[Menu] VOLUME 11 NUMBER 1 - MARCH 2012
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EDITOR: DAWN N. CARR - E-MAIL: yamahmomma@sbcglobal.net
WEBMASTER: JON D. EGGE - E-MAIL: jegge@chenowethsite.com
Capt. Hugh Lee Switzer (1898-1991):
John Smith recently sent Jon an email stating he had come across the Chenoweth Family website and found Captain Hugh Lee Switzer.
John Smith�s parents are Dunbar and Kathryn Smith. Dunbar and his family were stationed in Colombo, Ceylon in 1942. When the Imperial Japanese Navy threatened, Kathryn was told she had John remembers occasionally over the years how his mother would see references to Captain Switzer in the newspapers. To the day Kathryn passed away, she affectionately referred to Captain Switzer as �her hero�.
Wesport Captain Gets New Command � Master of Cargo Ship in Wartime, Switzer Now Takes Passenger Vessel (Sunday Herald � May 22, 1949 � By Russ Barmmer):> When Merchant Marine Capt. Hugh Lee Switzer of Saxon La., Wesport, stood on the bridge of his American Export Lines C-3 cargo ship, the Exceller one torrid day in July 1945, getting a birds eye view of ruined Naples as his ship was being docked at the Italian port, he perhaps little realized that less than four years later he would be docking an 18,000 tonner loaded with passengers bent on having themselves a fine time in that ancient Mediterranean port. And that is exactly what is going to happen starting next Friday.
Capt. Switzer has been named master of the S.S. LaGuardia, a converted army transport which has been taken over by the Export Lines and will start a New York to Italy 10-day express run this week.
Also, little did this reporter realize when he stood on another deck of the Exceller that same day in July, viewing the identical scene as the Captain � but from a port hole � that he would be writing about it.
I sailed on the Exceller on its first �Lights On� Atlantic voyage following VE Day, and Switzer was the captain. It was also the last ship I sailed on after three years in the Merchant Marine during World War II. My assignment was in the hottest galley ever built into a ship and the voyage, starting in June, took us to Marseilles, France and then to Naples where the Exceller was boarded by army troops being returned to the U.S. Both Switzer and the Exceller had seen plenty of action before that trip.
He was the first Merchant Marine Master to enter Algiers during the Allied invasion of North Africa in 1942.
The Exceller, loaded with 1,000 tons of dynamite, supplies and troops, was repeatedly attacked by plane and shore batteries but Capt. Switzer, on an independent command, discharged his cargo without the loss of a man or a life boat.
For this he was awarded in 1944, the highest honor given to Merchant seamen, the Merchant Marine Distinguished Service Medal.
I never got to know Capt. Switzer personally, but came in contact with him daily and in my book, I consider him one of the finest captains a seaman can serve with.
He ran the Exceller with an iron hand. He was captain and he didn�t make any bones about it. A large, solidly built fellow, he is soft spoken and definitely the tannest white man we have ever met. He was polite and cordial, but firm.
A cargo vessel, with the exception of a collier, is liable to be the dirtiest ship afloat. Switzer demanded a clean ship above and below deck and made a personal trip daily from bow to stern to make sure it was clean. Flashlight in hand he would inspect every focsle, look under every bunk for dust, and check every corner of his ship. His deck crew washed the Exceller's decks twice a day. He never interfered with any of his mates or in other departments, but he gave the orders and they were obeyed � to the letter. Some merchant marine captains fraternized with the crew � not Switzer. That way he got results.
He also has a heart. Before sailing from Naples, the �scuttlebutt� had it that the Exceller was scheduled to take the troops into the South Pacific for the Jap �invasion�.
This reporter was expecting his third son due in September, and was also expecting to be home at that time.
However, if the South Pacific trip was made, we wanted to get word home to the effect that we hadn�t been sunk and we went direct to Capt. Switzer to find out how this could be done.
The Captain listened to our request, acknowledged that the report might be true and replied:
�I assure you, if we go into the Pacific, I will see that word is sent home when we arrive at the Panama Canal. Don�t worry.�
That�s the kind of a man Capt. Switzer is, and we wish him the best of luck with his new peace time command of the S.S. LaGuardia. He�s earned it.
HUGH LEE7 SWITZER (CHARLES WILLIAMS6, GEORGE WASHINGTON5, ELIZABETH4 CHENOWETH, THOMAS3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born December 16, 1898 in Botetourt Co., VA, and died 1991.
CORA VIOLA CHENOWETH HIATT: the photograph below was copied from Cora�s link above on Find-a-Grave
Michele McNamee manages these memorials created by Natalie Herdman for Ashbrooks on the Find-A-Grave website: So far Michele had helped link up 3 of Aaron Ashbrooks children bringing the total to 6 of the 10 known children linked together.
Aaron Ashbrook & Abigail Adams Peters
Children: (linked Yet to be linked or found This is our new Editor, Dawn Carr�s Great Great Great Grandmother.
After many months of work the new Chenoweth Family Association website is now online and ready for access. It can be found at
www.Chenowethfamily.org. The Associations� heartfelt thanks go out to Nikki (Purvis) Chenoweth in Beaverton, OR for her dedicated work on getting this site up and running.
Chenowethfamily.org will provide you with information about the Association (i.e. by-laws, board of directors, incorporation, its history); information with regards to past National Reunions (photos, etc); information about the current reunion (hotel for reservations, reunion reservation form, agenda, etc); other information of importance to the Chenoweth Family as a whole.
This website should not be confused with Jon Egge's site ( www.chenowethsite.com). Jons� site will deal with the genealogical aspects of the Chenoweth family (family tree, history, DNA information, and other interesting tidbits). Past copies of the Chenoweth Family Newsletter can also be found at his site.
We are 6 months out from our 7th National Biennial Reunion. The reunion will take place 26-29 Jul 2012 at Winchester, VA. You can find more information, as well as the registration form, at the end of this newsletter. You can also download it from our new website, www.chenowethfamily.org.
At the 2006 reunion in Baltimore, MD it was voted by the general membership to have dues. Over the past 6 years no action has been taken on this item. In July 2011, I asked our Vice Chairman Dick Buchanan to head a special committee to look at this item and present to the Board of Directors and the general membership at the 2012 reunion, whether or not this item should be implemented or a motion to rescind be presented.
Three seats on the Board of Directors are open at the upcoming reunion. Joyce Wiegand and Lawra Duy have accepted the nomination to run again, while Sue Ellen Peglow has accepted the nomination to run for the third seat. Nominations will be accepted too from the floor at the general membership meeting.
IN MEMORIAM HONOR ROLL With thanks and appreciation to Dot Tucker-Houk of Maryland who makes much of this list possible each newsletter. I rely on the �cousins� to add in current info on daughter lines and I thank them for their updates. Find-a-Grave is fast becoming an important and added source for the �Honor Roll�. My spreadsheet is now 3,600 Chenoweth and 500 daughters. We have achieved a 94% identification of the SSA listings now up to 2,315. This last quarter reduced the not identified count from 135 to 134. Here are 6 we have not indentified in 2006 and 2007: age 76 - GREY JUNIOR10 CHENOWETH (TULLEY J. GREY9, JOHN TULLEY 'TULLA'8, WILLIAM WORTH7, ROBERT JAMES6, ROBERT T.5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born May 08, 1935 in Fairmont, Marion Co., WV, and died January 11, 2012 in Fairmont, Marion Co., WV. He married HELEN ELEANOR WHITE December 06, 1956 in Davis Ridge, Nicholas Co., WV. � Grey�s name was first found for me by Dave Bizer. This line is one of the oldest in the family, though the actual honor of the oldest male line falls to the descendants of Ira Stout, the older brother of Robert James.
age 54 - ROBIN TERRY 'CHICO'10 CHENOWETH (WILLARD OWEN9, BEEBE8, MARSHALL7, JOHN KITTLE6, WILLIAM PUGH5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born March 18, 1954 in Elkins, Randolph Co., WV, and died May 22, 2010 in Elkins, Randolph Co., WV. He married SUE NESTOR May 1973 in Elkins, Randolph Co., WV.
age 87 - LESTER CECIL GEE was born May 16, 1923 in Bozeman, Gallatin Co., MT, and died December 01, 2011. He married July 14, 1991 in Colorado LAVADA NADINE9 CHENOWETH (TRUMAN TIMOTHY8, DANIEL MCLEAN7, ISAAC NEWTON6, WILLIAM PUGH5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1)
age 95 - ROMONICA JASMINE CHENOWETH nee UNDERWOOD was born February 27, 1916 in Duluth, St. Louis Co., MN, and died December 28, 2011. She married September 05, 1936 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN ORAN FLAVIUS9 CHENOWETH (CHARLES FLAVIUS8, CHARLES WILBUR7, LEMUEL6, JOHN I.5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) He was born June 22, 1912 in Denver, Denver Co., CO, and died July 03, 1980 in Brown Deer, Milwaukee Co., WI.
