[Menu] VOLUME 7 NUMBER 1 - Mar 2008
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EDITOR: PETER C. CHENOWETH - E-MAIL: p.chenoweth@comcast.net
Since the inception of the Chenoweth Family Association, more than 8 years ago, the same 9 individuals have served on the Board of Directors. This is not a complaint but it does indicate complacency on the part of the family. Since the last reunion two have resigned. What is known is that the time has come for change and in to assist with this change your Board is attempting something different. Nominations for 4 seats on the Board Directors are opened with this newsletter. In order to be elected to the Board an individual needs to be either a blood relative or a spouse. Individuals can nominate themselves.
Nominations will remain open until June 1, 2008. At this time the June newsletter will be put together and nominees will be announced. All nominees will be contacted prior to this time to confirm that they are willing to serve if elected. From June 1st until July 15th all Chenoweth Family Association members will have an opportunity to vote. Those individuals elected will be contacted in advance of the reunion, while the formal announcement will be made at the reunion. Their first board meeting will be on the final day of the reunion, Sunday, July 27th, at which time the VACANT Board will elect its slate of officers for the coming two years.
Nominations can be sent to your editor, Peter Chenoweth at p.chenoweth@comcast.net.
Please, take this opportunity to serve your Family Association and make a difference. The, no, YOUR Chenoweth Family Association has come so far in the past
few years, but there is so much further that it can go. Your help is very much needed to get this accomplished.
Editorial This newsletter has always attempted to provide you, the reader, with a selection of articles that are not only genealogically informative, but also historically informative and at times humorous. Never before has there been an editorial section, but the newsletter does have an editor and once in a while an item occurs that I feel obligated to speak out about.
For the past 10 years a small group of individuals (about 15 total) have kept the Chenoweth Family Association �ship� afloat and headed in what they felt was the proper direction. The individuals have done everything from being on the Board of Directors to organizing and putting together the National Family Reunions. Many of these individuals are tired and wish to have new blood and fresh ideas take their place so that they can pursue other interests to benefit the Association.
In this newsletter the announcement was made that nominations are open for new members to the Board of Directors. The same 9 individuals have served since its conception, though many volunteered to serve only to get the ball rolling.
Another area that needs individuals is the formation of a focus group with regards to where the Association is heading. Our chairman, Bill Chinworth, has attempted to put forth many of these thoughts in the past (i.e. planning several years in advance where the reunions should be held). As Dick Buchanan so eloquently put it�.
�.. I offer a feeling I have had for some time in regard to the "mission" of the CFA. I might suggest for your (well, the Board's) consideration a meeting of a "focus group� consisting of a few intensely interested CFA members ( a dozen people) who would explore where they feel the CFA should be heading. They could express what they feel the CFA goals should be, what processes are needed to pursue these goals, and how does progress towards the goals get measured. So often organizations/companies remain "short-sighted" with the result being that "if you always do what you already did, you will always get what you already got". I would be willing to participate in such a group.�
There are many other projects that can use new individuals assistance: The formation of a Reunion Committee, someone willing to take over the DNA project, someone willing to become the editor of the newsletter, to name just a few. I am sure that new �blood� can envision many more that could be formed.
With more than 1,500 cousins on the email list that receive this newsletter from a database of over 150,000 individuals, surely there must be a few that are willing to step forward and assist with these and other projects. If individuals don�t step forward there might not be a Chenoweth Family Association much longer but simple a handful of individuals that work on the preservation of the genealogical lines.
Virginia, your little friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age. They do not believe except they see. They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their little minds. All minds, Virginia, whether they be men�s or children�s, are little. In this great universe of ours man is a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect, as compared with the boundless world about him, as measured by the intelligence capable of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge.
(The following e-mails have been received from members of the family with regards to the newsletter. Comments, articles, questions and other items for this newsletter are always appreciated.-editor)
According to the By-Laws that are currently in existence, 3 of these individuals were to be replaced at each National Reunion. This would provide a nucleus of continuity and as well as a breath of fresh blood. During the past reunions the same individuals were elected to the Board, whether this is because they were doing such a good job or because no other individuals BOARD OF DIRECTORS 06-08 �cared� to run for the position is not known.
By Peter Clinton Chenoweth, Editor
In �Comments from the Clan� Sue Solomon on 3/28/07 draws attention to the first auto license issued in Texas to W.B. Chenoweth for his bus. Your comment back was that this is really William Benjamin Wood is inaccurate. This is William Benjamin Chenoweth(6) from Joseph(5) Benjamin F.(4) Thomas Jr(3) Thomas(2) John(1) � my grandfather. The Dallas Morning News article you included was fairly accurate, except that he died April 1, 1946 in Terrill, TX.
20 Dec 2007
Joe Chenoweth
Thanks Joe. Definitely a typo on my part� One of the fortunate things about web publishing is you can correct your mistakes...� Jon Egge
I am just beginning to research my ancestry. Your website has been a great help. I am Byron Richard Chenoweth from Burlington, Iowa. From researching the site, it looks like my line is Thomas(2) Richard(3) Richard(4) Ira L.(5) Lemon(6) John I.(7) Albert L.(8) John Albert(9) and me (10)��.Thanks for a great resource. Please add me to �cuz� list.
10 Dec 2007
Byron Chenoweth
Must be kismet as I tried to phone you a few weeks (months?) ago, figuring correctly that you might be the son of John Albert. I got your answering machine and never tried back. That said, thank you for contacting me. You are the first contact I have had with the descendants of John I (don�t know his middle name, but Isaac would be a guess) and Hester Gertrude Aumick. � Jon Egge
Jon, thanks for all that hard work on behalf of the family. Since I have been exposed to my Chenoweth roots, I have had a unique fascination for the journey, Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri, Kansas and thereafter many points southwest and west. Learning about our family is like walking across America. Thanks again for all the time and energy spent on your love of family.
8 Dec 2007
Alan Casebier
You have hit upon one of the joys of genealogy involving a colonial family. The grand march across the country, fanning out in many directions, moving west seeking something better�The Casebier line is a remarkable subset of the Chenoweth family. I had no idea that so many of the modern day Casebiers belonged to the descendants of Elizabeth and David Casebier. I have always enjoyed the story that Catherine Crissy Casebier went to school with Abe Lincoln� � Jon Egge
Always good to get the quarterly newsletter. I just wanted to say that I had the same trouble try to do FTM 2008 also. Hope all is well.
5 Dec 2007
Ken Neundorf
Amen, it was a nightmare. Took 24 hours to convert a file to something impossible to move. I should have read the comments on the web first. I had no idea what I was getting into. The upshot was I got a version 16 (had 13) for about $20 which gave me 6 months free on ancestry.... The only good that came out of this was the discovery of a pretty interesting genealogy newsletter. http:blog.eogn.com/eastmans_online_genealogy/. � Jon Egge
Thanks for your continuing great newsletters! I hope your place is high and dry. I have seen some �high-water� stories in Woodinville today.
6 Dec 2007
Bill Garber
Yeah Bill it is, I live up on the plateau. I did have our paddle boat float away (the lake came up about 4 or 5 feet and 6 hours)�but a kindly neighbor brought it back� I did try to go down to the PO Monday during the rain. The traffic in Woodinville was so bad, I just turned around.. There are a couple of low sways in Woodinville that fill with water when it rains hard and really upsets accesses�.Thanks for thinking of us�Don�t build in a flood plain. � Jon Egge
I am attaching a 1949 story written by my great-grandmother, Lou Elea Hart Irvine (1874-1960), who was daughter of Calvin Hart & Julia Foggy, and granddaughter of James Montgomery Hart and Eleanor Chenoweth of Randolph Co., VA (now WV). I thought you might like to use it on your Chenoweth site. I have bolded the paragraphs mentioning her grandparents James Montgomery Hart and Eleanor Chenoweth. Thank you for all that you do!
6 Dec 2007
Catherine (Ferguson) Thompson
That is a wonderful contribution. Thank you so much, it has been posted to the website and can be found at: http://www.chenowethsite.com/chentale.htm#en1796
It�s been a long time! How have you been doing? By the looks of the site (it�s been quite a while since I�ve been able to get on) you�ve been pretty busy with it. I noticed that the updates I gave you on Lillie (Dunn) Howell�s side of the tree haven�t been put on there yet. Let me know if you need anything else. Darcy�s son Jared is getting married in May, but I have no idea what her last name is, I�ll find out and let you know. Take care, and thanks again for all the work you�ve put into this site.
5 Dec 2007
Angela J. Hawks
Angel�It is in my file. The last time we updated the website was in 2003. We are some 28,000 names beyond that. I am just too busy trying to get the 1870 Census done to think about an update. Sorry�. � Jon Egge
Thanks so much for all the time and effort you have put into this massive project! I�m always interested in reading the quarterly newsletters. Looking forward to hearing more from you in the future.
5 Dec 2007
Terry & Randy Tully
Thanks Terry for keeping the link. I lost over 100 cousins in this last mass mailing. You never finished tying yourself in. I have nothing after Rachel. Sure would like to get this line in. I thought it was so interesting that Rachel�s aunt married Joseph Van Cleave and that is why Rachel was living with the Van Cleave�s in Iowa in 1860... � Jon Egge
What happened to the print? I have 18 pages of 1 paragraph and it is just impossible to read!
5 Dec 2007
Lesley Stavola
Best to get a copy off the net. I was in a hurry and just pasted the net version in and didn�t take the time to redo Pete�s list in some sort of format. It is not easy. If I include the newsletter in the Email I get so many people who reply sending this huge text page back to me. Yet I want to keep their 2 line letter. If I don�t send it and just refer people to the web, it doesn�t get read and we get a poor response. If I attach the formatted newsletter it is big and get�s rejected by too many providers. The plain text version is a work around. I will try to take more steps next time, but I get tired of all the messing around. To top it off, my Email provider, Comcast, has put me in �Email Jail� for 48 hours for �spamming� in sending out the newsletter. � Jon Egge
I love all of the information we get from you. Please continue the GOOD work you do. Have a good holiday. I hope you are not in the part of Oregon that was hit by bad weather.
5 Dec 2007
Mary Lou Wheatley
Actually I am in Washington. My brother is on the road from Bermuda Dunes (California) and will have to detour through Yakima as I-5 is closed until Saturday. Amazing that this major Interstate would be washed out for 5 days.... What a mess..... � Jon Egge
Hugh Stamper c1620-1676
(Grandfather of Mary Calvert Chenoweth)
Hugh Stamper was born about 1620 in northern England, in the county of Cumberland, now called Cumbria. Not much is known about his early life, but it is believed he was the son of a Thomas, who was the son of Ambrose Stamper. He may have been a blacksmith, as records in Lurgan, Ireland refer to his son as a �smith�.
