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EDITOR: PETER C. CHENOWETH - E-MAIL: p.chenoweth@comcast.net
The 5th Biennial Chenoweth National Family reunion committee invites you to enjoy Fort Wayne, Indiana. This family reunion centers on exploring our Chenoweth lineage, and its many related lines, while researching at the second largest genealogical library in the United States, the Allen County Public Library. The reunion convenes on Wednesday, July 23, and closes on Sunday, July 27, 2008.
Representing more than 40 lines of Chenoweths, more than 75 individuals have registered for the 5th Biennial Chenoweth National Reunion. Hosts, Michael and Kay Chenoweth and Joyce and Richard Wiegand have put together what appears to be another great program.
(Never have there been as many e-mails from the clan as there was following the last newsletter. Since the majority of them have to do with the reunion, we have placed them here.-editor)
Another great newsletter�.Thank you so much for continuing this work. I think the real reason no one has come forth to pick up the ball on the Chenoweth board is because no one thinks they can come close to filling the shoes of those who are currently doing this work �the newsletter, reunions, etc. I am quite serious. You guys are so impressive. Thank you for sharing your skills with the rest of us amateur genealogists.
16 June 2008
Diane Parrish
Thanks for keeping the link. I hope most cousins don�t think this way. I never really wanted to be on the board, I have so much else on my plate. It doesn�t take genealogy ability to be on the board, only an interest in the family and a desire to build and organization. I am not so much a genealogist anyway, so many others actually studied it as a field and know what to look for. Everything I know has been stumbled across in a slow learning curve� What I am (or was good at) was handling data and remembering things. I think my abilities are beginning to be affected by age, so it is well that I sort of hit this while I had the ability to grasp the whole of the family and help sort it out. I liken it to the Giordian Knot that Alexander the Great solved by slicing it through. Once I cleared the brush away from William�s line, many things began to fall into place�.It has been a real adventure that keeps surprising me. � Jon Egge
Pete, Great job on the June newsletter. Found a slight error in the information on George Alfred and wife, Mary Louise. She was born and both died in Sampson Co., NC, not Simpson. The reason his first wife died elsewhere was they were going home from a trip to visit my grandparents in Indiana, and she had a stroke and died in the motel where they spent the night. I�ve seen (and probably have in my possession) a letter she wrote to my mother before the trip saying the doctor had advised her not to go�.In the latest obits are two spouses from my line, so I�m adding this info to my database. They are Bertha Janet Easton and Edna Lavina Chenoweth nee Groff. I�ve never met either of them nor their spouses.
I sent a note to Jon, telling him that even though I knew my dad and Uncle Clarence (Orien Steele�s two sons) weren�t mentioned in the Harris book, I let that go right by me. Actually, George wasn�t mentioned either � just his birth date. Anyhow, you got me! Enjoyed a good laugh.
16 June 2008
Carolyn Newby
I had not thought of you when I wrote about the sons of Orien Steele Chenoweth as part of the �How�s your Chenoweth Expertise?� question. It is one of the few oversights in the Harris book. The Hiatt book is very hard to find things in without an index. I actually had a good experience in my recent effort to make this index, as I added in a number of families that Cora had pinpointed for us, but the clues had not been fully looked at�.How odd that I missed that this was your line when I was writing about it�- Jon Egge
Jon, Thank you for the information. It is Father�s Day and I miss my dad, Ralph W. Ashbrook very much. He was the epitome of a dad, and makes me proud of my relatives. I would love to come to a reunion and meet some of the relatives. I hope you can continue this very worthwhile endeavor.
16 June 2008
Karen Sego
I do enjoy doing what I do. Make Father�s Day a way for remembering. In a way that is what genealogy is, the memory of those who formed you. I am delighted to have fitted this line in with your help. � Jon Egge
Jon, Nice commentary on structure. Do we even know what regions our folks fall into? Does anyone else live out here on the West Coast?
10 June 2008
Charles Vinson
This was a thought I had after the Baltimore reunion. I sometime wonder if I have become part of the problem. The short history of the reunions goes like this:
In 2000, the first one was staged in Bowling Green, KY. It was sort of an oddball place as it had little to do with the Chenoweth family, but it is where the Harris research notes are deposited. Richard Harris was the key guest. Folks of all branches, from all over came. It was a wild success. There was a thirst and curiosity. I introduced myself to the family at that reunion. I had a well prepared talk and it went on far into the evening as I traced out the family as I was still learning it. It is a different sort of history than what was contained in the books.
The 2nd was staged in Elkins, WV. There were far less people that struggled into this isolated location in the Appalachians, but they were joined by a huge local body of Chenoweths and the numbers worked out. I was always a bit lost at that reunion as the living arrangements were scattered and I missed the ability to just sit down with people in the lobby. Seeing the local family celebration with Virginia Bird�s roll call and the family picnic was a powerful part of the reunion.
The Portland Reunion was a nightmare for Bill. He did yeoman�s work in getting the reunion organized. It was not as well attended by locals as we had hoped, though I met some amazing people. I thought the trip to Timberline Lodge was special.
The Baltimore reunion was a real disappointment to me as it was basically shunned by the vast local Chenoweth families with the exception of the families of the sponsoring hosts, in the line of the unknown John who married Anne Perrine. I just couldn�t understand how a place with more Chenoweth names in the phonebook than any other metropolitan area, traditionally honored birthplace of the family, could produce so little interest. By then may be my speaking at each reunion was beginning to wear a bit thin
But the reunions have been a grand success for me. There is a core of attendees that have become friends. There has always been someone new to meet and information to acquire. Everyone seems to have enjoyed each event, and there has always been quality time in meeting relatives� But what is fun for me, is a lot of work and effort on the part of the organizers and there are cost considerations that require minimum numbers. It is so hard to keep the cost within reason. There have always been complaints about this but I have been amazed at how well organizers have done to keep those costs down to keep the costs reasonable. The same 3 people have bore the load for 10 years and it is hard to ask them again. But this is not my battle. I am only a cheerleader.
There are Chenoweths in great numbers across the country. It is truly something amazing. But most of them are not interested in genealogy and everyone�s life seems so busy now a days. It would be wonderful to sprout up a number of regional reunions, but it would take a lot of people and a lot of effort. It certainly would be worth while as there is something very special here, a body of family well over 200,000 strong all tracing back to a common root spread out in every nook and corner of this land.
The well publicized gas crunch has had an impact, but there are so many Chenoweths in Indiana that live close enough, it shouldn�t matter. Indiana is one of the great Chenoweth stages. I still remember Bill and Joyce and all the other Indiana Chenoweths at the Baltimore reunion singing the Indiana State song. It gave me goosebumps.
�Oh, the moonlight�s fair tonight along the Wabash,
From the fields there comes the breath of new mown hay
Through the sycamores the candle lights are gleaming,
On the banks of the Wabash, far away.�
..... Jon Egge
Jon, A few months ago, you helped me update Roy Leon McQuown�s family and relatives. Now they are all back to nothing again.
10 June 2008
Barb & Arthur McQuown
They are all in my file. I have not up dated the website in some time and do not know when I will get to. It is a lot of work�.Maybe some day. It is on my list of to-do�s, but it has been there for a few years while we work on other stuff. � Jon Egge
Peter, Thanks for another great newsletter. I�ll see you next month in Indiana�.hopefully we�ll be surprised by an influx of cousins.
11 June 2008
Lawra Duy
As of 28 Jun 2008 we had 73 registered for this reunion. Looks like we should have a decent crowd. � editor.
Jon, for all your good work, I�m sorry about the dwindling interest and hope it all works out. I�m not one to get into this, but hope someone else does that would help.
10 June 2008
Eva Solberg
I hope they find a way too to continue this as I have always enjoyed the Reunions. The people are really great, and why not, their kin. � Jon Egge
I talked with you about a year ago when you put me in touch with Shannon Graham. I�m a southern, IL Chenoweth. What a wonderful resource for me. I might be able to participate on the board. What�s the time requirements of a board member. I�m already on two different boards so I don�t want to commit to another if I can�t deliver what is expected of me. I�ve always been fascinated with genealogy although only as a novice. We can�t make the reunion this year however my wife and I we�re planning on going to next years if our schedule will allow.
10 June 2008
Art Cline
I do miss Shannon� She was always fun to wrangle with over the years and she led me to Elmer Haile, whose insight in early Baltimore is a core part of my background page. It is always good to hear from a cousin from my �newly acquired� ancestor Thomas. I am copying this to Pete as he is spearheading a try to reconstitute the board. � Jon Egge
Have I ever told you that I appreciate you? I do. After much mental wrestling I have opted to attend the Fort Wayne Reunion. I am sure that the escalating costs of travel, the uncertain political times, and global warming has a lot to do with the lowered registration numbers. The whole board has done exceptional duty. There is no way that I, personally, could step into the shoes of any of you. Salute!
