington Co., OH. She married June 20, 1942 WILBUR CHENOWETH7 EESLEY (LILLY DALE6 CHENOWETH, JOSEPH HILL5, ELIJAH4, ELIJAH3, THOMAS2, JOHN1) He was born October 06, 1910 in Franklin Co., OH, and died June 02, 1986.
age 89 - MARY LUCILLE8 LEE nee CHENOWETH (CECIL GRANVILLE7, GRANVILLE HARRIS6, ABRAHAM JOHN5, JOHN4, ABRAHAM3, THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born December 23, 1917 in Cass Co., IA, and died August 20, 2007 in Orange Co., CA.
Unknown lines:
age 74 - HAROLD EVERETT4 CHENOWETH (JOHN EMERY3, JAMES EDWIN 'ED'2, JOHN WESLEY1) was born June 26, 1933 in Decatur, Macon Co., IL, and died July 24, 2007 in Decatur, Macon Co., IL. He married JACQUELINE MARIE RHODES August 10, 1952 in Decatur, Macon Co., IL.
age 81 - DAVID A. CHAMBERS was born February 07, 1926 in Toledo, Stark Co., OH, and died August 05, 2007 in Fort Wayne, Allen Co., IN. He married February 01, 1948 in Tippecanoe Co., IN MARY JANE5 CHENOWITH (GRANT IRVING4, JOHN P.3, JOHN P.2, THOMAS1).
age 86 - JAMES H.5 MORPHIS (CARRIE B.4 CHENOWiTH, JAMES GARRISON3, JOHN P.2, THOMAS1) was born August 08, 1920 in Pope Co., AR, and died July 07, 2007 in Russellville, Pope Co., AR. He married NOVA LEE MORGAN.
age 95 - MARY E.3 WAYMIRE (HAZEL2 CHENOWETH, JOHN T.1) was born December 05, 1910 in Elwood, Madison Co., IN, and died November 03, 2006 in Anderson, Madison Co., IN. She married MAURICE VAN HOY. He died 1977.
Though we have been successful this year in identifying all 30 SSA listings for Chenoweth, here is the list from last year (2006) we have not identified. These appear all to be wives.
By Jon Egge, WA
(13th Installment of a series - This is the 5th installment on the grandchildren.)
Menu of previous series articles
Arthur problems
Like John, Richard and Thomas, there were 4 Arthur�s in the 2nd generation. The lives of the oldest 3 were badly mangled by Cora in her book and have only been set straight through the work of the website. Arthur, Jr. was the first born on March 31, 1740 and his birth was recorded at St. Thomas Parish in Baltimore by his father. He married Ann Beasman, the daughter of William Beasman and Ruth Hamilton and served in the American Revolution. Cora incorrectly describes him as the son of Richard. This correction was researched by Elmer Haile, Jr. through the various land transactions between Arthur and his sons. He is incorrectly described in both the Hiatt and Harris books as migrating to Jefferson Co., KY. That Arthur, as we shall see, was the son of John. Arthur, Jr. died shortly after his father in Baltimore Co., MD and his estate is described in various court proceeding beginning in 1803. William Chenoweth, Cora�s ancestor who settled in Hamstead, in what became Carroll Co., MD, was Arthur�s son and not his brother as described in her book. Moreover he is naturally part of the Arthur line and not a Richard line. His line is the largest of the 3 sons of Arthur, Jr. Much of the family went west to Randolph Co., IN in the 1840s. Arthur III and his sister Sarah, both who married Baxters, went to Ohio just after their father died, moving first to Brooke Co., VA, now WV. Sarah whose extensive families have been developed by Jane Ryan of North Carolina, settled in Muskingum Co., OH. We believe Arthur went to Tuscarawas Co., Oh and his son Robert, later settled in Indiana developing into today�s Chinworth family. Sophia Chenoweth went west with her sister Sarah and married Lewis Eastinghouse. This family has never been developed, probably because of surname anomalies. The surname Eastinghouse has zero hits in the 80,129,700 posted SSA records. Ruth married Joseph Stansbury and Katherine married Anthony Hook, but we know little today of their families having found just one line through Katherine Hook who purportedly married James Neale, but this is now questioned. Richard Beasman Chenoweth stayed in the Baltimore area and carries down this line to present day in this area. We know that Arthur Jr.�s first wife, Ann, died and he remarried to Deliah Bosely the widow of John Helms. They apparently had one son Walter Bosely Chenoweth, but nothing is known as to what may have happened to him. This record is known through the Bible of Richard Beasman Chenoweth.
ARTHUR3 CHENOWETH, JR. (ARTHUR2, JOHN1) was born March 31, 1740 in Baltimore Co., MD, and died 1803 in Baltimore Co., MD. He married (1) ANN BEASMAN 1758, daughter of WILLIAM BEASMAN and RUTH HAMILTON. She was born July 27, 1740 in Baltimore Co., MD, and died Unknown. He married (2) DELILAH (HELM) BOSLEY July 29, 1778, daughter of WILLIAM BOSLEY and ELIZABETH DIMMITT. She was born June 10, 1745, and died Unknown.
The other 3 Arthurs were born in the 1750s. Richard�s son Arthur married Casandra Bosley and there was one daughter Elizabeth. I believe this is the Elizabeth Chenoweth who married Elias Passmore of Virginia in Mercer Co., KY. Apparently Elizabeth must have come to Kentucky with the Bosley family. Cassandra was a sister to Delilah who married Arthur, Jr. Both Bosely daughters were children of William Bosley and Elizabeth Dimmitt. Two of the daughters of Elizabeth Passmore married cousin Chenoweths from the line of Richard of Louisville, KY. Cassandra Passmore married William S. Chenoweth and Mary Passmore married Thomas Hanna Chenoweth, both sons of James S. Chenoweth and Martha 'Patsy' Smith. The one sole record we have of this Arthur, other than his marriage, is a 1790 lease from John Sutton, where Arthur is on a property called part of the Valley of Jehosphat that abuts Gunpowder Manor and extended to Gunpowder falls, north of Towsend.
ARTHUR3 CHENOWETH (RICHARD2, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1751 in Baltimore Co., MD. He married CASANDRA BOSLEY March 24, 1784 in Balitmore Co., MD, daughter of WILLIAM BOSLEY and ELIZABETH DIMMITT. She was born Abt. 1752, and died September 02, 1793 in Mercer Co., KY.
Arthur, the son of John, is said to have married a Margaret with nothing else known in both the Hiatt and Harris book. This is wrong. Arthur married Elspa Lawrence in Frederick Co., VA and moved to Kentucky in the 1780s. Described by Cora in the wrong place, some of his children are incorrectly described as well. Arthur eventually moved to Bartholomew Co., IN near Columbus and died there in 1828, the last of the 4 Arthurs of the 3rd generation to die. Arthur�s family is known by his bible. His sons were Absolom, John and Arthur, known as Havilah. Absolom is incorrectly described in the Harris and Hiatt book. He married Eleanor Duvall in Nelson Co., KY and went to Illinois with his bother John ending up in Lawrence Co. while John ended up in Clark Co. John married Rebecca Lewis Rose and much of his family is well described in Cora�s book. His son Justin struck out for Oregon and homesteaded near The Dalles on the Columbia River where the small town of Chenoweth is found today. Arthur married Elizabeth Edmonson and stayed in Indiana. This family was researched by Jonathan Paul of California and a correction to that contained in the Harris book. Rachel married her cousin Abraham Chenoweth, the son of Arthur�s nephew, William. The families of Abraham and Rachel are quite extensive, but much less is known about the marriages of the other daughters. Only 5 of the 7 were mentioned in his will, so Jane and Elizabeth apparently died before their father. We have no known marriages for them. Nor do we know what happened to Mary, but she was alive at age 50 when Arthur died. Margaret married Benjamin P. Irwin, Eleanor married Job Harryman and Anne became the 2nd wife of John Ritchie Shoemaker. Of these 3, only Ann�s Shoemaker lines are brought forward to today.