There were Stampers living in northern England, before 1538, near Holm Cultram Abbey, built in the 1100�s by the Cistercian Monks. These Stampers, were possibly of Scottish ancestry, as the land previously was in the hands of the Scots.
In fact, one Hugh Stamper, who was listed as �not a monk�, was the Abbey Bailiff for Holm Cultram, and later was listed as living on one of the Abbey�s tenement farms with a 21 year lease. The location of this cottage and � acre garth was in the town of Sandenhouse, not far from the Abbey. Another mention of a Hugh Stamper says he was a professor at Carlisle University in 1562.
No clear connection has been made yet to the other Hugh Stampers, but surely there is one.
The next we know of the younger Hugh Stamper is that he married about 1648/49 in Cumberland, England to a lady named Briget . This marriage probably took place at All Saints Parish, Bolton, Cumbria. Her last name has not been found, but she is said to have been from the town of Bolton Wood, a small village in Cumberland, and not far from where Hugh Stamper was living.
In May of 1650, a daughter was born to them, named Mary. Another daughter Judith, born the 12th of June 1652 in Bolton Wood, later would marry John Calvert.
In Cumberland at the same time, �our founding Friend� George Fox was spreading the Quaker religion, and in August of 1653, was on his way to visit Thomas Bewley at Halt-cliff Hall. He was later arrested and imprisoned for seven weeks at Carlisle Castle prison for preaching at Holm Cultram Abbey. Hugh Stamper about this time, aligned himself with the new religion, and can be found in the records of Carlisle prison dated 1654.
Anno 1654: �Thomas Bewley and Hugh Stamper, standing at the Sessions in Carlisle with their hats on, were by the Justices committed to prison without any legal cause assigned. After a months confinement they were discharged without paying fees. But Hugh Stamper was afterwards arrested for fees and imprisoned and detained there for one and twenty weeks.� It does not mention why he received the latter sentence.
About the same time, another daughter Sarah was born, and a son named Daniel, was born in 1656.
Hugh Stamper is mentioned again in the following records of Carlisle Prison along with Francis Robson.
�In 1662, Francis Robson, for being at the like peaceable meeting to worship God, was fined by Judge Kennedy 20 shillings, for which fine the Sheriff�s Bailiffs took from him a horse worth L5. Hugh Stamper, for the like cause, was fined by the Judge 5 shillings, and imprisoned about eight weeks, and had a kettle taken from him worth 14 shillings.� It was common for Quakers to refuse to pay local tithes to support the Church of England or local government, so they could be arrested, and tithes taken from them, or imprisonment. The Quakers termed this �Sufferings�, and began to keep records of these actions. The popular Quaker form of non-conformity was refusing to pay tithes, remove your hat to authority, and speaking with the words �thee and thou�, which at the time was disrespectful to officials.
Sometime between 1662 and 1663, Hugh Stamper, along with his wife and children removed with a group of Quakers to near Lurgan, county Armagh, Ireland. His name appears on the Hearth Tax list in �Lurgan Town� dated 1663-1665, showing one hearth, and taxed at 2 shillings, the fee at that time.
The removal into Ireland seems to have coincided with the English Parliament passing the Act of Uniformity in 1662. This Act was in part, meant to re-introduce the Book of Common Prayer in England and make it compulsory for religious services. It also required Episcopal ordination for all ministers. Another part of the Act was the Conventicle Act , passed in 1664 which forbade conventicles ( a meeting of unauthorized worship) of more than 5 people who were not members of the same household. The purpose was to prevent dissenting religious groups from meeting. It isn�t known if Hugh Stamper left England on his own accord after his 1662 imprisonment, or was forced out of the country with the enactment of the new laws.
In the Quaker minutes at Lurgan Meeting, Ireland, it is here that Hugh�s daughter Mary is listed as marrying on the 12 July, 1671 to Thomas Walker, a weaver in Lurgan.
On the 29th of May 1673, the marriage of daughter Judith is recorded at Stranmillis, a small town near Belfast, Ireland. She married John Calvert, whose family had emigrated earlier from Yorkshire, England. In 1673, Hugh Stamper is also found, listed as a witness to the Quaker marriage ceremony of Valentine Hollingsworth, and wife Ann.
In county Armagh, near Moyraverty, can be found the oldest burial ground for Quakers in Ireland. It is called Lynastown, and was named so for one William Lynas who died in 1658. He was not allowed to be buried in the regular church graveyard, so his son Thomas donated the land for Quaker burials. In records of the Lurgan Quaker Meeting in 1673, twelve trustees were appointed for the burial ground. Four of the twelve named were: Daniel Stamper, listed as a �smith� in Lurgan; Thomas Walker, a � weaver � in Lurgan; John Calvert, listed as a �freeholder�, and Valentine Hollingsworth, John Calvert�s brother in law.
One of the last times we hear of Hugh Stamper, are from the records of the Lurgan Meeting, where Hugh is listed as being present for the 2nd month, and 3rd month of 1675. That would actually be April and May, as March was the first month of the Quaker calendar.
Lastly, the records of Lynastown graveyard record the following burials.
Hugh Stamper, buried 9 July 1676; Briget Stamper, buried 12 January 1681; Sarah Stamper, daughter of Hugh and Briget, buried the 23 December1674; and son Daniel buried the 24th November 1684, age 28 years.
Of the two remaining known children of Hugh and Briget Stamper, Judith Calvert Chenoweth (John), went to Pennsylvania with the fleet of William Penn in 1683, and settled on land in Upper Providence Township, later called Delaware County. Judith died sometime after 1704; John Calvert died in 1699, and was buried in Philadelphia.
No further evidence has been found yet as to where Mary Stamper Walker (Thomas) went. There names do not appear in the Lynastown burial records, but there is an indication that they may have remained in Lurgan. Mary was living in 1689. There are many Walkers listed on a list from 1695 giving donations for a new Quaker church building in Lurgan. On the list is a Thomas Walker, and Thomas Walker Jr.
On an old map of Lurgan town, the property of John Calvert and Thomas Walker are adjoining each other , on the west side of the main street, across from the marketplace.
Records of Lurgan Quaker meeting dated the 22nd of the 7th Mo.(Sept.)1680, indicate a �difference� between John Calvert and William Matthews. �George Hodsgen, Robert Hoope, William Porter and James Bradshaw were appointed to �end ye Difference� betwixt John Calvert and William Matthews, �about ye fence on their backsides� with what expedition they can.
For additional reading on the Internet, search: The Sinton Family, Holm Cultram Abbey, Carlisle Castle, and Lynastown burial ground.
How�s your Chenoweth Expertise?
By Jon Egge
Name the 3 Chenoweth males, as part of the family of John and Mary, who are recorded in Cora Hiatts book, but omitted from the Harris book.
Answer next newsletter in an article that I will write.
With thanks and appreciation to Dot Tucker-Houk of Maryland who makes much of this list possible each newsletter. This year 65 Chenoweths were reported dying in the SSA system. Until the last two months we had identified 100% of them. There are now 4 unidentified. Any help in placing these individuals would be appreciated:
age unknown - EDITH BERNICE BAKER April 2007. She was the 2nd wife of PAUL EUGENE10 COBERLY (CHARLES RUSSELL9, GEORGE WASHINGTON8, JOHN PERRY7, MARGARET6 CHENOWETH, ROBERT T.5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) who was born March 18, 1913 in Gilmer Co., WV, and died June 11, 2003 in Greenville, Greenville Co., SC.
age 78 - CAROL JEAN CHENOWETH nee HELD, daughter of GEORGE HELD and JENNIE CARLSON, was born October 23, 1929 in Lusk, Niobrara Co., WY, and died February 19, 2008 in Houston, Harris Co., TX. She married September 07, 1949 in Lusk, Niobrara Co., WY EDGAR ALVA9 CHENOWETH (ALVA ELMER8, JOHN DOTHERDY7, ISAAC NEWTON6, WILLIAM PUGH5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1). He was born August 02, 1923 in Wyoming. Carol as Miss Wyoming was 1st runner up and "Miss Congeniality" in the Miss America pageant in 1948.
age 84 - ROBERT NEWTON9 CHENOWETH, JR. (ROBERT NEWTON8, JOHN DOTHERDY7, ISAAC NEWTON6, WILLIAM PUGH5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born March 21, 1923 in Kansas, and died December 20, 2007 in Missouri. He married ANNIE MILDRED SPORTSMAN in Englewood, Arapahoe Co., CO. She was born May 12, 1921, and died March 14, 2004 in Carrollton, Carroll Co., MO.
age 83 - THELMA MARIE CHENOWETH nee BECHTLE, daughter of RALPH BECHTLE and LAVINA GRIFFITTS was born September 08, 1924 in Colorado, and died November 19, 2007 in Colorado. She married January 29, 1950 in California DERREL WAYNE9 CHENOWETH (FLOYD8, DANIEL MCLEAN7, ISAAC NEWTON6, WILLIAM PUGH5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1). He was born November 16, 1928 in Springfield, Baca Co., CO, and died June 28, 1986 in Springfield, Baca Co., CO.
age 71 - MARY LOUISE10 RAINES nee PHILLIPS (RUSSELL9, MARY VINNIE8 ROWAN, WILLIAM JEHU7, RACHEL A.6 CHENOWETH, JEHU5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born February 28, 1935 in Elkins, Randolph Co., WV, and died July 23, 2006 in Elkins, Randolph Co., WV. She married (1) unknown COBERLY. She married (2) ROBERT DALE RAINES July 05, 1968.
age 65 - DONALD GEORGE10 PHILLIPS (RUSSELL9, MARY VINNIE8 ROWAN, WILLIAM JEHU7, RACHEL A.6 CHENOWETH, JEHU5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born October 27, 1941 in Coalton, Randolph Co., WV, and died February 13, 2007 in Morgantown, Monongalia Co., WV. He married NORMA RUTH
age 97 - VIRGINIA LOUISE9 HOLBERT nee ROWAN (WELLINGTON MARSTILLER8, ELI CHENOWETH7, RACHEL A.6 CHENOWETH, JEHU5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born May 24, 1909 in Mabie, Randolph Co., WV, and died January 01, 2007. She married (1) J. FRED MOONEY January 03, 1931. He was born January 23, 1888 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., WV, and died February 25, 1952 in Fairmont, Marion Co., WV. She married (2) HARRY EARL HOLBERT June 15, 1976. He was born January 21, 1905 in Mannington, Marion Co., WV, and died July 30, 1987 in Fairmont, Marion Co., WV.
age 72 - JUANITA JEAN9 MOORE nee ROWAN (ESLIE8, LEE CHENOWETH7, RACHEL A.6 CHENOWETH, JEHU5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born June 03, 1934 in Mabie, Randolph Co., WV, and died May 13, 2007 in Belington, Barbour Co., WV. She married (1) RICHARD ALLEN COLLETT March 06, 1954. He was born January 03, 1932, and died August 07, 1999. She married (2) JACK EUGENE MOORE May 02, 1969.