age 86 - JOHN E. FARRINGTON, son of JOHN FARRINGTON and LEONA LACOSS, was born August 09, 1925 in Port Angeles, Clallam Co., WA, and died November 11, 2011 in Seattle, King Co., WA He married July 26, 1948 in Port Angeles, Clallam Co., WA ELSIE MAY10 GOIN (MAUDE MAY9 STALNAKER, LEANN8 DANIELS, JOHN I.7, JERUSHA6 CHENOWETH, JOHN I.5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) She was born March 06, 1926 in Lenore, Nez Perce Co., WA, and died February 14, 2005 in Bainbridge Island, Kitsap Co., WA.
age 82 - JOSEPH MARTIN10 GOIN (MAUDE MAY9 STALNAKER, LEANN8 DANIELS, JOHN I.7, JERUSHA6 CHENOWETH, JOHN I.5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born May 30, 1928 in Lenore, Nez Perce Co., WA, and died March 2011 in King Co., WA. He married BETTY JEAN FARRINGTON. She was born September 03, 1929 in Seattle, King Co., WA, and died March 03, 1995 in Port Angeles, Clallam Co., WA.
age 90 - NAOMI JEAN9 COX nee DANIELS (ICIE8 CHENOWETH, LLOYD HYRE7, EVERETT6, JEHU5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born May 07, 1919 in Gilman, Randolph Co., WV, and died April 29, 2010 in Raleigh, Wake Co., NC. She married RICHARD LEE COX, son of RICHARD COX and SARAH WOOTEN. He was born September 29, 1920, and died March 31, 2006 in Raleigh, Wake Co., NC.
age 89 - ELEANOR MAE9 FLETCHER nee CHENOWETH (ROY PERRY8, PERRY WEESE7, JOHN SKIDMORE 'JS'6, JEHU5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born May 08, 1923 in Elkins, Randolph Co., WV, and died February 05, 2012 in Elkins, Randolph Co., WV. She married (1) PAUL RUSSELL KISNER, son of SAM KISNER and BERTHA WINKLER. He was born February 09, 1921 in Elkins, Randolph Co., WV, and died October 30, 1961 in Clarksburg, Harrison Co., WV. She married (2) JAMES RUSSELL FLETCHER July 04, 1965.
age 101 - FERN ELIZABETH PARKS nee GARRETT, daughter of ELBERT GARRETT and SUSAN AMMERMON, was born October 22, 1909 in Bevier, Macon Co., MO, and died June 03, 2011 in Kansas City, Jackson Co., MO. She married September 01, 1929 LAWRENCE WAYNE9 PARKS (EMMA TRIPHINA8 CHENOWETH, JOHN BENTLY7, WILLIAM HAYCRAFT6, JACOB VAN METER5, WILLIAM4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) He was born May 01, 1908 in Kansas City, Jackson Co., MO, and died January 29, 1994 in Independence, Jackson Co., MO.
age 95 - DOROTHY ANNA8 EWY nee CHENOWETH (CLARK BRADEN7, JOSEPH STEAVEN6, JAMES HACKLEY5, WILLIAM4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born February 29, 1916 in Carmen, Noble Co., OK, and died October 20, 2011 in Noble Co., OK. She married PAUL EWY September 10, 1932, son of JOHANN EWY and SUSANNA BRUBACHER. He was born April 18, 1911 in Perry, Noble Co., OK, and died June 10, 1976 in Perry, Noble Co., OK.
age 96 - HAROLD RAY8 CHENOWETH (BENJAMIN MATTHEWS7, ROBERT ATKINSON6, JAMES HACKLEY5, WILLIAM4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born November 29, 1915 in Clinton Co., MO, and died January 01, 2012 in Kansas City, Jackson Co.,, MO. He married ROMA LAVERNE MORGAN October 30, 1934 in Lathrop, Clinton Co., MO. She was born August 31, 1916 in Bonner, KS, and died March 23, 1988 in Clinton Co., MO.
age 79 - HENRY10 MEIER (THEODORE HENRY9, ELGITHA DOROTHY 'DOT'8 VENARD, MELVINA BELLE7 CHENOWETH, JOEL6, JACOB5, WILLIAM S.4, JOHN3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born November 04, 1931 in Onondaga Co., NY, and died October 24, 2011
age 100 - MARJORIE L.9 RASMUSSEN nee HOAGLAND (GEORGIA ETHEL8 FRY, CHARLOTTE ANN7 HICKMAN, ELIZABETH JANE6 CHENOWETH, WILLIAM I.5, WILLIAM S.4, JOHN3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born April 12, 1911 in Callender, Webster Co., IA, and died January 25, 2012 in Gowrie, Webster Co., IA. She married ANOS ROY RASMUSSEN January 20, 1932 in Fort Dodge, Webster Co., IA. He was born February 17, 1910 in Callender, Webster Co., IA, and died December 21, 1993 in Gowrie, Webster Co., IA. � Wow, 2 centenarians in the same newsletter!
age 84 - GEORGE IVAN10 ROCK (MARY ESTHER9 CHENOWETH, FRANCIS OTIS 'FRANK'8, JOHN CASPER7, HEZEKIAH STITES6, CASPER5, WILLIAM S.4, JOHN3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born January 20, 1926 in Kansas City, Wyandotte Co., KS, and died November 19, 2010. He married DANILA FIOR June 05, 1949 in Trieste, ITALY, daughter of MICHELE FIOR and GUILIA CODERMAZ.
age 82 - HOBART AULT, son of LEONARD AULT and LULA REDFERN, was born January 22, 1930 in Fulton Co., IL, and died January 30, 2012 in Canton, Fulton Co., IL. He married September 23, 1950 BARBARA ELLEN9 CHENOWETH (HERMAN ADOLPH8, JAMES HENRY7, ELIAS BIRDINE6, WILLIAM5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, JOHN1)
age 85 - WILLADEAN SHUMAKER nee ADKINS was born May 26, 1926, and died December 25, 2011. She married HAROLD LLOYD9 SHUMAKER (PEARL CLIFTON8, FINLEY7, RACHEL6 CHENOWETH, JOHN5, ELIAS4, JOHN3, JOHN2, JOHN1) He was born May 18, 1922 in Novinger, Adair Co., MO, and died March 27, 1984 in Novinger, Adair Co., MO. � This line of Rachel�s family was a nice find when new found cousin Sandra Gibbon helped me extend this line � see this month�s webmaster article: �Revisiting lists: Rachel marries her sister�s brother-in-law�.
�Revisiting lists: Rachel marries her sister�s brother-in-law
age 86 - MARY JANE9 CHAMBERS CHAMBERS nee CHENOWITH (GRANT IRVING8, JOHN P.7, JOHN P.6, THOMAS5, JAMES FRANCIS4, THOMAS3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born December 18, 1925 in Huntington Co., IN, and died January 03, 2012 in Fort Wayne, Allen Co., IN. She married DAVID A. CHAMBERS February 01, 1948 in Tippecanoe Co., IN. He was born February 07, 1926 in Toledo, Stark Co., OH, and died August 05, 2007 in Fort Wayne, Allen Co., IN.
age 79 - ROBERT D. 'BOB'9 LUNINGHAM (CLARA JANE8 CHENOWITH, JAMES GARRISON7, JOHN P.6, THOMAS5, JAMES FRANCIS4, THOMAS3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born June 14, 1933 in Crow Mt., Pope Co., AR, and died November 27, 2011 in Arkansas. He married BARBARA POTTS July 04, 1955. She died September 28, 1990. � Bob was one of the website cousins, signing in 2003. We were finally able to place this line by DNA. I am still amazed.
age 90 - BETTY MARIE CHENOWITH nee YOUNKER, daughter of FRED YOUNKER and ABIGAIL GIBSON, was born August 07, 1921 in North Hollywood, Los Angeles Co., CA, and died November 23, 2011 in California. She married April 06, 1948 in Clark Co., NV EARNEST FRANKLIN9 CHENOWITH (ERNEST FRANKLIN 'FRANK'8, HENRY NELSON7, NELSON HENRY6, JOSEPH5, NICHOLAS4, JOHN3, RICHARD2, JOHN1) He was born August 02, 1923 in Grove, Delaware Co., OK, and died February 16, 2006 in California.