ARTHUR3 CHENOWETH (JOHN2, JOHN1) was born July 16, 1752 in Frederick Co., VA, and died 1828 in Columbus, Bartholomew Co., IN. He married ELSPA LAWRENCE April 01, 1773 in Frederick Co., VA. She was born October 20, 1749 in Frederick Co., VA, and died 1829 in Bartholomew Co., IN.
Arthur the son of Thomas had the largest immediate family of the four. Arthur settled in Pike Co., OH where his home was used for the county court house. He married twice and had 14 children including 5 sons. The children of the first wife, Elizabeth Williams stayed in the Pike Co. area for much of the 1800s and some are still there today. The children of his second wife, known as Susannah Carter or Susannah Carr, went with her, after Arthur�s death in 1821, to Vermillion Co., IN. Most of Arthur�s sons died while fairly young men, only Absolom lived a long life into his 70s. Luke and Hiram died in their late 30�s and Joseph at age 42. The mysterious George probably died just before 1840 just over 50 years old. All the sons married, Joseph to Isabel Bristol and Absolum to Mary Brown, both remaining in Pike Co. The son George leaves little trace. It is believed that he went back to part of Virginia. He married twice and is known by Cora�s book to have had 4 children. And though George is never found in a Census, his 3 sons have lives that trace to the start of the 20th Century. But the story set forth in Cora�s book remains our only source to who these people were. Luke married Mary A. �Polly� McElwain and died in Iowa just before the 1850 Census. Hiram married Nancy Wolfe and both died about 1843. Their 4 children have been hard to track and I have only had one contact with anyone from this family. It is thought Hiram�s son may be the unplaced line of John Wesley Chenoweth found in Piatt Co., IL. Tamar never married and the families of the three other daughters of Arthur�s 2nd marriage have traceable families. Ada married Charles Parnam Boswell, Harriett married Amos Branson Smith and Permelia married Daniel Smith, then Jacob J. Reynolds. That is not the case for the 5 daughters of the first marriage. Only Martha who married Peter Shriver has families that trace to present day. Elizabeth married Samuel Corns, Polly married Henry Carter, Ruth married Benjamin Grimes and Rachel married Isaac Rogers. So little is known of these 4 that it wouldn�t fill a quarter page in a descendant�s outline.
ARTHUR3 CHENOWETH (THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born December 06, 1755 in Frederick Co., VA, and died October 02, 1821 in PeePee twp., Pike Co., OH. He married (1) ELIZABETH WILLIAMS November 1783, daughter of VINCENT WILLIAMS. She was born July 07, 1753 in Maryland, and died Aft. 1798 in Ross Co., OH (now Pike Co). He married (2) SUSANNAH CARTER Abt. 1798. She was born Bet. 1760 - 1780.
In the 1850 Census Arthur, Jr. had 41 families and 211 family members very wide spread from Maryland, Ohio, Indiana, Iowa, Wisconsin and Tennessee. John�s Arthur numbered 15 families and 83 family members found in Indiana, Illinois and Oregon. Arthur the son of Thomas numbers 20 families and 117 family members spread from Ohio, Indiana and Iowa, with one male having reached the gold fields of California. The Passmore family living in Mercer Co., KY is all that can be attributed to Richard�s son Arthur. The 2 Chenoweth widow daughters and the 3 Chenoweth children could also be attributed to John�s son Richard.
By Mary Louise10 (Chenoweth) Banta John E.9, John8, Edward7, John6, Edward5, William4, William3, John2, Edward1
submitted and edited by Peter Chenoweth
It was a mild, balmy day in late September of 1882. In their home on a claim five miles east of Oberlin, the Banta family, consisting of father and mother and three sons of twelve, ten and five years, was eating dinner.
�Boys, how would you like a holiday this afternoon?� asked their mother of the two older boys, Harlie and Alph. They looked up in surprise.
�But who will take the cattle to water?�
�I will,� she answered, �I want to go to Mrs Rowe�s to get a bread starter and I can take them on the way.�
The real reason in Martha Banta�s mind for the proposal was that she wanted a visit with another woman. Her life on the claim was a lonely one. Neighbors were far apart and opportunities for visits few. She never complained of hardships. Their home half �soddie� and half dugout was comfortable and more attractive than most pioneer cabins. The sod walls were plastered with native lime, the ceiling was covered with muslin and the floor was of heavy boards. Potted plants, a few pictures, and a linen table cloth gave the kitchen-dining room a homey and pleasing atmosphere.
The boys were happy over the prospect of an afternoon of freedom from their monotonous work. Every day except Sunday, it was their job to herd the cattle in the adjacent draws and over the divides. It never occurred to them to complain of this task or to reveal to their parents the constant fear in their hearts as they passed the lonely hours. They had often heard the story of the Indian Raid of �78, when a band of Cheyennes appeared from the South and crossed the county, murdering seventeen men and boys. They had seen the graves of these settlers in the corner of the cemetery near Oberlin. Every fall rumors of another raid spread through the settlement and plans were made for the protection of the families. As the boys followed the cattle, they selected places they might hide should Indians appear. If they saw a horseman on the horizon, they hurried to the nearest hiding place to watch with beating hearts, until he disappeared. No wonder the prospect of an afternoon at home, with father working in the nearby field, appealed to them.
Their mother reminded them to look after little Robey, and calling Ring, the shepherd dog, started on her two-mile walk. As the cattle grazed slowly along, Martha�s active mind was busy with the problems of their life. The thought of the Indian raid was never entirely absent and today the fall day brought it vividly before her. She lived over again her own harrowing experience. She could plainly see their home in Iowa where she was taking care of the boys while David went to Kansas to select their future home. How happy she had been with the letter saying that he would be in Oberlin September 30th and as soon as he found a suitable claim, would return. Startled and worried, she had read in the papers of the raid that occurred on that very day. David�s name was not among the murdered � surely she would hear soon from him. How she lived through the next two weeks with no letter � no answer to her telegrams � she never knew. No wonder that when he appeared at the door, she collapsed in his arms. His story of this trip home in a wagon, during which he heard nothing of the raid, calmed her nerves but the experience would never be erased from her mind. She wondered why it was so vivid today.
Her visit with Mrs Rowe passed pleasantly and her uneasiness vanished when she was home again getting supper for her hungry family.
