PLEASE NOTE: this alphabetic list contains birth date and place where known except for living persons. The descendant line of the children of John Chenoweth and Mary Calvert is in brackets. The number following the indicated descendant line is the generation in America. A number in brackets after the name indicates a person may belong to more than one Chenoweth line of ancestry. (i.e. a marriage of cousins occurred or a person married more than one family member). Thus the name will appear in duplicate for a link to each line.
Name, Date, Place of Birth, [descendent line, generation]
Scaelette, George Richard [John 11]
Scaelette, James Anthony [John 11]
Scaelette, Michael Anthony [John 11]
Scaelette, William [John 10 (spouse)]
Scaelette, William Joseph [John 11]
Scaneborn, Ashley [John 12]
Scaneborn, Dave Eugene [John 12]
Scaneborn, Gene [John 11 (spouse)]
Scanlan, Helen [John 10 (spouse)]
Scanland, James T. [John 7 (spouse)]
Scanland, Susan b: Abt. 1859 in Brown Co., IL [John 8]
Scanlon, Devin Michael [John 11]
Scanlon, Kellene Brophy [John 11]
Scanlon, Megan Carey [John 11]
Scanlon, Peter Joseph [John 10 (spouse)]
Scarce, Mildred J. b: August 07, 1890 in Orgeon [Thomas 8]
Scarce, William D. 'Albert' b: Bet. 1848 - 1868 [Thomas 7 (spouse)]
Scarff, Mary Rebecca 'Mamie' b: May 14, 1884 in Maryland [unknown 4 (spouse)]
Scelzi, Frances Louise (Ross) [Arthur 9 (spouse)]
Scendel, Stella C. b: December 18, 1906 [John 9 (spouse)]
Scerba, Kelly [John 11 (spouse)]
Schacht, Donald [John 10]
Schacht, Donna [John 10]
Schacht, Fred b: March 12, 1905 [John 9 (spouse)]
Schacht, Harold [John 10]
Schacht, Lois [John 10]
Schacht, Mary Lou [John 10]
Schacht, William [John 10]
Schachte, Nancy Lee [John 9 (spouse)]
Schackman, Darlene [Arthur 10 (spouse)]
Schaefer, Augusta L. b: 1889 in Maryland [Arthur 7 (spouse)]
Schaefer, Jerrold J. [Arthur 8 (spouse)]
Schaefer, Melissa [Arthur 9]
Schaefer, Stephanie Marie [Arthur 9]
Schaeffer, Alice [Thomas 9]
Schaeffer, Anita [Thomas 9]
Schaeffer, Betty Helen [John 9 (spouse)]
Schaeffer, Billy [Thomas 9]
Schaeffer, Clyde [Thomas 9 (spouse)]
Schaeffer, David [Thomas 9]
Schaeffer, Ernest [Thomas 8]
Schaeffer, Jason Lee [Thomas 10]
Schaeffer, Kathryn [Thomas 9]
Schaeffer, Lelis [Thomas 8]
Schaeffer, Marion Clarence b: Aft. 1864 [John 8 (spouse)]
Schaeffer, Neal [Thomas 9]
Schaeffer, Robert [Thomas 9]
Schaeffer, Virgil [Thomas 8]
Schaeffer, William b: Aft. 1878 [Thomas 7 (spouse)]
Schaeffer, William [Thomas 8]
Schafer, Craig Tyler [William 11]
Schafer, Garry [William 10 (spouse)]
Schafer, Theresa Lee [unknown 7 (spouse)]
Schaff, Magdalena Katherine 'Helen' [John 9 (spouse)]
Schaffer, Bobby Joe [John 11 (spouse)]
Schaffer, Dale Anne [Hannah 9]
Schaffer, Debra Louise [Hannah 9]
Schaffer, Diana Lynn [Thomas 10 (spouse)]
Schaffer, Diane Elizabeth [Hannah 9]
Schaffer, Gertrude b: Aft. 1860 [unknown 5 (spouse)]
Schaffer, Joseph Dale [Hannah 8 (spouse)]
Schaffer, Kerry Lynn [John 12]
Schaffer, Mary b: Abt. 1846 in Pennsylvania [Arthur 6 (spouse)]
Schaffer, Patrick Alan [Hannah 9]
Schaffer, Ruth Jane [John 11 (spouse)]
Schaffer, Stanley Lee [Hannah 9]
Schaffner, Joseph A. b: December 29, 1918 in Linton, Emmons Co., ND [John 9 (spouse)]
Schaffner, Linda Lee [John 10]
Schaffner, Sandra [John 11]
Schaffner, Steven James [John 10]
Schaffner, Teresa Rae [John 10]
Schaffner, Tyler [John 11]
Schaible, Jennifer Joy [unknown 8]
Schaible, Todd [unknown 7 (spouse)]
Schalbach, Howard [unknown 4 (spouse)]
Schalburg, Jill [John 10 (spouse)]
Schall, Jennifer Lee [Thomas 10]
Schall, Kimberly Lynn [Thomas 10]
Schall, LaVern Fredrick [Thomas 9 (spouse)]
Schallert, David William [Arthur 9 (spouse)]
Schallert, Elizabeth Joy [Arthur 10]
Schallert, Jonathan Hebert [Arthur 10]
Schallert, Stephan Andrew [Arthur 10]
Schaltenbran, Otto b: Abt. 1890 [Thomas 8 (spouse)]
Schanck, Amy Caroline [John 11]
Schanck, Emily Suzanne [John 11]
Schanck, Gregory Wilson [John 11]
Schanck, Hillery Roelof [John 11]
Schanck, Peter Ruloff [John 10 (spouse)]
Schanzer, Knute K. b: Bet. 1885 - 1905 [Hannah 8 (spouse)]
Schardine, Benjamin b: Bet. 1833 - 1853 [John 6 (spouse)]
Scharf, Randal [John 11 (spouse)]
Scharpenberg, Carl Albert [Thomas 10]
Scharpenberg, Carren Annette [Thomas 10]
Scharpenberg, Catharine Ann [Thomas 10]
Scharpenberg, Christian Albert b: October 10, 1930 in San Mateo Co., CA [Thomas 9]
Scharpenberg, Henry August b: April 23, 1902 in Illinois [Thomas 8 (spouse)]
Scharpenberg, Kurt William [Thomas 10]
Scharpenberg, Linda [Thomas 10]
Scharpenberg, Michele [Thomas 10]
Scharpenberg, William August [Thomas 9]
Scharr, Theodore "Ted" b: Bet. 1894 - 1912 [Thomas 7 (spouse)]
Schatz, Arlen Elroy [William 9 (spouse)]
Schatz, Christine Elizabeth [William 11]
Schatz, David Arlen [William 10]
Schatz, Kevin Paul [William 10]
Schatz, Michael Ryan [William 11]
Schatz, Steven Allen [William 10]
Schaub, Marilyn Ann [unknown 5 (spouse)]
Schaule, Brian Victor [unknown 5 (spouse)]
Schaumberg, Caitlin Patricia [John 12]
Schaumberg, Elle Michaela [John 12]
Schaumberg, Joda Marc [John 11 (spouse)]
Schauseil, James F. b: November 26, 1917 [Thomas 8 (spouse)]
Schebler, Deborah Lee [John 10 (spouse)]
Schee, Calbet b: Abt. 1862 in Vigo Co., IN [Thomas 6]
Schee, Herman b: August 1871 in Vigo Co., IN [Thomas 6]
Schee, Indiana b: Abt. 1856 [Thomas 6]
Schee, James b: July 1830 in Delaware [Thomas 5 (spouse)]
Schee, Mary b: Abt. 1857 [Thomas 6]
Scheel, Anne Renee [Thomas 11]
Scheel, Donald Edward b: March 15, 1936 in Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., IA [Thomas 9 (spouse)]
Scheel, Jeffrey Brian [Thomas 10]
Scheemann, Glenn Mark [John 11 (spouse)]
Scheerschmidt, Katie Lynn [John 11]
Scheerschmidt, Robert O. [John 10 (spouse)]
Scheerschmidt, Sara Elizabeth [John 11]
Scheetz, Kari [John 10 (spouse)]
Scheidel, Frances Lucille [Arthur 8 (spouse)]
Scheidies, Karen [Thomas 9 (spouse)]
Scheiman, Joanne Marie [John 11 (spouse)]
Schell, Arnold F. b: Abt. 1864 in Ohio [William 7]
Schell, Charlotte Ann [Arthur 8]
Schell, Daniel Frederick [Arthur 9]
Schell, Darrell James [Arthur 9]
Schell, Deborah Kay [Arthur 8]
Schell, Donald James [Arthur 8]
Schell, Edward b: Abt. 1870 in Ohio [William 7]
Schell, Eleanor b: Abt. 1866 in Ohio [William 7]
Schell, Elizabeth 'Betty' b: September 16, 1924 in Cuyahoga Co., OH [Arthur 7]
Schell, Frederick Russell [Arthur 8]
Schell, James b: Bet. 1885 - 1905 [Thomas 8 (spouse)]
Schell, James Hensley b: May 15, 1929 in Columbus, Franklin Co., OH [Arthur 7]
Schell, James Stothers b: February 28, 1897 [Arthur 6 (spouse)]
Schell, Jodi Marie [John 12 (spouse)]
Schell, John H. b: Abt. 1834 in Ohio [William 6 (spouse)]
Schell, Julia Yvonne b: September 02, 1954 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA [Arthur 8]
Schell, Louis Samuel [Arthur 9]
Schell, Maggie b: Abt. 1873 in Ohio [William 7]
Schell, Marie Vera [Arthur 8]
Schell, Matthew Gregory [Arthur 9]