age 88 - STERLING9 SINGLETON (MARTHA B.8 HART, JOHN CHENOWETH7, EZRA PUGH6, ELEANOR 'NELLIE'5 CHENOWETH, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born May 14, 1919 in Braxton Co., WV, and died January 28, 2008 in Bridgeport, Harrison Co., WV. He married MARIE MOORE August 20, 1947.
age 96 - LESTON LEE9 CHENOWETH (LESTON ELBERT8, JOHN7, DANIEL6, SAMUEL5, JONATHAN4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born July 03, 1911 in Caldwell, Canyon Co., ID, and died November 25, 2007. He married BARBARA LUCILLE HOBBS, daughter of PRESTON HOBBS and LUCILLE MORRIS. She was born January 15, 1923 in Alton, Clearwater Co., FL, and died July 01, 1994.
age 47 - GENE ROLAND11 CHENOWETH (ROLAND MILTON10, JOHN WILLIAM 'JOHNNY'9, THOMAS ADISON8, JOHN BENTLY7, WILLIAM HAYCRAFT6, JACOB VAN METER5, WILLIAM4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born November 14, 1950 in Michigan, and died December 10, 2007 in Michigan. He married SUSAN MATHIS 1974.
age 76 - RAYMOND J.10 GIBSON (ETHEL9 CHENOWETH, JAMES LEMUEL8, WILLIAM LEMUEL7, JOHN HENTON6, JACOB VAN METER5, WILLIAM4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born June 26, 1931 in Myrtle Point, Coos Co., OR, and died February 03, 2008 in Kennewick, Benton Co., WA. Raymond was married.
age 90 - HOPE NORTON, son of GEORGE NORTON and MAGGIE RUSSELL, was born November 23, 1917 in Arkansas River near Sand Springs, Tulsa Co., OK, and died February 19, 2008 in Perry, Noble Co., OK. He married November 07, 1943 in Sapulpa, Creek Co., OK LIBBIE JEAN8 CHENOWETH (CLARK BRADEN7, JOSEPH STEAVEN6, JAMES HACKLEY5, WILLIAM4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1)
age 77 - PAUL S. DEYO, son of CHARLES DEYO and MAUDE BATLEY, was born December 28, 1928 in Keokuk, Lee Co., IA, and died September 14, 2006 in Keokuk, Lee Co., IA. He married CLARA LOUISE8 CHENOWETH (PERCY GRAYSON7, DAVID JOHNSTON6, JAMES HACKLEY5, WILLIAM4, WILLIAM3, JOHN2, JOHN1). She was born January 23, 1907 in Pike Co., IL, and died March 11, 2002 in Keokuk, Lee Co., IA.
age 66 - LENA ELAINE10 BLODGETT nee CHENOWETH (DARRELL NELSON9, HORACE CASPER8, JAMES WESLEY7, WILLIAM THOMAS6, CASPER5, WILLIAM S.4, JOHN3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born November 17, 1941 in Enterprise, Wallowa Co., OR, and died December 04, 2007 in Kennewick, Benton Co., WA. She married (1) LESTER SCHUMAN. She married (2) WILLIAM J. BLODGETT. He was born October 19, 1944, and died October 28, 1995 in Washington.
age 81 - JOHN LAWRENCE TERBERG, son of JOHANN TERBERG and AMELIA WILLIAMS, was born March 18, 1926 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, and died October 25, 2007 in San Bernardino, San Bernardino Co., CA. He married January 31, 1953 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA JEAN MARIE9 MOORE (MARIE RUTH8 CHENOWETH, HARRY JESSE7, WILLIAM THOMAS6, CASPER5, WILLIAM S.4, JOHN3, JOHN2, JOHN1)
age 89 - JAMES ROY9 WADSACK (VELLA MAUDE8 YEITER, CORA MAYE7 WILSON, JAMES MADISON6, ELEANOR5 CHENOWETH, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born Abt. September 1918 in Finney Co., KS, and died December 02, 2007 in Derby, Sedgwick Co., KS. He married LUCILLE IRENE FRIEDRICH, daughter of WILLIAM FRIEDRICH and MELVINA SUNBURG.
age 74 - MABLE MARIE CHENOWETH nee CONWAY 1952, daughter of JOHN CONWAY and IVA SHOEMAKER, was born June 20, 1923 in Illinois, and died September 26, 2007 in Illinois. She married JOSEPH EARNEST8 CHENOWETH (JOHN BIRDINE7, JOSEPH W.6, WILLIAM5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, JOHN1). He was born May 22, 1918 in Fulton Co., IL, and died February 20, 1991 in Illinois.
age 87 - EDNA FAY10 VENNARD nee LEMMONS (ERNEST LYLE9, JAMES EVERETT8, GEORGE THOMAS7, NANCY6 ASHBROOK, LEVI5, MARY W.4 CHENOWETH, JOHN3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born January 18, 1920 in Russellville, Lawrence Co., IL, and died August 16, 2007 in Vincennes, Knox Co., IN. She married JOHN MILTON VENNARD, son of CHARLES VENNARD and ESTELLA SCHNEIDER. He was born July 11, 1917 in Russellville, Lawrence Co., IL, and died June 09, 1996 in Robinson, Crawford Co., IL.
age 88 - SHANNON CECILE9 GRAHAM nee CHENOWETH (SAMUEL JAMES8, JAMES SOLOMON7, JAMES FRANCIS6, JAMES FRANCIS5, NICHOLAS RUXTON4, THOMAS3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born November 25, 1919 in Winona, Shannon Co., MO, and died December 07, 2007 in Jefferson City, Cole Co., MO. She married WILLIAM CLEMENT GRAHAM January 10, 1939 in Greene Co., MO. He was born January 28, 1917 in Greene Co., MO, and died January 23, 1953 in KOREA. Shannon, my 5th cousin, was a constant help to me in the line of Thomas(3). See newsletter article: Jun 2007
age 76 - BONNIE LUCILLE10 CLINE nee CHENOWETH (CLEABORN RAY9, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN8, JAMES SOLOMON7, JAMES FRANCIS6, JAMES FRANCIS5, NICHOLAS RUXTON4, THOMAS3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born July 21, 1930 in Vienna, Johnson Co., IL, and died April 08, 2007 in California. She married ARTHUR L. CLINE. He was born November 29, 1921, and died August 1972.
age 32 - TRACY TODD10 CHENOWETH (STEVEN DALE9, ROBERT GEORGE8, ROBERT GEORGE7, JAMES HARTSOCK6, JAMES5, THOMAS4, RICHARD3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born January 18, 1975 in Houston, Harris Co., TX, and died October 22, 2007.
age 95 - CELIA H. CHENOWETH nee BRACHOCKI was born November 22, 1912, and died January 15, 2008 in California. She married April 03, 1964 in Orange Co., CA ARTHUR A.8 CHENOWETH (ALFORD LUTHER7, ELISHA ARTHUR6, ARTHUR LAWRENCE5, ARTHUR4, ARTHUR3, JOHN2, JOHN1). He was born August 01, 1919 in Decatur Co., KS, and died October 24, 1973 in Orange Co., CA
age 90 - JO ANNA CHENOWETH nee LYMAN, daughter of PATRICK LYMAN and LULA WALKER, was born November 11, 1917 in Redlands, San Bernardino Co., CA, and died February 13, 2008 in New Mexico. She married June 11, 1938 in Jay, Delaware Co., OK WILLIAM BURREL8 CHENOWETH (WILLIAM GUY7, HENRY SEAMAN6, HENRY5, NICHOLAS4, JOHN3, RICHARD2, JOHN1). He was born October 07, 1917 in Tulsa, Tulsa Co., OK, and died September 09, 2004 in Albuquerque, Bernalillo Co., NM.
age 84 - LADORNA RHEA CHENOWTH nee ROMINE was born August 25, 1923, and died November 08, 2007 in Arizona. She married AMOS HARDIN8 CHENOWTH (HOWARD PINCKNEY7, JOHN ADDISON 'GUS'6, JOHN AUGUSTUS5, NICHOLAS4, JOHN3, RICHARD2, JOHN1). He was born May 13, 1918 in Mato Grosso, BRAZIL, and died July 02, 2006 in McNeal, Cochise Co., AZ.
age 61 - BONNY9 MONTGOMERY nee CHENOWETH (CLARENCE FREDERICK 'JIM'8, CHARLES RICHARD7, WILLIAM ANDREW6, RICHARD5, RICHARD B.4, JOHN3, ARTHUR2, JOHN1) was born February 03, 1946 in Tennessee, and died May 01, 2007 in Virginia. She married WALTER HERBERT MONTGOMERY.
age 87 - WILLIAM BEASEMAN8 CHENOWETH (JOHN EDGAR7, THOMAS BEASMAN6, JOHN BAXTER5, WILLIAM4, ARTHUR3, ARTHUR2, JOHN1) was born November 07, 1920 in Trinidad, Las Animas Co., CO, and died January 29, 2008 in Colorado. He married (1) JEAN (BAYNE) GILBERT December 20, 1956 in Woodbridge, New Haven Co., CT, daughter of WILLIAM GILBERT and DOROTHY BLAHESTER. She was born January 16, 1922 in New Haven, New Haven Co., CT, and died January 19, 1990. He married (2) MARY ANDREWS BAIN July 26, 1992 in Jefferson Co., CO.
age 85 - JUSTIN CARL9 NARUM (BLANCHE CHARLOTTE8 CHINWORTH, JUSTIN ROBERT7, ALEXANDER6, ROBERT S.5, ARTHUR4, ARTHUR3, ARTHUR2, JOHN1) was born April 10, 1922 in Manyberries, AB, CANADA, and died July 05, 2007 in Calgary, AB, CANADA. He married MARGARET LUFT September 21, 1949 in Calgary, AB, CANADA. She was born September 08, 1917 in Calgary, AB, CANADA, and died October 21, 1997 in Calgary, AB, CANADA.
age 77 - GLENN J. DOUDEN, son of SETH DOUDEN and ROBERTA BENNETT, was born January 28, 1930 in Harrisburg, Dauphin Co., PA, and died December 06, 2007 in North Carolina. He married NANCY9 CHENOWETH (ALBERT ALEXANDER 'BUD'8, ARTHUR TRIMMER7, GEORGE F.6, RIXTON5, WILLIAM4, RICHARD3, ARTHUR2, JOHN1).