At the supper table, David was unusually silent until he said, �Mother, don�t you think it would be nice to hitch up the team and drive down the draw and camp out like we did when we came to Kansas in the wagon? It is a fine evening. I think the boys would enjoy it.�
But Martha did not take to the idea. Giving her husband a searching look, she said: �Now David, you might as well tell us what you have on your mind.�
�I didn�t want to worry you.� David answered, �L.G. Parker was here this afternoon and told me that Indians had been seen on the Smoky, heading this way. They may come through tonight. We must leave the house � I think we might be safe in the draw.�
�But they might come through that very draw and see our wagon! A better plan would be to take our comforts to the field where the feed is shocked, and sleep by the shocks. They wouldn�t be apt to look there.�
Preparations were quickly made. The evening prayer was for guidance and protection. Confidence in their parents filled the minds of the children. The tired boys were soon asleep, but this was not true of their mother. She was no sooner settled on her folded comfort, with a blanket over her than she began to feel the fleas. Nothing irritated her as did these pests. She twisted and turned, wound herself in the blanket and even covered her face, but still she could feel them biting. Finally, exasperated beyond endurance, she rose, picked up her bedding and shook it frantically.
�David,� she whispered, �I am going to the house. I would rather risk Indians than stand these fleas.�
And to the house she went, undressed in the dark and was soon asleep. She was awakened at dawn by David and the boys coming into the house.
Robey looked at his mother in surprise and then turned to his father. �Did God take care of Mother so the Indians couldn�t hurt her?�
�Yes, son, God did take care of her and all of us and He always will. Will you remember that boys?� he asked of the older boys.
�Yes Father,� they answered. And they did remember it when they heard the next day that the Indians had turned west at the Smoky and traveled north through Colorado.
First, old style dates does NOT refer to how the date is written. (EXAMPLE: day/month/year vs month/day/year)
It has to do with converting from the Julian calendar (named for Julius Caesar) to the Gregorian calendar. Up until 1752, the Julian was used by England and her colonies. The first day of the year was March 25. To confuse this more, the whole month of March was listed as month #1. (Oct, Nov and Dec were named such because they are the 8th, 9th and 10th months under this system.) When the Gregorian calendar was used, the first day of January was the legal first day of the year. Also there was an 11 day difference that had to be made up. So that the day after September 2, 1752 was September 14, 1752. This was because the makers of the Julian calendar did not take into account that the year is slightly longer than 365 days. We have leap years to do that now. By the way, there is something called the 400 year rule. It says that every 400 years, you have to add a day to make up for the differences that are too small to make up otherwise. The year 2000 was divisible by 400 so does that mean we had to have an extra leap day then? Is that what was being called Earthday?
Now the double date thing. Some European countries switched to the Gregorian calendar as early as 1600. Because of the confusion over whether the first month was January or March depending on which calendar was used, the practice became to either name the calendar used (OS for OLD STYLE for the Julian or NS for NEW STYLE for Gregorian) or to give any date between January 1 and up to and including March 24 a double year. (For example: 1 Feb 1710/11.) This is because it could either be the last month of 1710 OLD Style or the second month of 1711 NEW Style. From March 25 to December 31, no correction would be needed so the date would be as is (Example: 25 Mar 1710).
The dates when various countries changed over varied, so this has to be figured separately for each jurisdiction. England was relatively late. Scotland, being more advanced culturally than England, changed the date of the New Year in 1600, though they didn�t subtract the days for excess leap years until 1752. Russia and Turkey changed to the Gregorian calendar in 1918, Greece in 1928.
Now to the Quakers. It seems they refused to use the names of the months (as they were pagan names) and used numbers. So you get dates like 3-1-1710/11. So unless they said the 3rd month or month 1 or something similar, it gets really confusing. You have to remember the American way of saying month/day/year was not the European way which was day/month/year. Some said this is a good argument for always writing out the month (or using the first 3 letters.) Others said it is best to write down the date as is and cite the source since you can�t be sure how the date was interpreted in the past.
This marriage is found on page 599 of the Harris book. Thomas died in 1818 in San Augustine Co., TX. He had married Ann Quirk on April 27, 1815 in Nachitoches Parrish, LA. She was the daughter of Edward Edmund Quirk and Anney Alsop. There was but one son from this union, Edmund D. Chenoweth. Edmund died in March, three months before the 1850 Census, leaving his widow Nancy Oliphant with 4 children. Today descendants of this line are found in Texas and California. They use the surname spelling of Cheneweth, but an early Louisiana document shows the spelling was clearly Thomas Chenoweth. Most of what I know of this line comes from a study by Margaret Loretta Cheneweth Terry sent to me by her nephew, James Edwin Cheneweth, Jr. Whereas I originally had doubts that this was part of the family, Loretta�s research convinced me of the possibility. Now DNA testing has confirmed it, in fact, this line matches 100% to what we have isolated for John Chenoweth the progenitor. This leaves us with the puzzle of who Thomas was. We do not know his age or where he came from. Our first trace of him is the marriage record in Louisiana, a place that was not settled then by Chenoweths.
The record of names we have within the family have only three possibilities for Thomas. A case could be made for two of these. The oldest son of John Chenoweth, the son of Thomas(2), was a Thomas born January 13, 1782 in Allegany Co., MD. Little is known about him. The Harris book remarks that he was fined in February by a sheriff supposedly in Pike Co., OH. I am not sure this is the right Thomas. That Thomas is just as likely to be the brother of my Henry Chenoweth. This Thomas fits the right time frame, Ann Quirk was born February 08, 1790, and Thomas was likely to be older. But we have no reason to believe that John�s son Thomas ever went to Louisiana, yet we know nothing of what he did do. The other possibility is that he is John Thomas the son of Thomas(3) of Botetourt Co., VA. He could have well used the name of his father, his middle name, to go by. He is found in the 1810 Census of Botetourt Co. as Thomas. He is never seen again. His nephew, James Frances, died in the Battle of New Orleans. But we really have no information on John Thomas to understand where he went. He was born about 1778 in Botetourt Co. The third possibility is that this Thomas is some unknown name within the family. It is possible that we don�t know all the names of what is probably a 4th generation Chenoweth within the family.
So who Thomas is remains a bit of a mystery, but it is certain that he belongs within the family. As for his grandchildren, Thomas died in the Civil War. Francis married and is found in the 1880 Census in Texas but what happened to him or his family is unknown. Sarah Orlena married Leonard Michael Humphries in Texas and had 4 known children, but they have never been traced in the Census and our present knowledge ends there. The line to present day is carried by James W. who married Martha Alford. They had 4 children but 2 died young and one, James has never been found. Edmond Boles Chenoweth is the single great grandchild of Thomas and Ann found in the 20th century. Edmond married Margaret Loretta McDuffy and they had six children, all born in Texas. After 1930 the family moved to California. The daughter Margaret Loretta was John�s aunt who documented the family back to Thomas and the Quirks.
THOMAS1 CHENOWETH was born Bet. 1780 - 1795, and died 1818 in San Augustine Co., TX. He married ANN QUIRK April 27, 1815 in Nachitoches Parrish, LA, daughter of EDWARD QUIRK and ANNEY ALSOP. She was born February 08, 1790 in Harrodsburg, Mercer Co., KY, and died Abt. 1860 in Desoto Parrish, LA.