Schell, Meredith Tobin [Arthur 9]
Schell, Molly Anne [Arthur 9]
Schell, Richard William [Arthur 7]
Schell, Stephanie Joan [Arthur 10]
Schell, Virginia Harriet [Arthur 8]
Schellenberger, Mary M. b: January 02, 1853 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., PA [William 6 (spouse)]
Schellhaas, Rob [Thomas 10 (spouse)]
Schellhous, Dean Fredrick b: August 17, 1911 in Iowa [John 8 (spouse)]
Schellhous, Gwendolyn Deane [John 9]
Schemesiou, Grace K. b: September 09, 1927 in Honolulu, HI [unknown 3 (spouse)]
Schenck, Ann b: 1822 [John 5 (spouse)]
Schenck, Barbara Diane [John 10]
Schenck, Earl William [John 11 (spouse)]
Schenck, Edward Charles III [John 10]
Schenck, Edward Charles, Jr. [John 9 (spouse)]
Schenck, Michelle [John 10]
Schepke, Connie [Richard 10]
Schepke, Deanna [Richard 10]
Schepke, Sue [Richard 10]
Schepke, William "Bill" [Richard 9 (spouse)]
Scheppler, Barbara Ann [Arthur 10]
Scheppler, Carolyn Jane [Arthur 10]
Scheppler, George Carol b: March 24, 1917 [Arthur 9 (spouse)]
Scheppler, George Kenton [Arthur 10]
Scher, Rod [John 10 (spouse)]
Scherrer, Edith M. [1157] [John 10 (spouse)]
Scherrer, Edith M. [1157] [John 9 (spouse)]
Schertz, Ruth b: Bet. 1923 - 1939 [John 9 (spouse)]
Schessler, Marian [Hannah 10 (spouse)]
Schettler, Ashley [Richard 10]
Schettler, Charles [Richard 10]
Schettler, Wayne [Richard 9 (spouse)]
Scheuer, Kelly Lynn [John 11 (spouse)]
Scheve, Ashley Nicole [Hannah 11]
Scheve, Brett Michael b: September 26, 1981 in Anchorage, AK [Hannah 11]
Scheve, Charles Michael [Hannah 10 (spouse)]
Schibbelhut, Alice Ethel [John 10]
Schibbelhut, Naomi Elizabeth [John 10]
Schibbelhut, Nick Fred b: April 30, 1917 in Lamar, Prowers Co., CO [John 9 (spouse)]
Schibbelhut, Perry Leroy [John 10]
Schibbelhut, Rita Faye [John 10]
Schick, Cindy [Thomas 10]
Schick, Daniel Gene [John 12]
Schick, Don Earl [John 11 (spouse)]
Schick, Emily Cooper [Thomas 11]
Schick, Erin Cooper [Thomas 11]
Schick, John [Thomas 9 (spouse)]
Schick, John Michael [Thomas 10]
Schick, Joseph John b: July 09, 1915 [John 8 (spouse)]
Schick, Joseph John, Jr. [John 9]
Schick, Justin York [John 10]
Schick, Paul Alan [John 9]
Schick, Rita Marie [John 9]
Schick, Sue [Thomas 10]
Schieber, Allen Dale [John 10 (spouse)]
Schieber, Amy Lynne [John 11]
Schieber, Melissa Ann [John 11]
Schiel, Mary Lou [John 9 (spouse)]
Schieman, Paul Eugene [William 9 (spouse)]
Schievelbein, Edward [Ruth 9 (spouse)]
Schiff, ? [Thomas 9 (spouse)]
Schiffer, Gretchen Ann [Arthur 10]
Schiffer, John Robert [Arthur 9 (spouse)]
Schiffer, Kelli Lynn [Arthur 10]
Schildt, Chanin Chenoweth [John 11]
Schildt, Joseph Bernard [John 10 (spouse)]
Schildt, Julie Heyburn [John 11]
Schill, Iris Virginia b: November 03, 1922 in Martinsburg, Berkeley Co., WV [Arthur 8 (spouse)]
Schimmel, Albert W., Jr. [John 10 (spouse)]
Schimmel, Elizabeth [John 11]
Schimmel, John [John 11]
Schimmel, Walter [John 11]
Schindler, Lisa Mae [Thomas 10 (spouse)]
Schindler, Victoria Sue [Arthur 9 (spouse)]
Schinerder, Kevin [John 10 (spouse)]
Schinkel, ? [Arthur 7 (spouse)]
Schisler, Angela Dee [John 10]
Schisler, Barbara Janell [John 9]
Schisler, Beatrice Marie [John 9]
Schisler, Cassandra Lynn [John 10]
Schisler, Christopher William [John 10]
Schisler, Curtis William [John 9]
Schisler, James Henry 'Jim' b: November 26, 1917 in Schuyler Co., IL [John 8 (spouse)]
Schisler, Susan Kay [John 9]
Schiwitz, Johnny [John 11 (spouse)]
Schiwitz, Marissa Rae [John 12]
Schlack, Laila [William 10 (spouse)]
Schlaich, Mark Ryan [Hannah 10 (spouse)]
Schlechty, Duane [Thomas 10 (spouse)]
Schleer, Benjamin Daniel [924] [John 12]
Schleer, Benjamin Daniel [924] [John 12]
Schleer, Hannah Elizabeth [922] [John 12]
Schleer, Hannah Elizabeth [922] [John 12]
Schleer, John [920] [John 11 (spouse)]
Schleer, John [920] [John 11 (spouse)]
Schleer, John Thomas [921] [John 12]
Schleer, John Thomas [921] [John 12]
Schleer, Leah Marie [923] [John 12]
Schleer, Leah Marie [923] [John 12]
Schleer, Sara Ann [925] [John 12]
Schleer, Sara Ann [925] [John 12]
Schleevogt, Patricia Ann [John 10 (spouse)]
Schlegal, George [John 8 (spouse)]
Schlegel, Edward [unknown 5 (spouse)]
Schleining, Bruce [John 11 (spouse)]
Schleining, Jedidiah John [John 12]
Schleining, Sunnie Marie b: February 20, 1985 in Billings, Yellowstone Co., MT [John 12]
Schlesinger, Genevieve K. b: August 11, 1907 in Milwaukee, Milwaukee Co., WI [Richard 7 (spouse)]
Schleusener, Daniel Lucas [John 13]
Schleusener, Elisa Darnae [John 12]
Schleusener, Stephen [John 11 (spouse)]
Schley, Loretta [John 11 (spouse)]
Schlientz, Mary Pearl b: June 02, 1896 [unknown 4 (spouse)]
Schliker, Victoria 'Dora' b: July 03, 1889 in Minnesota [unknown 2 (spouse)]
Schlooser, Mary Ester b: September 09, 1848 [Thomas 6 (spouse)]
Schlosser, Ethel Irene b: May 18, 1905 [John 9 (spouse)]
Schlotman, Carrie Ann [Thomas 11]
Schlotman, James Steven [Thomas 11]
Schlotman, Jason Steven [Thomas 11]
Schlotman, Steve [Thomas 10 (spouse)]
Schlueter, Michael [Arthur 10 (spouse)]
Schlultz, William [John 9 (spouse)]
Schlundt, Richard Harry [John 9 (spouse)]
Schmachtenberger, Samuel Parker 'Sam' b: January 12, 1896 in Marshall, Clark Co., IL [John 9 (spouse)]
Schmadaka, Mable [Hannah 7 (spouse)]
Schmale, David Wayne [Arthur 11 (spouse)]
Schmale, Fred Garton [John 10 (spouse)]
Schmale, Karin Kay [John 11]
Schmale, Kye David [Arthur 12]
Schmale, Loriann Elaine [John 11]
Schmale, Mark Alan [John 11]
Schmale, Scott Alan b: November 08, 1959 in Grants Pass, Josephine Co., OR [John 11]
Schmeltz, Allen b: Aft. 1870 [Thomas 7 (spouse)]
Schmeltz, Delores [Thomas 8]
Schmeltz, Shirley [Thomas 8]
Schmelzeisen, Doris [Thomas 9 (spouse)]
Schmertzler, Henery [John 9 (spouse)]
Schmidl, Kimberly Ann [John 12]
Schmidl, Melissa Jean [John 12]
Schmidl, Wayne Albert [John 11 (spouse)]
Schmidt, ? [11] [Richard 11 (spouse)]
Schmidt, ? [11] [Richard 11 (spouse)]
Schmidt, ? [Richard 11 (spouse)]
Schmidt, Agnes E. b: 1875 in Erlenbach, GERMANY [Thomas 8 (spouse)]
Schmidt, Amy Louise [Arthur 9 (spouse)]
Schmidt, Barbara Jean [John 10]
Schmidt, Bonnie May [John 10 (spouse)]
Schmidt, David Robert [John 10]
Schmidt, Diane Louisa [John 11]
Schmidt, Dixie Lee [John 11]
Schmidt, Florence Doris b: June 04, 1916 in Red Lodge, Carbon Co., MT [John 9 (spouse)]
Schmidt, Jacob b: Bet. 1864 - 1884 [Thomas 7 (spouse)]
Schmidt, Jean [John 9 (spouse)]
Schmidt, Johanna Lillian b: December 21, 1894 [Thomas 7 (spouse)]
Schmidt, Joyce Marian [John 10]
Schmidt, Karen [William 8 (spouse)]
Schmidt, Kimberly J. [John 10 (spouse)]
Schmidt, Laura Clara [Thomas 8 (spouse)]
Schmidt, Leonard [John 12 (spouse)]
Schmidt, Margaret Kathrine b: June 16, 1920 in Baltimore Co., MD [Arthur 8 (spouse)]
Schmidt, Marie b: October 16, 1893 in Dusseldorf, GERMANY [Thomas 7 (spouse)]
Schmidt, Max b: August 02, 1894 [William 8 (spouse)]
Schmidt, Morris [William 9]
Schmidt, Peggy J. [John 11 (spouse)]