10 June 2008
Jo Yeager
I can understand the gas price thing�. This has been a really tumultuous year. The airplane travel to Louisville was so bad, that Deanna and I found it cheaper and easier to fly in to Chicago and take a car. I hope that no one stays away for fear of leaving some sort of a carbon foot print. That is a step too far for me�I am looking forward to seeing this great library. Glad to have you aboard. Joyce had sent that you had registered earlier this week. Maybe a few more will straggle in. Thanks for all your past help � Jon Egge
I feel compelled to write you even though I am one of those who watch from the sidelines. Back when I was actively trying to get info on my part of the family and get it to you, I had lots of free time. Now I don�t have so much free time. I�m still actively working and trying to get my endeavors to fund my life. I am a mediator (mostly divorce), a wedding officiant, and an artist so between those three things and my husband, son and family, there is little other time.
I do hear you though and your frustration after all these years and hard work and devotion that others are not picking up the baton and running with it. I have been part of organizations where that happens all the time. The few do everything for the many and if the many don�t chip in, the few get burned out and leave, as they must! You need to take care of yourself as well. My philosophy to this occurrence is that each individual must make a decision as to whether they continue or not based on their own best interests. Allow the opening that your leaving will create and let the opening be its own energy that will pull others toward it, or not. Sometimes you have to let go before the new thing comes in. Sometimes you have to allow something to just be what it is. Otherwise, you are the one who suffers.
What you have accomplished is awesome and I, for one, am grateful that there is so much information out there on the Chenoweths. I am sorry that my situation does not allow me to get to the family reunions or participate more in keeping up the website. It just is what it is. So, I guess I want you to know that some of us silent ones actually do notice what you are doing and appreciate it. I also support you in making a decision that is best for you and if you decide you need to let go of your huge involvement and responsibility, then good for you for choosing for yourself. Thank you for your caring, passion, commitment and tenacity.
10 June 2008
Lexy Alexis Namaste
Thanks for the kind thoughts. I enjoy what I do. The reunion is actually run by others, though I seem to be the conduit. I have enjoyed attending each and hope they continue, but that is out of my hands. � Jon Egge
Jon, You and your �cousins� have done an incredible job on the newsletter. I am so sorry I will not be at the Reunion. It sounds like you all will have a wonderful time.
I wish there was something I could do to help you with reunions, or your next newsletter, etc. so that the �cousins� get to stay in touch.
I have been in contact with Jean Nealis � you may remember, but you put us in touch several years ago because we hail from the same line: John Foster and Margaret Ferguson. She and I have met in person several times and have shared photographs, fun, etc. We are meeting again in August in Kansas to do some more research and meet with some other Chenoweth cousins.
I promise if you have another reunion�I will be there and bring hundreds of fun photos and if you need me to help with the organization..please let me know. I am semi-retired now and have lots of time to help.
I live in Ojai, CA � near Santa Barbara.
10 June 2008
Patti Bagley
I am really not in charge of the reunions, though I have enjoyed them. Thank you for your comments and help. Deanna and I got some great responses to our weekend in Louisville so we are set. I am a little �snowed under� as the email response was quite heavy. Actually it was snowing at the pass last night here (June). Things are a bit crazy. I am pleased that you have networked with your cousins. That is part of the dynamic of this whole thing. � Jon Egge
It is so sad to see the reunions not happening anymore. I was looking forward to having another one here in WV. With 3 children, a management position and gas prices so high I can't afford to travel this summer to Fort Wayne. Where was the next one to be held? I attended one when it was held at Davis and Elkins college with my Aunt Elaine Valentine and had a great time. I hope the decision is not made to discontinue them.
11 June 2008
Lisa Digman
I am not in charge of the reunions and at present do not know what will be done. Maybe they will go to a 3 or 4 year schedule. Maybe they will have early sign-up commitments to see if the numbers are there. As I understand it they were thinking of Branson, MO, but so far nothing was firm. Most of this will be hashed out in Fort Wayne. Almost everyone I have talked with really enjoyed the reunions, but staging something over 4 days is a lot of work and requires some minimum numbers. We have never, outside of the Elkins Reunion, had many people from Randolph Co. interested in coming, though a number of descendants from that line from across the country have shown up. � Jon Egge
Don�t feel discouraged if participation is low. With the high cost of just about everything, and especially gas, and therefore travel, people are not going to be eager to travel. Ft Wayne is a long way for me, for one, and I think the Chenoweth family may be well scattered. Maybe a reunion every five, or even 10, years would be more practical. (I don�t know how often you have been meeting.) Travel is definitely out for me for now.
11 June 2008
Celin Schoen
We don�t expect everyone to come, but it would be a help if the reunions were supported more locally by the people close � Jon Egge
followed by: - You really have created a stupendous website! I�m not that involved in genealogy, but for anyone trying to trace family members, WOW! I do have one question, however. My mother�s father (Clarence P. Chenoweth of Lafayette, IN) met my grandmother, Anna Matilda Decker, from New York state at a religious tent meeting somewhere, but I don�t know where or how. I don�t suppose anyone among your widespread family members, would know, but I�d love to find out if that�s possible. Possibly one of the Chenoweths in Lafayette?? We ;met a Dorothea Chenoweth on a visit out there in the 1970s. - Celin Schoen
This is a little too esoteric for me. I am copying it to Joyce Wiegand, who lives in Lafayette, but in 1900 and before your Clarence was living in Illinois. The move to Indiana was after 1905. � Jon Egge
Joyce replied to Celin - The question is when did the Decker family come to Indiana? The possibility your grandparents met a a religious tent meeting here in Tippecanoe County is quite possible. I have no personal knowledge of them, but would not be surprised they were here in the late 1800-1910 era. I would suspect them to have been in or near Battle Ground, IN. The site of the Battle of Tippecanoe in 1811, between William Henry Harrison, and the Indians. Trains would bring loads of people to the area for all sorts of events � political, etc. I have often wondered how they fed the masses! Many Chenoweth�s lived in Battle Ground. My parents graduated from Battle Ground High School.
When I started elementary school in the mid to late 1940�s, the only place to purchase K-12 school books and supplies in town, Lafayette, was at Decker�s. This was of course before school book rental. The Decker�s store, as I remember, switched to office supplies and such, probably after book rental became popular. It has been several years since Decker�s closed their doors. I don�t know who opened/operated the store or when it closed. It may have been open yet when you were here in the 1970s. � Joyce Wiegand.
Thanks for all your hared work, I sincerely enjoy getting your newsletters. With regards to the reunions, I believe that our economy/high fuel prices has everything to do with participation.
11 June 2008
Mark Chenoweth
Not to worry. The reunion is on and they are always fun, but as the saying goes the more the merrier. I understand about gas prices, after all, I am the dummy who decided to drive from Chicago to Louisville to Cincinnati, to Urbana, to Ft Wayne, to Chicago� � Jon Egge
We have waited to the last minute, but we just cannot make it. Dad, Robert Chinowth, had a stroke on the way home from Baltimore two years ago and recovered, but he has balance problems and falls a lot. He has also not been feeling very well these last two months. His diabetes has caused loss of feeling in his feet and he really has to watch for injuries.
We debated a long time on trying to make it. But it was along drive home from Baltimore (15 hours) and he wouldn�t let us stop at a hospital along the way. I know Ft Wayne is close but we just don�t want to chance it. Say hello to everyone for us and keep up the good work. Health problems are the only thing keeping us from coming.
11 June 2008
Linda Kidd
I am saddened to hear of your father�s health problems. I know personally the havoc that strokes can bring. God bless you all and take care. We will miss you all. � Jon Egge
Just would like to say �Thanks� for the great job Pete does on the newsletter and Jon does on our family tree. I�m sort of a new cousin I guess but have certainly enjoyed the newsletters. I would love to attend the reunion but living in California it takes a special effort to get that far east and this year it just didn�t work out. Hopefully you will be able to have one at least more to the middle of the country. I would like to have a T-shirt so if someone would mail it to me. I would pay for the postage of course. I am a descendant of John2. The last time I visited the National Archives I found John�s pension records. That was exciting to read.
12 June 2008
Helen Odegard
I am forwarding this to Joyce, but I think if you want a T-shirt you need to get a form off Bill�s site and fill it out for a T-shirt only. You are talking about John the son of Thomas..At the last reunion Joyce showed me a letter she had of her ancestor Richard, testifying as to John�s service. � Jon Egge
Hi, I�m sorry I can�t come this summer, but keep sending these letters. I�ll make it sometime!