Sarah Chenoweth, the oldest child of John Chenoweth and Hannah Cromwell married Joseph Taylor in the late 1780s. This was about the same time that John, a son of Arthur, moved his family to Frederick Co., VA in what became the 2nd Baltimore to Virginia migration. Given that no marriage record has been found in Baltimore, it is likely that the marriage occurred in Virginia. The family moved to Pennsylvania, probably Fayette Co. We presently know of 4 children: sons John, Richard and William Cromwell and a daughter Rachel Minvera. Cora Hiatt gave us only the marriage. Taylor is a most common name. The Harris book added Richard Taylor as a son, but gave no dates. DAR records found by Peter Chenoweth and Bob Derryberry added John and Rachel with single file lines into the 1900s. This valued record source also added to children for Richard and his marriage to Eliza Early. A cousin, Bill Swanson, added a 4th child of Sarah and Joseph, William Cromwell Taylor. I am sure there are others. This line begs to be expanded.
The DAR record for John Taylor included his wife Janue Hull �Jane� Crawford and their daughter Hannah who married Thomas Sigsworth in Ohio. In February of 2000, Fairybelle Esther Jackson contacted me with details of the Sigworths. Her�s is a name I could hardly forget. It has been a slow trickle of information piecing a family back into the fold. For a long time Census data was elusive. It is very difficult accessing the right Taylor records with a name and no dates. The LDS 1880 Census disk was a step forward. As I understand it, this remarkable work was over a decade in the making. It was the first time that Census data became indexed on every name in the record. This was a huge step forward. By trying various names, families could be found that were lost in the sea of Census information. We were finally able to find a Census basis for each of the 4 lines we had established over the years. The 5th generation, the children of Sarah, remained however elusive. More recently the 1850 and 1860 Censuses have been fully indexed at ancestry.com. During the summer of 2005 I started to use this new powerhouse tool to go back through the missing 1850 Census families from the pages we had posted in the fall of 2004 using the old head of family indexing that has been the standard for genealogy research for decades. The Taylor family was ripe for just this sort of effort.
Richard Evans Taylor was the youngest son of Richard Taylor and Eliza Early. I had found Richard and his wife Emma Josephine Taft, both names from the DAR records, in the 1880 Census of Hamilton Co., OH along with 5 of their 6 children. Pete added the 6th from the 1900 Census of the same county. The Census data fixed his age and state of birth. Using this data with the full 1850 Census index, I found Richard, Sr. and Eliza in Clermont Co., OH in 1850. Three children became nine. Flush with success I turned to John Taylor and his wife Jane Hull. He is found in Wayne Co., OH in 1850, but to get there I had to work back from the 1860 Census as the 3 children we had names for, 2 from the DAR and one added in the 1880 Census, were all born in the 1850s. Indeed John, Jane and the three children were in Ashland Co., OH. This abuts Wayne Co. The 1850 Census has John, age 61, with his new wife Jane, age 37, a female Eleanor Taylor, age 24, I suspect from a first marriage, and a 13 year old Margaret Crawford who likely seems related to Jane Crawford. It seems apparent that John has still a larger family, yet uncovered, by a first wife. That a sixty-one year old was fathering children in 1850, long before Viagra commercials, seems remarkable to me, but some of these ancestors ala James Chenoweth, the grandson of Richard of Louisville, and Richard Chenoweth of Knoxville, who both fathered children into their late 60s, were indeed hardy. It helped that all three had young wives.
I found Hannah Taylor who married Samuel Rowe in Pickaway Co., OH. This is the same place I had found her in the 1880 Census. She was the daughter of William Cromwell Taylor. Again I had to use the 1860 Census to back into the 1850 as the name in 1850 was indexed as �Rown� and elusive to my first attempts. The 1880 indexing is still unique in its allowance of full wildcard searches. Flush with this success I found William, himself in the same county at age 52. He too had a new wife, Phebe, and a new set of children. Hannah�s mother, Mary Easter, had died in 1825. The record seems to give us Jacob Taylor, a brother for Hannah, and 4 new children by the 2nd marriage. Living with Samuel and Hannah Rowe in both the 1850 and 1860 census is a Susannah Shoemaker, age 67 in 1850, born in Pennsylvania. Could she be Hannah�s aunt and a Taylor sister falling between John and Joseph? All this seems to give us great promise in the further development of Sarah�s Taylors of Pennsylvania. More work is needed, but finding and posting information is a good step in this continuing process.
SARAH 'SALLY'4 CHENOWETH (JOHN3, ARTHUR2, JOHN1) was born 1766 in Baltimore Co., MD, and died Unknown. She married JOSEPH TAYLOR. He was born 1742 in Baltimore Co., MD, and died Unknown.
Generation No. 2
1. JOHN5 TAYLOR (SARAH 'SALLY'4 CHENOWETH, JOHN3, ARTHUR2, JOHN1) was born 1790 in Pennsylvania, and died 1872. He married (1) ?. He married (2) JANUE HULL CRAWFORD 1850. She was born 1813 in Ohio, and died 1888.
Child of JOHN TAYLOR and ? is:
2. RICHARD5 TAYLOR (SARAH 'SALLY'4 CHENOWETH, JOHN3, ARTHUR2, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1797 in Uniontown, Fayette Co., PA, and died Unknown. He married ELIZA EARLY. She was born Abt. 1802 in Pennsylvania, and died Unknown.
3. WILLIAM CROMWELL5 TAYLOR (SARAH 'SALLY'4 CHENOWETH, JOHN3, ARTHUR2, JOHN1) was born October 24, 1798 in Pennsylvania, and died March 20, 1876. He married (1) MARY EASTER July 10, 1818 in Fayette Co., PA. She was born 1794 in Pennsylvania, and died 1825. He married (2) PHEBE ? Aft. 1825. She was born Abt. 1800 in Pennsylvania.
Children of WILLIAM TAYLOR and PHEBE ? are:
4. RACHEL MINERVA5 TAYLOR (SARAH 'SALLY'4 CHENOWETH, JOHN3, ARTHUR2, JOHN1) was born 1806 in Pennsylvania, and died 1843. She married DAVID MARBLE 1827. He was born 1806 in Pennsylvania, and died Unknown.
In September 2006, fooling around with a way to organize the 1880 Census data on the family, I noticed that I had never found Rachel Coberly and her husband Job Simons. I had done most of this 1880 Census work in the fall of 2001 after I had obtained the LDS set of Census discs. At that time my access to other Census data was limited to microfilm at the Pacifica Archives in Seattle. Now I had a range of access through Heritage Quest sitting at my desk at home. So I tried a few things and up came the 1870 Census of Job and Rachel in Linn Co., OR. Another family had cut across the nation making the long trip to the West Coast. In 1850 Rachel and Job had been in Randolph Co., VA. I have not been able to find them in the 1860 Census, but sure enough, by 1870 they were in Oregon. Looking at the children they arrived between 1859 and 1864. Their son Job L. Simons, was born in Missouri in October of 1859; their daughter Martha was born in Oregon in 1864. Picking up the 1880 Census I easily found them, I had not taken the time to search for them outside of West Virginia.
The Coberlys are the oldest family in the tree, coming from Robert�s first daughter Margaret who married Jesse Coberly. This was on June 28, 1820 in Randolph Co. and maybe the first marriage of a 6th generation descendant. Margaret is the first 6th generation descendant I have found in my file, born June 09, 1803. This is 17 days before another 6th generation child was born in Kentucky, Hiram Simmons. Margaret marks another milestone, she was the first daughter to take over the leading edge of the family. Down to her father Robert, there had been 4 successive male Chenoweth sons that live to marry. Robert wasn�t actually the first born to John Chenoweth and Mary Pugh, but Ruth, the first daughter died young and Robert�s family carried the Chenoweth name into the 6th generation. Margaret and Jesse Coberly had 5 known children. Only 4 are known to have married. In my cousins spreadsheet, Marilyn Baldwin, heads the family tree coming from William Harrison Coberly, Rachel�s older brother. In all I have had 5 cousin contacts with the Coberlys over the last 10 years. Now it may be possible to find a few in Oregon with more Census work. So far this is the tree we have developed.