age 94 - BERTTIE9 LINDSEY (ADA BEULAH8 BROOKS, ORLENA CAROLINE7 CHENOWETH, WILLIAM H. 'WILLIS'6, NICHOLAS HALE5, NICHOLAS4, JOHN3, RICHARD2, JOHN1) was born March 06, 1916, and died April 13, 2010. She married RAYO W. CHASTINE. He was born March 06, 1914, and died May 15, 1984. � Find-a-Grave helped resolve this Brooks marriage of William�s daughter Orlena and helped add in 44 family members.
age 76 - DONALD EUGENE10 BROWNING (RUBY9 BROOKS, THOMAS OTTO8, ORLENA CAROLINE7 CHENOWETH, WILLIAM H. 'WILLIS'6, NICHOLAS HALE5, NICHOLAS4, JOHN3, RICHARD2, JOHN1) was born August 31, 1934 in Missouri, and died November 25, 2010 in Greene Co., MO. He married (2) EARLENE MASSTON. She was born July 31, 1947, and died May 07, 2009.
age 81 - MILDRED LILLIAN TOMLINSON nee GODSCHALK was born May 16, 1929 in Connecticut, and died July 26, 2010 in Huntington, Cabell Co., WV. She married DONALD W.10 TOMLINSON (HUGH D.9, HARLEY G.8, MARY ANN 'POLLY'7 BAKER, SARAH6 BAXTER, WILLIAM5, SARAH4 CHENOWETH, ARTHUR3, ARTHUR2, JOHN1) He was born August 24, 1919 in Columbus, Franklin Co., OH, and died April 30, 1991 in West Virginia.
age 93 - REGINALD FOCH 'RED'9 CHENOWETH (LEO 'WHEELER'8, CHRISTIAN EBBY 'CHRIS'7, WILLIAM COLUMBUS 'LUM'6, WILLIAM THOMAS5, WILLIAM4, ARTHUR3, ARTHUR2, JOHN1) was born August 28, 1918 in Randolph Co., IN, and died December 06, 2011 in Winchester, Randolph Co., IN. He married HAZEL LENORA BALDWIN December 25, 1943 in Winchester, Randolph Co., IN, daughter of CLYDE BALDWIN and ELSIE HALE. She was born October 19, 1917 in Randolph Co., IN, and died December 04, 2006 in Winchester, Randolph Co., IN.
age 89 - JANE MINNIE CHINWORTH nee MCCONNELL, daughter of ARWID MCCONNELL and HELEN RICHARDS, was born November 24, 1922 in Warsaw, Kosciusko Co., IN, and died February 25, 2012 in Warsaw, Kosciusko Co., IN. She married December 25, 1943 in Warsaw, Kosciusko Co., IN JOHN LEWIS8 CHINWORTH (ROBERT LEWIS7, WILLIAM H.6, ROBERT S.5, ARTHUR4, ARTHUR3, ARTHUR2, JOHN1) He was born August 20, 1920 in Kosciusko Co., IN, and died December 20, 1979 in Daytona Beach, Volusia Co., FL.
age 72 - ELEANOR HAZEL CHENOWETH nee RUCKER, daughter of LEONARD and HAZEL RUCKE, was born August 23, 1939 in Port Arthur, Jefferson Co., TX, and died December 19, 2011 in Silsbee, Hardin Co., TX. She married July 03, 1976 in Port Arthur, Jefferson Co., TX and later divorced ROBERT DWIGHT 'BOB'9 CHENOWETH (HARRY ROBERT8, CHARLES ERNEST7, ROBERT BEATTY6, JOHN WESLEY5, JOHN4, JOHN3, ARTHUR2, JOHN1)
age 56 - KEVIN DUDLEY 'LEE'10 CHENOWETH (JAMES RUSSELL9, JAMES ABRAM 'JIM'8, GEORGE WASHINGTON7, ROBERT BEATTY6, JOHN WESLEY5, JOHN4, JOHN3, ARTHUR2, JOHN1) was born September 29, 1955 in Saginaw, Saginaw Co., MI, and died November 06, 2011 in Saginaw Co., MI. He married (1) KIMBERLY ANNE 'KIM' ADDIT He married (2) ROXANN HEINKEL
age 76 - DAVID WILLIAM9 GESSFORD (JOHN BENTLEY8, JAMES WILLIAM7, THOMAS CHENOWORTH6, ANN ELIZABETH 'ELIZA'5 CHENOWETH, THOMAS4, THOMAS3, ARTHUR2, JOHN1) was born May 28, 1935 in Provo, Utah Co., UT, and died January 07, 2012. He married SANDRA MARIE BALE Abt. 1959, daughter of ROBERT BALE and MARIE SACKETT. � This is a relatively new line to the database in the narrow line of Artthur�s son Thomas. See this month�s article �A most interesting letter�.
age 83 - VIRGINIA A. CHENOWETH nee MCCULLOUGH was born September 30, 1928 in Pottsville, Schuylkill Co., PA, and died November 05, 2011 in San Diego, San Diego Co., CA. She married EMORY STANILAUS9 CHENOWETH (WILLIAM WALLACE8, WILLIAM WALLACE7, WILLIAM JOHN6, RICHARD B.5, WILLIAM4, RICHARD3, ARTHUR2, JOHN1) was born November 15, 1926 in Baltimore Co., MD, and died July 03, 2000.
age 89 - MARY KATHERINE CHENOWETH nee BLANTON was born November 30, 1922 in Ashland, Boyd Co., KY, and died December 15, 2011 in Springfield, Clark Co., OH. She married April 16, 1977 in Clark Co., OH PAUL FRANCIS8 CHENOWETH (FRANCIS MILROY 'ROY'7, ABSOLUM E.6, JOSEPH5, ABSALOM4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) He was born June 11, 1920 in Xenia, Greene Co., OH, and died March 25, 1995 in Fairborn, Greene Co., OH. - She was previously married to an Akers and a Frantz
age 90 - MARTHA JEAN CHENOWETH nee HARDEN was born August 01, 1921, and died January 02, 2012 in Montgomery Co., OH. She married WILLIAM F.7 CHENOWETH (WILLIAM RHICE6, JOHN WILLIAM5, WILLIAM4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) He was born March 15, 1928 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., OH, and died July 03, 2008 in Montgomery Co., OH.
age 77 - NORMAN WALKER8 CHENOWETH (WILBERT NORMAN7, FORREST NORMAN6, JOHN WILLIAM5, WILLIAM4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born November 13, 1934 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., OH, and died November 28, 2011. He married Marian
age 90 - JESSIE B.7 SHEPHERD nee CHENOWETH (JOHN WILLIAM6, MILTON T.5, WILLIAM4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born February 11, 1921 in Clinton Co., OH, and died January 10, 2012 in Waynesville, Warren Co., OH. She married JAMES C. SHEPHERD. He was born October 07, 1923, and died December 10, 1988 in Wilmington, Clinton Co., OH.
age 75 - HUEY LEON AILLS was born January 03, 1935, and died September 24, 2010 in Ohio. He married ESTHER JANE9 CRAWFORD (NORA8 CHENOWETH, ARIS ELMER 'HORACE'7, JOHN LAWRENCE6, THOMAS BENJAMIN5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, JOHN1)
age 76 - NORMA FAY9 CATRON nee CHENOWETH (JOHN JEWELL8, FLOYD JAY7, RICHARD ADDISON6, URIAH5, RICHARD4, RICHARD3, THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born May 16, 1935 in Independence, Jackson Co., MO, and died December 13, 2011 in Lee's Summit, Jackson Co., MO. She married RONALD DEAN CATRON June 21, 1953 in Bates Co., MO.
age 70 - JANICE SUE9 WARDLOW nee CHENOWETH (IRVING E.8, IRVING EVERETT7, RICHARD ADDISON6, URIAH5, RICHARD4, RICHARD3, THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born January 02, 1940 in Kansas City, Jackson Co., MO, and died September 25, 2010 in Jenks, Tulsa Co., OK. She married (1) JOHN WESLEY SINGLETON. She married (2) GEAN WARDLOW.