10 June 2008
Lee Anne Lawson
The newsletter, conceived by Pete has turned out to be a roaring success. People feel connected. Each newsletter sparks new knowledge and I am able to preserve a small bit of the constant discoveries. Pete is always surprising us with wonderful oddball tidbits, and Greg is opening my eyes to the past. The newsletter is a keeper. Of course one of the reasons it works is that it can be done at no cost, as long as someone is willing to put in the time. � Jon Egge
Sure wish I could make the reunion but due to the location just can�t make it. Maybe the gas prices are keeping the attendance down. If I was retired I would consider helping with something but I rarely have time for even a whole weekend off. We had a reunion of my grandfather Clark B. Chenoweth�s family on 6/1 in Perry, OK and had about 85 in attendance from his and his wife�s (my grandmother) side of the family. We hadn�t had one in at least 10yrs so decided since we had several in their 90s we better have one.
During the reunion we received word that my sister, Patricia Diane Chenoweth Conway had died at 4:20am on 6/1/08 in Abilene, TX. She was 68. She was the daughter of Edd Preston Chenoweth and Alta Maida West Chenoweth and granddaughter of Clark Braden Chenoweth. Her birthday would have been this past Sunday 6/8/08. Her ashes were spread near Abilene. She leaves her daughter, Tyrann and son, Stephen and 3 grandsons.
Yesterday I received word that my Aunt Vira M. (Bobbie) Chenoweth Horton died Friday 6/6/08 in Perry, OK. Her burial will be there today at Grace Hill Cemetery. Her father was Clark Braden Chenoweth. She was married to Johnny Horton who died a few years ago. They had one daughter, June.
10 June 2008
Donna Chenoweth Beekman
Our sincerest condolences for the loss of your sister and aunt. Thank you for taking the time to inform me of these sad events. � Jon Egge
Rats, I feel bad about the reunion but there is no way we can go, not that I wouldn�t like to. It is a shame people aren�t more into it, but with rising travel costs and costs in general it may be the way it will be in the future. I know I have said this before but we appreciate the things you have done for the family tree and what we have been able to add to our own tree via your hard work on it. We don�t have many in our family who are interested anymore either. The older ones but they are dwindling away. So far the younger generations are not into it. I am hoping we are putting info away for some duture descendants who will be thrilled and not have any other way to get it all. With the current protections for privacy etc I have often wondered how much and how long data will be around for people to collect. Well thanks again for all you do and have done. I for one appreciate it!
10 June 2008
Ken & Dianne Skidds
The credit for most of the work in this line goes to Jane Ryan and Ken Gorman. I am just the conduit. You are right that certain aspects of this �business� are getting difficult (mainly finding phone numbers), but other aspects are full of ways to get information. We live in a golden age for access to genealogy data at the moment. Census info is at your finger tips. � Jon Egge
Let me know your Warren County plans. I will be going to Europe the 31st of July, but might be around when you are here. Are you planning to visit the Warren County Gen. Soc. In Lebanon? The Historical Society might have some things of interest as well.
9 June 2008
John Rausch
I was thinking of you a bit earlier when I told Peter, that you might supply a newsletter article on your Butler research. For the reunion we are flying into Chicago (Thursday the 17th) and driving to Louisville where we will spend the weekend. Greg is going to meet us in Louisville and we should be in Milford Monday night. Greg has to be at the reunion Wednesday morning for a meeting. I want to get there by that same afternoon. I think it is a tight schedule. I would like to hook up but I don�t know how that works. � Jon Egge (PS Greg tried to set up a lunch with John in Waynesville, OH, but it did not work out
I guess I have been asleep while reading my emails. Let me first give you my �other� address, in case you ever have problems with the one that you have.
Is there a charge for the Ft Wayne reunion� Where is everyone staying? We just found out today that we may have a new hybrid car in about 2 to 3 weeks, which will make traveling at least more reasonably priced. Thank you for all that you do for us.
9 June 2008
Brenda Hare
I use a flat file and really can�t handle two email addresses, so ID the one you want to use, and if you change it, let me know. As to the reunion, there is a hotel, but the information is all at Bill�s website. They recently released the rooms that they were holding, so if you want a reservation, you should act. Obviously, the gas increase seems to be affecting us all. � Jon Egge
My experience with reunions is Up and Down. We have been doing a Henkle Reunion for 99 years now. Some years we get 150, some years 60. And this is pretty much a regional reunion held in one locality, The Willamette Valley. It has only been the last 4 reunions that we have broken out of the Corvallis/Philomath area. This family has been doing this since 1907 (1943-44 & 45 were cancelled due to the war, Gas rationing you know, only 3 gallons a month allocated to households).
Don�t get discouraged, travel costs are up.
9 June 2008
Lee Merklin
There is a lot of difference between a one day local get together and a 4 day national reunion. I don�t think we have ever gotten a Rachel Henkle at the Chenoweth reunions. Often daughter lines do not identify with the larger family. There was a great opportunity for this to happen in Portland, but no one came. I would be glad to post a notice about your local reunion at the site if it falls at a somewhat recurring time and place. Robust attendance only comes from identification with the group. � Jon Egge
I would like to find out anything I can about Mary Silvernail. My father was Richard Jennings Chenoweth and my mother was Goldie E. Harris Chenoweth, both now deceased. His dad was Emmer Chenoweth (Spelling could be off) and his mother was Marguerite Wells Chenoweth. My parents divorced when I was 2 weeks old, so I am without some vital information. I would like to find out about any Indian blood that we may have. Thank you.
10 June 2008
Karen Sue Chenoweth
Silvernail seemed Indian to me when I first started this, but though, many in the Chenoweth family, in every branch have tales about a vague Indian ancestor, I have never in 12 years found even one. At some point I found Mary in the 1850 Census of Fulton Co, IL living with her parents, Jacob and Alice Silvernail. Jacob was from New York. Then in 2002 Beatrice Meeker and Marsha Pritt added detail.
I did get curious about the name and one internet source (genealogy.familyeducation.com/family-names) said: it was a translation of German Silbernagel. � Jon Egge
Wednesday � 23 July
Registration 1-5pm in the hospitality room at the hotel, Fellowship gathering and get acquainted time with snacks, and soft drinks during the evening. Sightseeing, research, lunch and dinner are on your own. Individuals are encouraged to bring family data sheets, pictures and memorabilia to share with everyone.
Thursday � 24 July
Registration 7-8am. The bus tour to Shipshewana leaves at 8am and returns at 6pm with a late lunch at Das Essenhaus Restaurant in Middlebury. That evening: Welcome ceremonies at the hotel folled by general membership meeting. Greg Walker will also have a discussion on Mary Calvert.
Friday � 25 July
Registration 1-5pm. A tour of the Genealogical section of the Allen Country Public Library has been scheduled in the morning. A semi-retired professional genealogist will be available for our group of researchers. The biennial gathering of the Chenoweth family photo shoot is scheduled at the hotel prior to the evening banquet, where we will enjoy music by the Mossburg Strings. Chenoweths in Indiana disccusion by Jon Egge
Saturday � 26 July
Registration 9-5pm. Sightseeing, research, lunch and dinner are on your own. In the afternoon Pete Chenoweth will give us a discussion of the transference of the DNA project from Relative Genetics to Ancestry.com. In the evening, a presentation of awards will follow the traditional reunion cake and beverage.
Sunday � 27 July
Inter-Denominational Praise and Worship Service 8:30-9:30 followed by a breakfast buffet.
�A History of Indiana Chenoweths�
By Jon Egge
Indiana is in the heartland of the Chenoweth migration west from Virginia. In order, by what was available, the family had moved into Kentucky and Ohio. Indiana followed shortly after. Indiana was formed into a separate territory from the Northwest Territories in 1800. By 1816 it entered the Union as the 19th State. Probably the first Chenoweths in Indiana were those in the Jefferson Co., KY area crossing the Ohio into Floyd Co. Looking specifically at the Chenoweth name: John Chenoweth, IV of Virginia, settled in the Washington Co. area from Ohio by 1813. John Chenoweth, son of Thomas(2) was in Vigo Co., shortly thereafter, dying in Vigo Co. in 1818. The first Census to include Indiana in 1820 finds 5 Chenoweth named families: John in Washington Co., Abraham, William�s son, in Jackson Co. with his wife Rachel , d/o Arthur Chenoweth, Thomas the son of Richard of Louisville in Jefferson Co., and two of [THOMAS2] John�s sons Eli and Isaac in Vigo Co. These were the Virginia families of John(2) and Thomas(2) coming via Kentucky and Ohio. Among daughter lines, Elizabeth Casebier�s family was in Spencer Co., IN, living next door to the farm of Thomas Lincoln, father of �Abe�. Barbara Martindale, William�s daughter from Warren Co., OH had settled in Wayne Co. Katurrah Kinnear, the daughter of Thomas in Jefferson Co. had started a family, having married there in 1818. Though not many of Hannah�s Carter line ever came to Indiana, John Rees, Jr. was in Fayette Co. by 1820. The line of William(2) was strongly represented by families of his daughter Mary Sutton who also came to Fayette Co. There was the family of Joanna Heaton, a daughter of Mary Sutton, who like the Rees family, had come from Washington Co., PA via Ohio. Also found in the Sutton line in Fayette Co. were Ebenzer Heaton, Jr., Nancy Heaton who had married James Sutton, David Sutton and his daughter Ivah Petro, next door. In the Thomas Line, John�s daughter Sarah Lewis was in Vigo Co. This puts at least 16 families in Indiana by 1820. Arthur of Kentucky, the father of Abraham�s wife, Rachel, settled his family in Bartholomew Co. shortly thereafter dying there in 1829. His son Arthur is found there in 1830.