Criag Jeffries, who descends from Rachel�s brother John Perry Coberly, tells me that Coberly is not pronounced CO-bur-lee but CUBBERLY.
7 Rachel Coberly b: 1827 in Randolph Co., VA (now WV)
. +John P. 'Job' Simons b: December 1822 in Virginia d: Abt. 1900
. 8 Eliza J. Simons b: 1844 in Randolph Co., VA (now WV) d: Bef. 1880
..... +James B Morgan b: Abt. 1830 in Kentucky
.... 9 Alfred Morgan b: Abt. 1862 in Oregon
.... 9 Malinda Morgan b: Abt. 1864 in Oregon
.... 9 John M. Morgan b: Abt. 1869 in Oregon
.... 9 James Morgan b: Abt. 1875 in Linn Co., OR
. 8 William H. Simons b: 1846 in Randolph Co., VA (now WV)
..... +Harriet A. ? b: Abt. 1849 in Missouri
.... 9 Vinellia Jane Simons b: Abt. 1868 in Oregon
.... 9 William A. Simons b: Abt. 1871 in Oregon
.... 9 Thomas J. Simons b: Abt. 1877 in Oregon
.... 9 Ralph L. Simons b: Abt. March 1880 in Umatilla Co., OR
. 8 George W. Simons b: 1848 in Randolph Co., VA (now WV)
. 8 John D. Simons b: Abt. 1852 in Randolph Co., VA (now WV)
..... +Mary E. ? b: Abt. 1858 in Oregon
.... 9 Clyde Simons b: Abt. 1878 in Oregon
.... 9 Maude Simons b: Abt. September 1879 in Baker Co., OR
.... 9 Edith Simons b: September 1881 in Baker Co., OR
.... 9 Elmer L. Simons b: 1883 in Baker Co., OR
.... 9 Lillie M. Simons b: October 1884 in Baker Co., OR
.... 9 John A. Simons b: August 1887 in Baker Co., OR
.... 9 Minnie E. Simons b: 1893 in Baker Co., OR
. 8 Mary R. Simons b: Abt. 1857 in Missouri
. 8 Job L. Simons b: October 1859 in Missouri
. 8 Martha E. Simons b: Abt. 1864 in Oregon
. 8 Alfred M. Simons b: Abt. 1866 in Oregon
. 8 Perry J. Simons b: September 1869 in Oregon
UPDATE: Since I first wrote this article I have also located the Moores of Virginia Lafayette Lamon in Oregon. I had information that they had gone to Oregon, but never found them until earnestly working with the 1860 Census. Virginia�s line was from John�s son Absolom. The Lamons had settled in Illinois from Virginia where both Virginia�s parents had died before the 1850 Census. In 1850 Virginia is married to John H. Moores of Alabama and living in Scoot Co., MO. This Census mistakenly had John as being a native of Tennessee, which made our search more difficult. In 1860 I found the family in Marion Co. OR, near Salem, the state�s capitol. There is still work to be done on this family as well. I know the son, Charles Bruce Moores, was married and living in Portland in 1900.
Genealogy can often involve lengthy searches that span years. For my own part I can quickly think of two instances of my own for answers that only came after years of looking. One was when I found the sister of my great grandfather among some genealogy records at the LDS Family Center in Salt Lake. I had been looking for that record for 5 years. More recent was when we found the records of the children of Rebecca Safley Chenoweth to prove the line of James Francis among the land records in Champaign Co., OH. It is instructive that these records were in a county that my ancestor Henry had not lived in and found in a type of record that I had not considered.
Just recently I was contacted by a Janet Welty who was doing some DAR work on behalf of Loretta Shields. Janet was looking for proof that Catherine Chenoweth who married Charles Evans in Warren Co., OH was a daughter of Absolom and Eleanor Chenoweth. Loretta was a descendant of that union. Eleanor�s father William Chenoweth is a known participant in the Revolutionary War. Catherine had married Charles on April 24, 1848 so she did not appear in a Census with her parents. Subsequent checks of Census records showed her living in close proximity to other children of Absolom and Eleanor, but without the stronger case of having a family member actually living within the Census household. Catherine is listed as a child of Absolom and Eleanor in both the Hiatt and Harris books, the sources in my file of this relationship. Since all the detail is in the Hiatt book it is likely that the Harris book citation is based on Cora�s work. The actual source detail of Harris book can only be obtained by a trip to the Kentucky Museum in Bowling Green. As for Cora�s book, there is no sourcing available, the base research having been lost in a fire.
Cora, however, must have had a good source as this particular listing of the children of Absolom has the full dates of birth and death included in her listing. Indeed Catherine Chenoweth Evans lived until June 29, 1904 and it is likely that the informant to Cora had personal knowledge of this Warren County grouping. I certainly did not see any reason to question Catherine�s placement within the family. All the Warren County Chenoweths were descendants of William(2) and seemed to be well sorted out. Catherine lived her life in close proximity to her siblings on land that was probably divided from Absolom�s third of the lands of William, Jr. Still Janet was looking for a clearer proof. I queried Greg Wulker who descended from Catherine�s brother Joseph Chenoweth to see if he had anything to add. Greg did not and too had never had reason to question Catherine�s place within the family living as she did next to her sister Eleanor, who had married Charles F. Murray. Greg suggested that she find Absolom�s obit, citing the newspaper where it would be found.
Janet�s persistence did not take years to pay off, but she had the helped of a network of inquiries to other genealogists with access to helpful records. In a few days she came up with this:
Warren Co., OH, Final Record Vol. 63, pp. 279-286. Case # 10105, "Otho Carroll v. Eleanor Murray et al." filed 21 Jan 1904 by an attorney from Kentucky: Absolom Chenoweth, brother of Catharine Evans has died without issue, and the nephew Otho Carroll wants the land partitioned. Eventually it is decided that the land cannot be partitioned, and the property is sold to Alice Chenoweth. Page 279 reads..." Otho Carroll plaintiff vs Eleanor Murray, Catharine Evans, Absolom Chenoweth, Wm. J Chenoweth, Joshua Chenoweth, Martha Jane Lacy, Margaret Ellen Gard, Charles Chenoweth, Mary Anson, Nellie Price and Alice Chenoweth, Defendants. The plaintiff has a legal right to and is seized in fee simple as an heir at law of Absolom Chenoweth deceased ...
Page 280 reads "The said defendants are tenants in common with plaintiff in said premises. One fifth of said premises belongs to Catharine Evans who is the sister of the deceased. One fifth belongs to Eleanor Murray, who is a sister of the deceased. One twentieth each belongs to the following Absolom Chenoweth Wm J. Chenoweth, Joshua Chenoweth and Martha Jane Lacy who are the only children of Joseph Chenoweth, deceased who was a brother of the deceased. One fifth belongs to Alice Chenoweth who is the only child of Wm. Chenoweth deceased, who was the brother of the deceased. One twentieth each belongs to Margaret Ellen Gard, Charles Chenoweth and Mary Anson children of John Chenoweth who was a brother of the deceased. One fortieth belongs to Nellie Price who with the plaintiff were the only children of Eliza Jane Carroll daughter of John Chenoweth who was a brother of the deceased..."