age 78 - WILLIAM A.8 CHENOWETH, JR. (WILLIAM A.7, RICHARD TURNER6, HORACE 'HORRIS' O.5, WILLIAM4, RICHARD3, ARTHUR2, JOHN1) was born July 30, 1917 in Baltimore City, MD, and died January 04, 2008 in Baltimore City, MD.
age 72 - TED R. EADS, son of HOLLIS EADS and BLANCHE GRAY, was born September 08, 1935 in Kokomo, Kokomo Co., IN, and died December 13, 2007 in Kokomo, Kokomo Co., IN. He married SHIRLEY JEAN9 CHENOWETH (LEONARD MOODY8, THOMAS ALBERT7, WILLIAM C.6, WILLIAM5, THOMAS4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, JOHN1)
age 63 - BONNIE L. CHENOWETH nee ADAMSKI was born December 23, 1943, and died December 07, 2007 in California. . She married June 11, 1961 in Sacramento Co., CA WALTER LEE9 CHENOWETH, JR. (WALTER LEE8, WALTER7, NELSON6, WILLIAM5, THOMAS4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, JOHN1)
age 80 - JAMES HAMBLETON9 MOORE, III (JAMES HAMBLETON8, JAMES HAMBLETON7, MARIA JONES6 CLARK, CAROLINE5 SCOTT, THOMAS4, SARAH3 CHENOWETH, THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born October 30, 1926 in Waverly, Pike Co., OH and died October 19, 2007 in Columbus, Franklin Co., OH
age 84 - BEULAH MAE GRIMES nee SHARRAH, daughter of THOMAS SHARRAH and LAURA CHERRY, was born October 20, 1922, and died August 08, 2007 in Washington. She married FLAVE LEE8 GRIMES, JR. (ESTELLA LEE7 CHENOWETH, FINIS EDWIN6, JAMES FOSTER5, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN4, THOMAS3, THOMAS2, JOHN1). He was born June 21, 1919 in Denton Co., TX, and died November 03, 1992 in Adams, Umatilla Co., OR.
age 62 - PAMELA SUE GRIMES nee HOOKER, daughter of ALVIN HOOKER and GLADYS McLOUTH, was born May 10, 1945, and died December 16, 2007 in Washington. She married GERALD LEE9 GRIMES (FLAVE LEE8, ESTELLA LEE7 CHENOWETH, FINIS EDWIN6, JAMES FOSTER5, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN4, THOMAS3, THOMAS2, JOHN1)
age 90 - ILA LORENE8 HUMAN nee WELLS (HARRIET LEVINA7 FAULKNER, AVARILLA CAVARELLE6 PARRISH, JOHN HENRY5, RUTH4 CHENOWETH, THOMAS3, THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born December 24, 1916 in near Schofield, Polk Co., MO, and died February 06, 2007 in Missouri. She married JAMES CHARLES HUMAN.
age 76 - JAMES WILLIAM8 BATES (WILLIAM MCKINLEY7, VICTORIA6 PARRISH, MEREDITH L.5, RUTH4 CHENOWETH, THOMAS3, THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born July 24, 1928 in Martin, Carbon Co., UT, and died March 15, 2005 in Utah. He married ELLEN MYRLE BENTLEY September 27, 1952 in Spring Glen, Carbon Co., UT, daughter of ELBA BENTLEY and VIVIAN HAMILTON. We belatedly learned of Jim's death. He was an avid genealogist and was of much help with Ruth's family.
age 78 - WILLIAM JAMES8 LOWREY (AERES ELIZABETH7 BASINGER, EMMA6 CHENOWETH, ELIJAH PERRIN5, THOMAS4, THOMAS3, THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born December 28, 1931 in Riverside Co., CA, and died May 10, 2007 in Loma Linda, San Bernardino Co., CA. He married DARLYNE PORTER Abt. 1957.
age 79 - EUGENE CARL 'GENE'8 CHENOWETH (WILLIAM ARTHUR7, REASON COLONY 'REESE'6, ARTHUR5, JOSEPH4, ARTHUR3, THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born August 01, 1928 in Greenfield, Highland Co., OH, and died February 21, 2008 in Colorado. He married (1) BETTY LOU HITCHCOCK February 1957 in Okaloosa Co., FL. He married (2) JOANNE R. He married (3) JAN WENDEL
age 106 - EDWIN LORRAIN8 LEWIS (ORLANDO LORRAIN 'ORLEY'7, SARAH ELLEN 'SALLIE'6 CHENOWETH, REASON SHRIVER5, ABSOLUM B.4, ARTHUR3, THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born May 11, 1895 in Ohio, and died August 06, 2001 in Illinois. Though Edwin's death is outside the range normally used for the newsletter obit list, his age is remarkable and one of the oldest that I know of in the file.
age 89 - OLLA MAHOMA7 GRAHAM nee CHENOWETH (GEORGE EDGAR6, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN5, LUKE4, ARTHUR3, THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born October 21, 1918 in Hinton, Caddo Co., OK, and died January 08, 2008 in Oklahoma. She married (1) KENNETH MARVIN HEFFRON November 20, 1935 in Oklahoma. He was born March 13, 1913 in Oklahoma, and died Bef. 2008. She married (2) VIRGIL HARRIS. She married (3) CHARLES GRAHAM.
age 71 - RICHARD A. 'RICK'8 SCOWDEN (NOAH CLEVELAND7, SAMUEL PARKER6, DORCAS5 CHENOWETH, ARTHUR4, RICHARD3, THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born August 14, 1936 in Carroll Co., IN, and died December 09, 2007 in Delphi, Carroll Co., IN. He was married
age 92 - MARIANNA CHENOWETH nee BOWMAN, daughter of FREDERICK BOWMAN and ELIZABETH HARLACHER, was born November 14, 1915 in Monticello, White Co., IN, and died December 10, 2007 in North Carolina. She married September 25, 1942 in Monticello, White Co., IN JOHN THOMAS 'JACK'8 CHENOWETH (HARRY S.7, THOMAS DANIEL6, IRA M.5, THOMAS T.4, RICHARD3, THOMAS2, JOHN1). He was born December 13, 1919 in Tippecanoe Co., IN, and died February 10, 1975 in Lafayette, Tippecanoe Co., IN.
age 55 - ENRIQUE8 CHENOWETH NORIEGA (RAMON7, SOMERVILLE 'SAMUEL'6, FRANCIS A.5, THOMAS C.4, ELIJAH3, THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born May 15, 1952 in Chihuahua, MEXICO, and died September 15, 2007 in Milwaukee, Milwaukee Co., MN.
age 83 - EDWIN W. BURNES, was born April 27, 1924, and died December 19, 2007 in Florida. He married HELEN7 EESLEY (LILLY DALE6 CHENOWETH, JOSEPH HILL5, ELIJAH4, ELIJAH3, THOMAS2, JOHN1). She was born January 16, 1924 in Franklin Co., OH, and died June 01, 2000.
age 93 - ELVA HENRIETTA8 FRAME nee FULKS (ORVALLE WILSON7, LUCY JANE6 CHENOWETH, ABRAHAM JOHN5, JOHN4, ABRAHAM3, THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born September 09, 1913 in Roann, Randolph Co., IN, and died August 19, 2007 in Richmond, Wayne Co., IN. She married ROBERT FRAME March 17, 1934.
age 78 - JOSEPH VERNON8 CHENOWETH (ELMER ELLSWORTH7, JOHN ARTHUR6, ABRAHAM JOHN5, JOHN4, ABRAHAM3, THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born January 01, 1917 in Ohio, and died December 21, 2007 in Brighton, Livingston Co., MI. He married BEATRICE PAULINE ALLEN May 12, 1945 in Brighton, Livingston Co., MI, daughter of KENNETH ALLEN and ALICE HICKS. She was born February 01, 1920 in Michigan, and died September 20, 2005 in Brighton, Livingston Co., MI.
age 92 - RALPH B. BRATCHER was born June 09, 1915, and died November 18, 2007 in Missouri. He married October 05, 1940 AUDA BERNICE8 CHENOWETH (DELNER WILLIAM7, JOHN WESLEY6, WILLIAM5, JOEL4, ABRAHAM3, THOMAS2, JOHN1). She was born December 03, 1918 in Gentry Co., MO, and died January 06, 2007 in Kansas City, Jackson Co., MO
Unknown lines:
age 95 - THELMA L.5 MECK (ACHASH MARIE4 CHENOWETH, GEORGE M.3, JOHN2, GEORGE OF THE BACK RIVER UPPER HUNDRED - MARYLAND) was born April 28, 1912 in Denver, CO, and died January 05, 2008 in Colorado Springs, El Paso Co., CO. She married GILBERT LORENZ
age 86 - ANNA VIRGINIA CHENOWITH nee HEIN was born October 06, 1921, and died January 30, 2008. She married ALLEN WESLEY3 CHENOWITH (CHARLES ELMER2, CHARLES MARRIED ANNIE DOLL - MARYLAND). He was born September 23, 1913 in Baltimore Co., MD, and died March 26, 1980 in Baltimore Co., MD.
age 70 - JAMES EDWIN6 CHENEWETH, JR. (JAMES EDWIN5, EDMOND BOLES4, JAMES W.3, EDMUND D.2, THOMAS MARRIRD ANN QUIRK - LOUISIANA) was born July 15, 1936 in Roswell, Chaves Co., NM, and died December 13, 2006 in San Diego Co., CA. He married RUTH LUTZ June 27, 1965 in San Diego Co., CA. James added significantly to our knowledge of this line which has been found to be a 100% match to the DNA of John the progenitor
age 86 - LINWOOD ROGER HART was born July 09, 1920, and died May 13, 2007. He married MARTHA ELIZABETH5 CHENOWITH (WALTER ELMER4, HARRY JEROME3, WILLIAM H.2, RICHARD C. MARRIED ANNE - MARYLAND). She was born December 18, 1922 in Maryland, and died June 18, 1986 in Baltimore City, MD.
age 97 - BERNICE M. CHENOWETH was born May 31, 1910, and died September 29, 2007 in California. She married CLARENCE CLINTON C HENOWETH, son of CECIL CALVERT CHENOWETH and MARIE HARSHMAN. He was born February 16, 1916 in Ohio, and died April 03, 1992. CECIL CALVERT CHENOWETH has never been placed, his parents were born in Indiana, the mother being Maria.
Other lines:
age 75 - EDITH PEARL5 CHENOWETH (PERCY HUDSON4, EDWIN (NMN)3, FREDERICK2, JOHN BORN CAMELFORD, CORNWALL ABT 1811) was born August 30, 1932 in Raleigh, Wake Co., NC, and died January 23, 2008 in Palo Alto, Santa Clara Co., CA. She married HAROLD JOSEPH December 23, 1956 in Palm Springs, CA. Edith has been a constant delight at all our reunions. She will be sorely missed
By Jon Egge, WA
(15th Installment of a series - This is the 7th installment on the grandchildren.)