age 72 - SANDRA KAY9 MCLANE nee VIOREL (DOROTHA LEE 'DEE'8 FARRAR, FORREST WILLIAM7, WILLIAM HENRY6, MALINDA HORATIO5 CHENOWETH, JOHN FOSTER4, ELIJAH3, THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born December 28, 1938, and died April 04, 2011 in California. She married (1) BILLY MILLER She married (2) LARRY OKNOWSKY He was born January 14, 1935, and died June 14, 2009. She married (3) JOSEPH COOPER She married (4) BILL MCLANE
age 97 - HAROLD LAWRENCE8 YANCEY (EDITH ALICE7 BETHERS, SARAH ISABEL6 WOOD, JOSEPH C.5, RACHEL4 CHENOWETH, ELIJAH3, THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born May 31, 1913 in Merlin, Josephine Co., OR, and died February 17, 2011. He married (1) HAZEL OPHELIA GREEN February 14, 1935 in Bend. Deschutes Co., OR, daughter of FRANK GREEN and FLORINDA YADON. She was born September 02, 1916 in Liberal, Seward Co., KS, and died October 12, 1940 in Klamath Falls, Klamath Co., OR. He married (2) VERIL JANE SOUTHARD November 15, 1941 in Eugene, Lane Co., OR, daughter of SAMUEL SOUTHARD and IDA BALDWIN. She was born September 23, 1909 in New Meadows, Adams Co., ID, and died September 24, 1995 in Eugene, Lane Co., OR. He married (3) JOYCE PAULINE KING May 20, 2000 in Nampa, Canyon Co., ID
age 67 - DENNIS ROBISON was born March 15, 1944, and died January 15, 2012 in Franklin Co., OH. He married PATTY PAULENE8 CHENOWETH (HALFORD MAHLMAN7, HOWARD GLEN6, JOSEPH HILL5, ELIJAH4, ELIJAH3, THOMAS2, JOHN1)
age 90 - IOLA CELESTA CHENOWETH nee ERICKSON was born April 27, 1919 in Jackson Co., WI, and died January 21, 2012. She married September 10, 1942 in Sparta, WI CHARLES FRANKLIN3 CHENOWETH (HENRY PEARCE2, JOHN CHARLES1)
Chenoweths on Facebook The Chenoweth Family is on Facebook! The page was created by Gay Thomson and managed by Sumer Dawn Chenoweth. When I found it one morning in the Spring of 2011, it then had 90 members and now 124. Benjamin Franklin Chenoweth Benjamin was in the Civil War. He and his 3 brothers joined at the same time, July 4 1862. Benjaman was assignd to Co. F, 70th Reg. Ill. Volunteer Infantry, 20 yrs old. He took a severe cold from exposure as they camped without tents or blankets. He was to have eye afflictions the rest of his life. He mustered out on Oct 3, 1862. In 1900, he lived in Mountain Barry Mo., with his Wife Nancy E., three boys, John William, George Edgar, David Hiram and John W Palmer, Nancy's Father. In the same town, lived Telitha C. Stone King, Doty, Cora P. King, Rosanna King (Father Cyrus L King) and Clarence Oscar Doty. David married Rossana. George married Cora P. King, in Cassville Barry Mo. Dec 12, 1900. Benjaman died and all the family moved to Oklahoma. Benjaman's family are all buried in Hinton cemetery, Hinton Ok. including Oscar Doty and John W Palmer. except David and Rosanna they are buried in Wheatland Ok. Oh! I forgot Earl F. Chenoweth, George and Cora's first born, he was born in Cassville Barry Mo. Oct 17, 1901-d.1958 in Mobile Alabama. (As written on Find-A-Grave.)
I want to thank Sumer for doing this, a project I envisioned but had no energy to do. Looking at some of the names, it appears the site has helped a few cousins find us. That is a good thing. So if you do Facebook, you might want to join up and see pictures of all your cousins. Always something new under the sun. A linl to the URL is Chenoweth Family on Facebook. Of course you have to sign up with facebook. So far I haven't had the time, but I have used my wife Deanna's page to peek.
A Window To The Past One Christmas Holiday while visiting family in Louisiana (approx. 2005), I received an email from a genealogy buff, Jon Egge, who spearheads the Family History of the Chenoweth Family in southern Ohio. We crossed paths a couple of years prior when I saw his family website and knew that one of his relatives married into our family. Hannah Chenoweth Blackstone is the mother of our Great Grandfather Abraham.
Anyway, Jon emailed to tell me that one of their extensive family members in Minnesota came across some old pictures that he bought a couple of weeks prior at a garage sale. He said one of the pictures had the name Abe Blackstone written on back and mentioned that he recalled Jon mentioning having dialogue with a Blackstone some months prior. Anyway, he was kind enough to get it scanned and emailed to me. Since then it has been sitting in a computer file. Here is the image that I received:
This raises some obvious questions: A couple of things seem to provide clues: So now you be the judge? Is it or is it not one of our ancestors? Is it our Great Grandfather? We know that even today there are not very many Blackstone�s in the US and there likely are a whole lot fewer in the mid 1800�s.
Without the internet and being able to communicate with other genealogy aficionadas, we would never have come across this link.
Pretty compelling!
Submitted by Tom Blackstone � 29 Jan 2012
A Blackstone Family History In America Below is a brief history on Bainbridge/Chillicothe followed by an excerpt from Leota Moler�s booklet on the Blackstone Family History in America, which includes the Chenoweth connection.
Bainbridge Township: Bainbridge Township�s history starts with the McConoughey family�s trek from Blandford, Massachussetts in 1811, six years before the township was founded. After their 600-mile trip, they arrived to become the first residents of Bainbridge. Their cabin in the southeast corner of Bainbridge marked the beginning of the township. Other families followed them in turn, and Bainbridge grew into a sparsely populated farming community.
Bainbridge�s first road was created from an old American Indian trail which was widened, creating a gravel lane named Chillicothe Road. This made the area much more accessible to the pioneers of the day. By 1817, the township�s population was 72, and the township�s government was established. Bainbridge was named after a popular naval hero of the war of 1812, Commodore William Bainbridge. He commanded the USS Constitution, better known as �Old Ironsides�.
Auburn was part of the Bainbridge territory, but was separated a year later for unknown reasons. In 1820, the census count was 199, and in the next thirty years the population rose to 1,014. By 1940, the population had reached 1,563.
While Chillicothe was the main road of the day.
THOMAS BLACKSTONE 18 (John 17, Thos. 16, Thos. 15, John 14, John 13, George 12, Rev. Marmaduke 11, John 10, Thos. 9, Wm 8, Thos. 7, Wm. 6, Nicholas 5, Wm. 4, Wm. 3, Roger 2, Hugo 1) was the sixth son of John and Jemima, and a brother of Dr. William who was previously mentioned. Unlike his father, Thomas did not wander far from home. He was born, lived, died, and was buried, all within a one mile radius of the town of Bainbridge, Ohio. When he married on December 30, 1832, at the age of twenty-two, his bride, Hannah, was the daughter of another pioneer family from nearby � the tenth child of Abraham Chenoweth and Rebecca Kerr. Hannah, like Thomas, had been raised in a large family having, as she did, six sisters and seven brothers.
At the time of his marriage, Thomas bought a small piece of land on the Milford and Chillicothe turnpike, between the bridge and the railroad crossing. (History of Ross County, p.322). This farm was near his father�s homestead. To this small piece he added piece after piece until at the time of his death, he owned a large fertile farm. (Obituary) The farm itself was of archeological and historical interest. On it, as well as on the land owned by Robert Dill which adjoined it, were located a number of Indian mounds or �defensive works� as they were referred to in the History of Ross and Highland Counties (p.319) where they are described as follows:
��vestiges, distinct enough to be readily recognized, remain of but two portions of the work, viz: a square on the farm of Mr. Dill, enclosing about twenty-seven acres, and a circle on Mr. Blackstone�s land, embracing seventeen acres; these two are but outworks flanking at either side a fortification of about fifty-five acres and extending to its farthest point about two thousand feet from each of the others. In the center of the largest work which is nearly circular in form, is the largest mound in the valley� what ever purpose of their construction, certain it is that they were for shelter. They were usually of arched form, not high enough to allow of a man standing erect within them� and they were almost invariably on the line of the well-known paths, followed by deer and other large game��
Some of these mounds still remain today (1981) in spite of years of cultivation in the area.
As the father of a growing family, Thomas interested himself in educational matters. In the pioneer days of Paxton Township, subscription schools were started to provide a basic education for children of the community in the absence of public schools. The quarters for these schools were rustic, and the teachers� preparation was simple, but they found no lack of pupils during the short winter days. Thomas Blackstone opened a school in his own home where he taught for many years. (History of Ross County, p.324). He thus became the first of a long line of teachers in the westward moving Blackstone family.
Like his father before him, Thomas was a religious man. He early united with the Methodist Episcopal Church, attending services in the small brick building across from the cemetery, which was the original M.E. Church in Bainbridge. It is now used by the African Methodist Church (1981). However, the Reverend R.I. DeSelm mentioned in his obituary that about 1860, Thomas had severed his connection with the church for some unknown cause, although he continued, as before, to give it financial support. He was also a member of The Royal Arch Chapter of Bainbridge Lodge No. 196 F. and A.M., which lodge published a tribute to him at the time of his death. (Parker Notebook)
Hannah died on January 3, 1868. A year later, in June, 1869, Thomas married Mrs. Mary Dungan, who was with him when he died at the age of seventy-four, on July 30, 1882. Both Hannah and Thomas, as well as their daughter Susana, are buried in the Bainbridge Cemetery.