This was a great result. Janet�s find not only was proof, but provided me with the middle name for Isaac O(tto) Carroll and a marriage for his sister, Ellen J. �Nellie� Carroll to a Price. On receipt of this information, Greg responded �I have never delved into the Murray / Evans line too much, but now realize a lateral connection can result in such a list and connection of family.� I add amen, cousin. Often daughter and lateral lines carry critical information to the makeup of a family, in this case the Chenoweths of Warren Co., OH.
ABSOLOM4 CHENOWETH (WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born September 16, 1785 in Berkley Co., VA, and died February 05, 1872 in Wayne Twp., Warren Co., OH. He married ELEANOR CHENOWETH November 04, 1810 in Virginia, daughter of WILLIAM CHENOWETH and CATHERINE RINKER. She was born January 20, 1790 in Frederick Co., VA, and died February 14, 1868 in Wayne Twp., Warren Co., OH.
Children of ABSOLOM CHENOWETH and ELEANOR CHENOWETH are: In a couple of articles I have talked about a Census spreadsheet that we put together for Chenoweth named males, basically detailing the location they can be found in for each Census that we have been able to locate them. This spreadsheet has become an essential tool and gives us a statistical look at the family that is extraordinary to general genealogy work. In 2006 I created a webpage based on the listings through 1930. This summer (2007) I decided to add references to page listings for the enumerated males in both the Hiatt and Harris book. The webpage is sorted alphabetically and should be quite useful in defining Chenoweths. For example, this is the listing for James Walton: In a nutshell we have his line 5th generation, from Isaac the s/o William, found in Hiatt on page 71, in Harris on page 393, b: December 17, 1830 in Highland Co., OH and found in 4 Censuses from Ohio to Iowa to Missouri.
The spreadsheet excludes males that died young after 1850 without ever appearing in a Census. There are presently 2922 listings on the page. We estimated that there may have been 1,716 males living in the 1930 Census (we have found 1,397 of these) and 1,114 that had probably died. This totals 2,830. The additional 92 listings are males born after 1930 that are found in the Harris book. Stepping back to 1920, just prior to Cora Hiatts 1925 book we have a total male count of 2,544. Based on my indexing of Cora book, she listed 906 of these and 13 more born between 1920 and 1925. The Harris book has 2,193 listed through the same period, quite an impressive jump over Cora�s work, but less than 60% of what we have in the present database. Cora tells us that she listed 4,064 family members, so her work was very representative of the daughter lines. My estimated count of Harris listings is 12,680 in the main file. This includes some 2,337 males, their corresponding wives and parents of spouses. This number would be near half of the book, so daughter lines are only half of the book. The Harris presentation, as a general rule did not follow daughter lines beyond their immediate marriage and family. Another detail I was able to glean from the figures is that about 1/3 of the males presented in the Harris book are misplaced. Our ten year effort at the website has had a dynamic change to the face of the family. I hope you find the page useful in looking up and locating people. I found it an interesting exercise. http://www.chenowethsite.com/chenmale.htm
The Social Security index has been a focus of Peter Chenoweth and mine for some time. I have written previous articles on this. At this point, we have some 2066 names with various Chenoweth spellings. 1112 of these are male and we have identified 99% of these now in some way. The last big push was made with the help of a generous donation from Barry and Kay Bogart that allowed Peter to apply for all the unknown male listings we had left. At this point there are 162 listings unidentified and only 8 of them are males. We have been unable to identify these males even after receiving the actual application. I am including this short list at the end of the article. It is generally not worth spending the money to obtain female applications as the husband�s name is not listed and seldom does the application help us identify wives within the family.
Of the 1,904 listings that have been identified only 65, or about 3% have been connected to families that are not part of John and Mary. These are later immigrations and a handful of black families that appear to have some sort of historical relationship to the larger Chenoweth family. Of the 1,839 remaining identified listings, 89% are identified to the family, and the other 11% identified to specific unknown lines that are believed to belong to the family. DNA testing on two of these dozen plus groupings have positively identified them as part of the family, even though we are uncertain as to the exact link. The SSA data provides a good basis to examine the family in many was:
Excluding what appear to be typos (5 listings of single individuals that appear to be misspellings) there are 14 spellings: Chenoweth is used by 88% of the listing. Chenowith is the next most common at 5.6%. Within the known family, the 3 Tennessee spellings of Chenowth, Chinowth and Chinouth total 2.6%. and there are 7 listings for Chinworth identified to the line of Robert of Indiana. 4 listing use Chineworth (from a Thomas line in Missouri). A Black family also uses this spelling. There is a family in Texas currently using a spelling of Chinowith. This spelling is not yet found within the SSA listings.
So far we have accounted for 7 spellings. The remaining 7 all fit into unknown lines. Chenworth, the largest, has 25 listings, all belonging to the unknown line of George in Maryland. Cheneweth has 3 listings and descends from Thomas who married Ann Quirk in Louisiana. This has been proven by DNA to be part of the family. Cheneworth is used by some descendants of the unknown John who married Lucy Williams and lived in Missouri. There is Chinneth, used in the early family, but now only found in a BLACK family that lived in Oklahoma. The other 3 are Chaneyworth, Cheneyworth, Chenyworth. 75% of the Chenowiths are found in unknown groupings, only 31 listings are found within the main family.
Looking at male names in the main family in the SSA system, each of the 5 male names of the 2nd generation are found in the top 14 most used. William and John are the most numerous with 74 and 46 instances out of a sample of 921 names. There follows Arthur (18), Richard (17) and Thomas (14). Other common names are Robert (41), James (33), Charles (27), George (23), Harry (18), Albert (15), Joseph (15), Paul (15), Donald (12), Car (11), Earl (11), Ernest (10), Howard (10) and Ralph (10). I note that in my line, all the names of my ancestors fall within the top 11 except Henry: John (twice), Thomas, James, Albert and Harry. Amoung the more singular are Arno, Barron, Beebe, Billye, Buel, Buford, Burgess, Burtis, Cleaborn, Cloyde, Denver, Doral, Emmer, Evlyn, Fleming, Frestle, Halsey, Herschel, Idelbert, Ishmael, Kee, Kenner, Lauron, Marcine, Milo, Montford, Opha, Orr, Pearl, Porter, Preston, Rosten, Selby, Sterling, Theron, Tulley, Tunie, and Vester. Looking at the female side, the same sort of analysis cannot be made as these are most spouses and not daughters. The most popular name by far is Mary. Mary has always been a common wife�s name within the family. John and Marys abound. I noted on prior writings that there are an astonishing number of John and Mary combinations in the early family, with one in the first generation, 1 in the second generation, 2 in the third generation and 4 in the 4th generation.