Schmidt, Richard R. b: Aft. 1902 [John 10 (spouse)]
Schmidt, Robert F b: September 03, 1916 [John 9 (spouse)]
Schmidt, Sarah Nicole [12] [Richard 12]
Schmidt, Sarah Nicole [12] [Richard 12]
Schmidt, Steven [John 10 (spouse)]
Schmidt, Sue Ellen [John 11]
Schmidt, Wilbert [Thomas 8 (spouse)]
Schmiel, William [Thomas 10 (spouse)]
Schmit, Carson [Thomas 10]
Schmit, Jared [Thomas 10]
Schmit, Stephanie [unknown 7 (spouse)]
Schmitke, Garry Regan [John 10 (spouse)]
Schmitke, Geraldine Regan [John 11]
Schmitke, Jacqueline Louise [John 11]
Schmitke, Mark Garry [John 11]
Schmitt, Alice Mae [John 10 (spouse)]
Schmitt, Edward [John 10 (spouse)]
Schmitton, Carl [815] [John 10 (spouse)]
Schmitton, Carl [815] [John 9 (spouse)]
Schmitz, ? [William 10 (spouse)]
Schmitz, Jeff [John 10]
Schmitz, Jerome M. [John 12 (spouse)]
Schmitz, Lauren Nicole [John 13]
Schmitz, William M., Jr [John 9 (spouse)]
Schmokey, John b: Bet. 1860 - 1880 [Thomas 6 (spouse)]
Schmuhl, Helen b: Abt. June 20, 1887 [Arthur 9 (spouse)]
Schmutz, Betty Jean [Thomas 8 (spouse)]
Schnarr, Nancy [John 10 (spouse)]
Schneider, ? b: Bet. 1892 - 1912 [unknown 4 (spouse)]
Schneider, Claude B. [John 10 (spouse)]
Schneider, David F. [John 11]
Schneider, Dennis Eugene [Thomas 9 (spouse)]
Schneider, Gerald L. [John 11]
Schneider, James W. [John 11]
Schneider, John b: Aft. 1850 [unknown 5 (spouse)]
Schneider, Laura b: Abt. 1886 in Indiana [Thomas 7 (spouse)]
Schneider, Lillian b: Bet. 1878 - 1898 [Thomas 7 (spouse)]
Schneider, Linda Kay [John 11]
Schneider, Loretta Marie [Arthur 11 (spouse)]
Schneider, Michael [John 11]
Schneider, Susan [Arthur 10]
Schneider, Warren [Arthur 9 (spouse)]
Schnelle, Robert Dayle [Thomas 9 (spouse)]
Schnier, Clara [Arthur 9 (spouse)]
Schnoor, Cheryl [John 10]
Schnoor, Linda [John 10]
Schnoor, Ralph [John 9 (spouse)]
Schnorr, Amy [Hannah 10]
Schnorr, Arthur Edwin [Hannah 9]
Schnorr, Barbara [Hannah 10]
Schnorr, Buelah Evelyn [Hannah 9]
Schnorr, Carl Adolph b: Bet. 1879 - 1899 [Hannah 8 (spouse)]
Schnorr, Dale [Hannah 10]
Schnorr, Donald Eldon [Hannah 9]
Schnorr, Donna Joan [Hannah 10]
Schnorr, Henrietta Lola [Hannah 9]
Schnorr, James [Hannah 10]
Schnorr, Marion [Hannah 10]
Schnorr, Virginia [Hannah 10]
Schobert, ? [John 10 (spouse)]
Schoby, Mildred Eileen b: April 22, 1916 [John 9 (spouse)]
Schock, Mae [Richard 8 (spouse)]
Schockley, Brian Daniel [unknown 7]
Schockley, William Tate [unknown 8]
Schoeck, Vincient Edward [William 10 (spouse)]
Schoen, Celin [Thomas 8 (spouse)]
Schoen, Lynette [John 11 (spouse)]
Schoenberg, Isadore b: Abt. 1900 [Ruth 8 (spouse)]
Schoenfelder, Bob [Thomas 9 (spouse)]
Schoenfeldt, Anne Bond [unknown 7 (spouse)]
Schoenhair, Marilyn Jean [Thomas 9 (spouse)]
Schoening, Shellie Kristine [Hannah 11]
Schoening, Wayne Woodward [Hannah 10 (spouse)]
Schoeppey, Danny Lynn [John 11]
Schoeppey, Delenna [John 11]
Schoeppey, Don Wayne [John 10 (spouse)]
Schoeppey, Gary Wayne [John 11]
Schoeppey, Jimmy Ray [John 11]
Schoeterman, Mary Ann [John 9 (spouse)]
Schofield, Becky [Hannah 9 (spouse)]
Schofield, Charles McVey b: Bet. 1861 - 1881 [John 7 (spouse)]
Schofield, Vonda [John 10 (spouse)]
Scholaski, Jay [Richard 10 (spouse)]
Scholaski, Joel [Richard 11]
Scholaski, Tina [Richard 11]
Scholz, Maureen Susan [John 10 (spouse)]
School, Kimberly [John 11 (spouse)]
Schoolcraft, Donna [John 10 (spouse)]
Schooler, Addie Pauline b: March 1895 in White Co., IN [Thomas 8]
Schooler, Benjamin Karraker [John 11]
Schooler, Esta May b: August 1888 in White Co., IN [Thomas 8]
Schooler, Hazel I. b: September 1898 in White Co., IN [Thomas 8]
Schooler, Jennifer Shellylea [John 11]
Schooler, Joseph Aaron [John 11]
Schooler, Joseph Larry 'Joe' [John 10 (spouse)]
Schooler, Joseph Mitchell [John 12]
Schooler, Newton J. b: February 1855 in Indiana [Thomas 7 (spouse)]
Schooler, Nicholas Karraker [John 11]
Schooler, Rachel A. b: August 1842 in Harrison twp., Knox Co., OH [John 6 (spouse)]
Schooler, Rebecca Deborah Tracilyn [John 11]
Schooler, Richard Henry [John 10 (spouse)]
Schooler, Sarah Adeline 'Addie' b: December 27, 1839 in Harrison twp., Knox Co., OH [John 6 (spouse)]
Schooler, Virgil E. b: Abt. 1904 in White Co., IN [Thomas 8]
Schooler, William P. b: Abt. 1902 in White Co., IN [Thomas 8]
Schooler-DeChenne, Ryley Jenea [John 12]
Schooley, Lucy Lee [John 9 (spouse)]
Schooley, Walter L. b: Bet. 1895 - 1915 [Hannah 8 (spouse)]
Schooley, William Alva [John 9 (spouse)]
Schooley, William Leander b: 1881 [John 8 (spouse)]
Schoolfield, Isaac Bosewll b: July 18, 1839 in Kentucky [John 6 (spouse)]
Schoolfield, Minne Myrtle b: January 25, 1865 in Lewisport, Hancock Co., KY [John 7]
Schooly, Mary E. b: April 1855 in Indiana [John 6 (spouse)]
Schoondyke, Joshua [Thomas 10 (spouse)]
Schoonover, Ada Mae b: April 27, 1886 in Randolph Co., WV [John 9]
Schoonover, Aileen [48] [John 11]
Schoonover, Aileen [48] [John 10 (spouse)]
Schoonover, Aileen [48] [John 9 (spouse)]
Schoonover, Albert [John 10]
Schoonover, Albert Tilden b: December 25, 1877 in Randolph Co., WV [John 9]
Schoonover, Angela Lynn [John 12]
Schoonover, Arthur Dale [John 11]
Schoonover, Barbara Gertrude [John 11]
Schoonover, Betty [John 11]
Schoonover, Betty Jo [John 11]
Schoonover, Brian Keith [John 12]
Schoonover, Carl [John 11]
Schoonover, Charlene [John 12]
Schoonover, Charles [John 11]
Schoonover, Charles [John 12]
Schoonover, Christa Lee [John 12]
Schoonover, Clarence b: January 06, 1900 in West Virginia [John 10]
Schoonover, Cleo Mae b: July 25, 1907 in West Virginia [John 10]
Schoonover, Clifford b: April 29, 1907 in West Virginia [John 10]
Schoonover, David Glenn [John 12]
Schoonover, Delford George [John 11]
Schoonover, Della George [John 10]
Schoonover, Dellas Arlen [John 11]
Schoonover, Dennis Clifford [John 11]
Schoonover, Diane Lee [John 11]
Schoonover, Dollie [142] b: August 03, 1880 in Randolph Co., WV [John 9]
Schoonover, Dollie [142] b: August 03, 1880 in Randolph Co., WV [John 8 (spouse)]
Schoonover, Donald Bruce [John 11]
Schoonover, Dorothy Gene [John 11]
Schoonover, Dwain [John 10 (spouse)]
Schoonover, Elihue W. b: 1851 in Randolph Co., WV [John 8 (spouse)]
Schoonover, Eliza A. b: October 09, 1857 in Virginia (now West Virginia) [John 8 (spouse)]
Schoonover, Ella [John 10]
Schoonover, Elston [John 11]
Schoonover, Ernest b: August 30, 1903 in West Virginia [John 10]
Schoonover, Ernest Carl [John 11]
Schoonover, Evie Virginia b: August 28, 1914 in Chenoweth Creek, Randolph Co., WV [John 10]
Schoonover, Fay Lyn [John 11]
Schoonover, Floyd [John 10]
Schoonover, Freeman b: October 16, 1901 in West Virginia [John 10]
Schoonover, Georgie [John 10]
Schoonover, Glenda Marie [John 11]
Schoonover, Homer Ervin [John 11]
Schoonover, Ilene [John 11]
Schoonover, Ivan [John 11]
Schoonover, Jerry [John 11]
Schoonover, Jerry Brown [John 11]
Schoonover, Joe Daniel [John 12]
Schoonover, Judy Leigh Ann [John 11]
Schoonover, Junior [John 11]