Issue of Thomas and Hannah Blackstone Although the birth of all the children of Thomas and Hannah Chenoweth Blackstone have been recorded, further information about some of the family members is lacking. Nevertheless, it appears that most of the sons and daughters, with the exception of Abraham, remained in the Bainbridge, Ohio vicinity.
(The following e-mails have been received from members of the family. Comments, articles, questions and other items for this newsletter are always appreciated.-editor) Jon, I so admire you for all you do for all of us. I just felt a need to say that!
28 Dec 2011
Bill, Thank you Jon for the splendid newsletter � just by glancing through I know it will be a splendid read. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and may the New Year be filled with many Blessings�..and to go read.
28 Dec 2011
Mary, Jon, Thank you so much for your efforts! I hope you had a warm and wonderful Christmas and are ready to take on a new year. I�m retiring at last in February, so may be a more active researcher once I get my wife�s list of chores under my belt. Best wishes.
28 Dec 2011
Greg, Year: 1900; Census Place: Port Townsend Ward 2, Jefferson, Washington, Roll: T623_1743; Page: 10A: Enumeration District: 50 I then found your 1900 Census listing in Seattle:
Year: 1900; Census Place: Seattle Ward 8, King, Washington; Roll: T623_1745; Page: 13A; Enumeration District: 113.
Roomers Ellen Ware 50; Ida Ware 40; Della Ames 5; Sam Hamilton 46; L J Smith 21; roomers Joseph Conway Mar 1858-VT (IRE CAN) roomer Rose Conway Oct 1869-WA (MD MO) married 2 child 1/1 Son Conway Nov 1898-WA (VT WA)
Though there are small differences, I am sure they are the same people as Joseph Conway is a Mill Supt in both. I then looked at the 1880 census for John Sheehan and sure enough he has a daughter Rose:
Year: 1880; Census Place: Port Townsend, Jefferson, Washington; Roll: 1396; Family History Film: 1255396; Page: 206B; Enumeration District: 030. So this is all wrong. I am not sure where the mistake happened. Whatever happened to Mary Rose Gormerly is she did not marry Joseph Conway and not this Stillson� Sorry, but this is a bust and I feel bad about it. � Jon Egge. Jon,
You and cousin Jen Lane Smith, have helped me so very much in finding out more about my 5x great-grandmother Phoebe Ann Ashbrook, who married Thomas Tucker, Jr. Phoebe�s parents were Levi Ashbrook and Mary Chenoweth. Phoebe�s daughter Amelia Tucker, married Samuel B. Ingram � thus began the Ingram line in Illinois and then on to Texas where so many of the Ingram�s now reside � many of them right near me!
A blessed and Happy New Year to you and again, a warm �THANK YOU�.
29 Dec 2011
Donna, Hi Jon,
29 Dec 2011
Michele, Dear Jon,
I apologize for asking for your time for such a trivial matter. Thanks for any help that you can give.
29 Dec 2011
Charles, Are you planning to update the Chenoweth site in the near future?
29 Dec 2011
Darrell, Dear Jon,
Our family gathered at our son�s house near Baltimore for Christmas and, while out for a walk, we visited a nearby historical graveyard (dating back to early 1700�s), where we saw many headstones with the name Chenoweth. The name of the town is Lutherville, MD. Do you have these folks in your database?
Well, I know that there are Chenoweths in the Carrolls-Gills United Methodist Church in Lutherville, but the oldest one I know is Sater�s Baptist Historical Church Cemetery in Timonium, which has a lot of the family of William and Amy.
Happy New Year.
29 Dec 2011
Dear Mr. Egge,
From: Ben Speros:
ID: P2313393443
Sources: 31 Dec 2011
Paul, Dear Peter and Jon,
We have several writeups of the Chenoweth family that are related to me (Mary). Would be glad to bring copies. You, Jon, helped us find the grave of Sarah Chenoweth Haines Louthan near Arcola, Illinois. We put a grave marker on it to tell some of her history. The cemetery company lined up the graves as we saw them listed in an old cemetery book. It is a pretty place back from the road.
Thanks for any information you can send.
3 January 2012
John, Good morning Jon,
I thought I should take time to tell you who I am and the form my research has taken. At the present time, I�m working on my father�s father�s side (the Morith family) and my father�s mother�s side (the Taylor�s). This side are all late immigrants to the US. My mother�s side (the Daugherty�s, the Shields�, the Burroughs�, the Hedges� and many more) were all early immigrants to the US. The earliest in 1608 on the first resupply ships to the Jamestown Colony. I have accumulated a great deal of information.
I grew up in Kentucky and attended the University of Kentucky for 2 years. Then on a bright sunny morning with nothing planned, I stopped at a friend�s house. Another friend was there talking, sitting on their cars, about joining the Air Force. Since I lived in a rural county, I knew that my draft number was about to be called, so it sounded like a good idea. We went into the Air Force through the aviation cadet program. I spent 2 years in navigational training. Finally sent to Kansas where I was a navigator on a B-47. Discharged in 1959 and back to college at Kansas State University. Graduated with a degree in Architectural Engineering. Then on to Alexandria, Virginia where I�ve been since 1967.
I got interested in genealogy as a result of my mother�s interest. After she died, I inherited the accumulated. My organization and reasons are different from most peoples. I started with my mother and father as a generation 1 and as most do, worked back. The difference is in each generation I have tried to gather as much information as possible about that generation, including all the siblings and their spouses. The next generation I researched only the person in my direct line.
My intent is to try and find out not only who they were, but what they did and see if I can establish the immigration paths and when the various families came together.
This is why the Chenoweth Family Newsletter has been interesting to me. The article with regards to the Mary�s Rev. Levi Ashbrook and the 3 Johns are of particular interest.
I do enjoy the articles you have written. Many Thanks.
24 Jan 2012
Tom, John Ashbrook and Mary Chenoweth, part of the earliest cousin marriages in the family, form quite a branch in the tree and on that still has areas undeveloped. My file runs 27 pages, so that is maybe 1,600 people at 60 names a page. I have 9 children and 9 marriages! That is a great start of a tree. So, 9 children turn into 31 grandchildren, 144 great greats. Most of it is Kentucky, but it goes to Illinois and Wisconsin with singles or doubles into Iowa, Indiana, Kansas, Nebraska, Ohio and Tennessee. Like a drop in a pool that starts rippling out, but more than a single drop, it is a perpetual generator, that keeps pumping family across the country crossing and recrossing other family stories because the John Ashbrook line is 4th generation and there are 139 of these fourth generation lines and most of them traceable. So you have say 110 or more drops in different locations that all each radiating across the pond and rippling across one another. How could I not find this fascinating.
I am 9 years younger than you, so I should hardly be complaining about the aging process, but I can see I am losing the abilities I once had and I am not happy about it. My own brief history was finding myself in my 5th year of college, having changed majors from electrical engineering to construction manager, being subject to the Vietnam draft, which I avoided by going there as a construction engineer for RMK-BRJ doing the first billion dollar construction project in history, in the Vietnam theater, building everything from roads, runways, ports, power planes, hospitals, barracks, you name it, we built it. I started out as a cog and a cost engineer and ended the department head in 2 years time. I stayed three years and came home. My genealogy adventure started 25 years later, and I have been doing it for 17 years as a �2nd career�.
It is good to hear that people enjoy the articles I stew over in a moment of interest, because I sure enjoy telling the tales!. � Jon Egge. Dear Peter,
24 Jan 2012
Thanks again if you could give me any hints.
First, Thank you for contacting us. I don't have you in my file, so perhaps you would indulge me by getting connected. Eugene Albert 'Bucky' Edgett, III At the end of February year 2010, Charles Burton of Maryland contacted me regarding the marriage of Ann Elizabeth Chenoweth in Baltimore on January 02, 1830 to William Gessford. This marriage has sat in our unknown marriage file since Richard Harris started the list. Buck believed that Ann was the daughter Ann Eiza mentioned in the will of Thomas, Jr. who died on July 31, 1846 in Baltimore City. [The text of Buck�s letter was included in the March 2010 newsletter]. Much has been written on this Thomas who was melded by Cora Hiatt with his father to become the 106 year old Thomas. Careful research of Baltimore records has sorted the two families out to their true structure, but both sets of children were hard to evolve. In the case of Thomas Sr., many marriages were known but only the family of Thomas, Jr. could be traced. Dorinda Shepard has added other probable line of one granddaughter Ann Elizabeth Doll, daughter of a Mary Chenoweth who married an unknown Doll. Dorinda had traced the records back to find that Mary Doll was Mary Chenoweth and for a time lived with her sister Elizabeth who had married Eli Griffith. These were two daughters of Thomas.