The SSA listings provide a good window on the unknown lines. There are 15 major groups. Six are in Baltimore including: 25 Chenworths from George, 25 Chenowiths from Richard and Anne, 24 Chenowiths and Chenoweths from Thomas J., 20 Chenoweths from John M; Ann Pernine (Shown by DNA to be part of the family), 5 Chenowiths from Richard and Keziah Coe, and 3 Chenowiths from Charles. These 6 listings represent 103 names out of the 177 we are tracking or the majority of the unknowns today. In part this is because at least 2 of these lines extend back into the 1700s. Outside of Baltimore we have 7 from Amon of Indiana, 3 from Thomas m: Ann Quirk Pernine (Shown by DNA to be part of the family), 10 from William R. who settled in Oregon, and 3 from William, Jr. who married Sarah McClelland. The other 5 listings involve a John. 13 listings stem from John who married Elizabeth in Texas, 6 from the Ohio John who married Christina Hall, 9 are from John who married Lucy Williams and lived in Missouri. 17 come from John P, the marrying man. The other 10 come from John Wesley of Indiana. 9 other listings are small more recently unidentified families.
Newlyweds (12 Apr 2007), Samantha Newby-Clarke and Jonathon Clarke, are both members of the US Marine Corps reserve unit headquartered in Orlando, FL. Jonathon graduated from boot camp at Parris Island, SC in the fall of 2006 and Samantha in April 2007.
Jonathon received advanced training at Ft Leonard Wood, MO and is now at Camp LeJeune, NC (as this newsletter goes to press we have been advised the Jonathon has deployed to Iraq) preparing for deployment to Iraq. He is stationed at Al Taqqadum, Iraq, located about � hour south of Fallujah.
Samantha graduated from intelligence training at Dam Neck Naval Station, Virginia Beach, VA, on August 17th and plans to return to the reserve unit after completing a short tour of active duty at Dam Neck.
Samantha Sue is the granddaughter of Harold Dean and Carolyn Louise (Chenoweth9) Newby, [John Henry8, Orien Steele7, George William6, George Henry5, John4, William, Jr3, William2, John1].
DO YOU KNOW THESE PEOPLE? In past issues we asked you to take a look at information that we had gathered with regards to 310 Chenoweth marriages. In this issue we offer another 142 marriages that we have been unable to place. As always with this column any help in identifying these individuals would be greatly appreciated..
Surname Given bdate mDate Mstate Spouse spouse bdate Chinneth Edward G. 24 Mar 1984 CO Cruz, Priscilla Cchenoweth Edward R. 21 Sep 1986 CO Patton, Sharon S. Chenoweth Eileen Abt 1938 FL Not listed Chenoweth Elaine Yvonne 21 Jan 1984 NV Chenoweth, Raymond Milton Chenoweth Eleanor Jean 17 May 1974 NV Ingle, Patrick Kevin Chenoweth Electa KY Craven, David Chenoweth Eliza 29 Jan 1840 OH Hughes, Isaac Chenoweth Eliza Jane 19 Apr 1844 IN Roberts, Oscar Chenoweth Elizabeth 7 Jul 1831 IN Horton, Samuel Chenoweth Elizabeth Abt 1859 26 Jan 1887 KS McGee, Edward Abt 1862 Chenoweth Elizabeth Nov 1914 WV Pritt, Artie Chenoweth Elizabeth 25 Dec 1896 ID Rothwell, Mervin Chenoweth Elizabeth Abt 1834-PA 28 Oct 1855 OH Skiles, Samuel Abt 1836-VA Chenoweth Elizabeth A. Abt 1929 3 Aug 1963 CA Heath, Joe D. Abt 1929 Chenowett Elizabeth A. May 1959 AL Not listed Chenoweth Elizabeth Ann 15 May 1841 IL Mosen, Harris Y. Chenoweth Elizabeth Ann Apr 1968 FL Not listed Chenoweth Elizabeth H. Abt 1921 8 Sep 1963 CA Nye, John R. Abt 1925 Chenoweth Elizabeth Jane 6 Apr 1861 IN Crane, Girard Chenoweth Elizabeth M. Abt 1948 12 Jun 1966 CA Reyes, Roy W. Abt 1945 Chenoweth Ellanor M. Abt 1892 12 Aug 1958 CA Cummings, Andrew R. Abt 1895 Chenoweth Ellen L. 13 Sep 1963 NV Litteral, Ben Chenoweth Elmira L. Abt 1861 Reese, Elijah F. Abt 1860 Chenoweth Elnora Bef Dec 1891 Griffith, William C. Chenoweth Emily Abt 1873 9 Jan 1900 White, Eva Abt 1878 Chenoweth Emma 15 Apr 1894 IL Fesler, Moses R. Chenoweth Emma 1875-1876 IL Rawlings, Jacob Chenoweth Emma A. 18 Apr 1912 OR Not listed Chenoweth Emory Rankin, Lillian 24 Sep 1889-IN Chenoweth Enoch B. Bef 1845 ?, Matilda Chenowith Eric Gladwell 19 Feb 1994 FL Not listed Chenowith Esther S. 2 Sep 1979 FL Not listed Chenoweth Etta D. 25 Sep 1889 IL Hardy, John W. Chenoweth Eugene C. Feb 1957 FL Not listed Chenoweth Evelyn Dec 1978 MI Bauer, Gregory John 12 Mar 1954-MI Chenoweth Evelyn Gertrude Abt 1977 NC Cilumbrello, Angelo John Abt 1977 Chenoweth Evelyn M. 17 Jun 1972 FL Not listed Chenoweth Evelyn M. 18 Oct 1963 NV Smith, Jim Chenoweth F. David 12 Dec 1998 NV Perona, Perrie Susan Chenoweth Fannie (Edith?) Abt 1879 25 Jun 1906 KS McQuay, Walter E. Abt 1880 Chenoweth Fanny R. 29 Oct 1892 IN Templin, Elber S. Chenoweth Fayeann Abt 1962 22 Mar 1979 KY Blackston, Robert N. Abt 1963 Chenoweth Flora 11 Sep 1892 OH Cooper, Alove C. Chenoweth Frances 21 Mar 1962 NV Duewel, Homer C. Chenoweth Freeman D. 22 Aug 1981 NV Peterson, Victoria A. Chenoweth G.W. Abt 1862 15 Oct 1883 IA ?, Olivia Abt 1865 Chenowith Gaile L. Abt 1937 27 Sep 1981 CA Gee, Jack A. Abt 1927 Chenoweth Garsie L. 7 May 1952 NV Jacobs, Hal Lee Chenoweth Gary L. Abt 1945 28 Sep 1968 TX Aull, George A. Abt 1945 Chenoweth Gene Abt 1939 FL Not listed Chenoweth George 17 Nov 1850 OH Humphreys, Betsy Ann Chenoweth George Mar 1968 AL Not listed Chenoweth George E. 18 Dec 1854 MD Pearce, Joanna Chenoweth George H. Abt 1932 18 Jul 1953 CA