Schoonover, Karen Diane [John 12]
Schoonover, Karen Jean [John 11]
Schoonover, Keith [John 12]
Schoonover, Kenneth [John 11]
Schoonover, Kenneth Lee [John 12]
Schoonover, Kimberly Dawn [John 13]
Schoonover, Larry Glenn [John 11]
Schoonover, Laurence Wilson b: May 27, 1939 in Wyoming [John 11]
Schoonover, Laurence Wilson, Jr. [John 12]
Schoonover, Leigh Ann [John 11]
Schoonover, Linda Ann [John 11]
Schoonover, Margaret [John 11]
Schoonover, Martha [John 11]
Schoonover, Marvin b: July 13, 1916 in West Virginia [John 10]
Schoonover, Mary Ann [John 11]
Schoonover, Mary Lou [John 11]
Schoonover, Michael Wayne [John 12]
Schoonover, Minnie Grace [John 10]
Schoonover, Nellie Ailene [John 11]
Schoonover, Nicholas Albert [John 11]
Schoonover, Olive Ida [John 10]
Schoonover, Oliver b: August 13, 1905 in West Virginia [John 10]
Schoonover, Opal [John 11]
Schoonover, Opel 'Nellie' [John 8 (spouse)]
Schoonover, Pamelia Allison [John 11]
Schoonover, Patricia Ann [John 12]
Schoonover, Patricia Ellen [John 11]
Schoonover, Pauline [John 10 (spouse)]
Schoonover, Phyllis Grace [John 11]
Schoonover, Reginia [John 11]
Schoonover, Retha [John 11]
Schoonover, Rita [John 11]
Schoonover, Robert Glen [John 10]
Schoonover, Robert John b: February 01, 1948 [John 11]
Schoonover, Robert Junior [John 11]
Schoonover, Robert Junior, Jr. [John 12]
Schoonover, Ronald David [John 11]
Schoonover, Roy [John 10]
Schoonover, Samantha Lynette [John 12]
Schoonover, Samuel Joseph [John 11]
Schoonover, Samuel Joseph, Jr. [John 12]
Schoonover, Sandra Gail [John 11]
Schoonover, Sarah [John 13]
Schoonover, Sharon [John 12]
Schoonover, Shelby [John 11]
Schoonover, Stanley Keith [John 11]
Schoonover, Steven Earl [John 11]
Schoonover, Steven Scott b: September 22, 1968 [John 12]
Schoonover, Stewart Wayne [John 11]
Schoonover, Stewart Wayne, Jr. [John 12]
Schoonover, Stuart Keith [John 12]
Schoonover, Sylvia Ruth [John 11]
Schoonover, Tammy Louise [John 12]
Schoonover, Thomas Arlen [John 11]
Schoonover, Todd Allen [John 13]
Schoonover, Tom b: July 16, 1911 in West Virginia [John 10]
Schoonover, Virginia [John 10]
Schoonover, Wanda [John 12]
Schoonover, Wayne [John 11]
Schoonover, William A. 'Willie' b: August 21, 1882 in Randolph Co., WV [John 9]
Schoonover, William Asher [John 10]
Schoonover, Willie [John 10]
Schopmeyer, Ann [John 9 (spouse)]
Schott, Amy Lynn [Thomas 9 (spouse)]
Schott, Thoma [Hannah 9 (spouse)]
Schow, Carol [Arthur 10 (spouse)]
Schow, Susan Elizabeth [John 10 (spouse)]
Schrader, Bruno H. b: Bet. 1875 - 1895 [Thomas 7 (spouse)]
Schrader, Carlton David [Thomas 8]
Schrader, Eleanor [John 10 (spouse)]
Schrader, Frank [Thomas 8 (spouse)]
Schrader, Gerald Oscar [John 10 (spouse)]
Schrader, Jackie Elizabeth [William 12]
Schrader, Jared Philip [Thomas 9]
Schrader, Jim [28] [Richard 11 (spouse)]
Schrader, Jim [28] [Richard 11 (spouse)]
Schrader, Joe [Thomas 9]
Schrader, John Carlton [Thomas 9]
Schrader, Karl Grant [William 11 (spouse)]
Schrader, Mabel E. b: Bet. 1877 - 1897 [John 8 (spouse)]
Schrader, Mike [Thomas 9]
Schrader, Stephen John [Thomas 8]
Schram, Kathleen Lucile [Thomas 9 (spouse)]
Schramm, Clyde [John 8 (spouse)]
Schreiber, Brett Allan [unknown 7]
Schreiber, Gary Allan [unknown 6]
Schreiber, Karen Lynn [unknown 7]
Schreiber, Melissa Ann [unknown 7]
Schreiber, Russell Edward b: December 24, 1910 [unknown 5 (spouse)]
Schreiber, Sandra Lee [unknown 7]
Schreiber, Thomas Russell b: December 16, 1939 [unknown 6]
Schreiber, Wayne Hall [unknown 6]
Schreiner, Jane Ann [William 11]
Schreiner, Patrick Trent [William 11]
Schreiner, Ross [William 10 (spouse)]
Schribner, Kelly [John 11 (spouse)]
Schricker, Richard C. [John 10 (spouse)]
Schrimsher, Emma Lee b: March 30, 1891 in Pauls Valley, Garvin Co., OK [John 8 (spouse)]
Schriner, Margaret Ellen 'Martha' b: July 31, 1846 in Ohio [Thomas 5 (spouse)]
Schroader, Amanda Marie 'Mandy' [Arthur 11]
Schroader, Amy Kathleen [Arthur 10]
Schroader, Bobby Gene b: July 31, 1934 [Arthur 9 (spouse)]
Schroader, Devon Allen b: January 16, 1991 [Arthur 11]
Schroader, Earl Lynn [Arthur 10]
Schroader, Heather Dawn [Arthur 11]
Schroader, Jeanne Marie [Arthur 10]
Schroader, Michael Joseph [Arthur 10]
Schroader, Michelle [Arthur 11]
Schroader, Robert Allen [Arthur 10]
Schroader, Shane Lynn [Arthur 11]
Schroader, Trevor Lee [Arthur 11]
Schroder, Jelena b: December 16, 1909 in Pozega, YUGOSLAVIA (now CROATIA) [William 8 (spouse)]
Schroeder, Aaron William [unknown 7]
Schroeder, Andy b: Bet. 1813 - 1833 [William 6 (spouse)]
Schroeder, Brian James [unknown 7]
Schroeder, Courtney Lee Ann [unknown 7]
Schroeder, Deborah Ann [Hannah 9 (spouse)]
Schroeder, Douglas Allen [unknown 6]
Schroeder, Harold b: February 16, 1909 in Dallas, Polk Co., OR [Thomas 9 (spouse)]
Schroeder, James A. [unknown 5 (spouse)]
Schroeder, Linda [Richard 10 (spouse)]
Schroeder, Ludella [John 10 (spouse)]
Schroeder, Matthew Scott [unknown 7]
Schroeder, Scott Allen [unknown 6]
Schroeder, Todd Allen [unknown 6]
Schroedter, Milinda [Arthur 10 (spouse)]
Schroepel, Lieselotte [John 10 (spouse)]
Schroeter, Robin Lynn [John 11]
Schroeter, Walter James [John 10 (spouse)]
Schroll, Charlotte Aldean [John 10]
Schroll, Dorothy Lena [John 9 (spouse)]
Schroll, Herman b: May 17, 1914 in North Manchester, Wabash Co., IN [John 9 (spouse)]
Schroll, Peggy Dianne [John 10]
Schroll, Victor Leslie [John 10]
Schrolucke, Andrea Kay [unknown 7]
Schrolucke, Bethany Joy [unknown 7]
Schrolucke, Jack [unknown 6]
Schrolucke, John [unknown 6]
Schrolucke, Judy [unknown 6]
Schrolucke, Keely Lyn [unknown 7]
Schrolucke, Rex Eugene [unknown 6]
Schrolucke, Robert E. [unknown 5 (spouse)]
Schrolucke, Scott Robert [unknown 7]
Schrolucke, Trent Lewis [unknown 7]
Schroy, Elsie [John 10 (spouse)]
Schsiake, Halena Kaye [John 10 (spouse)]
Schuchart, Joyce A. [William 10 (spouse)]
Schucht, Annamarie [Richard 9 (spouse)]
Schuck, Anna b: Bet. 1870 - 1890 [Thomas 7 (spouse)]
Schuck, Daniel Joseph [John 9 (spouse)]
Schuck, John Robert b: April 25, 1894 [William 7]
Schuck, John Robert, Jr. b: Aft. 1912 [William 8]
Schuck, Julie Marie [John 10]
Schuder, Gedenna Kay [John 11 (spouse)]
Schue, Dianne June [Hannah 9 (spouse)]
Schueller, Amanda Elaine [John 12]
Schueller, Hunter [John 13]
Schueller, Timothy Francis [John 11 (spouse)]
Schueller, Travis John [John 12]
Schueller, Troy Lee [John 12]
Schueneman, Otto B. b: November 24, 1898 [John 8 (spouse)]
Schuerman, Floyd [John 9 (spouse)]
Schuett, ? b: Aft. 1907 [John 9 (spouse)]
Schuetz, Elizabeth b: October 13, 1831 in Wayne Co., IN [Thomas 5 (spouse)]
Schuetz, Esther b: 1825 in Indiana [Thomas 5 (spouse)]
Schuetz, Gertrude [Hannah 8 (spouse)]
Schuetz, Magdaline b: July 04, 1827 in Wayne Co., IN [Thomas 5 (spouse)]
Schuler, Anna Elizabeth b: June 05, 1847 in Minnesota [John 7 (spouse)]
Schuler, Elsie [John 9 (spouse)]
Schuler, Fannie A. b: Bet. 1845 - 1855 [John 7 (spouse)]
Schuler, Matthew [Arthur 11 (spouse)]