Other 1830 Census Chenoweth families were: In the Thomas line, John and Isaac, sons of John, had moved from Vigo Co. to Vermillion Co. Thomas III had also come to Vermillion Co. from Franklin Co., OH. His brother Benjamin Franklin Chenoweth was in Warren Co., IN. Hiram Chenoweth, Arthur�s son had also come to Vermillion Co. from Pike Co., OH with his widowed mother Susannah. Within the next three years three of her children, Harriett, Luke and Permelia would each marry in Vermillion Co. Susannah�s married daughter Ada Boswell would settle in Tippecanoe Co. by 1835. In the line of John, Rachel and her husband Abraham moved to Barthlomew Co. where Rachel�s brother Arthur was still located. William�s son Casper came to Wayne Co. from Warren Co., OH. In Washington Co., John IV�s presence exploded with the married families of his sons and daughters, including Joseph, Eleanor Wilson, Rachel Hollowell, Philip, and Elias. Into Jay Co., came William E., the son of Elias of Perry Co., OH. Richard�s son Thomas was still in Jefferson Co. and his son James had married and settled in Johnson Co. This totals 15 males line families. By 1840 this had grown to 23 families. The 1850 Census gives 50 Chenoweth named families and another 120 daughter line families totaling 857 family members spread over 42 counties. Only Ohio had more family members.
Many of these families had come in from Ohio and Kentucky. There was also the significant immigrant to the Chenoweth families of William of Hampstead in Carroll Co., MD that settled in the Randolph Co. area in the 1840�s. By 1860, the Chenoweth numbers would swell to 252 families and 1,243 individuals. 112 of these families were from the lines of John(2). Roughly a third of these were from John(3) of Hampshire Co. They included 18 families from the original migration of John IV, 16 of which were concentrated in both Washington and neighboring Orange Cos. 13 families of William S. located in Miami, Huntington, Wayne, Stark and Wabash Cos. Six families were from James in Henry and Carrol Cos. Three families from Mary�s marriage to Levi Ashbrook, Jr. were in Hendricks Co and three families from Elias were in Jay Co. From Kentucky 14 families from Richard were now in Indiana and, 13 from Absolom, Jr., 8 from Arthur, and 28 from Rachel. Many of Rachel�s lines and the Chenoweth families of Ephraim, the son of Absolom, Jr. were concentrated in Morgan and Owen Cos. Mary�s Ashbrook families numbered 8 in total from the Fairfield Co. area of Ohio. There were still three Rees families from Hannah Carter in Carroll Co. and the family of Sinah Horn in Cass Co. The presence of Arthur(2) through a series of late migrations from the Maryland families of Arthur, Jr. and the Virginia families of John and Samuel numbered 21. Seven of these were in Randolph Co. William(2) now had 53 families in Indiana. Most of these (47) were from Mary Sutton, who had such a large early presence in the State in 1820. The other six were from William, Jr., primarily, Warren Co., OH families. In slightly larger numbers were 59 families of Thomas(2). 14 of these were from John(3) who had settled so early in Vigo Co. 12 were from Thomas, Jr., 4 from Arthur and 17 from families of Richard who had settled primarily in the Tippecanoe Co. area in the 1840s. Rounding out Thomas were 5 families from Mary Downing, 2 from Elijah and 5 from Abraham. Three families from Ruth, who had come from Georgia into Ohio and settling in Fulton Co. brought the family representation to 6 of the 8 lines of original family. Only Richard�s families, still primarily located in Maryland, Tennessee and Arkansas, and Mary�s Watsons, never yet identified, were missing from the mix. Ironically, there was not one family from John(2)�s son William, whose descendants today represent one quarter of today�s families.
In all in 1860 family members were spread to 55 of Indiana�s 92 counties. By location, Morgan Co. leads the list with 23 families, followed by Clinton (16), Vermillion (14), Tippecanoe (13), Fayette (12), Randolph (12), Henry (11) & Miami (10), about 40% of the total distributed families in Indiana. Significantly in 1860, Indiana was the home to more descendants bearing the Chenoweth name than any other state, this torch being passed from Ohio. Indiana has held this top position in each subsequent published Census through 1930. Though we do not have a way of fully measuring the family today, available phone listings place Indiana 4th on the list, surpassed only by California, Maryland and Texas, each states with significantly larger general populations. Curiously, Indiana is a very rural state without the large urban complexes found in other states. This rural, small city mix very much reflects the early family who settled and farmed the land.
Chenoweth Families in Indiana in the 1850 Census
�Power!��the new novel by Michael Chenoweth constructs a massive satellite in orbit to constantly beam inexpensive solar energy directly to earth.
For the first time in recent literary history, readers now have an uberwoman-heroine-protagonist for whom to cheer. Chenoweth writes his main character, �Danielle� (and Mig-29 Instructor Pilot) as the embodiment of a highly evolved, intellectual and ethical human being who decidedly knows how to convert a huge idea into an even bigger reality. The sheer enormity of Chenoweth�s thought is captured by the joy of watching Danielle think and make decisions that will affect the entire planet. Her character is skillfully drawn out through her ability to assemble the world�s wealthiest investors in an agreement to front the capital for a series of super cargo planes, strategically placed power transformers on various continents, and a gigantic orbiting satellite with the theoretical output of 100 billion watts. The project�s name? Prometheus.
Chenoweth brilliantly interlaces the obstacles confronting Danielle�s character with how the story of the plot unfolds: as if revolutionizing the world�s energy source is not already a big enough obstacle in and of itself, she also contends with a predominantly male-centered investor syndicate, and oil rich nations who will do anything to stop her. But it is against the backdrop of her leadership, political savvy, and firm grasp of technological advancements that Chenoweth creatively sifts out her character between the lines�that enduring element of humanity which thrives on thinking and doing beyond the confines of our planet�s finite space.
The tone underneath Chenoweth�s text traverses the socio-political and technological realms of human ingenuity and cultural improvements in a post-industrial society at a pace perfectly mirroring the very urgency surrounding the issue of sustainable energy itself. He starts the novel with, �Everything is political,� and the amazingly detailed narrative he unleashes from that sentence until the very end underscores that point exactly. The �What if�?� question he asks in both the first chapter and in the post script is a relevant signifier pointing toward that ever-blossoming signified that even his evil-doer, pro-fossil-fuel, �enemy� characters have had to consider in the same light: possibility. And that subtext of possibility which follows Danielle�s global jet-setting efforts to lift Project Prometheus [literally] off the ground�from Kenya, Namibia, and Morocco, to London, India, and Asia, to a remote South Pacific island�is itself an underlying current that emerges as the very focal point for both Chenoweth�s writing, and for that which his writing asks of the reader.
If the reader is an aviation junkie, an engineer, a tax-code lawyer, an environmental activist, an energy aficionado, a physicist, or just a simpleton like me who, since I can remember, has had the word �possibility� filed in his �Favorite Words� folder, this book is a must-read. Even the delightful and unexpected curve-balls Chenoweth throws with a car-bombing or aircraft sabotage do not set aside how aptly the novel�s title plays on its two most commonly understood meanings�gigawatts, and what Nietzsche meant when he wrote, �Life is the will to power and nothing besides.� (Copies of the book will be available to purchase at the Family Reunion � editor)
Joyce Wiegand of Lafayette, IN first suggested a national reunion to me in 1998. Through the website we were able to assemble a committee of Joyce, Bill Chinworth of Tucson, and Mike Chenoweth of Gas City, IN. They not only organized the first reunion in Bowling Green, KY but became the backbone that has helped local organizers put together the Elkins, WV reunion in 2002; the Beaverton, OR reunion in 2004; and the present reunion in Baltimore, MD. At each reunion some 200 Chenoweth descendants have come together to celebrate their heritage and enjoy shared activities.
The first Reunion in Bowling Green, KY featured Richard Harris, author of the 1994 book, �The Chenoweth Family in America� based on research he shared with his wife Shirley. Richard had donated the notes and research upon which the book was based to the Kentucky Museum located in Bowling Green.