Menu of previous series articles
The First Elijah
There are 11 Elijahs in my file, 9 are in the line of Thomas. Certainly 8 of these are named after Elijah, the 2nd youngest son of Thomas, and the first instance of this name in the family. It is likely that the one Elijah in William�s line was also named for Elijah. This Elijah was the son of William Chenoweth, a son of Thomas Chenoweth and Elizabeth Watson. William�s sister Nancy had married her cousin Elijah, Jr. and William used the name of his brother-in-law. The other of the 2 Elijahs outside of the Thomas line, was born in Randolph Co., VA in 1819. The last instance of an Elijah was Elijah Pringle Chenoweth, born in 1891 and a great, great grandson of the first Elijah. The family of Elijah is robust. He married Rachel Foster, the sister of Cassandra, the wife of one of his older brothers, Thomas, Jr. Born on Back Creek in Frederick Co., as a young child, Elijah accompanied his parents to Old Towne, MD. Here he married on August 25, 1785, Rachel Foster, the daughter of the Rev John Foster and Elizabeth Lewis. After the death of his father Thomas, Elijah migrated with his siblings to Mason Co.,KY and then across the Ohio River, up the Scitio River Valley, finally settling in the southwest corner of Franklin Co., on side by side farm with his brother Thomas, Jr. and Rachel�s sister Cassandra. They were among the first settlers of the area and it is said that Elijah had the first apple orchard in the area.
Elijah served in the American Revolution and this service is described in Harris as follows:
�Elijah and his brother Thomas was in a detachment of men that were sent under the command of Colonel William Crawford to Sandusky, Ohio Territory to put down an uprising of Indians allied with the British. On Jun 5 1782, Col Crawford, several of his officers and some enlisted men were taken prisoner by the Indians. Fortunately, Elijah and Thomas were not among those captured. After summarily killing some of the men, the Indians took Crawford and the rest of the men to what is now Crawfordville in Wyandot Co., Ohio. On June 11, they arrived at the Delaware village where other Indians had gathered from other villages to watch as Crawford was tortured and burned at the stake.�
This service has been recognized by the SAR but is not on the DAR lists as far as I know. The History of Franklin Co. describes Elijah as follows �Elijah and Rachel (Foster) Chenoweth, natives of Maryland, were early settlers in Kentucky, and about 1793 emigrated to Pike County, and settled near what is now the southern boundary of Ross Co. They arrived in the fall of 1799, to Pleasant township, Franklin County being the first pioneers. Elijah Chenoweth was born June 12, 1762 and died December 5, 1828. His wife died April 17, 1825.� Both are buried in the Chenoweth cemetery located on Elijah�s farm in Franklin Co. Elijah wrote his will July 21st and died less than 5 months later.
Elijah and Rachel had 10 children, nine would live to marry. Thomas the oldest married Rachel Morgan in Fayette Co., OH. In 1830 they moved to Vermilion Co., IL. Their son Francis was in Oregon by 1850. Francis was the father of Somerville, who married in Sonoma, Mexico, the ancestor of Daniel Fred. Elizabeth, called Sally, was the oldest daughter of Elijah. She married John Foster Kerr on December 06, 1804 in Ross Co., OH. We don�t know the parents of John Kerr, but there were a number of Kerr-Chenoweth marriages. Parts of Elizabeth�s family ended up in Oregon. John Foster Chenoweth, the second of 4 sons of Elijah that married, settled in Madison Co., OH with his wife Margaret 'Peggy' Ferguson. Descendants of their son Hezikiah went to Northern California. A daughter, Malinda Horatio, married Henry Farrar, an English immigrant, and had large lines that settled in Kansas. Malinda�s brother Lewis Foster also went to Kansas. Several of the children remained in Ohio like Jeremiah Browning, Elijah, and Francis Marion. Elijah�s daughter Sarah married John Haines and went to Illinois. Joseph married Margaret Heath and remained in Ohio settling in Franklin Co. We have not successfully traced much of the family of Cassandra who married John Morgan. Her family was last seen in Pickaway Co., OH. Rachel married Jesse Woods and though she died at about the age of 30, her two children would go to Iowa and then Oregon and form a large family documented in the Henkle Genealogy. Like his brother Joseph, Elijah, Jr. would remain in Ohio. He married his cousin Nancy Chenoweth, a daughter of Thomas Chenoweth of Clark Co. in the line of William, Jr. The lines of Ruth, the youngest daughter, can only be traced today through her one daughter Rachel Davidson who married Jesse L. Partlow in Illinois. Like her sister Rachel, Ruth who had married James Davidson, died after 6 years leaving 2 small children.
In the 1850 Census, there were 26 families from Elijah, numbering 133 people found mostly in Ohio but also IN, IL, IA, WA and WI.
ELIJAH3 CHENOWETH (THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born June 12, 1762 in Frederick Co., VA, and died December 05, 1828 in Franklin Co., OH. He married RACHEL FOSTER August 25, 1785 in Allegany Co., MD, daughter of JOHN FOSTER and ELIZABETH LEWIS. She was born August 11, 1768 in Virginia, and died April 17, 1825 in Franklin Co., OH.
I am one of the least qualified to give tips, but I had not seen this addressed.
I was in the area of my relatives for a family reunion and decided to spend some time in a couple of the local libraries. I was stopped by the clerk before I could enter the genealogy sections, and asked to sign the guest book. At first this seemed a bother, then the thought hit me. Since these were small libraries and the sign-in book was small, why not look for people researching the same names. I found quite a few searching some of my surnames. When I returned home I promptly wrote letters to each and every one. I received a call from one of them in two days saying that she had been looking for my information and that she had all the ancestors that I did not have in this one line. This has proved to be a great find for me, all because someone took the time to sign the guest book with complete contact information.
Don�t neglect to sign the book, and don�t overlook it as a research tool!
The following individuals were reported to the web site as new arrivals to the Chenoweth Clan during 2007. Individuals are listed by birth month and their 2nd generation lineage is in parenthesis.
Finding the Chenoweth Site
I didn�t perhaps pick the best URL name for our family genealogy, but by the time I got around to getting a unique URL most common Chenoweth listings were taken. Oh well. In the early days I would register with webcrawler and some genealogy list sites. This was always time consuming. Then along came Google who picked us up and has kept the site among their top ten Chenoweth listings for years. Many cousins have found us by googling the Chenoweth name. Recently I went to the new Dog Pile search engine. It notes our site from Google, Ask and Yahoo! Search. �Ask� has the best site description (The Families of John Chenoweth & Mary Calvert ... Overview links to over 428 pages of the Chenoweth Site.) I don�t know how you get a search machine to correctly describe a site. Being a front page listing on a search engine is a big plus, and Google, Ask, Yahoo and Dog Pile are honest search machines. I wonder about MSN which doesn�t even list the site at all. [revision: after we published this article, MSN has revised their search parameters and our family side is now in a top position] As a side note, a place called quantcast.com describes site visitors as follows: This site reaches approximately 10,508 U.S. monthly uniques. The site attracts a senior, mostly Caucasian, slightly more female than male audience. I guess that�s us cousins. There are many genealogy surname sites which claim to want to tell you about Chenoweth but not a one, even ancestry.com, references our site, which is after all, the premier site for Chenoweth genealogy.
In March of 2006 I was contacted by Alan Porter Blackburn when he found his name at the website. At last I was in contact with a descendant of Anne Chenoweth, the youngest daughter of Arthur of Bartholomew Co., IN. This section of the database is a 100% reconstruction. In Cora�s book she misplaces Arthur�s children under Arthur, Jr. She however did successfully describe Arthur�s children, John and Rachel, albeit in the wrong place, but Absolom was wrong as was Arthur and nothing was known of the other daughters. Harris incorporated Cora�s mistakes but added marriages and families for the daughters Margaret and Elizabeth. The lines of Arthur were corrected by Jonathan Paul and I was slowly able to resurrect the real lines of Absolom. We knew however that the daughters Mary (Polly) and Ann were alive when Arthur left his will in 1828 in Bartholomew Co. We still don�t know what happened to Mary. There are some possibilities, the most likely is that she is the Mary who married George Finley in Jefferson Co., KY on 17 Sep 1797. Arthur was in Jefferson Co. at the time and his daughter Mary would have been 19. I was able however to tie in the marriage of Anne Chenoweth, found in the Harris research listings of unknown marriages to John Ritchie Shoemaker. This marriage occurred on November 20, 1828 in Bartholomew County about the time that Arthur died. The location is a dead give away as is John Shoemaker as he was a friend of Arthur�s and two of his daughters had married Rachel�s children, William and Arthur Chenoweth. Ann was John�s second marriage. Connie Einspahr, a descendant of John Shoemaker by his first marriage, told me that Ann had children and they were to be found with her in Clinton Co., IN. By that time John Shoemaker had died and Anna had remarried to a Smith as she was living with her 3 sons, Leonard, James and Newton. The 3 boys are also listed in the will of John Shoemaker proved 6 Dec 1848, as is Ann is wife.
Connie Einspahr apparently had been in contact with Alan Porter Blackburn as she gave me a straight descendant line to him, which I included. Pete and I added family information from the 1880 and 1900 Census for Leonard Shoemaker whose family we were able to find in Blue Earth Co., MN. But we had made little other progress. Now came Alan with work researched by his mother that added 6 full pages of descendants from Leonard Shoemaker. I had not had a daughter line expansion like this in sometime. Interesting Alan�s immediate family now puts part of the Chenoweth family in Brazil.
ANNE4 CHENOWETH (ARTHUR3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born May 18, 1793 in Jefferson Co., KY, and died Unknown. She married JOHN RITCHIE SHOEMAKER November 20, 1828 in Bartholomew Co., IN, son of LEONARD SHOEMAKER and EUNICE RITCHEY. He was born October 07, 1794 in Tennessee, and died Bef. December 06, 1848.
LEONARD C.3 SHOEMAKER (ANNE CHENOWETH4, ARTHUR3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born September 05, 1829 in Indiana, and died Bef. 1900. He married MARIA L. IRWIN Bef. 1850. She was born February 1832 in Indiana.