Schuler, Sarah E. b: February 19, 1847 in Indiana [Arthur 6 (spouse)]
Schuley, Jane b: February 26, 1833 in Missouri [Thomas 5 (spouse)]
Schulke, Cindi Rae [John 12 (spouse)]
Schull, Barbara b: November 28, 1824 in Beaver Co., PA [Arthur 5 (spouse)]
Schull, Raymond Eugene [John 9 (spouse)]
Schulte, Bart Eugene [John 10]
Schulte, Charles [William 10 (spouse)]
Schulte, Chris Lloyd [John 10]
Schulte, Cindy Lee [John 10]
Schulte, Danial Allen [John 10]
Schulte, Erick Von [John 10]
Schulte, George Emil 'Pete' [John 9 (spouse)]
Schulte, Gretchen Marie [John 10]
Schulte, Jess Hero [John 10]
Schulte, Kurt Michael [John 10]
Schulte, Michael George [John 10]
Schulte, Paul Raymond [John 10]
Schulte, Sandra Renee [John 10]
Schulte, Tyler Curtis [John 11]
Schultheiss, Ruth [Hannah 9 (spouse)]
Schultz, ? [John 10 (spouse)]
Schultz, ? [John 9 (spouse)]
Schultz, Carol Ann [Thomas 10 (spouse)]
Schultz, George [John 9 (spouse)]
Schultz, Lynne Dianne [John 11 (spouse)]
Schultz, Robert [Thomas 10 (spouse)]
Schultz, Theda [503] [William 8 (spouse)]
Schultz, Theda [503] [William 8 (spouse)]
Schultz, Zeno [John 10 (spouse)]
Schulz, Carol Jean [Thomas 10 (spouse)]
Schulz, Margot Guillermina [Thomas 9 (spouse)]
Schulz, Matthew Thomas [John 11]
Schulz, Molly Mae [John 11]
Schulz, Thomas F. [John 10 (spouse)]
Schulze, Carole Sue [John 11 (spouse)]
Schumacher, Annie Bessie b: December 1864 in Virginia [Arthur 6 (spouse)]
Schumaker, Isabelle McDowell Claypool b: June 17, 1866 [unknown 3 (spouse)]
Schuman, Pamela Sue [John 11 (spouse)]
Schuman, W. b: Bet. 1879 - 1899 [John 8 (spouse)]
Schumann, Allan Harvey [Hannah 10 (spouse)]
Schun, Patricia [John 11 (spouse)]
Schuppner, Daisybelle Marie [Richard 8]
Schuppner, Harry Russell b: November 29, 1891 in Baltimore City, MD [Richard 7 (spouse)]
Schuppner, Harry Russell, Jr [Richard 8]
Schurman, Ethel [John 8 (spouse)]
Schuster, Thelma [John 9 (spouse)]
Schute, ? b: Bet. 1860 - 1871 [John 8 (spouse)]
Schute, Sidney b: December 26, 1889 [John 9]
Schutt, Deborah Dorcas b: August 20, 1871 in Fithian, Vermilion Co., IL [John 8 (spouse)]
Schutte, Brandi Marie [John 10 (spouse)]
Schwaab, Michol Ann [John 11 (spouse)]
Schwab, Benjamin James b: October 10, 1972 in Scott AFB, St. Clair Co., IL [Richard 11]
Schwab, James Michael [Richard 10]
Schwab, Judith Ann [unknown 7 (spouse)]
Schwab, Kelly Colleen b: November 22, 1977 in Belleville, St. Clair Co., IL [Richard 11]
Schwab, Lawrence Albert b: September 14, 1946 in East St. Louis, St. Clair Co., IL [Richard 10]
Schwab, Linda [Hannah 9 (spouse)]
Schwab, Matthew James [Richard 11]
Schwab, Peggy June [Richard 10]
Schwab, Susan Colleen [Richard 10]
Schwab, Wilbert Frank [Richard 9 (spouse)]
Schwabe, Richard Wayne [John 10]
Schwabe, Scott Alan [John 10]
Schwabe, Walter Wayne [John 9 (spouse)]
Schwabenbauer, Martha Ann [unknown 7 (spouse)]
Schwaiger, Marcia Kay [unknown 7 (spouse)]
Schwandt, Andrea Jacqueline [John 11 (spouse)]
Schwaninger, Opal Louise [John 10 (spouse)]
Schwartz, ? b: Bet. 1855 - 1875 [John 8 (spouse)]
Schwartz, Ann Elizabeth [unknown 6]
Schwartz, Bertha Mae [John 9 (spouse)]
Schwartz, Carol Madison [unknown 7]
Schwartz, Curtis Hayward [unknown 6]
Schwartz, Cynthia Florence [unknown 6]
Schwartz, David Bradley [Arthur 11]
Schwartz, David Elliott, Jr. [Thomas 10 (spouse)]
Schwartz, Eleanor Jane [unknown 5]
Schwartz, Elizabeth Reid [unknown 5]
Schwartz, Erdman Frederick b: April 01, 1893 in Maryland [unknown 4 (spouse)]
Schwartz, Frank Rankin III [Ruth 8 (spouse)]
Schwartz, Frederick William [unknown 5]
Schwartz, Gary [John 10]
Schwartz, Jennifer Lynn [Arthur 11]
Schwartz, Mark Frederick [unknown 6]
Schwartz, Mark Frederick, Jr. [unknown 7]
Schwartz, Neva Irene b: July 14, 1913 in Grant Co., OK [John 9 (spouse)]
Schwartz, Paul Bryan [Arthur 10 (spouse)]
Schwartz, Robert George [unknown 5]
Schwartz, Sandra Ann 'Sandy' b: February 03, 1948 [John 10]
Schwartz, Sarah Debora b: April 19, 1851 in Frederick Co., MD [Arthur 6 (spouse)]
Schwartz, Timothy Hayward [unknown 7]
Schwartz, Walter [John 9 (spouse)]
Schwarz, Sandra May [Thomas 9 (spouse)]
Schwerdt, Lore [Arthur 8 (spouse)]
Schwierman, David Lee [William 9 (spouse)]
Scilacci, ? [John 9 (spouse)]
Scilacci, Sandra M. [John 10]
Scilacci, Sharon L. [John 10]
Scilacci, Steven A. [John 10]
Scink, Carl E. b: March 1876 in Missouri [John 8 (spouse)]
Scioli, Scott Eugene [Arthur 10 (spouse)]
Scircle, Adam [John 10]
Scircle, Ary B. b: April 20, 1897 in Clinton Co., IN [John 8]
Scircle, Bessie M. b: May 01, 1890 in Johnson twp., Clinton Co., IN [John 8]
Scircle, Beth b: Aft. 1909 [John 9]
Scircle, Caroline Ann 'Carrie' b: April 04, 1869 in Indiana [John 7 (spouse)]
Scircle, Carolyn [John 10]
Scircle, Cathy [John 10]
Scircle, Charles [John 10]
Scircle, Charles Scott b: October 05, 1909 in Clinton Co., IN [John 9]
Scircle, Danny [John 10]
Scircle, Deborah Lynn [John 10]
Scircle, Denise [John 10]
Scircle, Desta [John 9]
Scircle, Doug [John 10]
Scircle, Floyd Merwin b: February 24, 1914 in Clinton Co., IN [John 9]
Scircle, Frank K. b: March 01, 1917 [John 9]
Scircle, Goldie b: February 02, 1879 in Sugar Creek Twp., Clinton Co., IN [John 8]
Scircle, Iloe b: March 24, 1907 in Clinton Co., IN [John 9]
Scircle, Jan F. b: May 27, 1947 in Frankfort, Clinton Co., IN [John 9]
Scircle, Jane [John 9]
Scircle, Jane Ann [John 10]
Scircle, John [John 10]
Scircle, John Gregg III [John 10]
Scircle, John Gregg, Jr. b: November 13, 1920 in Clinton Co., IN [John 9]
Scircle, John Oliver Gregg b: April 14, 1896 in Johnson, Gibson Co., IN [John 8]
Scircle, Judith 'Julia ' b: Aft. 1909 [John 9]
Scircle, Judy [John 10]
Scircle, Katherine Lee [John 11]
Scircle, Kenny [John 10]
Scircle, Lucy V. b: March 02, 1893 in Johnson, Gibson Co., IN [John 8]
Scircle, Martha Ann [John 9]
Scircle, Mary [John 9]
Scircle, Mary Lou [John 9]
Scircle, Mary Virginia b: December 27, 1916 in Indiana [John 9]
Scircle, Paula C. [John 9]
Scircle, Rebecca [John 10]
Scircle, Richard Lee [John 10]
Scircle, Robert [John 9]
Scircle, Roy b: Aft. 1878 [John 8]
Scircle, Sandra [John 10]
Scircle, Scotty [John 10]
Scircle, Virgie [John 10]
Scircle, Virgie Orpha b: March 1881 in Scircleville, Clinton Co., IN [John 8]
Scircle, Virginia Ruth [John 9]
Scircle, W.C. [John 10]
Scircle, William Cormel b: October 18, 1886 in Clinton Co., IN [John 8]
Scircle, William Marion b: March 22, 1853 in Clinton Co., IN [John 7 (spouse)]
Scircle, William P. 'Bill' [John 9]
Scmidtner, Linda D. [John 11 (spouse)]
Scoates, Susan Ellen [John 11 (spouse)]
Scocozzo, Christopher [John 12]
Scocozzo, Gary [John 11 (spouse)]
Scocozzo, Kevin [John 12]
Scofield, Annie b: Abt. 1880 in Maryland [Arthur 8 (spouse)]
Scofield, Jeffrey Miles 'Jeff' [Thomas 10]
Scofield, Lynda Lee [John 9 (spouse)]
Scofield, Robert Graydon 'Bob' [Thomas 9 (spouse)]
Scoles, Lesley Arlene [John 10]
Scoles, Leslie Herald "Les" b: June 27, 1902 in Sherman twp., Clark Co., WI [John 9 (spouse)]