Turning to Thomas, Jr., the Chenoweth histories only identify the line of the son Oliver Buckman Chenoweth. Pete identified marriage for most of these children and subsequent research has proven some and confirmed others to be highly probable. In the case of Ann Eliza mentioned first in the will, Pete had thought this might be the marriage of an Elizabeth Ann to Andrew Carter on 4 Jul 1847-Baltimore, MD. These people have never been found. Chuck�s letter proposed a different solution and one that seems to have more merit. Part of the problem we face with identifying what happened to the children of Thomas, Jr., was outside of Oliver Buchman we had no ages to go on, only a reasonable range. More over we had no real way to divide the children between the two wives, Deborah Buckman and Elizabeth Airey, except by their age. The Gessford family is traceable and Chuck had a good start on the developing the line. There was a previously un recognized in the 1850 Census, a carpenter, Thomas Gessford, age 19 is living with Thomas Chenoweth and Emily McCubbins, the presumed continuation for Thomas, III in the 17th ward. The Gessfords are in the 8th ward and have a son, Thomas, age 18, a carpenter. This tie-in is a good indicator that Chuck had the right marriage for Eliza.
In our back and forth, I suggested to Buck that he check to see if any futher information could be found in the form of estate papers. A few weeks later, Buck came back with the fact that indeed the name of William Gessford was mentioned as a suretor. Though not direct proof, that the William Gessford who married Ann Eliza Chenoweth was part of the estate records of Thomas confirms Buck�s original supposition.
Making this correction pointed out another bad assumption that we made in regard to the family of Thomas, Jr. We had added a child named Priscilla who married William Clemn Dogged based on the 1850 census wherein Priscella is found lighting with a widowed Elizabeth Chenoweth who appeared to be the widow of Thomas. I now feel that is incorrect. Priscilla not named in the will and she and her mother Elizabeth need to be sent back to the swollen pile of unknown Baltimore lines.
A year after I wrote this article, Dot sent me the obit of David William Gessford, noting his brother was named Fred Chenoworth Gessford. It did not take me long to trace this back to Thomas Chenoworth Gessford, the 2nd son of Ann Elizabeth as developed in the 1850 Census. To my chagrin, I realized that I have not entered much of the data on this interesting family that Charles �Buck� Burton introduced us to last Spring. Updating the 1870 Census, this third generation line of Thomas the son of Arthur jump from 9 to 13 families found moving it from the 3rd smallest of the 39 third generation lines we track to tie for the 6th smallest; still thin, yes, but at least gaining weight.
ANN ELIZABETH 'ELIZA'5 CHENOWETH (THOMAS4, THOMAS3, ARTHUR2, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1812 in Maryland, and died May 08, 1853 in Baltimore City, MD. She married WILLIAM GESSFORD January 02, 1830 in Baltimore Co., MD. He was born Abt. 1810 in ENGLAND, and died October 16, 1891 in Washington, DC.
Children of ANN CHENOWETH and WILLIAM GESSFORD are: In an earlier article, I set forth the little we knew of the family of Sarah Chenoweth, daughter of Arthur�s son John, who married Joseph Taylor and went to Fayette Co., PA. One of the problems has been that we never have found a record which names all the children. This month, I was contacted by Doug Urayama of California, who, after finding our material on the Taylors, believed that his ancestor Hannah Cromwell Taylor was another of Sarah�s children. Not only was the name a natural fit, Hannah Cromwell being Sarah�s mother, but her age and location in Union Township of Fayette Co. agreed with what we had on the Taylors. Doug had keyed into something I had overlooked. Though I had known the Taylors were in Fayette Co. I had neglected to pick up on the statement that the son Richard had been born in Union Town, PA. I had gleaned this bit of information in a 1900 Census where Richard�s son, Sarah�s grandson, had stated in the Census, while living in Cincinnati, that he was born in this specific place. This sort or detail is a rare find in the Census. When I looked at it after Doug queried me, I saw to my surprise that the 1790, 1800, and 1810 Census all had one family household for a Joseph Taylor that lived in Union Township. The family size and ages were consistent with it being the same family growing through 20 years. We know by John�s Will written in 1814, that his daughter Sarah was alive at that time. The family was bigger than the names we had. In 1790, there seems to be a son and daughter with a man and wife. In 1800, the family had grown to 6 with the addition of 3 sons and the disappearance of the daughter, who was likely too young to have married and may have died. These 3 sons may well be the John, Richard and William we had acquired basically through DAR records. In 1810, the family has grown to 12 with 3 or 4 new sons and 2 daughters. These daughters appear to be Rachel and the newly suggested Hannah. We do not know the names of the additional sons. One of the older sons appears to have a wife as an older female appears when no daughters were present in 1800. It could be that this was the daughter missing in 1800. John is old enough to have taken a wife. It could be that a few of the new children are his, but as he is about 20, certainly not all of them would be attributed to a new family. There is also another Joseph aged between 16 and 25 living in a separate household in Union Township. The family is not there in 1820 and I have not yet traced them to where they went. It appears from later Censuses they were still in Pennsylvania. Tthe next generation [6th as Sarah is 5th], at least the ones we know, would go to scattered places in Ohio.
Our new addition, Hannah married Ellis Yarnell and had 8 children, we have the names of 7 who are all found in the 1850 Census in Ohio. The oldest daughter may have been married, but we do not know to whom. Specifically, Hannah and Ellis were in Licking Co. with 5 of the children and two of the boys were in nearby Muskingum Co. learning the printing trade. Ten years later they were in Fulton Co., IL, a county well populated with Chenoweths from William, the son of John IV of Washington Co., IN. With the help of Doug�s posted ancestry tree, the family has blossomed in to 2 pages of descendant�s detail, making Hannah�s line the best developed tree of any of the 5 now assumed children. Three of Hannah�s sons later went to California and Thomas Jesse Yarnell eventually took over the L.A. Times. A blurb about him can be found in In an Wikipedia. Younger children are often easier to trace because more of their lives enter the era of the modern Censuses beginning in 1850. I am in debt to Doug for finding us and assisting me in developing more of the Taylor family. I am always hopeful that we will find more in the future.
HANNAH CROMWELL5 TAYLOR (SARAH 'SALLY'4 CHENOWETH, JOHN3, ARTHUR2, JOHN1) was born 1803 in Fayette Co., PA. She married ELLIS YARNELL, son of JASPER YARNELL and MARGARET HANKS. He was born 1805 in Berks Co., PA, and died February 24, 1870
Children of HANNAH TAYLOR and ELLIS YARNELL are: While we�re on the subject, I must mention how frustrating it has been trying to fill out the families of Hannah�s siblings. Take for example Hannah�s brother, Richard Cromwell Taylor, we know he married Eliza Early and in 1850 and 1860 they are found in Clermont Co., OH with 10 children. Eliza apparently died in 1861 and is buried in the Lindale Cemetery. I found Richard�s grave in the Monroe cemetery, Miami Co., OH, giving his DOD as June 12, 1871. I think he may have remarried as there is a similar aged Richard living in Montgomery Co., OH in the 1870 Census with a wife Nancy. As Montgomery Co. abuts Miami Co. this makes sense. Yet little is known of what happened to the children other than the two youngest Caroline A. 'Carrie' and Richard Evans Taylor. Both are found in Hamilton Co. just to the west of Clermont in Cincinnati. Carrie married first to a Charles R. Dunbar. They are never found together in a Census. Carrie had a daughter Mabel Dunbar. What we know is that Carrie married to a much older William Woods in the 1880s and died in Cincinnati on January 14, 1926. Her burial card says she was born in Mt. Amelia, PA which returns no match on Google. Her daughter Mabel died 6 years later, having married Samuel H. Taft without issue. Mabel�s husband Samuel was a brother to Emma Josephine Taft who married Carrie�s brother Richard Evans Taylor, the youngest of Richard and Eliza�s children. They would have 7 children, but only two are known to have married and just one of these, Edwin Gordon Taylor, had issue, two daughters, Virginia and Barbara. The family is living in Chicago in the 1920 and 1930 Censuses. Of the other 8 children of Richard and Eliza, we have one other marriage, that for Maria Taylor who married William E. Dibble and went to Canada where she had a son Harvey. With the other 7, Sarah Ann, Mary Jane, Esther, Joseph S, John, Eliza, and Ruth, they simply vanish from sight. My bumbling searches on these children have led nowhere.