Arthur Chenoweth of Pike Co., OH had a large family by two wives. The list in the Harris book is 18, but the estate records of Arthur as analyzed by Glenda Lloyd finds only 14, eight by his first wife Elizabeth Williams and 6 by the second wife Susannah. We are not sure of Susannah�s surname. Some accounts have Carter, others Carr or Kerr. Both surnames had other links with the families of Thomas(2). Arthur firmly established himself in Pike Co., his home being used as the first court house for the newly formed county. Knowledge has slowly been added over the years as to Arthur�s lines, but a great deal is still missing. Elizabeth Williams was the apparent daughter of Vincent Williams, an immigrant from Wales. This information came from postings by Don Matson and an email of George M. Williams. Elizabeth�s 8 children were 5 daughters and 3 sons. There is much missing from the record. Though marriages are given for the two oldest daughters, Elizabeth to Samuel Corns and Mary to Henry Carter, neither family has ever been found, even though we have a listing of some of Mary�s Carter children. The same is basically true of the daughter Ruth who married Benjamin Grimes. Once again we have a list of children and even a marriage for one of Ruth�s daughters but what is known ends there and not brought into present day. Rachel, another of the daughters, does not fare much better. She married Isaac Rogers and though we have the names of 5 children, none is carried past 1880. Only Martha, the 5th daughter, who married Peter Shriver, has a well documented family line that traces down to present day descendants.
The 3 males are much better documented by virtue of the Chenoweth name. Though Joseph and his wife died leaving small children, their children and their families continued to live on in the Pike Co. area. Absolom as well fathered a large family that resided in the Pike Co. area. George�s family is only scantily known, but at least three of his sons are traced through Texas and into the west, though the male name has died out. Susannah, who survived Arthur had 6 children, 2 sons and 4 daughters. Susananh took her children to Indiana after Arthur's death. The daughter Tamar apparently never married. Luke who married Polly McElwain went on to Iowa, dying there just before the 1850 Census. His large, well defined family moved onto Missouri and Oklahoma. Harriett Chenoweth married Amos Branson Smith and settled in Iowa. This is the line of Glenda Lloyd. The youngest daughter Millie was lost to us until recently documented by Glenda and Sandy Obie. An article on this is found in the February 2003 newsletter. Ada married Charles Parnam Boswell and settled first in Tippecanoe Co. and then neighboring Benton Co. We have a little bit of Ada�s family and a descendant in the form of Dale Andrew Brown of Washington. Hiram, the other son remains elusive. He and his wife Nancy Wolfe died in 1843 leaving 4 small children. In 1850 the 3 sons are all found living with their Aunt Ada in Tippecanoe Co. The daughter Elizabeth is not there but she is given to have married Nathaniel P. Merritt in 1851. Sadly this couple has never been found in a subsequent Census. Both the sons Joseph and Arthur married in Tippecanoe Co. Joseph to Luna Elvira Boswell, assumed to be related to Ada�s husband Parnam. Arthur married later to Mary DeFreese on November 26, 1864. John is not found after the 1850 census, but I have long suspected that he is the John Wesley Chenoweth who married Mary Ann Anderson in Piatt Co., IL. on April 05, 1860.
Joseph�s family is tracked through the 1870 Census living at the time in Iroquois Co. The daughters are found in 1880, but the 2 sons and Joseph and his wife have never been located. Two of the daughters, Hattie and Myrtle, married in Madison Co., IN and the other daughter Eva is found there as a servant in the 1880 Census. There is an unidentified Charles Chenoweth age 30 listed as a cousin to a Ross family in the same county. Joseph and Luna had a son Charles who should be age 26. Perhaps this is he. The whereabouts of the other son, William, is unknown. Neither of the two married daughters, Hattie to Charles D. Wellington and Myrtle to Charles Piper has been traced to living descendants.
In 1998 I was contacted by Sue Ellen Peglow of Arkansas who said she was a descendant of Hiram�s through the son Arthur. Sue never elaborated on this past any information I had at the time and I soon lost track of her. This past year, Peter expanded on our knowledge of the family of Hiram�s son Arthur, tracing the family of Arthur�s daughter Jennie and her marriage to Charles H. Blessing. There was one son, Arthur Marcus Blessing, mentioned in the Harris book and also cited by Sue as her grandfather. Pete�s information led me to reconnect with Sue and I am hoping that lead will eventually lead to more information. It is at present the only descendant line of Hiram�s family that we have to present day.
An interesting point in all this is the name Alonzo. John Wesley Chenoweth who married Mary Ann Anderson named a son Alonzo Chenoweth. I have only one other instance of the name Alonzo Chenoweth in the database. Now Ada Chenoweth Boswell had a son named Hiram Alonzo Chenoweth born about a year after Ada�s brother Hiram died. This leads me to wonder if Hiram might have been Hiram Alonzo Chenoweth. This would certainly boost the case for John Wesley Chenoweth being the son of Hiram. I would also like to get a DNA sample from the family of John Wesley. Proving him to be part of the family would virtually close the deal as there simply are no other John Chenoweths born about 1837 in Indiana known within the family. In support of the name Alonzo being important to Hiram�s family Jennie�s son Arthur Marcus Blessing named one of his sons, Alonzo Paul Blessing.
HIRAM4 CHENOWETH (ARTHUR3, THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born 1806 in Ross Co., OH (now Pike Co.), and died 1843. He married NANCY WOLFE April 02, 1829 in Pike Co., OH. She died 1843.
ARTHUR5 CHENOWETH (HIRAM4, ARTHUR3, THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born November 24, 1834 in Vermillion Co., IN, and died August 10, 1897. He married MARY DEFREESE November 26, 1864 in Tippecanoe Co., IN. She was born July 1846 in HOLLAND, and died April 22, 1910 in Otterbein, Benton Co., IN.
When I first started entering Chenoweths into the database, I made a number of confusions between those in Pike Co., OH and Pike Co., IL. Both were counties that became large settling points for the Chenoweth family as it moved west. Both still are home to Chenoweths who have lived in those environs for over 200 years in the case of Pike Co., OH and 170 years in the case of Pike Co., IL. Part of my befuddlement was the auto fill in the Family Tree Maker program and I quickly had to become very attentive as to which Pike Co. was correct. Pike Co., OH was a bastion of the Thomas(2) family. Families of 6 of the children of Thomas settled here, sons: John, Arthur, Richard and Abraham and The Downings of Mary and some of the Scotts of Sarah. Actually some of these were only in neighboring Ross Co. from whence Pike Co., was formed in 1815. Both descendants of Arthur and Abraham stayed on in this area long after the others had moved on. Pike Co., IL on the other hand was settled by families of John(2). From Kentucky came the families of John(2) from two grandsons, Jonathan and William, both sons of William(3), and the cousin marriage of Abraham Chenoweth and Rachel, the daughter of Arthur(3). Also settling in Pike Co. were the families of Phebe Ashbrook Tucker, a daughter of Mary(3). The Tuckers had come to Illinois via Ohio.
There are several parallel instances of common county names of two or more states that were heavily populated by Chenoweths. These include Randolph Co with West Virginia being the long time home of John(4) and Indiana, the destination of the Baltimore descendants of William(4) the son of Arthur, Jr. Washington Co was the Tennessee home of the lines of John(3), the son of Richard as was Washington Co., AR some 40 years later. Washington Co., IN was the home for John(4) the son of John Chenoweth of Hampshire Co., VA. There were Chenoweths in Warren Co., OH and to a lesser extent Warren Co., IN. There were the abutting counties of Vermillion Co., IN and Vermilion Co., IL with added problem of the missing �L� in the case of Illinois. These are but the most common of dozens of other instances.
In 1850 there were 32 families numbering 146 people of the Chenoweth family living in Pike Co., IL, about 15% of the known Census enumeration that we have detail for from that decade. 14 of these bore the Chenoweth name and 18 were daughter lines, including 7 of Phebe�s families whose presence was made known to me though the research of Jennifer Lane of Arkansas. By 1860, the population, despite the outward migration to Missouri, Arkansas and California, had climbed to 157 people in 28 families. One of these was George Shriver from the Thomas(2) line, migrating from Highland Co., OH [George was a son of Peter Shriver and Martha Chenoweth who had married in Ross Co. which formed in part into Pike Co., OH]. Family names included: Akin [also Aiken], Alsbury, Brooks, Chenoweth, Davis, DeWitt, Gaston, Gregory, Gremm, Head, Kile, Meadows, Reeder, Rigg, Sago, Shriver, Thompson, Triplett, Tucker, Tuey, Watkins, Wing. The extensive data we have of the 1880 Census tells us that this population had grown to 179 in the ensuing 20 years. I have no idea what the Chenoweth population of this county is today. I know that Wayne Williams Chenoweth, a 9th generation descendant still lives in Chambersburg, Pike Co., IL but unfortunately he was completely uninterested in talking to me. This past March (2007) however I was contacted by Debbie Damron whose Grandmother Clara Louise Chenoweth was born in Pike Co. Clara descends from James Hackely Chenoweth one of the sons of William Chenoweth of Nelson Co., KY. James had come to Pike Co. about 1833, shortly after his Kentucky marriage to Artemisia Catherine Birkhead. As Debbie looked at the website she also found the name of her grandfather on her father�s side, Frank S. Mills. This was part of Phebe�s family and it became apparent that Debbie�s mother Pauline had married her 6th cousin in the form of Paul Franklin Mills. Neither Debbie nor her parents had known of this relationship, but I certainly had expected the possibility of the event given the length of time so many families had lived in the area. This marriage combined the families of William(3) with his sister Mary(3). But Debbie�s surprising discoveries were not yet over, for a week later she discovered that Albert Durbin, the father-in-law of Clara�s first husband, was also a descendant, listed at the website and Clara�s marriage to Paul Durbin was a 5th cousin once removed marriage. Paul, too was a Ashbrook/Tucker descendant. Paul was Pauline�s father, bring her 2nd relationship to her husband somewhat closer as 3rd cousins once removed. I find this a delightful story of shared heritage.
The Military service page created by Pete Chenoweth continues to grow, as information becomes available. Nancy Forsyth, was delighted when we launched this page. She had asked me to consider such a page early on in the first year of the website. Nancy had served in the Navy Waves and had met her husband when he returned from the Pacific. Born Mildred Ann Hannah, Nancy descended from the line of Stephen Ross Chenoweth, a Kentucky line of over 200 years. The Chenoweth family has a long proud history of serving our country in defense of the nation. There are some 34 listings for family members who served in the American Revolution. Well over 60% of the family can trace to a line that qualified for DAR or SAR rolls. I know in recent years I have been contacted by a half dozen cousins currently involved in Iraq. The Civil War page lists the service of over 380 family members on both sides of the conflict. The names of nine family members are inscribed on the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington DC. The most entries however can be found in those that served in World War II, the largest military involvement in our history. To date we have listings of over 500 family members, 56 of which died in service. Among these numbers are 3 who served in the Bataan defense force and endured the Batan Death march. One of these survived the over 3-year captivity in a POW camp and one died during this harsh internment. The third managed to escape captivity while later being transported. Two of these individuals were descendants of Elijah, son of Thomas, who served in the American Revolution.