Scoles, Nancy Valaine [John 10]
Sconce, Lavinia E. b: 1828 in Bourbon Co., KY [John 6 (spouse)]
Scotland, Shirley b: April 29, 1934 in Great Falls, Cascade Co., MT [John 9]
Scotland, Sophas Toyable b: December 02, 1884 in Pelican Rapids, Otter Tail Co., MN [John 8 (spouse)]
Scott, (infant) b: September 1876 [John 8]
Scott, ? [John 10 (spouse)]
Scott, ? [Hannah 9 (spouse)]
Scott, ? [unknown 7 (spouse)]
Scott, ? [unknown 4 (spouse)]
Scott, Aaron Roger [Thomas 10]
Scott, Adam Lloyd [Thomas 10]
Scott, Aleta Marie [John 10]
Scott, Alexander b: Abt. 1846 in Edgar Co., IL [William 6]
Scott, Alexander John [William 11]
Scott, Alfred A. b: March 1857 in Ohio [Thomas 6]
Scott, Alfred A., Jr. b: March 1882 in Chillicothe, Ross Co., OH [Thomas 7]
Scott, Aline [John 10 (spouse)]
Scott, Amanda Fitzallan b: September 01, 1804 in Ohio [Thomas 5]
Scott, Amy Lorraine [1930] [John 11]
Scott, Amy Lorraine [1930] [John 11]
Scott, Andrea Lynn [1954] [John 10]
Scott, Andrea Lynn [1954] [John 10]
Scott, Anna L. b: Abt. 1858 in Adams Co., OH [Thomas 6]
Scott, Anna P. b: Abt. March 1880 in Highland Co., OH [Thomas 7]
Scott, Anna 'Vera' b: March 1894 in Buford, Highland Co., OH [Thomas 7]
Scott, Ashford b: 1850 in Westfield twp., Fayette Co., IA [Arthur 7]
Scott, Auterbin E. b: February 25, 1876 in Clinton Co., IN [John 8]
Scott, Barbara Jeanne [John 10]
Scott, Barbara Jo [Thomas 9]
Scott, Barbara Lynn [John 10]
Scott, Benjamin b: Abt. 1819 in Ohio [Thomas 5]
Scott, Benjamin [John 11]
Scott, Benjamin Restine [John 10]
Scott, Bernard Restine b: December 17, 1914 in Sugarcreek twp,. Clinton Co., IN [John 9]
Scott, Bernard Restine b: May 15, 1909 in Scircleville, Clinton Co., IN [John 9]
Scott, Bertha Irene b: January 01, 1880 in Clinton Co., IN [John 8]
Scott, Bessy M. b: December 1873 in Iowa [Thomas 7 (spouse)]
Scott, Betty Jane [John 10]
Scott, Beverly [John 10]
Scott, Billy Joe [1923] [John 10]
Scott, Billy Joe [1923] [John 10]
Scott, Blanche Elizabeth b: July 16, 1904 in Vinton, Cowley Co., KS [John 8 (spouse)]
Scott, Brandie Dianne [John 12]
Scott, Brenda Lee [John 11]
Scott, Bruce Edgar [Thomas 9]
Scott, Calvin Keith [Thomas 9]
Scott, Candy [John 10]
Scott, Cariden b: December 09, 1860 in Grant Co., KY [John 7]
Scott, Carl Eugene [1903] b: March 19, 1910 [John 9]
Scott, Carl Eugene [1903] b: March 19, 1910 [John 9]
Scott, Carl Eugene, Jr. [1907] [John 10]
Scott, Carl Eugene, Jr. [1907] [John 10]
Scott, Carney [John 9]
Scott, Carole Jean [Thomas 9]
Scott, Caroline b: September 16, 1798 in Mason Co., KY [Thomas 5]
Scott, Caroline A. b: October 1880 in Chillicothe, Ross Co., OH [Thomas 7]
Scott, Cary F. b: May 1866 in Ohio [William 6 (spouse)]
Scott, Catherine Ann b: June 26, 1806 [Thomas 5]
Scott, Catherine J. b: January 1887 in Chillicothe, Ross Co., OH [Thomas 7]
Scott, Cathie Jo [John 10]
Scott, Charity b: Bet. 1870 - 1890 [John 8 (spouse)]
Scott, Charles B. b: March 1855 in Adams Co., OH [Thomas 6]
Scott, Charles H. b: September 1896 in Kansas [John 9]
Scott, Charles Western [1902] b: May 29, 1872 in Sugarcreek twp,. Clinton Co., IN [John 8]
Scott, Charles Western [1902] b: May 29, 1872 in Sugarcreek twp,. Clinton Co., IN [John 8 (spouse)]
Scott, Charles Western, Jr. [1952] [John 9]
Scott, Charles Western, Jr. [1952] [John 9]
Scott, Cindy Lou [John 10]
Scott, Clarence Theodore b: May 16, 1878 [Arthur 8]
Scott, Clyde Walter b: June 26, 1914 in Council Grove, Morris Co., KS [Thomas 8]
Scott, Cory Alexander [Thomas 11]
Scott, Courtney Elizabeth [John 12]
Scott, Craig Allen [1955] [John 10]
Scott, Craig Allen [1955] [John 10]
Scott, Craig Owen [Hannah 10 (spouse)]
Scott, Daisy Blanche b: October 07, 1887 in Buford, Highland Co., OH [Thomas 7]
Scott, Daphne J. [John 9]
Scott, David M. [John 10]
Scott, Debra Kay [1928] [John 11]
Scott, Debra Kay [1928] [John 11]
Scott, Dennis Kay [1929] [John 11]
Scott, Dennis Kay [1929] [John 11]
Scott, Dennis Wayne [John 11]
Scott, Domenic Marc Randall [Thomas 10]
Scott, Don Richard [John 10]
Scott, Doris Maxene [1951] [John 9]
Scott, Doris Maxene [1951] [John 9]
Scott, Dorothy b: March 1904 [John 8 (spouse)]
Scott, Dorothy Evelyn [1934] b: April 15, 1915 [John 9]
Scott, Dorothy Evelyn [1934] b: April 15, 1915 [John 9]
Scott, Dorothy Jean [John 9]
Scott, Dorsey Lee b: September 27, 1900 in Randolph Co., WV [John 9]
Scott, Edith D. b: December 1895 in Highland Co., OH [Thomas 7]
Scott, Edward Dorsey b: February 25, 1802 [Thomas 5]
Scott, Elanor Virginia b: March 16, 1896 in Vine Grove, Hardin Co., KY [John 9]
Scott, Elmer Emerson b: January 17, 1907 [John 9]
Scott, Eric Harvey [Hannah 11]
Scott, Erma Adelle [Thomas 8]
Scott, Esther Ellen b: January 01, 1920 [Hannah 8]
Scott, Ethel b: Bet. 1884 - 1904 [Thomas 7 (spouse)]
Scott, Ethel S. b: December 1885 in Buford, Highland Co., OH [Thomas 7]
Scott, Evaline b: February 07, 1800 [Thomas 5]
Scott, Everett b: October 09, 1878 in Clinton Co., IN [John 8]
Scott, Flossie Mae b: August 22, 1890 in Vine Grove, Hardin Co., KY [John 9]
Scott, Frances Charlene [1936] [John 9]
Scott, Frances Charlene [1936] [John 9]
Scott, Frances Elizabeth [Thomas 8]
Scott, Francis M. b: July 1889 in Kansas [John 9]
Scott, Francis Marion b: November 1862 in Kentucky [John 8 (spouse)]
Scott, Frank G. b: Abt. 1865 in Ohio [Thomas 6]
Scott, Gale T. b: Bet. 1874 - 1880 [John 8 (spouse)]
Scott, Garland [John 9]
Scott, Garth b: December 19, 1908 in Sugarcreek twp,. Clinton Co., IN [John 9]
Scott, Garth Daniel [John 10]
Scott, Gary Leland [Thomas 9]
Scott, Gary Richard II [Thomas 10 (spouse)]
Scott, Gary Richard III [Thomas 11]
Scott, Gene Elizabeth [Hannah 8]
Scott, George E. [John 9]
Scott, George Emerson [John 10]
Scott, George Marion b: 1864 [John 8 (spouse)]
Scott, George Richard [John 10]
Scott, George William b: November 24, 1875 [Arthur 8]
Scott, Gerald Lee [1927] [John 11]
Scott, Gerald Lee [1927] [John 11]
Scott, Gifford Lamar [1918] b: November 01, 1911 in Johnson, Gibson Co., IN [John 9]
Scott, Gifford Lamar [1918] b: November 01, 1911 in Johnson, Gibson Co., IN [John 9]
Scott, Gladys [John 9]
Scott, Glen [John 10]
Scott, Glen Carter [Hannah 8]
Scott, Glenn b: August 31, 1899 in Buford, Highland Co., OH [Thomas 7]
Scott, Gregory [Ruth 11]
Scott, Guy George [Ruth 8 (spouse)]
Scott, Harold A. b: August 24, 1901 [John 9]
Scott, Harriet b: May 18, 1797 [Thomas 5]
Scott, Harriet Newell b: April 12, 1812 [Thomas 5]
Scott, Harrison Winfield b: April 1859 in Hken [John 8 (spouse)]
Scott, Harry b: Bet. 1859 - 1979 [John 7 (spouse)]
Scott, Harry Laurence b: June 26, 1894 in Vine Grove, Hardin Co., KY [John 9]
Scott, Hazel b: 1912 in Randolph Co., WV [John 9]
Scott, Helen b: Bet. 1912 - 1932 [John 9 (spouse)]
Scott, Helen Jane b: October 03, 1910 [John 9]
Scott, Henry Percefull b: March 01, 1892 in Vine Grove, Hardin Co., KY [John 9]
Scott, Howard Maurice b: January 14, 1914 [John 9]