The second Reunion tagged onto the annual family picnic that has been held in Elkins, WV since 1915. There are literally hundreds of descendants that still live in this area of Appalachia. A highlight to the reunion was an evening with Virginia Bird Johnson, age 93. Virginia was the main resource for the extensive West Virginia genealogy found in the Harris book and had attended all 89 picnics. She passed away on February 5, 2004.
The third reunion in Beaverton, OR was a chance for West Coast Chenoweths to more easily participate. Albert Heller Chenoweth and his wife, Delores, were the local coordinators and again were helped by Bill, Joyce and Mike. A significant attendee was Elmer Rathbun Haile, Jr., age 94, from Maryland. Elmer has contributed significant knowledge of the early family in Baltimore helping to correct imbedded misalignments found in both Chenoweth books. Music was provided by Daniel Fred Chenoweth of Sonora, Mexico. The �reunion picnic� was held at Mount Hood.
The fourth reunion in Baltimore, MD was a chance for Maryland Chenoweths to get together. A trip to Ft McHenry and the Baltimore Harbor area was enjoyed by many. Lois Akehurst and family were our hosts for this memorable get together. Elmer Haile was once again able to attend the reunion. Music at the banquet was provided by Bill Chinworth�s Sorocco Wind Quintet, The Kidd family and Mexico�s Daniel Fred Chenoweth and his new wife. An anniversary cake was enjoyed on the celebration of John and Mary (Calvert) Chenoweth�s 300th Anniversary.
Reunion Profiles
Reunion Hostess
Joyce Aileen (Corns) Wiegand
Currently secretary of the Chenoweth Family Association, Joyce was born on January 9, 1941 in Lafayette, IN, a very small community where everyone knew everyone. As a youngster in grade school, she was sick quite often, and spent the greater part of three years in bed with heart problems.
Joyce went to work in the office of a gear manufacturing company before graduating from high school and was married a year later to Richard Wiegand. Within six months Uncle Sam came knocking on the door. After basic training she joined her husband at Ft Bliss in El, Paso, TX. During the two years in El Paso she worked in a bank. After the military obligation was complete, she returned to her former place of employment until 1970 when they adopted their son, Gregory. A requirement of adoption at that time from the agency was she quit work for a year. After staying home for three and a half years, the company asked if she would like to return to work. She retired in 2001.
Not being interested in history as a student in school, she however, became interested in her family history in 1970 when she read an earlier article in her local paper stating that the county court house, running out of storage space, would be destroying all old county records. The Curator of the local historical association, a DAR member, volunteered to house the records. The volume of records collected in over 150 years of record keeping for the county was extensive.
Knowing for several years she was eligible to join the DAR she never did. Early in 1998, she was contacted by a member of the SAR about being a descendent of Richard Chenoweth who was to be honored by the SAR/DAR in May and could she speak on behalf of the family. She told him that she was not sure he served in the Revolutionary War, well, he said, it would be nice if you talked about his migration, and we will tell of his war history. Her migration story did not go through Louisville, KY like their story did. Later she learned that no one had gone into the DAR under her ancestor Richard Chenoweth, and since he is buried in her county and all generations between them are here, it was an easy lineage to do. The hard part for her was pulling the right Richard from the Chenoweth straw pile. In 1999 she joined the DAR under Richard Chenoweth. Subsequently the local SAR/DAR corrected their records to agree with her research. She has since submitted applications for two other of her four grandparents, a goal she set for herself several years ago. She still lacks some documentation for the last grandparent, but is still looking.
Her Chenoweth line is: John1, Thomas2, Richard3, Thomas4, Ira5, Thomas6, Charles7, Anna Marguerite8, Joyce9.
Reunion Host
Michael Allen Chenoweth
Mike is a native Hoosier from Marion, IN. Currently treasurer of the Chenoweth Family Association, Mike was born 28 Jun 1949 and now lives in Gas City, IN with his wife, Kay. Kay and Mike spend most of their time enjoying their gardens, bicycling, and spoiling four grand children (all boys). He also uses his scribing skills as a member of the local Library Board of Trustees.
Because of three unique cousin marriages, Mike (8 or 9) descends from:
John1, John2, John3, William S.4, Elizabeth5, Harvey R.6, Joel Harvey7, Wilbur8 OR
John1, William2, William, Jr3, John4, Harvey R.5, Joel Harvey6, Wilbur7
The cross linkage occurs at John4, who marries Elizabeth5 in Warren Co., OH. Jon Egge and Greg Wulker (also a descendent from one of these marriages) spent many hours untying the web created by Cora Hiatt with respect to this lineage. Please review Jon�s website for further discussion.
His past includes US Navy duty in the VietNam era, alma mater Ball State University, Muncie, IN and employment for 25yrs with RCA/GE/Thomson Consumer Electronics.
Website Author
Jon Dexter Egge
Born May Day 1943 in Washington, Jon lives on Cottage Lake in Woodinville, WA with his wife of 33 years Deanna (Sundvick). His mother was Edna Louise Chenoweth, born to Harry Edward Chenoweth and Minnie Jane Holt. Harry had come out to the Seattle area from Pineville, MO about 1912. This is in the line of the 3rd generation Thomas, son of John. Jon has been doing Chenoweth genealogy and hosting the Chenoweth website for the past 12 years during his retirement from construction.
He has attended all 4 national reunions and made presentations at each of them. He graduated in 1966 from the University of Washington and is an avid Husky fan. Jon spent the next three years in Vietnam, working for RMK-BRJ on military construction. On his return he worked for Morrison Knudson in Boise, ID and Aleutian Constructors in Alaska, before joining his brother in their own construction firm. Jon and Deanna have three daughters, the youngest of whom just graduated from Whitman College in Walla Walla, WA.
Jon�s Chenoweth line is John1, John2, Thomas3, James Francis4, Henry S.5, Albert White6, Harry Edward7, Harry Holt8, Edna Louise9.
Newsletter Editor
Peter Clinton Chenoweth
Born October 14, 1948 in Newark, NJ, Pete now makes his home just outside of Augusta, GA in Hephzibah with his wife of 36 years, Janet (Hearndon). Due to his brother�s health, the family moved to St Cloud, FL when Pete was a young boy. A small community of 1500, this would be where he grew up and met his wife.
Upon graduating from high school in 1966, he enlisted in the US Air Force serving in Turkey and VietNam. Taking a break from the military, he attended Columbia College, MO, married his high school sweetheart and earned a Master Printers Certificate from the state of Florida. He re-entered the military in 1979 and completed a lengthy career with the US Army in 2003. He is currently employed as a Deputy Sheriff in Richmond Co., GA. Pete and his wife have 2 sons, Christopher Allen, St. Cloud, FL and Michael Harold, Beaverton, OR. They are also the proud grandparents of a grandson, Austin David.
Pete has been involved in genealogy since the early 1980s when he used to check telephone directories during his military travels to see just how many Chenoweths he could find. He is currently the editor of the Chenoweth Family Newsletter, Project Coordinator of the DNA Project and Chenoweth website genealogist.
Pete�s Chenoweth line is one of the other lines (though DNA comparison indicates that he may be descended from an ancestor as close as a brother to John1): Edward1, John2, William3, William4, Edward5, John6, Edward7, John8, William E.9, William Clawson10, Frank Larkin11, Harold Richard12.
The 19 stars on Indiana�s state flag reflect its spot as the 19th state to ratify the U.S. Constitution. Naturally, the state�s name means �land of the Indians� in reference to the Native Americans that made the area their home for many centuries Likewise, the state capital Indianapolis (with its Greek suffix) means �City of the Indians.�
Although it�s been known as the Hoosier State since at least the 1830s, the origin of Indiana�s nickname is uncertain. Some believe it came from a preacher named Harry Hoosier, while others claim that the territory�s nosy settlers used to yell �Who�s here?� when passing a homestead. At least one source claims it refers to �hoo,� an old Anglo-Saxon word for �hill.� In reference to the southern section of the state. Still, no definitive answer has been found.
Indiana is the smallest of the contiguous states west of the Appalachian Mountains, and its location in between the Eastern and Central Time Zones has long been a source of consternation. Parts of northwest and southwest Indiana use Central Time, while the rest of the state remains in Eastern. And until 2006, parts of Indiana declined to observe Daylight Saving Time in order to keep on the same schedule with nearby cities in other states. With national adjustments to DST in 2007, the confusion continues.
While most U.S. states chose to depict historic symbols on their state quarters, Indiana�s 2002 coin is decorated with an image of a modern-day Indy race car. Indianapolis is home to the Indianapolis 500, the world-famous auto race held every Memorial Day weekend.