MERVYN D.8 CHENOWETH (ARCHIE DEAN7, SIMEON6, HEZIKIAH5, JOHN FOSTER4, ELIJAH3, THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born February 15, 1913 in Oakland, Alameda Co., CA, and died January 01, 1987 in Hawaii. He is buried with his wife DORTHEA RUTH MONTGOMERY in the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific, HI. Known as the Punchbowl, Deanna and I visited there a couple of years ago looking up the grave of her uncle, Hans Martin Luokkala who died just before the end of the war, being strafed by a enemy plane onboard ship. Mervyn returned from his ordeal to marry and has one daughter Vana Chenoweth Lott.
LYLE7 EESLEY (LILLY DALE6 CHENOWETH, JOSEPH HILL5, ELIJAH4, ELIJAH3, THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born about June 1917 in Franklin Co., OH, and died July 25, 1942 in a Japanese prison camp, The PHILIPPINES.
WILLIAM CLEMENTS9 CHENOWETH (JUSTIN ALONSO 'JUDD'8, WILLIAM LEWIS7, MATHIAS ROSE6, LEWIS ROSE5, JOHN4, ARTHUR3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born September 30, 1914 in West Union, Clark Co., IL, and died June 24, 2004 in Seattle, King Co., WA. Bill was a West Point graduate. Before the war, while stationed in Ohio he found and married ANN CHENOWETH KARRAKER, his 6th Chenoweth cousin, in Kentucky, reuniting the families of Absolom and Arthur, both sons of John(2). As described in his obituary, Bill �..was one of 70,000 American and Filipino troops who surrendered to the Japanese on April 9, 1942, and marched more than 60 miles across the island of Luzon with no food and water. Chenoweth could have been one of about 11,000 soldiers who died on the Bataan Death March. But his iron will kept him going through the march and for more than two years in a Japanese prison camp, his family said. �He kept thinking to himself, 'It can't end like this,' and visualizing my mother and brother," said Ann Morrison of Knob Noster, MO., one of Mr. Chenoweth's two daughters. Mr. Chenoweth eventually escaped when a Japanese transport ship he and other prisoners were aboard was hit by American torpedoes. Most of the prisoners went down on the ship, but Mr. Chenoweth escaped over the side and swam to an island, where he met Filipino guerrillas. He was later taken by submarine from the Philippines to Australia, and he returned to the United States in 1944. His persistence characterized Mr. Chenoweth throughout his life, his family said, from his Oregon childhood to his military service and his family life.�
I am sure that many more names will be added as cousins become aware of this fine family tribute to those who served our country:
In May 2005, we had a contact from a Bruce Chenoweth, a grandson of Roy Burbank, in the line of Richard Beasman of Baltimore. Bruce is one of only 6 ninth generation males from this ancient Baltimore line. Today we have 20 male lines that extend down from the 29 known male-Chenoweth grandsons of the family. Six of those are from John and six are from Thomas, leaving only 8 lines to be divided among the other 3 sons. Richard has one, William two, so Arthur has 5 lines. For a time I had thought that the line of Arthur�s son Samuel was at a dead end, but recent research has found David Richard Chenoweth, II, born 2001, a 10th generation Chenoweth.
It is not easy to get an accurate picture of the present family. We are now some 77 years, almost a lifetime, past the 1930 Census. In 1930, we presently estimate there might have been as many as 1,728 male-Chenoweths living. This figure would be on the high end of an actual figure for lack of death dates. We have presently found only 1,413 of these in the Census. The 1930 Census is at the low end of our success range which runs from a high of 93.4% (for the 1850, the baseline Census) to a low of 82.2% for the 1930. It may be that we have over estimated the family size in 1930 by missing a number of death dates or it may be that the hurried indexing of the 1930 census leaves some missing. We have actually found more males (1,414) in the 1920 Census and it is unlikely that the figure would have gone down, at least it would be the first negative growth in the family between any succeeding decade. That alone seems to support a certain gap in the 1930 indexing. A corroboration of this is the fact that there was a 16% population growth in this country during the 1920s. Granted some of this is immigration, but the Chenoweth family would certainly have experienced a similar growth as to the general population.
The dynamics of the family, can be captured with some certainty through the 7th generation. For the Chenoweth family, the 7th generation male-name begins in 1833 and ends 1946, beginning with Marshall Chenoweth born in Randolph Co., WV, a grandson of William Pugh [John2], and ending with Billy Wayne Chenoweth in Texas, a great grandson of George Washington Chenoweth of Candem Co., MO in the line of Arthur. This trailing end is young for a number of reasons. Richard was the last of Arthur�s sons. He fathered children into his 70s and Billy Wayne�s grandfather was born when George Washington was 60 years old. There is 120 years between the birth of Richard in 1755 and his last grandson John P. in 1875. We know of 813, male-Chenoweths born to 7th generation. The 8th generation should be closed off by now, but we are not certain as to who the last 8th generation male would be, as our family knowledge obviously begins to taper off. I need to take the time to expand the spreadsheet we are using to include all known males. At present, it attempts to include all known males born before 1950 that we know of. Bruce is an example that we don�t know everything once we leave the 1930 framework. There is obviously no data field to use and we can only work with projections from what we know.
The 8th generation begins in 1857 in the form of James Milton Chenoweth in Illinois [a John2 Thomas3 line]. Our spreadsheet has 851 males in the 8th generation, but naturally misses anyone we might know about born after 1950 and of course everyone we don�t yet have in the database. I do know of a 8th generation male born in 1983. The family is in the 14th generation on the leading edge, but I have yet to document a male past the 13th generation. Daughter lines by nature always become the vanguard. The 9th generation is at this point probably reaching it�s final member but certainly with the last 8th generation that I know being born in 1983 this may not yet be the case and my knowledge of this generation is some what lacking. By 1950, we know of 581 9th generation males, 185 in the 10th generation and 16 in the 11th generation. I have more in the database, but so far the last half-century has not been organized into a matrix that we can view in perspective. I doubt if I have the names of 2/3�s of what has been born in the last say 20 years.
As an aside, we have never been able to find Roy Burbank in the 1910 Census, one crucial to the family genealogy as it would have listed his first wife and the 2 children. Otherwise from 1900 to 1930, the other three Censuses, Roy was in New Rochelle. Bruce tells me he worked as a policeman for the town adding that in 1910 he was still probably living on a houseboat, a domicile that seems to have been missed in the Census. It isn�t that there is a lot missing, but when you are shooting for the moon to get everyone, you find that you fall a little short all the time.
During a recent trip to Atlanta, my wife and I took the opportunity to visit Centennial Park, site of a portion of the 1996 Summer Olympics. During the preparations for the Olympics individuals were able to purchase special bricks that became the walkways through the park. These bricks could be embossed with personalized inscriptions. We had purchased one of these bricks and had our name and home town placed on it, but had never taken the opportunity to view it.
A search of the automated index, indicated not only where our brick was located, but 8 other bricks that had been purchased by a Chenoweth. Of these I have only been able to identify, with reasonable certainty, 2 of them. It would be nice to know the story behind these other bricks.
If anybody is interested I took digital pictures of these bricks and would be willing to share them.
(2 bricks purchased by a Richard K. Chenoweth): CHAD J. MCARDLE - CONYERS, GA * DICK CHENOWETH - CONYERS, GA
(brick was purchased by a Dr Chenoweth): CODY WATERS �95 - MARIST HIGH
(2 bricks that are probably a family): MEG � ERIK � SCOTT CHENOWETH * DAVID & LINDA CHENOWETH
(2 bricks purchased by Christine Ann Kessler � probably her parents): JOHN KESSLER - EDMOND, OK * MAXINE KESSLER - EDMOND, OK
(details unknown): RAY CHENOWETH - APOLLO BEACH, FL
DO YOU KNOW THESE PEOPLE? In past issues we asked you to take a look at information that we had gathered with regards to 600 Chenoweth marriages. In this issue we offer another 150 marriages that we have been unable to place. As always with this column any help in identifying these individuals would be greatly appreciated.