Scott, Ian Bernard [John 10]
Scott, Israel Wright b: Bet. 1888 - 1908 [William 7 (spouse)]
Scott, James b: Abt. 1869 in Ohio [Thomas 6]
Scott, James B. Ford b: September 21, 1821 in Ohio [Thomas 5]
Scott, James Franklin [1958] [John 9]
Scott, James Franklin [1958] [John 9]
Scott, James Lee 'Jimmy' [John 10]
Scott, James Robert [John 10]
Scott, Janet Angeline [John 12 (spouse)]
Scott, Janette [John 12]
Scott, Jay Cameron b: October 30, 1940 [John 10]
Scott, Jeffery Dwayn [1956] [John 10]
Scott, Jeffery Dwayn [1956] [John 10]
Scott, Jennie b: 1904 in West Virginia [John 9]
Scott, Jennifer Lynn [1926] [John 11]
Scott, Jennifer Lynn [1926] [John 11]
Scott, Jessie E. b: January 1898 in Randolph Co., WV [John 9]
Scott, Jo Lynne [Richard 10 (spouse)]
Scott, Joanne Marie [John 10 (spouse)]
Scott, Jodie Jennifer [John 12]
Scott, John b: 1734 [Thomas 3 (spouse)]
Scott, John b: Abt. 1786 [Thomas 4]
Scott, John [John 10]
Scott, John Edward [John 10]
Scott, John Frederick [John 10]
Scott, John Lafayette b: April 07, 1829 in Adams Co., OH [Thomas 5]
Scott, John Lafayette, Jr. b: May 15, 1869 in Frankfort, Franklin Co., KY [Thomas 6]
Scott, John Marvin [John 10]
Scott, John Michael [John 9 (spouse)]
Scott, John Michael, Jr. [John 10]
Scott, John Mitchell, Jr. [William 10 (spouse)]
Scott, John William b: Abt. 1849 in Adams Co., OH [Thomas 6]
Scott, John Wood b: February 08, 1814 [Thomas 5]
Scott, Joseph b: Aft. 1878 [Arthur 8]
Scott, Joseph H. 'Hey' b: Bet. 1887 - 1905 [John 8 (spouse)]
Scott, Joshua [John 11]
Scott, Justin Robert [John 12]
Scott, Kara [1911] [John 11]
Scott, Kara [1911] [John 11]
Scott, Karen [Thomas 10 (spouse)]
Scott, Karen [Ruth 11]
Scott, Katherine Liana [John 11]
Scott, Katherine McCulloh [John 9 (spouse)]
Scott, Keith [John 9]
Scott, Kenneth Eugene b: September 08, 1947 in Council Grove, Morris Co., KS [Thomas 9]
Scott, Kielyn Catherine [Thomas 10]
Scott, Kipp Eugene [John 10]
Scott, Lancer Reed [Thomas 10]
Scott, Larry [Arthur 10 (spouse)]
Scott, Larry Ervin [Thomas 9]
Scott, Larry Gene [John 10]
Scott, Laura [1910] [John 11]
Scott, Laura [1910] [John 11]
Scott, Lauren Chenoweth [Thomas 10]
Scott, LaVerne Berenice [Thomas 8]
Scott, Lawrence Nelson [Thomas 9]
Scott, Lawrence Richard [John 10 (spouse)]
Scott, Leland Albert b: June 28, 1912 in Council Grove, Morris Co., KS [Thomas 8]
Scott, Leo Lannis [1921] [John 9]
Scott, Leo Lannis [1921] [John 9]
Scott, Leon A. b: March 16, 1903 [John 9]
Scott, Levi b: Abt. 1828 in Ohio [Thomas 5]
Scott, Levi Edward b: November 15, 1871 in Highland Co., OH [Thomas 6]
Scott, Lewis Earl [John 10]
Scott, Lilla Aleen b: October 26, 1907 [John 9 (spouse)]
Scott, Lillian b: June 1887 in Kansas [John 9]
Scott, Linnie b: 1908 [John 9]
Scott, Luke b: March 20, 1856 in Indiana [John 7 (spouse)]
Scott, Lulu E. b: October 07, 1881 [Arthur 8]
Scott, Lynn Carol [John 10]
Scott, Lynn Frances [John 10]
Scott, Lytle b: Bet. 1906 - 1926 [John 9 (spouse)]
Scott, Mable b: August 27, 1896 in Clinton Co., IN [John 8]
Scott, Madge b: Aft. 1898 [John 9]
Scott, Margaret (Gregory) [John 9 (spouse)]
Scott, Margaret Ann [1912] b: November 24, 1941 [John 10]
Scott, Margaret Ann [1912] b: November 24, 1941 [John 10]
Scott, Margaret Elaine [John 9 (spouse)]
Scott, Margaret 'Peggy' b: August 10, 1779 in Virginia [John 4 (spouse)]
Scott, Marian b: Abt. 1857 in Oregon [Arthur 7 (spouse)]
Scott, Marian Sue [John 10]
Scott, Marie b: May 18, 1797 [Thomas 5]
Scott, Marijane Theresa [John 11]
Scott, Marilyn Kay [John 10]
Scott, Marjorie [William 9 (spouse)]
Scott, Mark b: July 23, 1858 in Sugar Creek twp,. Clinton Co., IN [John 7 (spouse)]
Scott, Martha b: October 21, 1877 in Frankfort, Franklin Co., KY [Thomas 6]
Scott, Martha Bowman b: January 15, 1819 in Ohio [Thomas 5]
Scott, Martha Jeanne [John 10]
Scott, Marvin b: November 09, 1882 in Clinton Co., IN [John 8]
Scott, Mary b: Abt. 1833 in Ohio [Thomas 5]
Scott, Mary Chiles b: October 08, 1873 in Frankfort, Franklin Co., KY [Thomas 6]
Scott, Mary Ellen [John 10]
Scott, Mary Frances b: December 26, 1853 in Indiana [John 7 (spouse)]
Scott, Mary Louise [John 9]
Scott, Mary Priscilla b: April 12, 1871 in California [Arthur 8]
Scott, Matthew Martin [John 11]
Scott, Mattie [Ruth 9 (spouse)]
Scott, May Jane [John 10]
Scott, Melvin Oscar b: May 05, 1878 in Clinton Co., IN [John 8]
Scott, Melvin Oscar III [John 10]
Scott, Melvin Oscar, Jr. b: July 11, 1916 in Scircleville, Clinton Co., IN [John 9]
Scott, Merritt Allen b: December 15, 1916 [John 9]
Scott, Michael Allen [John 10]
Scott, Michael Joe [1925] [John 11]
Scott, Michael Joe [1925] [John 11]
Scott, Mildred A. [John 9]
Scott, Minnie b: January 26, 1871 in Frankfort, Franklin Co., KY [Thomas 6]
Scott, Minor M. b: May 1891 in Kansas [John 9]
Scott, Mordecai b: Abt. 1821 in Ohio [Thomas 5]
Scott, Nan [John 9 (spouse)]
Scott, Nancy Ann [John 10]
Scott, Nancy Ann [Thomas 9]
Scott, Nellie L. b: August 14, 1884 in Buford, Highland Co., OH [Thomas 7]
Scott, Noel Winfield [John 9]
Scott, Noel Winfield, Jr. [John 10]
Scott, Nova Marie [Richard 8 (spouse)]
Scott, Octa Flotella b: November 15, 1885 in Sugarcreek twp,. Clinton Co., IN [John 8]
Scott, Odell [Arthur 7 (spouse)]
Scott, Oliver Burton 'Bert' b: October 22, 1883 in Clinton Co., IN [John 8]
Scott, Ora b: August 1876 in Clinton Co., IN [John 8]
Scott, Orvil C b: 1907 in Randolph Co., WV [John 9]
Scott, Patricia Ann [John 10]
Scott, Patricia Ann [John 10]
Scott, Patricia Ann [John 10]
Scott, Patricia Louise [John 10]
Scott, Paul Alexander b: February 06, 1877 in Roaring Creek, Randolph Co., WV [John 8 (spouse)]
Scott, Paul J. b: July 16, 1914 in Ellamore, Randolph Co., WV [John 9]
Scott, Paul W. 'Johnny' [John 10]
Scott, Pearl b: Aft. 1898 [John 9]
Scott, Peggy Rae [Thomas 9]
Scott, Phillip Mark [John 10]
Scott, Phyllis Jeanne [1957] [John 9]
Scott, Phyllis Jeanne [1957] [John 9]
Scott, Prentice O. b: April 19, 1881 in Council Grove, Morris Co., KS [Thomas 7 (spouse)]
Scott, Ralph b: November 16, 1905 in Kirklin, Clinton Co., IN [John 9]
Scott, Ralph Clymer [Thomas 8]
Scott, Randall Roger [Thomas 9]
Scott, Ray b: Aft. 1870 [Thomas 7 (spouse)]
Scott, Rebecca Jo [1960] [John 10]
Scott, Rebecca Jo [1960] [John 10]
Scott, Restine b: March 19, 1849 in Indiana [John 7 (spouse)]
Scott, Reuben b: Abt. 1816 in Mason Co., KY [Thomas 5]
Scott, Rex [Thomas 9]
Scott, Richard b: Aft. 1907 [John 9]
Scott, Richard C. b: 1928 [John 9]
Scott, Richard G. [John 11 (spouse)]
Scott, Rick Allen [John 11 (spouse)]
Scott, Rieley Kathleen [Thomas 10]
Scott, Robert [John 9]
Scott, Robert [John 11 (spouse)]
Scott, Robert Earl [John 11]
Scott, Robert Eugene b: December 27, 1905 [John 9]
Scott, Robert L. b: 1937 [John 9]
Scott, Roberta Kathleen [1942] [John 9]
Scott, Roberta Kathleen [1942] [John 9]
Scott, Roger Leon b: 1918 [Thomas 8 (spouse)]
Scott, Roland b: February 1892 in Buford, Highland Co., OH [Thomas 7]