The political slogan �Tippecanoe and Tyler Too� was based on William Henry Harrison�s days as the first governor of the Indiana Territory. In November 1811, Harrison led troops in defusing a Shawnee uprising at Tippecanoe, IN. In 1840, Harrison ran for president with John Tyler as his running mate. They won the election, but Harrison died of pneumonia after only one month in office, leaving Tyler to take the reins of the country.
Another famous phrase that has its roots in Indiana is often erroneously attributed to New York Tribune publisher Horace Greely. In 1870, his newspaper prompted thousands of Americans to �Go west, young man.� Truth be told, he borrowed the phrase from John Soule, who had printed it in the Terre Haute Express in Indiana nearly 20 years earlier.
If one U.S. state is specifically associated with a team sport, it has to be Indiana and basketball. In high school, college, and the pros, the state has been home to some of the hardwood�s greatest names, including Larry Bird, Oscar Robertson, Bob Knight, Reggie Miller, Digger Phelps, Ann Meyers, John Wooden, Bobby Plump, Isiah Thomas and Damon Bailey. Of course, one can�t mention Indiana sports without discussing the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, which has won NCAA championships in everything from football to fencing.
Famous people born in Indiana include actor James Dean; writers Booth Tarkington, Lew Wallace, Theodore Dreiser, James Whitcomb Riley, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. and Ernie Pyle; politicians Thomas Marshall, Wendell Wilkie, Eugene V. Debs, and Dan Quayle; labor leader Jimmy Hoffa; choreographer Twyla Tharp; fashion designer Bill Blass; TV host David Letterman; songwriters Hoagy Carmichael and Cole Porter; Inventor siblings Orville and Wilbur Wright; and the Jackson family of entertainers (including Michael and Janet).
Recently Elizabeth Chenoweth, d/o Charles Ernest and Amy Abigail (Weed) Chenoweth celebrated the 105th anniversary of her birth date of December 4, 1902. The oldest daughter of six children she was born in Albany, Gentry Co., MO. We at the Chenoweth Family Association congratulate her on her longevity and wish her many more celebrations. Another Chenoweth centenarian was Elmer Leroy 'Bill' Kelley who died this July 2, at the age of 100 years, 3 months, 27 days.
Note: After the newsletter was printed, it was learned that Elizabeth sadly died on July 14
One of the few fourth generation daughters that had not been brought to modern day and a cousin contact established was that of Rachel, the daughter of Thomas, Jr. and Cassandra Foster. Rachel was born on born on October 24, 1792 in Mason Co., KY. Raised in Franklin Co., OH, she probably there married to Elijah Lowe. We don�t know a lot about the early life of this family. Her father, Thomas, Jr. died in Franklin Co., OH in 1814 and Rachel, judging by her children had married a few years earlier. The family of Thomas, Jr. scattered after his death, unlike that the family of his brother-neighbor, Elijah, many of whose descendants stayed on in Franklin Co. John, the oldest went to Darke Co., OH. Ruth, who married Ira Owen Parrish was in Vermillion Co., IN by 1825 and in Missouri by the late 1830s. Several other siblings as well as Cassandra, the widow of Thomas, went to Vermillion Co., IN including Rachel�s Lowes. Thomas III was in Vermillion Co. by 1830 with his family and his brother Joseph married there before heading to Missouri. Benjamin Franklin Chenoweth was also in Vermillion Co. before ending up in Taney Co., MO like his brother Joseph. Elijah Lowe is not found in a Census until 1830 and most of the early children are lost to us or died before the important 1850 Census. Thus we lack some early indications of where the family was. We do know that Benjamin Lowe was born in Ohio in 1815 and Joseph Lowe was born in Vermillion Co. in 1826. The earliest Census listing of Elijah is in 1830 and the family is in Vermillion Co., IN. They are there in 1840 as well as 1850. It would seem likely that the Lowes accompanied Cassandra and her younger Chenoweth children and Ruth�s Parrishes to Vermillion Co., IN in the mid 1820s.
In 1850 many of the families of Thomas, Jr. are grouped tightly in Highland Township of Vermillion Co., IN. There are 4 listings of Thomas, Jr. nestled among other families of the Thomas line. Rachel and her husband Elijah are living between their nephew John Chenoweth on one side and two houses away from their son Benjamin Lowe on the other. Their daughter Elizabeth, who has married Jeramiah Hoobler, has moved across the river to Vermilion Co., IL. Elijah died in 1857 and Rachel, as his widow, is still in Vermillion Co. in 1860. Only Joseph Lowe is found there in 1870 and will immigrate to Kansas before 1880. Rachel has not been found though she is said to have died in Kansas in 1873. Benjamin is not found in 1870, but he is widowed and living with his brother Joseph in Kansas in 1880. In June of 2007, Ken Agans contacted me about his Chenoweth connections. Ken is a descendant of Benjamin�s son Franklin Lowe. Armed with information from Ken, I found both Franklin and his brother Elijah with their families in Clay Co., TX in 1880. Ken furnished me with material that both brothers had served for the Union in the Civil War, each enlisting twice. This was a welcome add to our Civil War page. This data should open up new avenues to explore and I look forward to seeing all that Ken has to add. The connection to Rachel is through his maternal side. On the paternal side, Agans is a variant spelling of Agan who had many connections to the Chenoweths in the Washington Co., IN area. Ken�s line traces back to Milton Agan who, by another son, was the grandfather of Emma Catherine Agan who married Charles Benjamin Trinkle. Charles was a grandson of a 6th generation Rachel Chenoweth, a granddaughter of the John Chenoweth who settled in Washington Co., In just after 1810.
RACHEL4 CHENOWETH (THOMAS3, THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born October 24, 1792 in Mason Co., KY, and died August 01, 1873 in Kansas. She married ELIJAH LOWE in Ohio. He was born November 29, 1786 in Maryland, and died June 18, 1857 in Vermillion Co., IN.
Over the years we have built up a fair detail on Arthur, the oldest son of Richard of Tippecanoe Co., IN. This is a Thomas line. Arthur was abused badly by Cora Hiatt. This in turn caused Shirley Harris to miss the right placement when she ran across the two families of Arthur. In one of the strangest of Cora�s placements, she said he married a Rachel Bowen and lived in Kentucky. Supposedly this Rachel was related to the Bowens that married the Randolph Co., IN Chenoweths. It was all wrong, as were her listing of children and hooking Ephraim Chenoweth into this Thomas line. I suppose that was because of the name Ephraim that was used several times in the Bowan family. Joyce Wiegand, stalwart of the Reunion committee, first identified Arthur for me and helped unravel this mess in Cora�s book. Joyce had found that Arthur had been the administrator of the estate of Richard in Tippecanoe. He was the Arthur who filed for divorce from his wife Elizabeth in Pike Co., OH. All this easily pointed up the glaring fact that Arthur had never lived in Kentucky (except as a young child in Mason Co.) and was certainly not the father of Ephraim Chenoweth. Richard�s son Arthur was listed twice in the unknown section of the Harris book, once for each wife. Harris correctly listed his 5 children, split between the two marriages. There were 3 daughters by Elizabeth Parker in Ohio, before Arthur left home and his wife Elizabeth for Indiana with his parents, and a son and daughter by Anna Warren, whom he married immediately after his divorce some years later. Though Arthur had left home long before the divorce, and though Anne was not the reason for the separation, she appears to have been the impetus for Arthur�s decision to obtain a divorce years later to marry her. The son, Isaac N. Chenoweth, died in the Civil War in Bowling Green, KY. Arthur had passed away in 1859 and was spared this grief. This meant however that his 4 daughters would carry Arthur�s line forward. Perhaps this is another reason why this line got misplaced by Cora in 1925, as the daughter line names had drifted in to the pudding without the binding glue of a Chenoweth male line.
It is really Joyce who did so much of the work on restoring Arthur�s family. Lucinda, Anna�s daughter, married George W. Boyles in Tippecanoe Co., IN. They had no children, though they did adopt a son Ira Lucas when he was in his teens. Rhuama Chenoweth was the oldest daughter of the first marriage. She married John Matthews in Pike Co., OH on September 03, 1833 but by 1838 the family was living in Tippecanoe Co., IN. Joyce found the oldest son was named Arthur, so though divorced from Elizabeth, Arthur seems to have stayed in good stead with his daughters. The second daughter Dorcus married Alexander Scowden in Pike Co. By 1870, Dorcus, widowed, had moved to Tippecanoe Co. Joyce has made great headway bringing this family down to modern times. In October of 2006, Barbara Anderson contacted me. She was puzzling over her ancestor Nancy Chenoweth. We had the marriage record in Pike Co., OH on November 26, 1842 to James William Davis. This was from a listing of unknown marriages that Richard Harris had complied in their research. Barbara�s information led to a careful examination of surrounding Census data. Nancy appears to have been born on November 25, 1818. This would fit with Arthur�s family. There is no other known Nancy Chenoweth in the listings we have for a Chenoweth in the Pike Co. area. In both 1850 and 1860 Nancy�s Davis family is only 2 Census pages away from her apparent sister Dorcus and mother Elizabeth Parker Chenoweth. One daughter was named Elizabeth and one son William Arthur Davis (Barbara�s ancestor). Indeed, though not explicitly proven, this is a very good fit. Nancy�s husband James died in 1857 and Nancy continued on in Pike Co. until her death in 1898.