Surname Given Bdate mDate Mstate Spouse spouse bdate Chenoweth Mary J. 4 Jan 1885 IN Somer, William A. Chenoweth Mary K. Mar 1946 AL Not listed Chenoweth Mary Louanne 21 Dec 1984 FL Axline, Richard Daniel Chenoweth Mary Louise Abt 1937 AZ Hormachea, Ray Chenoweth Mary M. Abt 1920 12 May 1955 CA Scully Charles Yardley, Jr Chenoweth Mary Magdalene 10 May 1959 NV Lee, Eddie A. Chenoweth Maryjane M. Abt 1924 17 Nov 1956 CA Barnes, Herbert T. Abt 1916 Chenoweth Matilda 10 Apr 1894 IN Berry, Matthew H. Chenowith Mattie 12 Dec 1889 KY Nash, Edmund S. Chenoweth Max Duane 10 Jun 1969 NV Rabey, Dee Ann Chenoweth May 15 May 1838 IL Ingries, William H. Chenoweth Melba L. 2 Sep 1962 NV Smith, Clinton D. Chenoweth Melissa 14 Nov 1882 IN Eauchamp, Leander Chenoweth Michael M. Abt 1926 10 May 1963 CA Poore, Marie Farrar Abt 1925 Chenoweth Michelle Rena 22 Apr 1985 NV Abner, James L. Chenoweth Mildred A. Nov 1960 AL Not listed Chenoweth Milton Bef 1882 Butler, Louisa Chenoweth Mitchell L. Abt 1957 24 Sep 1982 TX Wedig, Diana L. Chenoweth Mollie A. 28 Sep 1876 IN Porter, David A. Chenoweth Mollie F. 21 May 1884 IA Reynolds, David A. Chenoweth Monique Michelle 21 Mar 2005 NV Ericksen, Keith-Lee Dalh Chenoweth Morris W. Abt 1908 19 Jul 1949 CA Winter, Gladys Olson Abt 1905 Chenoweth Nadine C �IA 18 Sep 1937 MO Darling, Leroy C �IA Chenoweth Nancy 15 Apr 1860 IL Breed, Lewis A. Chenoweth Nancy 15 Mar 1898 OH Dennewitz, Charles G. Chenoweth Nancy 3 Nov 1842 OH Davis, James W. Chenoweth Nancy 28 Nov 1850 IN Moore, Edward Chenoweth Nancy J. 22 Jan 1878 OH Goodfellow, John J. Chenoweth Nancy J. Loveal, William Chenoweth Nancy K. Abt 1963 11 Apr 1998 TX Brown, Thomas L. Abt 1961 Chenoweth Nancy Karen 23 Mar 1973 FL Griffith, John Lewis Chenowith Nancy L. Abt 1962 1 Jun 1985 CA Wagner, Anthony J. Abt 1962 Chenoweth Naomi Ruth Abt 1947 FL Foxworth, Al Vernon Chenoweth Natalie Elaine 12 Jun 1984 NV Ratigan, Kenneth Janes Chenoweth Natalie Elaine Abt 1972 10 Oct 1987 NV McDaniels, Christopher Shawn Chenoweth Natalie Elaine 11 Sep 1993 NV Nunes, Patrick Shane Chenoweth Nathan S. Abt 1975 26 Aug 1994 KY Marlow, Charlene M. Abt 1976 Chenoweth Nellie E. 22 Feb 1895 OH Clark, Wallace Chenoweth Nellie E. 8 Feb 1894 IN Myers, Michael Chenoweth Nicholas R. 3 Oct 1825 KY Thomas, Sarah Chenoweth Nicole R. 11 Feb 2000 NV Gibbs, Darren G. Chenoweth Nora 28 Nov 1885 IN Routh, John B. Chenoweth Norma L. Abt 1932 7 Jun 1952 CA Duiker, Marion A. Abt 1910 Chenoweth Norma L. Jul 1966/Div FL Snider, Ronald D. Chenoweth Norma Louise 30 May 1970 FL McCann, Robert G. Chenoweth Olivia Ida 27 Feb 1926 IN Turner, Arley Chenoweth Olla Abt 1875 3 Jul 1893 KS Odall, Jesse Abt 1872 Chenoweth Opal M. 30 Jan 1993 CO Curry, Robert L. Chenoweth Orville D. 22 Dec 1953 WA Stout, Nancy Lee Chenoweth Oscar B. Oct 1966 AL Not listed Chenoweth Pamela L. Abt 1956 1 Mar 1974 CA Graham, Larry B. Abt 1950 Chenoweth Pamela Lee 20 Jun 1995 NV Power, James Thomas, Jr Chenoweth Patricia A. Abt 1969 31 Jan 1997 TX Lofton, Leslie A. Abt 1965 Chenoweth Patricia L. Abt 1940 3 Jan 1981 CA Milner, Joseph H. Abt 1939 Chenoweth Patricia Lynn Abt 1993 WA Matson, William James Chenoweth Patrick D. Abt 1966 29 Sep 1987 TX Philippi, Sarah J. Abt 1963 Chenoweth Patrick D. Abt 1951 24 Dec 1973 CA Tavasieff, Katherine T. Abt 1953 Chenoweth Paula Marie 15 Mar 1993 NV Hynes, Paul Joseph Chenoweth Paulette 31 Jul 1999 NV Chenoweth, James D. Chenoweth Pauline A. Abt 1905 18 Jan 1975 CA Arundell, Ernest K. Abt 1895 Chenoweth Peggy Lynn 19 Oct 1992 NV Watters, Loren L. Chenoweth Pernie Ann 7 Jun 1946 SD Daniels, Edward W. Chenoweth Phyllis A. Abt 1930 13 Dec 1965 CA Kruetzer, Lowell J. Abt 1927 Chenoweth Phyllis Marie 26 Mar 1933 11 Apr 1966 TX Vancepreghy, John Paul 17 Dec 1921 Chenoweth Polly 24 Oct 1829 OH Derby, William Chenoweth Polly 27 Mar 1837 OH Hughes, Stephen Chenoweth Polly A. Abt 1854-IN 6 Jul 1879 IN Banks, William A. Abt 1846-MD Chenoweth Priscilla E. 25 Sep 1862 IA Norton, Jesse J. Chenoweth Priscilla J. Abt 1931 19 Jul 1965 CA Bray, Wayne A. Abt 1933 Chinneworth R.A. 2 Jan 1879 MO Graham, Lou Chenoweth Rachel 28 Aug 1831 IN Best, Solomon Chenoweth Rachel 24 Mar 1783 VA Fryatt, Robert Chenoweth Rachel 20 May 1830 IN Knox, Samuel Cheneweth Rachel R. 5 Jul 1992 NV Plante, Christopher A. Chenoweth Ramona Belle 7 Nov 1964 NV Amell, Robert Vincent Chenoweth Randal Lee 9 Apr 2004 NV Lehfeldt-Wood, Barbara Joyce Chenoweth Raymond D. Abt 1945 30 Apr 1966 CA Pullins, Shirlene R. Abt 1945 Chenoweth Raymond James 25 Aug 1973 FL Bedell, Dawn Marie Chenoweth Raymond M. Abt 1934 29 May 1954 CA Wallace, Nancy R. Abt 1936 Chenoweth Rebecca Ann 17 Dec 1835 VA Berkeley, Benjamin T. Chenoweth Rebecca Marie 30 Dec 2000 FL Cracchiola, Matthew Alan Chenoweth Regina Isabelle 9 Dec 1995 FL Leonard, Mark Doty Chenoweth Rhonda C. Abt 1954 4 Jul 1972 CA Pollard, Richard R. Abt 1954 Chenoweth Rhonda Renea 13 Apr 2001 FL Wallace, William Harlan, Jr Chenoweth Richard Abt 1856 ?, E.J. Chenoweth Richard Abt 1851-MD ?, Elizabeth Abt 1857-MD Chenoweth Richard 29 Dec 1829 MD Brawner, Mary Ann Chenoront Richard J. 24 Feb 1872 2 Jun 1908 IN Jones, Dora E. Chenoweth Richard S. Abt 1952 8 Oct 1977 CA Falvin, Karen A. Abt 1953 Chenoweth Richard Stanley 19 Jun 1972 NV Clark, Donna Elizabeth Chenoweth Richard T. 3 Apr 1970 NV Twedten, Ann Marie Chenowth Robert Bef Feb 1993 KY Cox, Janet K. Chineth Robert 8 Nov 1868 MO Gibson, Amandy Chenoweth Robert Alan 29 Apr 1978 FL Rodgers, Susan Joyce Chenoweth Robert G. Abt 1930 23 Aug 1980 TX Batts, Hazel R. Abt 1932 Chenoweth Robert G. Abt 1930 11 Dec 1987 TX Runion, Joyce Abt 1957 Chenoweth Robert H. 12 Dec 1974 NV Bias, Shirley Ann Chenoweth Robert J. Feb 1871-TN Abt 1891 ?, Maggie A. Feb 1871-OH Chenoweth Robert L. Abt 1954 16 Jun 1973 CA Luttrell, Janey L. Abt 1952 Chenoweth Robert L. Abt 1954 27 May 1993 KY Bright, Rita A. Abt 1950 Chenoweth Robert L. Abt 1927 7 Feb 1953 CA Myers, Nancy J. Abt 1930 Chenoweth Robert P. Abt 1927 13 Jan 1950 CA Aguero, Trini Abt 1931 Chenoweth Ronald 28 Aug 1981 CO Stark, Beverly K. Chenoweth Rosemary Ann 25 Jan 1978 NV Bryan, Lester G. Chenowith Ross 12 Apr 1947 NV Timmons, Olive C. Chenowith Roxanne Jean (Jackson) 16 Jul 1973 FL Tenore, Bernard Joseph Chenoweth Roy C. 17 Oct 1911 CO Talbot, Irene Chenoweth Ruby B. Abt 1952 FL Sims, Joseph M. Chenowith Russ Carolyn Sandra Slayton Chenowith Ruth 25 Jan 1942 Barnett, Henry C. 31 May 1910 Chenoweth Ruth 30 Mar 1907-KS Aft 1930 Harbaugh, Glenn Lloyd Abt 1911-PA Chenoweth Ruth 4 May 1812 OH McCalb, James Chenoweth Ruth 27 May 1917 IL Smith, Carl Oliphant Chenoweth Ruth Ann 28 Nov 1822 14 Apr 1841 IN Scott, Edwin Chenoweth Ruth Ann 6 Jan 1850 IL Williams, Henry J. Chenoweth Ruth C. (Stone) 22 Apr 1975 FL Blodgett, G. Allen Chenoweth Ruth Loraine 10 Feb 1943 NV Gottesman, Charles John Chenoweth Ruth R. Abt 1923 13 Mar 1962 CA Mahoney, Vincent J. Abt 1921 Chenoweth Samantha 13 Nov 1865 IA Allen, William H. Chenoweth Samuel Abt 1791-PA ?, Harriet Abt 1823-IA Chenowith Sandra Kay 30 Dec 1993 FL Perry, Michael Alan Chenoweth Sandra L. 17 Jul 1993 KY Flynn, Kevin J. Chenoweth Sandra L. Abt 1945 11 Jun 1966 CT Loomis, Richard E. Abt 1936 Chenoweth Sandra L. Abt 1954 2 Nov 1973 CA Peck, Derran S. Abt 1954 Chenoweth Sarah 24 Aug 1897 TN Gallagher, Denny F. Chinalworth Sarah 8 Jan 1864 MO Hampton, John Chenoweth Sarah Abt 1850 17 Jan 1875 KS Holbert, George Abt 1846 Chenoweth Sarah Abt 1806 KY Lovett, Elias Chenoweth Sarah Mann, Steven 5 Apr 1904 Chenoweth Sarah 12 Dec 1886 WV Martin, Joseph Chenoweth Sarah Abt 1825 KY Sheets, Samuel Chenoweth Sarah Abt 1815 Wicoff, Henry Chenoweth Sarah 8 Dec 1857 MO Dickerson, Harry Chenoweth Sarah Ann 21 May 1849 KY Meade, David Chenoweth Sarah E. 14 Dec 1853 KY Eggen, William Chenoweth Sarah E. 23 Jul 1858 TN Hoover, Abraham (Dr) Chenoweth Sevola D. Abt 1953 30 Dec 1975 CA Arrington, John K. Abt 1954 Chenoweth Sharon Elaine 25 Apr 1996 NV Blanco, James Ronald Chenoweth Shawn Edward 31 Dec 2003 NV Graves, Loretta Kay Chenoweth Sherry 19 Jan 1962 NV Howe, Clifford Joseph Chenoweth Shirley A. Abt 1937 31 Jan 1964 CA Herman, Fred G. Abt 1931 Chenoweth Shirley A. Abt 1947 1 Sep 1984 CA Powers, Jimmie L. Abt 1960 Chenoweth Sidney 2 Aug 1818 MD Curry, Thomas Chenoweth Sidney Abt 1876 28 Jun 1899 IN Faigle, Lewis W.Military Service
Another brief discussion of male lines...
�96 Summer Olympics Revisited
By Peter Chenoweth
Questions That Haunt Me??
By Randy Wynn (courtesy Rootsweb.com 5 Aug 1997)
Peter Chenoweth, editor, Hephzibah, GA ....
Comments and Contributions Email: p.chenoweth@comcast.net
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Copyright c 2007 by Peter Chenoweth and Jon D. Egge. All Rights Reserved. Any republication of this page material for personal use requires inclusion of this copyright. Any other republication of this page material requires the express consent of the editor.
publication: Mar 6, 2008