Whitwell, Betsy A. Abt 1934 Chenoweth George M. 1922-1926 AR Allen, Mary E. Chenoweth George W. Oct 1876-IN ?, Nancy E. Jun 1870-OH Chenoweth Gerald 20 Jun 1970 Lyman, Jeanne Leslie 26 Jun 1948 Chenoweth Geraldine D. 29 Jun 1963 NV Beckett, Lloyd W. Chenoweth Gladys Annie Aug 1969 FL Not listed Chenoweth Gladys Annie 19 Nov 1976 FL Not listed Chenoweth Gladys S. Abt 1906 6 Dec 1957 CA Sargeant, Howell V. Abt 1904 Chenoweth Glen M. Abt 1980 9 May 1998 TX Six, Jessica A. Abt 1979 Chenoweth Gregory A. Abt 1962 18 Aug 1984 CA Sullivan, Nadine P. Abt 1967 Chenoweth Gregory Allan 19 Aug 1995 NV Gutierrez, Windy A. Chenoweth H.K. KY Williams, Faye Chenoweth Harry Compton, Mary Elizabeth 10 Dec 1869 Chenoweth Harvey A. 12 Sep 1872 IN Beck, Elva A. Chenoweth Hattie Abt 1869 1 Apr 1889 WV Ernest, Lindsey J. Abt 1868 Chenoweth Hattie 25 Jul 1899 KY Satterfield, Martin B. Chenoweth Hazel B. Abt 1911 5 Jan 1959 CA Woodhouse, Jesse L. Abt 1897 Chenoweth Henry Abt 1835-OH Abt 1860 OH ?, Elizabeth Chenoweth Henry MI Brisky, Rose 23 Aug 1919-MI Chenoweth Hiram 20 Jul 1839 IN Eastwood, Martha Chenoweth Howard Abt 1871-OH 1 Jul 1904 CA Ylisaliturri, Josefa Abt 1879-CA Chenowith Howard Thomas 1 Jan 1997 NV Tate, Carolyn Ann Chenoweth I.E. 17 Jan 1904 MO Curlee, Willie May Chinowth Imogene Abt 1919 9 Jan 1978 CA Williams, Lloyd Abt 1920 Chenoweth Irene Abt 1822-OH Oswalt, Henry Chennoth Isaac 3 Nov 1853 OH Chiney, Sarah Chenoweth Isaac 22 Jul 1826 OH Wilson, Sarah Chenoweth J.G. 9 Oct 1936 AR Davis, Sallie Chenoweth J.M. 20 Oct 1887 TX Burps, H.E. (Miss) Chenoweth J.S. Abt 1845 2 Dec 1909 OK Livengood, Maria Abt 1849 Chenoweth J.W. Abt 1842 14 Feb 1900 KS Berger, Clarissa J. Abt 1838 Chenoweth J.W.C. Abt 1858-IN Densmore, Grace Abt 1861-IA Chenoweth Jack R. KY Travis, Katherine Chenoweth Jacob Abt 1855-MO ?, Julia Abt 1857-MO Chenith Jacob 10 Jan 1831 AR Carr, Louisa Chenoweth Jacob 21 Jan 1907 MO Sapp, Bessie May Chenoweth Jacolon Abt 1895 21 Sep 1962 TX Lane, Robert D. Abt 1910 Chenoweth Jacqueline Joan 6 May 1999 NV Gaskill, Robert Gene, Jr Chenoweth Jacquelyn Lee 1 Jan 1972 FL Not listed Chenoweth Jacquelyn Lee 30 Dec 1988 FL Not listed Chinawod James Mar 1850-VA ?, Manda Oct 1836-VA Chenoweth James 29 Jan 1866 TN Francis, Fanny Chenaut James 20 Dec 1884 TN Sarver, Adeline Chenoweth James 18 Mar 1852 MO Shirley, Jerusha Chenoweth James 30 Oct 1816 OH West, Rachel Chenoweth James Theodore Abt 1999 WA Lick, Heather Lorriane Chenoweth James Thomas 19 Mar 2005 NV Gimbel, Jennifer Kristi Chenowith James W. 5 Aug 1991 NV Parker, Linda Sue Chenoweth Jane M. Abt 1965 31 May 1993 TX Kalfas, Stephen S., III Chenoweth Janet D. Abt 1936 17 Oct 1954 CA Chellis, Willard D. Abt 1930 Chenoweth Janet L. 15 Aug 1987 CO Lockhart, Brent E. Chenoweth Jason Ray Abt 1991 WA Andre, Nicole Renee Chenoweth Jean Ann 26 Jun 1986 FL Not listed Chenoweth Jean Priscilla Powell, ? Chenoweth Jeanette Abt 1969 4 Dec 1993 CT Dolio, Joseph D. Abt 1963 Chenoweth Jeanne H. Abt 1921 11 Apr 1959 CA Buchert, Alexander P. Abt 1917 Chenoweth Jeffrey T. 24 Feb 1989 NV Koons, Tracy Aline Chenoweth Jenetta KY 22 Sep 1845 CO Dunken, David Chenoweth Jennie 25 Mar 1866 IL Ulen, Fredrick Y. Chenoweth Jennie T. 27 Jan 1885 IL Arnold, James J. Chenoweth Jennifer Diane 17 Jul 1982 NV Smith, William John Chenoweth Jennifer L. Abt 1979 20 Dec 1999 TX Parker, Christopher C. Abt 1980 Chenoweth Jennifer Marie 13 Sep 2003 NV Kessler, Steven Karl Chenoweth Jerry Allen 26 Apr 1942 18 Apr 1965 IN Stackhouse, Joyce Lorraine 23 Sep 1943 Chenoweth Jerry D. Abt 1940 4 Dec 1993 TX Chesser, Donna R. Abt 1948 Chenoweth Jerry D. Abt 1940 17 Dec 1959 CA Grandstaff, Carol L. Abt 1939 Chenoweth Joan Claire 19 Mar 1970 FL Not listed Chenoweth Joe E. 10 Dec 1999 NV Schirk, Lourdene C. Chenoweth Joellyn 28 Jun 1986 CO Nichols, Scott R. Chenoweth John 1 Mar 1914 CO Bell, Josephine M. Chenoweth John 26 Oct 1808 MD Brady, Philipi Chenoweth John 20 Oct 1808 MA Childs, Elixabeth Chenoweth John 27 Dec 1825 KY Crutchfield, Sarah Ann Chenoweth John 17 May 1885 IN Frank, Mary Chenoweth John Guthrie, Mary E. Chenoweth John Bef 1766 MD Haile, Sarah Chenoweth John 30 Nov 1853 IN Hull, Lavina Chenoweth John 27 Jun 1852 KY Merritt, Margaret E. Chinery John Abt 1837 29 Feb 1872 IA Suiter, Martha (Mrs) Abt 1841 Chenoweth John A. Bef 1866 Laids, E. Chenoweth John B. 2 Dec 1859 IL Ravels, Lutitia (Mrs) Chenoweth John C. Abt 1964 23 Nov 1991 KY Madden, Debra K. Abt 1956 Chenoweth John D. 29 Dec 1928 CO Erb, Amelia Chenoweth John Edwin 14 Oct 1989 NV Sullivan, Teresa Lynn Chenoweth John Francis, Jr 6 Jan 2001 FL Not listed Chenoweth John H. Abt 1956 27 Sep 1986 TX Littrell, Pamela L. Abt 1958 Chenoweth John J. Abt 1875 ?, G.L. Chenoweth John Lloyd 4 May 1978 Mordick, Cindy Lee (Jones) 8 Jul 1954-WA Chenoweth John P. 25 Nov 1869 IN ?, Judith (Ruth?)Don�t give up looking
Hiatt, Harris and the database
The SSA revisited:
Newlyweds Share Military Experience
Peter Chenoweth, editor, Hephzibah, GA ....
Comments and Contributions Email: p.chenoweth@comcast.net
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Copyright c 2007 by Peter Chenoweth and Jon D. Egge. All Rights Reserved. Any republication of this page material for personal use requires inclusion of this copyright. Any other republication of this page material requires the express consent of the editor.
publication: Sept 10, 2007