RICHARD CROMWELL5 TAYLOR (SARAH 'SALLY'4 CHENOWETH, JOHN3, ARTHUR2, JOHN1) was born August 15, 1795 in Uniontown, Fayette Co., PA, and died June 12, 1871 in Ohio. He married ELIZA EARLY. She was born Abt. 1802 in Pennsylvania, and died 1861 in Clermont Co., OH.
Children of RICHARD TAYLOR and ELIZA EARLY are: Richard�s brother William Cromwell Taylor is a little better. In the 1850 Census he appears in Pickaway Co., OH with his 2nd wife Phebe. There are 6 children, 2 by his first wife Mary Easter who died in 1825 probably in Pennsylvania and 4 by Phebe. Phebe died on November 25, 1855 in Knox Co., IL. William apparently remarried, a third time to a Mrs. Catharine Hallock. They are found in Knox Co. in 1860 and 1870. Yet we only know of one marriage for the 6 children, and likely there were more children than this from William�s first marriage. Hannah Taylor married Samuel Rowe on November 05, 1843, a conection added by Bill Swanson, a descendant cousin in 1998. The other 5 children are picked up on the 1850 Census, but again I have not been able to find out what happened to Jacob, William, Allen, Jane or Phebe.
WILLIAM CROMWELL5 TAYLOR (SARAH 'SALLY'4 CHENOWETH, JOHN3, ARTHUR2, JOHN1) was born October 24, 1798 in Fayette Co., PA, and died March 20, 1876. He married (1) MARY EASTER July 10, 1818 in Fayette Co., PA. She was born 1794 in Pennsylvania, and died 1825. He married (2) PHEBE ? Aft. 1825. She was born October 01, 1800 in Pennsylvania, and died November 25, 1855 in Knox Co., IL. He married (3) CATHARINE A (HALLOCK) ? March 26, 1857 in Knox Co., IL. She was born Abt. 1808 in New York.
Children of WILLIAM TAYLOR and MARY EASTER are: Children of WILLIAM TAYLOR and PHEBE ? are:
John Taylor, the oldest son of Sarah and Richard, is equally berift of information on his family. We do not know the name of his first wife in Pennsylvania. We think based on the 1850 Census that there was at least a daughter Eleanor. She is found with John and his new wife Jane Hull Crawford in Wayne Co., OH in this first modern enumeration. There would follow 2 sons and a daughter by Jane. Though we don�t know what happened to Eleanor, or if there were other older Taylor children from the first marriage, we do have marriages for these three younger Taylors: John Quincy Adams Taylor married Jennie H. Andrews, Hannah Taylor married Thomas A. Sigsworth and Hiram L. Taylor married Nettie. Despite what we have developed of these three children of John�s 2nd marriage, given John�s age, one wonders what is lost from the first.
JOHN5 TAYLOR (SARAH 'SALLY'4 CHENOWETH, JOHN3, ARTHUR2, JOHN1) was born 1790 in Pennsylvania, and died 1872. He married (1) ?. He married (2) JANE HULL CRAWFORD 1850. She was born 1813 in Ohio, and died 1888.
Child of JOHN TAYLOR and ? is: Children of JOHN TAYLOR and JANE CRAWFORD are:
It is remarkable, as much as we are missing of these 3 Taylor sons, we have been able to locate each of their graves in the Find-A-Grave collection and have thus been able to fill in more of the story. The other known daughter, Rachel Minerva Taylor, died a young woman leaving her husband David Marble with three known children, and so far we only have a marriage for the daughter Margaret Marble to Josephus Blair.
RACHEL MINERVA5 TAYLOR (SARAH 'SALLY'4 CHENOWETH, JOHN3, ARTHUR2, JOHN1) was born 1806 in Fayette Co., PA, and died 1843. She married DAVID MARBLE 1827. He was born 1806 in Pennsylvania, and died Unknown.
Children of RACHEL TAYLOR and DAVID MARBLE are: Pete and I often revisit previous lists we have compiled to see if we can look with �new eyes� on something that we missed before. Often we are helped in this new look by new resources that have come on line. So yesterday I sat down and revisited the excellent list of Illinois marriages. When I got to Rachel married Henry Shoemaker in Macon Co., IL, the September 29, 1870 date prompted me to look at the 1870 Census. I know I had looked previously at the 1880, but I realized the date was so close to the actual Census, I thought that they would both probably have to be found in Macon Co., IL. This put me into the home of George and Nancy Shoemaker. There were both Henry Shoemaker and Rachael Chenowith living in the same household. Startled, I checked Pete�s 1870 Chenoweth Census details. Nancy was Nancy Chenoweth who had married George on July 23, 1855 in Fairfield Co., OH. Finding a tree on Ancestry by a descendant of Henry and Rachel, I found that George and Henry were George Washington and James Henry Shoemaker, sons of William Shoemaker and Winifred Litteral who died in Fairfield Co., OH. In 1870, Henry was living with George as was Nancy�s sister, Rachel, both yet unmarried. This had to be them. I had no record of a marriage for Rachel. Nancy and Rachel were daughters of John Chenoweth and Margaret Yates, John being a son of Elias who settled in Perry Co., OH with his 2 brothers, James and Elias, from Hamsphire Co., WV.
Having an age for Henry, I now searched the 1880 Census and found the couple again in Macon Co., IL now with 3 sons. Rachel apparently died before 1900 when Henry and two of his sons are found in Adair Co., MO. Both these sons, Finley and Alonzo, marry sisters in Adair Co., Ada Florence and Sarah Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Allen daughters of Robert Allen and Duretta Shumaker. Death certificates in Adair County confirm that Finley and Alonzo were sons of a Rachel Chenoweth. Finley�s family would go by the spelling Shumaker while Alonzo�s family used the spelling Shoemaker. Finley Shumaker and Sarah Allen would have a son and two daughters, each marrying in Missouri: Pearl Clifton Shumaker to Sylvia Rae Smith (2 sons), Lottie Duretta Shumaker to Gilbert Steen of Virginia, one son Carl, and Mary Duretta Shumaker to Grover Charles Moxley (4 daughters and at least one son). Alonzo Shoemaker and Ada Allen had two sons, both married: Leonard Dallas Shoemaker to Elizabeth Hazel Noe and Oren Willard Shoemaker to Fannie Mildred Noe (1 known son Louis). This is a fine addition to the database.
RACHEL6 CHENOWETH (JOHN5, ELIAS4, JOHN3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1843 in Perry Co., OH. She married JAMES HENRY SHOEMAKER September 29, 1870 in Macon Co., IL, son of WILLIAM SHOEMAKER and WINIFRED LITTERAL. He was born July 04, 1841 in Ohio, and died 1919 in Adair Co., MO.
Children of RACHEL CHENOWETH and JAMES SHOEMAKER are: 2012 Reunion Forms (click here)one hour to grab what she could and board a ship out � �Women and children only�. Kathryn, who was seven months pregnant with John, took herself and her three year old son and boarded the US Export Line�s Merchant Marine ship, USS Exceller with Captain Hugh Lee Switzer. They spent the month of April sailing across the Indian Ocean to Cape Town, across the Atlantic to Rio, then up the coasts to New York City. Ships in front of them and ships behind them were torpedoed and sunk by German submarines. One morning, Captain Switzer told her they passed a surfaced German submarine in the night. For whatever reason, it did not attack. She remembered sailors spent their off time at the rails staring into the water looking for torpedoes. Some told her they had already jumped off more than one sinking ship. Captain Switzer told her: �Don�t worry � if we go down I will personally be sure you and your son are safe.�. During their voyage, Kathryn ate every meal at Captain Switzer�s table.
The Ashbrooks:
EMELINE S.6 CHENOWETH (RICHARD PRATHER5, JOHN C.4, THOMAS3, THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born March 23, 1841 in Darke Co., OH, and died October 08, 1863 in Illinois. She married WILLIAM MARTIN ASHLEY. April 2, 1860 in Logan Co., IL, son of JOEL ASHLEY and MARY MARTIN. He was born February 24, 1838 in Greenville, Darke Co., OH, and died January 22, 1921 in Des Moines, Polk Co., IA. - Find-A-Grave #53613361
Time at the Top
Peter Clinton Chenoweth, Chairman
New Family Association Website
2012 National Reunion
To Due or Not to Due
Board Seats up for election
Other Lines:
Sumer and her mother Gay are descendants of Luke Chenoweth from a parallel branch to the horde of Benjamin Franklin descendants in Oklahoma. Her great great grandfather, Charles Edwin, was a brother to Ben, but like my own great great grandfather, Henry, he ended up in Neosho, MO just south of the 2011 tornado that ravaged Joplin. Joplin is in Jasper Co., MO and Nesho, just south in Newton Co. One more county south is McDonald, and you are in the very southwest corner of the �Show Me� State. BTW: for all those �Benjamin Franklins� in Hintin Co., OK, Jack Heffron, has located and added a picture of his grave in Clio Cemetery, Barry Co., MO. The FAG# is #77726097
Birth: Aug. 5, 1842, Tippecanoe County, Indiana, USA
Death: Jun. 27, 1902, Barry County, Missouri, USA
(Submitted by Tom Blackstone � 29 Jan 2012)
Bill McCown
Thanks. I do this because I love doing it, but it never hurts to have an �atta boy�. Happy New Year and Thanks! � Jon Egge.