Scott, Rollo Eugene b: June 02, 1902 in Sugarcreek twp,. Clinton Co., IN [John 9]
Scott, Ronald Lee [John 10]
Scott, Ronald Martin [John 11 (spouse)]
Scott, Roscoe b: January 1890 in Buford, Highland Co., OH [Thomas 7]
Scott, Ruby D. b: Aft. 1896 [John 9]
Scott, S.E. b: Bet. 1874 - 1894 [John 8 (spouse)]
Scott, Samuel [Ruth 10 (spouse)]
Scott, Sara Suzanne [John 10]
Scott, Sarah Brooke [John 12]
Scott, Sarah Cordelia b: November 12, 1867 in Randolph Co., WV [John 7 (spouse)]
Scott, Sarah Eliza Ridgeley b: December 07, 1807 [Thomas 5]
Scott, Seth Bryan [John 12]
Scott, Shannon Christina [Thomas 11]
Scott, Sharon Ann [1931] b: December 08, 1947 [John 10]
Scott, Sharon Ann [1931] b: December 08, 1947 [John 10]
Scott, Simeon b: Abt. 1817 in Ohio [Thomas 5]
Scott, Simon Kittle b: April 25, 1866 in Randolph Co., WV [John 8 (spouse)]
Scott, Spencer Carroll [Hannah 11]
Scott, Stephen Douglas [John 11]
Scott, Sue [1905] [John 10]
Scott, Sue [1905] [John 10]
Scott, Susan Jane [John 10]
Scott, Sylvia B. b: April 03, 1917 in Randolph Co., WV [John 9]
Scott, Teena [Thomas 9]
Scott, Thad b: Aft. 1896 [John 9]
Scott, Theodore b: Abt. 1878 in Clinton Co., IN [John 8]
Scott, Thomas b: Abt. 1817 in Adams Co., OH [William 5 (spouse)]
Scott, Thomas b: Abt. 1827 in Ohio [Thomas 5]
Scott, Thomas b: Abt. 1844 in Edgar Co., IL [William 6]
Scott, Thomas b: Bet. 1816 - 1817 in Pennsylvania [Arthur 6 (spouse)]
Scott, Thomas b: September 30, 1772 in Old Town, Allegheny Co., MD [Thomas 4]
Scott, Thomas Asberry b: July 21, 1860 in Adams Co., OH [Thomas 6]
Scott, Thomas T. b: December 28, 1809 [Thomas 5]
Scott, Tiffany Rena [John 12]
Scott, Unetta b: August 28, 1861 in Frankfort, Franklin Co., KY [Thomas 6]
Scott, Vera [John 9]
Scott, Vernon b: March 10, 1880 in Clinton Co., IN [John 8]
Scott, Virgil B. [1935] b: April 12, 1916 [John 9]
Scott, Virgil B. [1935] b: April 12, 1916 [John 9]
Scott, Virginia Carol [John 10]
Scott, W.E. b: Aft. 1907 [John 9]
Scott, Walter Chiles b: July 15, 1875 in Frankfort, Franklin Co., KY [Thomas 6]
Scott, Walter Lannis b: December 11, 1904 in Scircleville, Tipton Co., IN [John 9]
Scott, Walter P. b: July 07, 1884 in Council Grove, Morris Co., KS [Thomas 7 (spouse)]
Scott, Walter W. b: July 1886 in Chillicothe, Ross Co., OH [Thomas 7]
Scott, Wayne Isaac [John 11]
Scott, Whitney Taylor [Thomas 10]
Scott, Willard Ellis b: September 06, 1916 in Council Grove, Morris Co., KS [Thomas 8]
Scott, William b: Abt. 1825 in Ohio [Thomas 5]
Scott, William b: Bet. 1879 - 1899 [Hannah 7 (spouse)]
Scott, William b: May 13, 1844 in Green Co., WI [Arthur 7]
Scott, William Blair b: January 27, 1906 [John 9]
Scott, William Eugene [1909] [John 11]
Scott, William Eugene [1909] [John 11]
Scott, William H. b: May 21, 1858 in Hancock Co., IL [Arthur 7 (spouse)]
Scott, William H. H. b: Bet. 1822 - 1842 [John 6 (spouse)]
Scott, William Levi b: January 10, 1866 in Frankfort, Franklin Co., KY [Thomas 6]
Scott, William McKendree b: June 22, 1816 [Thomas 5]
Scott, William T. b: 1857 [Richard 7 (spouse)]
Scott, Willis O. b: March 05, 1910 in Council Grove, Morris Co., KS [Thomas 8]
Scott, Winfield S. b: August 18, 1852 in Indiana [John 7 (spouse)]
Scott, Zeta b: Aft. 1900 in Randolph Co., WV [John 9]
Scotten, Christopher Michael [Thomas 10]
Scotten, David Brian [Thomas 9 (spouse)]
Scotten, Dustin George [Thomas 10]
Scoville, Buell Henry b: March 08, 1897 in Portland, Multnomah Co., OR [Thomas 7 (spouse)]
Scoville, Harriet [Thomas 8]
Scoville, Jack A. [Thomas 8]
Scowden, Ada F. [Thomas 8]
Scowden, Alexander b: Abt. 1816 in Ohio [Thomas 5 (spouse)]
Scowden, Carolyn Sue [Thomas 9]
Scowden, Catherine L. [Thomas 8]
Scowden, Cathy [Thomas 10]
Scowden, Charles b: September 28, 1931 in Carroll Co., IN [Thomas 8]
Scowden, Charles Robert [Thomas 9]
Scowden, Chester P. [Thomas 8]
Scowden, Claude M. b: January 1888 in Tippecanoe Co., IN [Thomas 7]
Scowden, Dorothy M. [Thomas 8]
Scowden, Earl F. [Thomas 8]
Scowden, Edna Pauline [Thomas 9]
Scowden, Edward [Thomas 10]
Scowden, Elizabeth b: Abt. 1844 in Pike Co., OH [Thomas 6]
Scowden, Ella M. [Thomas 8]
Scowden, Ernest b: Abt. 1908 in Chalmers, White Co., IN [Thomas 8]
Scowden, Everett b: December 1878 in Indiana [Thomas 7]
Scowden, Francis Earl [Thomas 9]
Scowden, Glen E. [Thomas 8]
Scowden, Grace E. [Thomas 8]
Scowden, Harold C. b: Aft. 1904 [Thomas 8 (spouse)]
Scowden, Helen [Thomas 8]
Scowden, Irma [Thomas 8]
Scowden, Jacqulain Elain [Thomas 10]
Scowden, James [Thomas 10]
Scowden, James Earl [Thomas 8]
Scowden, Jesse J. [Thomas 9]
Scowden, Jessie Earl b: December 1880 in Tippecanoe Co., IN [Thomas 7]
Scowden, John Francis [Thomas 10]
Scowden, Joyce [Thomas 9]
Scowden, Kenneth William 'Pete' [Thomas 8]
Scowden, Leona b. [Thomas 8]
Scowden, Margaret June [Thomas 8]
Scowden, Mary J. [Thomas 9]
Scowden, Max LeRoy [Thomas 9]
Scowden, Mildred [Thomas 8]
Scowden, Nancy b: February 1843 in Pike Co., OH [Thomas 6]
Scowden, Naomi E. [Thomas 9]
Scowden, Noah Cleveland b: May 08, 1884 in Tippecanoe Co., IN [Thomas 7]
Scowden, Patrick [Thomas 10]
Scowden, R.L. [Thomas 9]
Scowden, Richard [Thomas 8]
Scowden, Robert [Thomas 9]
Scowden, Robert [Thomas 10]
Scowden, Robert C. [Thomas 8]
Scowden, Rudolph [Thomas 8]
Scowden, Samuel Parker b: Abt. 1848 in Pike Co., OH [Thomas 6]
Scowden, Sherman W. b: September 29, 1916 [Thomas 8]
Scowden, Velma [Thomas 8]
Scowden, Vene M. b: December 22, 1901 in Tippecanoe Co., IN [Thomas 8]
Scowden, Virgil [Thomas 8]
Scowden, Vole b: December 22, 1901 in Tippecanoe Co., IN [Thomas 8]
Scowden, William b: Abt. 1841 in Pike Co., OH [Thomas 6]
Scowden, William b: March 1874 in Indiana [Thomas 7]
Scowden, Winnie L. [Thomas 8]
Scranton, Silas W. [John 8 (spouse)]
Scribner, Jesse b: Bet. 1887 - 1907 [William 8 (spouse)]
Scribner, Judith Rose [Thomas 10 (spouse)]
Scribner, Robert [William 9]
Scroggins, Mildred [John 9 (spouse)]
Scruggs, Elizabeth b: Bet. 1810 - 1830 [Thomas 5 (spouse)]
Scrugham, Bertha May b: March 02, 1891 [John 8]
Scrugham, Bessie [John 9]
Scrugham, Bessie A. [John 8]
Scrugham, Betty [John 9]
Scrugham, Claude R. b: August 18, 1904 [John 8]
Scrugham, Claude R., Jr. [John 9]
Scrugham, Dorothy Jane b: August 11, 1912 [John 8]
Scrugham, George [John 9]
Scrugham, George W. b: February 28, 1865 [John 7 (spouse)]
Scrugham, Grace Marie b: March 07, 1902 in Indiana [John 8]
Scrugham, Hazel Maude b: January 28, 1894 [John 8]
Scrugham, Jack [John 9]
Scrugham, Rachel E. b: April 13, 1910 [John 8]
Scrugham, Ralph b: June 13, 1896 [John 8]
Scrugham, Richard [John 9]
Scrugham, Terry [John 9]
Scrugham, Walter Esto b: August 08, 1898 [John 8]
Scrugham, Walter Esto, Jr. [John 9]
Scrum, Lannace Azure [John 10 (spouse)]
Scudder, Janet [Hannah 10 (spouse)]
Scully, Laura Elizabeth [Thomas 9 (spouse)]
Scussel, Lillian D. [John 9 (spouse)]
Scutt, Paul [John 9 (spouse)]
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Last Revision 10/15/03