Barbara becomes my first web-cousin contact with the families of Arthur of White Co., IN. It may be that one day we will find the exact proofs, maybe in an estate paper of some sort. This delightful contact opens up another fine branch for Arthur�s three daughters of his Pike Co. marriage to Elizabeth Parker.
ARTHUR4 CHENOWETH (RICHARD3, THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born January 03, 1786 in Maryland, and died June 05, 1859 in White Co., IN. He married (1) ELIZABETH PARKER May 02, 1811 in Ohio. She was born Abt. 1791 in Kentucky, and died Bet. 1868 - 1871 in Indiana. He married (2) ANNA WARREN October 20, 1837 in Tippecanoe Co., IN. She was born Abt. 1802 in North Carolina, and died Abt. 1874.
One of the longest traces I have done over the years was to finally put William N. Chenoweth into the database from the Harris unknown section on page 636. William lived in Clinton Co., IN and was married at least 3 times. Very early on a cousin on my Waltman side, Clifford Sipes, sent me a blurb about William that stated his father was an Arthur and he was born near Columbus, Bartholomew Co., IN. That certainly fixed him to John�s son Arthur who was really the only Chenoweth to live in this area. But we did not know how William fit into this family. Next in 2001, Peter got the death certificate of William stating, his mother was a Wall. That put him as a son of Jackealina Wall. Harris said that she was the first wife of Arthur Chenoweth, the son of Abraham and Rachel. This Arthur married Mary Shoemaker on October 15, 1837 and lived in Pike Co., IL. But William Newton was born April 20, 1839. This did not fit. Slowly the dawn began. The marriage was wrong. The correct answer to all this was that Jackealina Wall was the 2nd wife of the Arthur who married Elizabeth Edmonson. Of course this marriage was not even in Harris and Shirley had gone off course saying this Arthur was the spouse of an Ann Clark back in Baltimore. The Edmonson part of this had been patiently sorted out by Jonathan Paul of California. He had written a very convincing letter of the genealogy of this family to Richard Harris only to have it rejected. It was a whole series of errors, started by Hiatt and elaborated on by Harris. Cora said the Arthur who died in Bartholomew Co., IN was Arthur, Jr: WRONG: Harris said his son married Ann Clark: WRONG: Harris said that Jackealina Wall married Arthur, the son of Abraham: WRONG: Poor William Newton was hung out to dry. Actually he is in the 1850 Census with his father (then twice widowed), listed as Newton but with his age wrongly cited as 18 versus 11. In 2007, long after we had gotten this all corrected, Karen Patchett contacted me, a great granddaughter of William. Karen has added in some very helpful information including the gravesite of Arthur in the Hepner Cemetery, Starke Co., IN. William had two siblings, Amelia and Eliza Jane. In the 1850 Census, these two young girls were living with Chenoweth relatives, their mother Jackealina having died. Amelia was with the family of her cousin Leonard Shoemaker. Leonard was Arthur�s nephew, his mother Ann Chenoweth, Arthur�s sister. Eliza Jane was living with her aunt, Eleanor Chenoweth Harryman, the wife of Job Harryman.
Eleanor had had 3 children that we know of. The oldest was Newton Harryman who also lived in Clinton Co., IN. Census work had shown us that Newton had a son named Job. Karen found that Job had changed the spelling of his name and gone to California. This is from the internet (�Copyright 2004 GrayHarriman.com). In seeking permission to use this material below, I happily gained our first cousin from Arthur�s daughter Eleanor.
Job Harriman was born in Indiana in 1861, however, even fresh out of college he proved to be more than an average Hoosier. Job Harriman became an ordained minister, a lawyer, and a speaker recognized for his intensity and charisma.
In 1886 he moved to San Francisco and entered politics. Lead by his sense of justice, in a move ahead of its time, Harriman started the Pacific Nationalist Club with the mission of discussing and promoting economic and racial equality.
Job Harriman then married his college roommate's sister, Mary Theodosia Gray and, in 1895 they had twins, a girl and a boy. Sadly, the girl died as a child.
The Harriman's then moved to Los Angeles where Job Harriman continued his successful political activism and in 1898 became the gubernatorial candidate for the Socialist Labor Party. He was not able to capture California but his gubernatorial race propelled him into an even larger stage.
In 1900 Job Harriman became the Vice-Presidential candidate for the Socialist Party partnered with Presidential candidate Eugene Debs. They ran against William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt for the Republican ticket, and William Bryan and Adlai E Stevenson for the Democratic ticket.
In 1900 Job Harriman became the Vice-Presidential candidate for the Socialist Party.
While Harriman did not succeed at winning public office, his powerful case on behalf of the working class moved California and the nation.
As Harriman traveled around the country he had the opportunity to increase his influence and build the socialist base and labor union support. Gaining the union support was not easy. Socialists and trade unionists would often argue. Some of the trade unionists were quite conservative and had actually been registered Republicans.
In spite of the differences between unionist and socialists, they managed to work together through the influence and prompting of the likes of Job Harriman. This was a fact that in Los Angeles, Harrison Otis and other conservative wealthy individuals found very threatening and brought a head-on collision between Harriman and Otis.
At the time challenges were everywhere but there were many successes as well as some failures. Ironically, it was the failures that created conditions and institutions that would propel Harriman to the next stage and provide enduring value.
One of the most well known confrontations developed when Harrison Otis and his supporters manipulated a city leader into passing a law restricting free speech. On the basis of that law a blind socialist orator, J. B. Osborne, was arrested. Harriman took up Osborne's defense but lost the case when, unbelievably by today's standards, a judge ruled that the city had a constitutional right to outlaw free speech. From this setback, and a similar event involving socialist and politician Upton Sinclair, came the birth of the Southern California Civil Liberties Union, an organization of tremendous importance even today.
Otis and the city leaders suppressed free speech by insisting on a city permit for any group desiring to assemble publicly. It so happened that socialists couldn't get permits, whereas Christian evangelical groups could. Harriman was the Socialists' choice to handle the case. By 1908, Harriman was widely known as the free-speech socialist lawyer of Los Angeles.
In spite of all that was accomplished, Harriman still needed to cement his credibility with his more militant socialists. Taking the case of the Mexican revolutionary Ricardo Flores Magon helped Harriman accomplish that.
Magon was living in Los Angeles in exile from the corrupt and brutal American-supported Porfirio Diaz dictatorship. Otis supported Diaz as he had interests that included 850,000 acres in Mexico. Otis manipulated the Los Angeles police to help harass enemies of the Diaz regime. An enemy of Diaz was an enemy of Otis.
In spite of Otis and his corrupt associates, Los Angeles was a haven for prominent members of the Mexican Revolution. Magon had come to Los Angeles in 1907, and continued publishing the newspaper Regeneracion, which was suppressed in Mexico. However, in Los Angeles, three police detectives, kept Magon and other Partido Liberal Mexicano members under surveillance. One of them, Rico, was well known for planting evidence against socialists.
Only a few months after Magon's arrival the Mexican embassy said he was wanted for murder and treason. He was also charged with inciting a strike even though he had been in Canada at the time of the murder he was wanted for. If taken to Mexico, Magon would have been sent before a firing squad. Job Harriman defended Magon against the trumped-up charges and Magon was exonerated. Magon then proceeded to launch the 1910 Mexican Revolution.
1910 developed into a tumultuous year in which every trade in Los Angeles went on strike. Among the strikers were butchers, trolley car operators, painters, printers, brewers and high-rise iron workers, to mention a few.
To combat the situation Harrison Otis, publisher of the Los Angles Times, and the anti-union Merchant and Manufacturers Association sought and won passage of the anti-picketing ordinance again restricting free speech. As a result over 500 workers were arrested for violating the new law. Job Harriman took immediate action to defend the picketers and few were convicted.
Seeing the need for justice Job Harriman decided to move against the establishment and run for mayor. As part of his campaign he had 20,000 pamphlets handed out in Los Angeles against the open shop. This action increased his popularity and soon doubled the Socialist Party membership. A predictable strong reaction came from an anti-union group led by Otis. Tensions were very high. Still adding more to the controversy was that Harriman's slate included a black city council candidate.