Mary K. George
Thanks for the compliments, a happy New Year to you as well. � Jon Egge.
You always inspire me when you send out your newsletter. Of course, the family is overwhelming, but there are still bits and pieces that can be gleaned. This time it took me to Rose Gormley, whose presence in Washington you uncovered. Then I think I located her son, Harold Joseph Conway. He was born November 7, 1900 in Port Townsend, Washington and died April 16, 2001 in Falls Church, Fairfax County, Virginia. I found him as a cadet at West Point in 1920, so I expect he had a military career. I�ll have to check that out.
Greg Nelson
Funny, I go through this same process all the time. I will find myself in some area of the database and notice that it might be possible to fill in as the availability of records now is so much better and easier to access that looking often yields success and of course that leads me on a merry chase. When I got your email, I was mixed up at first with the spelling of Gormerly vs. Gormley. This caused me to find an old email of Pete�s which had the obituary for Harold Joseph Conway. I did not see that I had in my notes the 1900 census listing you sent me, having just tucked it in notes (which I sometimes forget to look at) and so I did a 1900 census search for Conway in Jefferson Co. where Port Townsend is. Boom, I came up with this:
I would like to thank you for the wonderful newsletters you have prepared and sent to all of us over the years. I know it must be hard to give up the job of doing the Chenoweth newsletter, but time marches on and I know you will always be there to contribute something. I look forward to Pete�s newsletters and receiving all the Chenoweth news.
Donna Meinscher Estes
It was fun adding these Ashbrook Texans in, but most of the heavy lifting on Phoebe�s branch is all Jennifer�s work. She has a marvelous story to tell, if she ever finds the time. Thank you for the kind words and Happy New Year. � Jon Egge.
I�m doing Find-A-Grave too. How can I help? I have plenty of time.
Michele McNamee
I would be glad to send you my outline of the Ohio Ashbrooks if you want to pursue finding and linking them up. Maybe we can figure out an easy way to get the new numbers back to me so I can add them. It is easier if the name is Last, First, as then I can just copy it and enter it into index to locate the right record. � Jon Egge.
I regularly get your newsletter and love reading it. I have saved them all in .pdf format and the files will be included in a scrapbook I am preparing for my sons, grandsons and great grandsons. However, upon receiving Vol. 10, #4, as an exception, I found that I do not have a .pdf copy of the previous #3 issue. I must have inadvertently erased the email that you had sent with this issue. I did find it on your website, but it�s in the .htm format instead of .pdf. Is it possible to have the .pdf version resent to me? I would greatly appreciate that.
Charles Daniell
This is probably my fault. When I was doing the PDF, I noticed that I had misnumbered the September one [as 4], so I changed it to 3 and numbered this as 4, not realizing I might mix people up. Sorry. Last quarter�s attached. � Jon Egge.
Darrell Sitarz
I�m always updating the database, but updating the website database is something I may never find time to do. Happy New Year. � Jon Egge.
Thank you for your note and your long toils to bring this database to the incredible position that it is in.
If you read from the bottom up, you will see the conversation. Your last newsletter asked of these people � this is what my son found (he has more time for this!) Hope this helps.
ID: I1815
Name: Thomas W Chenoweth
Sex: M
Birth: 26 JUN 1845 in Clark Co, OH
Burial: APR 1870 Greenlawn Cemetery, Clark Co, OH
Reference Number: 1815
Death: 15 APR 1870 in Clark Co, OH
Note: Thomas is buried with his parents and his inscription is on the same tombstone as theirs
Residence: 1860 Harmony, Clark Ohio
Name: Thomas Worth Chenoweth
Birth: 26 JAN 1846 in Clark Co, OH
Residence: 1850 Harmony, Clark Ohio
Death: 15 APR 1870
Burial: 1870 So. Charleston, OH
Sex: M
Note: Enlisted in the Civil War as a Union Soldier 3/26/1864
Father: Henry Chenoweth
Birth: 26 APR 1804 in Harmony, Clark Ohio
Mother: Ann Eliza Hill
Birth: 9 DEC 1812 in Virginia, USA
Mariage 1: Nancy Wilson
Birth: AUG 1836 in OH
Paul Speros
Thanks. I had Thomas Worth in the Greenlawn Cemetery, South Charleston, OH (51561812) with Henry. This listing (6062950) is for the Wilson Chapel Cemetery. It is obviously the same person. Maybe he was moved and the records don�t show it. There is no picture, so whoever did this listed it from a cemetery record. Thanks for pointing this anomaly out. Happy New Year. � Jon Egge.
You two do fabulous work on the newsletter. We saw the announcement about the reunion in July 2012 at Winchester, Virginia � July 25-29. We may be in the area about then from Illinois. Do you have any particulars that you would have time to send to us? Any subject matter, time, place in Winchester, etc.
John E. Warnock
Thank you for the �kudos� in regards to the newsletter. In this issue of the newsletter, you will find a registration form and agenda for the upcoming Winchester, Virginia reunion. Thanks again for writing and hopefully you will be able to join us at the reunion. � Jon Egge.
I did note with interest the snow fall in Seattle. As of yet, we have had only 3 very minor snows.
Tom Morith
We don�t get much snow in Seattle, maybe one week a year, but when it comes, it always creates a bit of chaos. It is the hills and freeze/thaws that make it icy, slick and tricky. Speaking of threes, we had 3 power outages in one day. Now that is a first for me. Like you, I have 2 different sides, my father, which is all fairly recent immigrations [3 instances, the earliest being 1870] and my mother�s, �the Chenoweths�, which all goes back to Colonial times and I can�t even trace all the immigration points. I got started in this by an interest in making webpages. Genealogy seemed to be something I could make a page of as my mother had two books. But it really started when I found by checking the Census data on surnames, and discovering that my grandmother�s maiden name on my father�s side had a population of less than 100 [Chenoweths in 2000 were at 4699] that my attention got riveted. [PS � I see there are less than 100 Moriths as well]. I found 21 instances of Laprath phone listings across the country, and sent them all a letter. In two years time, we had pieced the family together and I today have them all through the 5th generation and some into the 8th. Wow was it fun! Of course, attempting to do the same thing to the Chenoweths has developed into a much bigger and complex problem and a lifetime of exploration. It is so much fun and so engrossing. I am constantly being surprised.
I have been trying to do some research on the Ashton�s of Maryland and have enjoyed reading your articles on the Chenoweth family. Joseph Ashton that married Hannah Chenoweth, would be my Great, Great, Great Grandfather. Thomas that moved to Fairfield Co. Ohio, would be my Great, Great Grandfather. I�m planning a trip to Baltimore, Md. this fall and hope to find some information on Joseph Ashton and hoping that maybe you could give me some advice on where to start. I would really like to know who his parents are and where they came from. Do you know if they attended any church in the area that might have some records? I did contact the historical society in Hartford Co. A Henry C. Peden, Jr. is the President and has written many books, sent me an e-mail that had a Joseph Ashton in the taxes of the Back River Hundred. Any information that you could give me would be very much appreciated. I also have a piece of paper that came from Shirley Helen Muszyski that lists some Ashtons in Va. That might be related to Joseph, but have not been able to find anymore than that. I�m also attaching a picture of the Joseph Ashton family, a son of Thomas, in case you would like to see what they look like. My Grandfather is William Vernon Ashton, Jr., top right-hand side.
Carolyn Ashton Hill
By Jon Egge
Cottage Lake, Woodinville, WA
Descendant of Dr Henry S.5 Chenoweth of Chillicothe, OH
[ARTHUR] A most interesting letter
[ARTHUR] Sarah Taylor Redux: A daughter Hannah
[John] Revisiting lists: Rachel marries her sister�s brother-in-law
or visit Chenowethfamily.orgPeter Chenoweth, editor, Hephzibah, GA ....
Comments and Contributions Email: p.chenoweth@comcast.net
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Copyright c 2011 by Peter Chenoweth and Jon D. Egge. All Rights Reserved. Any republication of this page material for personal use requires inclusion of this copyright. Any other republication of this page material requires the express consent of the editor.
publication: March 25, 2011