On Oct. 1, 1910, an explosion tore apart a corner of the Los Angeles Times building setting off a fire that killed 20 men. The paper immediately blamed the bomb on the unions putting out a special edition, �Unionist Bombs Wreck the Times.� The Los Angeles Times headlines, however, backfired on Otis. The public turned against him for letting The Times become a firetrap with its obsolete gas lighting system.
Otis then undertook a six-month manhunt zeroing in on John and Jim McNamara. The two men, who were labor activists, were arrested for planting the bomb in �Ink Alley�. Labor saw this as another frame-up by Otis and further increasing tensions.
Harriman was soon enlisted among the lawyers planning the McNamara brothers defense. This gave Harriman even more labor support and the slogan heard in L.A. was �Fight Otis, organize the city, elect a Socialist mayor--Job Harriman.�
While the court fight was raging over the McNamaras, and while the campaign was running high, Job Harriman was also promoting the Owens Valley-to-Los Angeles aqueduct. In this he, yet again, came head-to-head with Otis. Harriman believed that the citizens of Los Angeles, who were paying for the aqueduct, should profit instead of Otis, who was buying up the San Fernando Valley, a direct beneficiary from the aqueduct.
In the midst of all the battles against Otis and the anti-unionist, Harriman appeared headed to a mayoral victory, however, disaster struck days before the election when the McNamaras entered guilty pleas engineered by Otis. When the news came out voters assumed Harriman had covered up the McNamaras' guilt and deserted the Socialist Party. Harriman lost the election by 34,000 votes. The fact was the plea was entered through a partner in the case and Harriman was not aware of it or the McNamaras' guilt.
Job Harriman was a principled man and he was not easily dissuaded. In 1913 he again ran for mayor and this time he was only 800 votes short of victory.
Frustrated by his defeats at the ballot box but still optimistic, and strongly believing in the socialist cause, Harriman pursued the establishment of a utopian society, Llano del Rio. All he needed was land, water, and people.
The search for land led to the Mescal Water and Land Company, which was almost bankrupt. They owned 10,000 acres of arid high Mojave Desert northwest of Mt. Blady, between Mescal and Big Rock Creek.
Before long Harriman and five partners purchased 2,000 acres of the land for $80,000 and founded the �gateway to the future� in Llano del Rio. The land had water rights.
Ads were placed in socialistic newspapers for families who wished to join the utopian settlement. Each family was asked for $500 cash and a minimum of $2000 in personal property. The property went into a �common storehouse� to be used for the good of the entire community.
By 1914, in part due to Harriman's personal magnetism, a collection of 1,000 left-wing activists were ready to move to Antelope Valley's Llano del Rio. At first only 5 families moved but they were soon followed by other mostly living in tents. As the winter set in the tents were replaced by adobe buildings and businesses were built such as a sawmill, lime kiln, dairy, cannery, bakery, printing plant, hotel, offices, barns and houses, apiaries, and poultry yards. A school was also started that soon had 100 children.
By 1916, the organization was thriving and it was becoming the envy of farmers, businessmen, and politicians throughout California. It was so successful that the colony �imported� only 25% of its essential needs.
The first test to the utopian community came when surrounding non-community farmers started complaining that Llano del Rio was consuming more than its share of water. Llano del Rio was just growing too fast. As a result, Harriman found himself spending half his time in a tent with colonists and half his time at his office in Los Angles fighting lawsuits over water rights. Still, a bigger test to the community emerged when the Llano experiment began to falter due to squabbling about money and work assignments.
A much bigger problem than water was the fact that farmers started to complain that regardless of how hard or how long they worked they could not improve their living conditions. Reality was knocking at the door of idealism.
Still the most immediate and severe problem was water. For this reason in 1918 Harriman found a new site for utopia in Leesville, Louisiana. After a difficult move, the community endured into the mid-1930s, but for health reasons Harriman could not stay in the damp location.
After handing over matters to his associates, Job Harriman returned to Los Angeles and lived with his wife at the Melrose Hotel on Bunker Hill until his death in 1925.
Job Harriman was survived by his wife, Mary Theodosia Gray, and his son Gray Chenoweth Harriman. Mary Theodosia Gray was an accomplished woman herself having written and translasted numerous Christian books. She died March 15,1949 in San Joaquin Co, California. After his father's death, Gray Chenoweth Harriman went to work for the US State Department heading the representation to Brazil and then Uruguay. While in Brazil he married Viola Eleonora Kitching with whom, in 1931, he had a son, Gray Job Harriman. In 1934 Gray Chenoweth Harriman divorced and returned to the United State.
Sometimes it is very hard to see the forest through the trees, or visa versa. When I think of trees, having grown up in thePNW (Pacific Northwest), filled with towering firs and cedars, I think of my days as a young man working in the Aleutian Islands. There simply are no trees there. On Adak they have this stunted little patch of trees that someone planted years ago, accompanied by a little sign reading �Adak National Forest�. None are higher than 3 foot. One Sunday, a co-worker from Minnesota was hiking with me over the tundra hills. It was one of those rare clear days and the view was stunning, with the tall tundra grasses swaying in the ever present wind. He turned to me with a huge grin. �Wow! When you hike in Minnesota, you can�t see anything, only trees.�
Several times I have looked for the family of James H. Kinnear on page 75 of Cora�s book. I looked hard in 2000 when I was doing the 1880 Census. Again, I looked hard as I went going through the 1850 Census. This is a well defined family, but it cannot be found. The family of his supposed son Abraham is also well defined. By 2003, I had deleted the 2 Kinnear families from my database. Harris had also deleted these families, but said nothing as why they had been omitted. As daughter lines were commonly not continued, the natural assumption would be that they were dropped because of the criteria and not because of a lack of the ability to find these families in any Census. I looked again when doing the 1860 Census, again drawing a complete blank. Now while going though the process of doing the indexing of the Hiatt book, I looked again, while having my car serviced. Oh there are some great modern conveniences. My car dealer has wi-fi, so I no longer grumble about sitting in the waiting room. Actually it is quite nice, with a desk and someone serving mochas. This time, looking at the list, I took one of the marriages and used ancestry�s every name index. The name I happened to use was Abraham�s daughter Lucie who married Samuel Van Pelt. When I mentioned this combination later to my wife Deanna, as she rolled her eyeballs at listening to another of my genealogy stories, she exclaimed, Lucy Van Pelt, �Peanuts�. Duh. I hadn�t made this connection. I was dumbfounded. Sometimes Deanna makes connections my focused thinking does not see. The best example of this was years ago when I realized that the Kris Kistofferson in my file was the KRIS KISTOFFERSON. She had looked at the list of wives and said �Rita Coolidge�, don�t you know who that is? I was clueless.
But back to Lucie! I found her in the 1900 census with her husband Samuel living in Stuben Co., IN, right where Cora said she would be. She was born ca 1862 in Indiana. Her father was born in Ohio. That was strange. I had not looked in Ohio. She said she was married 21 years, so I should have found her in the 1880 Census. Curious, I tried the Indiana marriage listings, which are pretty good. I entered Samuel Van Pelt and only the name Lucy, omitting Kinnear. Shazam! Up came Samuel Van Pelt and Lucy Chenoweth. Chenoweth? I looked in my file and there she was, Lucy, the daughter of Abraham Chenoweth. Cora had mixed up a family replacing the name Chenoweth with Kinnear. This was way off as Abraham was the s/o Casper and his family was not in Cora�s book. Whoa. I had never looked for Samuel Van Pelt in my file as I knew I did not have Lucy Kinnear in the file any longer. There they all were, the children of Abraham Chenoweth and Jane Fisher. Examining the family of James H. Kinnear above with new eyes, I saw the son Jacob V. and thought Jacob Van Meter Chenoweth. James H. was the family of James Hackley Chenoweth, duplicated from page 55 with the name Kinnear in place of Chenoweth. The book jumps from a family of Richard(3) of Louisville to a family of William Chenoweth of Nelson Co., KY to a family of William S. of Allen Co., OH. Mystery solved. Sadly, many internet listings of the families of James H. Kinnear and his son Abraham Kinnear, religiously copied from Cora�s book, will probably be with us though the ages. Sigh!
A reunion is a gather of family members for fellowship. It is only fitting that remembrance should be paid to some of those individuals who gave us the freedom to have that fellowship. On June 27th my wife and I had that opportunity when Dignity Memorial Traveling VietNam Wall made a stop in Augusta, GA. The following individuals where located and respects were paid by us:Ding Dong! The light dawns
Peter Chenoweth, editor, Hephzibah, GA ....
Comments and Contributions Email: p.chenoweth@comcast.net
reunion distribution 44
Copyright c 2008 by Peter Chenoweth and Jon D. Egge. All Rights Reserved. Any republication of this page material for personal use requires inclusion of this copyright. Any other republication of this page material requires the express consent of the editor.
publication: Jul 23, 2008